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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. It turns out that Tim Commerford (RATM) is using these cabs now in a combination where some are clean and some deal with overdriven sounds. He does use pretty aggressive tones in some songs...
  2. [quote name='BassApprentice' timestamp='1475223096' post='3144073'] I've got an 80's USA L2000 and I love it. It sustains for days. [/quote] Have you tried foam under the strings at the bridge?
  3. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1475228095' post='3144137'] Secondly, I assume you're going to pick it up personally thus avoiding the dreaded courier wait. The ability to be able to do that makes me envious. [/quote] I'm not envious. It would be torture to be able to just swing by and have a chat and look at basses... and not leave with an order or three in place
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1475066268' post='3142742'] My Two10 is going nowhere. That doesn't mean you'll like it of course, but my cab journey has been a long one. I'm not saying I'm at the end of it either - but for size, weight and portability versus power handling, tone and clarity, the Two10 is very hard to beat. In my humble opinion, of course. I've never been a big fan of tweeters in a bass cab anyway, but the Two10 certainly isn't lacking in treble response. [/quote] The Two10 goes a bit lower and a bit higher than the S112, so no, it doesn't seem it'll lack treble for my taste either. Can't wait to try it.
  5. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1475065676' post='3142732'] I'm here boys.....when do you want to bring your 110/210's round..?? I have a new rig as well now... D. [/quote] Ha ha! Maybe we should indeed Where is largo?
  6. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1475008738' post='3142328'] I'll be interested to hear how you get on with it. From various forum posts, I wonder if it might be a bit mellower in the top end than the S112s are, but that's just a hunch. [/quote] probably a bit mellower but presumably not by a lot... I doubt it'll have the sweet low mids the S112 seems to excel at, but we'll see. I'm taking advantage of the return policy they have. I have been unable to try one of these, and I figured it was better to bite the bullet and try new: if it works for me, fantastic... and it if doesn't, I return it and I only lose a small amount of cash that I'm happy to pay for the opportunity to try the cab exactly where I'd want to use it.
  7. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1474997508' post='3142185'] Good man. I'm tempted to order a second one10. I'm so impressed with the single one10 I have. It easily handled a small pub gig last Saturday with a drummer, guitarist, singer and me on bass, using a one10 and GK MB200. I'll be honest, I did at times miss the top end and clarity of the BB2 and/or SM. The one10 is a different character altogether but brilliant in its own right. Frank. [/quote] I don't miss the top end of the BB2. The S112 don't have anywhere close to the same amount of top end, but it actually fits better with what I want them to sound like and find it easier to get a great sound. So the lack of top end won't be what put me off the Two10! I end up playing a few gigs where bringing more than one cab for stage monitoring is possible but a hassle not worth getting into... and a single 8 ohm S112 was not quite right. I'm wondering if the 4 ohm Two10 can be the solution in these situations... It looks like they had a couple in production right now, unassigned... so it may be with me pretty soon!
  8. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1475009529' post='3142346'] i edited it, and thought i had posted 2 the same, so i edited 1 of them to the post above only to realise after i pressed post i had lost it, i was so miffed i could not be bothered to do it again bugger [/quote] shame... it was a great one!
  9. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1474977443' post='3141960'] Some great looking basses and guitars on the G&L site, If I could afford it I would love an asat guitar, next on my list I think. [/quote] hey, what happened to the amazing post you had before!?
  10. Ok, so it happened... single Two10 ordered.
  11. [quote name='scalpy' timestamp='1474925596' post='3141611'] http://www.glguitars.com/instruments/USA/basses/kiloton/index.asp Another stingray killer loose. [/quote] That's an interesting bass. The "emerald blue"/black with maple fingerboard looks very tasty. Hmmm. Kiloton, eh?
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1474734323' post='3140141'] The time hath cometh! [/quote] Just waiting for the right moment and the right instrument! I'm actually considering starting on EUB... a lot less bulky and noise-friendly, and less fragile too... and if that goes well we'll see. I see some around for around £300-400... but not sure if they're any good. Of course, I won't get that big delicious 'thump' that you get withh the real thing but... in time!
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1474713489' post='3140000'] Given you upright gas yet? [/quote] oh I had it ages ago! I *almost* bought one once... I went to see a bluegrass/folky type of band of a friend of mine and they had a double bass player with a beautiful (in both aesthetics and sound) bass... and afterwards he announced he was selling that bass to help fund his trip to NZ where they were going to be playing a little tour. I was THIS close (imagine my thumb and index finger about a millimetre apart )... But I was living in a flat and I knew noise would be an issue. However... now I have no noise restrictions
  14. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1474706612' post='3139934'] I can arrange a Can't Stop? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_dttkuqJwM[/media] [/quote] Ha! That was great!
  15. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1474663711' post='3139788'] Flea has done some awesome non slapped songs, Soul to squeeze is always a killer. [media]http://youtu.be/0XcN12uVHeQ[/media] The perfect rhcp track imo and not on any album! [/quote] indeed, that's a great song. Flea has not been slap-crazy for well over a decade, actually since BSSM in 1991, probably. There's some slap here and there but there's a lot more to his basslines, yet people seem to just think fast and furious slap only
  16. G&L... great basses that somehow remain 'obscure' compared to others that are not better in quality, and more expensive.
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1474701836' post='3139891'] Don't tell the class D naysayers as he appears to have a great sound with a Genz head, what a fool, if only he knew about all the heft he was missing out on! [/quote] what does he know? didn't you notice he was using a Barefaced cab? Clearly no idea...
  18. Those G&L L2000 basses are fantastic... they must be one of the very top "value/money" instruments around.
  19. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1474646155' post='3139589'] People were slapping their DB's before the 1950's [/quote] That is true I'd love to see "Blackeyed blonde" played on a DB
  20. [quote name='MacDaddy' timestamp='1474638308' post='3139489'] Should it have flats though? It's a Flea signature model, and what with Flea being known for slapping, I'm guessing that was a factor in its design. So flats on a slap machine? [/quote] that bass was designed well before slapping there's nothing special about a bass to qualify as 'designed for slap' It's a Jazz. An early Jazz designed in fact. It would sound cool with flats, of course.
  21. Amazing compact and great sounding rig... bargain!!!
  22. [quote name='converse320' timestamp='1474617098' post='3139199'] Plunger thats very helpful thank you. Two follow up questions. Are there any issues with placing the bridge and neck pickups right next to each other, touching? Or is there a minimum spacing required between the two? I could get very close to the correct positions for both pickups if I used a narrower bridge like a soapbar or dual coil jazz and put them touching, and just routed out completely new cavities for both pickups. I have routers. I can make templates. [/quote] NO issue at all..
  23. I bought one. It was useless... muting not even (it may be better on larger radiused fingerboards) and it just didn't sound good enough. Too muted. I get much better sound stuffing foam under the strings, unfortunately
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