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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='zero9' timestamp='1472234822' post='3119741'] On a similar note: 1. Don't pay the asking price. 2. Don't accept the buyers lower offer [/quote] It depends on how badly you want to buy/sell, right? I was looking for a white EBMM SUB for months. Then one appeared, a very early one (2003) which I favoured (different pickup wiring). It was in great condition... and seller asked for more than they usually sell for. But I really wanted it, and I wasn't going to take the risk of somebody making a slightly better offer and not getting the bass I wanted for what? for maybe £40-50? A bass I was likely to own for years? I offered full asking price immediately and I still have that delicious bass.
  2. [quote name='Skybone' timestamp='1472210971' post='3119455'] Only ever made a profit on a handful of gear I've purchased through the many years I've been playing. Given the amount of gear I've gone through, the profit is an insignificant amount compared to the losses. Though the biggest loss to date was 50% on an L2000 Tribute. Best profit was on my old 4003. [/quote] That's it. Overall I I have probably made a loss even if sometimes I made a profit. BassChat is a terrible place... it makes you want shiny things!
  3. [quote name='luckydog' timestamp='1472205121' post='3119386'] Exactly this ^ happened to a mate of mine, and 40 years later he still plays the same amazing guitar (it isn't a bass). A lifetime of playing excellence versus turning a (albeit hefty) swift buck............ there's more to life than profit !? LD [/quote] of course there is more than profit! I'm not sure anybody here is arguing that! But If I had that Jazz myself, and I ended up in dire straits... I can see myself selling that, and not for $100, and turning to using a Squier instead. If you *need* the cash, for whatever reason... material things don't matter. Or would you hold on to that 62 Jazz, or sell it for $100, whilst missing mortgage payments, for instance? Of course not
  4. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1472204481' post='3119375'] But what is a 'fair price'? There is no official price list so it's just what the seller and buyer are happy to agree between them. With two bassists buying a bass it's probably fairly easy to agree a price that both think is fair, but widen the scope of the participants and the item I question and it becomes a lot more subjective. I recall a story about someone who had inherited an shotgun, Holland and Holland I think, the sort of thing that could cost £100k brand new. They were a photography fanatic and had long wanted a top of the range Leica camera, worth a few thousand pounds and knew the shotgun was worth a few bob but that was all. So they advertised for a swap and someone did the deal by buying a brand new Leica. Financially, the shotgun was potentially worth far more than the camera but both parties agreed the deal and both were very happy, so it could be judged that it was a fair deal. And that's the main thing isn't it? If both parties are happy with the deal then all is well. [/quote] Absolutely.
  5. Just joined temporarily a ska/reggae band while their bass player is out of action (a few months), had a first gig at a festival last weekend, and now we just returned from a 'minitour', driving with the van down to gigs in Nuneaton, Kidderminster and Rugby on Friday and Saturday. 1h first on the Friday gig, 2h gigs on Saturday... I'm tired but it was a blast. This band usually has just a saxophone but occasionally gets other btass players, and a regular collaborator joined us for these gigs... 'Big' Jim Paterson on trombone. What a guy!!! He was a amazing. I had such a huge grin just listening to the sax and trombone together and exchanging solos... plus the guy is one of the nicest guys I've ever met around the 'musician' environment. I'm still high on music. Or maybe it's lack of sleep The last gig was at a bar in Rugby, The London House Skabar. I played without PA support, with two TKS S112 and the MarkBass LM3, no wall reinforcement... and it sounded awesome, no lack of volume either. One of the best sounding gigs I've had, from a bass point of view. I love these cabs.
  6. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1472169381' post='3119161'] To make a sale. To me. I did just explain my reasoning. Believe it or not but there are people who want to do business with mutual understanding and trust. I'm not begrudging the concept of making a profit, but to me it has to be quantifiable and therefore justifiable. I don't want to feel I'm trading with someone who's looking to milk every last red cent out of me because they feel that's the way it's got to be done. IRL I don't want to associate with socially, nor do business with, anyone who sees me as an opportunity before a person. You don't like it? You can move on to the next sucker. If I was inclined to play the market in such a mercenary way, I wouldn't be best served to expose my intentions to my target audience with such bravado. I'd keep my cards a lot closer to my chest. Seems I'm not inclined to such behavior, I'll say so. I think its a virtue... not one that will make me rich admittedly but hey ho, there's more to life than profit. I'd buy a used bass off me, but after this thread, I would be cautious of buying one off you. [/quote] You seem to see it as black or white. I doubt most people who sell anything here just see pound signs when you approach them with interest in buying. I know I don't. I like chatting about gear too and sometimes I've actually shoot myself in the foot because someone asks me something about what I'm selling and I realise that it may not be what they really want, that it doesn't work the way they are hoping... so I explain it to them and give my honest opinion: I've met lots of great guys through buying and selling stuff here. Selling is not a business for me, or for most here. We're here mostly because we have a common interest... passion even: bass, music... so I doubt anybody is here 'exploiting' anyone or looking at the market as a trader would on Wall Street. However, imagine I found an original '62 Jazz bass in my hands... If I needed to sell I'd put it for sale at 'market value', regardless of what I paid for it. Why wouldn't I? I don't know if you saw that thread on talkbass about the guy who ended up with a 62 Jazz for $100. Amazing story. The guy ended up keeping it as far as I recall... but he got a lot of flak when he suggested he might sell as he wasn't particularly well financially. ON that instance there were other factors but let's simplify by creating this scenario: person A has a 62 Jazz. They don't care about it or its value, they don't need it and just want it gone. They ask for $100 person B sees it and says 'here are my $100'. Again, for simplification lets's say he also tells person A 'you know your bass is worth a lot more?' and person A replies 'I know, I'm aware, but I don't need the money or the bass, the bass has bad connotations for me and I don't want to receive anything for it, in fact... just have it, free... here, take it away, don't ever bring it back' so person A walks away with the bass. at some indeterminate point in time (does it matter whether it's days, weeks or months or years?) he decides to let it go. should he give it away just because he got it free? at some point, the bass will be sold at its market value, and someone will benefit financially. Why on earth would it not be him? whose kittens have been murdered by offering something at a price that someone else is happy to pay? Feel free not to buy anything off me. I've never sold anything here or elsewhere thinking of the buyers as 'suckers', and I have a list of people in my feedback thread who seem to agree with that sentiment. You seem to think that selling things at their value and treating people with dignity are incompatible. I'd hate to live in your world. I've bought a couple of instruments from friends, real friends. You know what? I did not expect a reduction just because we were friends. I expected a fair price, which is what they wanted anyway, and I would not dream of giving them less than that precisely because they're friends.
  7. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1472162182' post='3119104'] Not just when selling musical equipment, but when selling anything, the question I hate the most is "What's the least you'll take for it?" Why would a seller answer that question? If you want to buy it, make an offer. If your offer is acceptable, you've got a deal. If it's too low, the seller will tell you that, and he/she might tell you what he'd accept. And the negotiation can continue from there. When someone asks me "What's the least you'll take for it?" I know they're not a serious buyer - just a tyre kicker. Maybe it's just me though? Anyone else get pissed off by this question? Frank. [/quote] Yeah, you're not alone. If you want to haggle, that's good, I'm prepare for it, but do it properly: make me an offer and let's talk from there Typical gumtree. At one point I put a few things on there, and I got an email for every single one either offering exactly half the amount or asking that question. They were all from the same person. I guess some people just blanket lowball and hope to get lucky at some point, to sell for profit... which is absolutely fine, I only have issues with their approach to me.
  8. [quote name='Shambo' timestamp='1472151399' post='3118965'] I see lots of straw men in this thread. Doesn't the OP have the right to question what sort of person they are dealing with? Why wouldn't they be allowed to bring attention to the fact they had recently sold said instrument for a lot less than the new owner is asking for it? There's no moral ambiguity I can see in asking the cause of the new higher asking price, but there might be in justifying the new price. Speaking personally, if I noticed that a bass had [i]quickly [/i]returned to the [i]same [/i]marketplace at a [i]higher price[/i], I would be wondering what the new seller could have done to justify the higher asking price. If they'd spent money couriering it, or repairing it, or setting it up, new strings, train fares, flights, overheads, case, whatever, then I'd expect the new seller to mention it and take that into account. [/quote] Justifying the new price? Why do you think any seller needs to justify their price? They want X for their item. Full stop. You don't like it? Move along... There are a lot of instances I don't buy something I'd like because I am not prepared to pay the price that's being asked. How that price came to be is of no relevance whatsoever.
  9. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1472144683' post='3118880'] Funny how no one complains if the market drops out the bottom for an item after they've sold it isn't it? Has anyone received some compensation from the seller after buying a used Warwick after they crashed years ago? [/quote] +1
  10. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1472137103' post='3118817'] It'll be a very different picture to the rigs we had 6 months ago. Where's Deek when you need him? [/quote] we need an 810 in the room this time!
  11. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1472131920' post='3118763'] yes the pickups in the Roadworn are definitely better than the pickups in a standard Mex Jazz. (Mind you they are fine too) I played a MIM Jazz and a roadworn when I first got my RW, and they sounded better, more bite to them, more powerful and a better range of sounds - a better defined bottom end of the tonal range too... That said, I then went & replaced the pickups in my RW, for some old DiMarzios, and it sounds even better Really wanting to try one of these Flea sigs..... [/quote] I like the ones in my RW, but I'm not entirely crazy about them. They seem to have a bit of a' woolier' low end than I'd like, after experimenting a bit with pickup heights. I have a set of Fender Custom Shop 60s that I bought for something else that I'm tempted to try there, if not my usual favourite Dimarzio Area J ones.
  12. [quote name='Mattpt85' timestamp='1472126694' post='3118717'] Done! [/quote] AAARGH!
  13. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1472119761' post='3118637'] Rehearsal 11 - Due last night. I turned up, as arranged, Both singers absent because they were taking daughter to an audition. Drummer, guitarist and myself paid for room and played through a few songs, but a bit meaningless without vocals. I had a good moan and said that I'd be looking for an additional band/project. [/quote] daughter's auditions... those didn't come suddenly on the day, so they knew they were not going to be there. Did they let you all know in advance?
  14. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1472111580' post='3118514'] Sorry, Sorry, no, but I have gone and got myself a pair of One10's [/quote] Oh! edit: and by that I mean... when are we doing this?
  15. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1472073195' post='3118341'] Ooh, I can feel another get together coming on.... [/quote] are you getting some Two10s?
  16. Consider Ernie Ball Cobalt Flats. They are flats, but they sound just like rounds that had been on the bass for a while.
  17. The MAG will work. I'm not sure about the other one.
  18. [quote name='samthebassman' timestamp='1472047357' post='3117991'] I'm looking to buy a p-bass, but a cheap one (i.e. sub £200) as my first adventure into p-bass world (historically I've always gone for basses with as many knobs and switches as I can get for my money!). It needs to look approximately like a fender p, but headstock shape etc, isn't overly important. The market for this type of bass at this price is huge and I don't know where to start. Obviously nothing in this price range is going to be a Fender or a Lakland, but there must be some that are at least playable with a reasonable sound. I've heard that the Encore Blaster series is passable as are Harley Benton precisions (the tele style on that they do looks great IMO). Any advice on decent cheap precisions? [/quote] Cheap is ok... but don't go too cheap, on Precisions. I'd go for a Squier Classic Vibe series. They are fantastic basses and if you don't like it then you'll know is because you don't like Precisions, not because of the bass. They came in sonic blue and fiesta red. Subsequently they came up with the Matt Freeman and Roger Waters signature basses (maple neck/fingerboard, one cream, one black), and they're every bit as good. It may cost you a bit more than £200 used, but not a whole lot more, and they beat anything else that's cheaper without question. Edit: I forgot the "Vintage Modified" series... they *can* be pretty good, but shop around. Some are pretty unimpressive while others are quite nice. I still feel the CV series above is superior, 'though, and the price difference is well worth it.
  19. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1472069019' post='3118260'] Some basses have the neck set deeper into the body than others. [/quote] This. It's not just how long the neck is, but how it's set with regards to the body. Some 34" basses feel perfectly fine while others I find the 1st fret is a little too far away... My Warwicks felt longer than others, for instance. And the 35" Lakland 5502 I used to have didn't really feel longer than my Stingray.
  20. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1472046259' post='3117977'] at a local pub venue with in house PA, the sound guy just turns up the guitar in the guitarists monitor when he wants him to turn down, (after he's asked him nicely) says it works everytime [/quote] ha! in one band, after the guitarist kept ignoring my requests to turn down his 4x12 at rehearsals, I said "wait a minute", and turned the 4x12 to face HIM, and not the rest of the room. He strummed a chord and his face melted... he understood and turned down Of course, next rehearsal it was all forgotten. This is one of the bands I quit due to volume.
  21. [quote name='Mattpt85' timestamp='1472042140' post='3117923'] This does sound like the overall volume is way too loud. I play in a noisy punk covers band with two guitarists churning out open/power chords (one on his bloody lead channel, but that's beside the point) and an 'enthusiastic' drummer. Had various amp/cab combinations but never had volume past halfway [/quote] Offtopic: please change your avatar. It makes me want to get a bass just like it.
  22. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1472032203' post='3117778'] Just thought I'd seek some feedback and opinions from you lads, before making a definitive decision. I play in a covers band with two guitars and drums. We play small pub gigs. I have a GK MB500 head and GK MB2x12 cab (600 watts/8ohms). The head puts out 350watts @ 8 ohms. I would have thought that this was sufficient for these type of gigs. Invariably I have the volume at almost maximum and it seems to be jus about enough. The other issue (quite apart from the above) is that, even though wearing ear plugs, my ears still feel "a bit tender" the next day. Sometimes the crowd at a venue are loud before we even play a note. The band's volume on top of this, makes for an extra VERY loud gig indeed. I have broached the subject with the lads more than once. They take things on board, but it's soon forgotten about, until I broach it again. They say that we have to play loud to compensate for the loud punters. It seems that I am the only one who is affected in any major way by this extreme (at least it seems that way to me..) volume. The most recent gig, last week, was a "loud punters" one, and I suffered the next day. We have a rehearsal this evening, and I'm going to bring up the subject once again. Then I'll see how it goes. If there are no satisfactory results....then I'm out !! It's the last thing I want to do, but my hearing trumps any band any day. [/quote] I'm surprised that even with earplugs your ears still suffer. Either you're not fitting them all the way in tight, or your band is amazingly loud. Sometimes in small bar gigs you may end up with your head right next to a speaker. If that happens, change it. I had that twice, and no more, years ago. I just refuse completely. There's always another way. Regarding the volume in the bar... it is possible that you're trying to be too loud. I don't think the purpose of amplification is to drown the audience, especially a pub audience. You have to be loud, to create the atmosphere... but it's possible to overdo it. I see it quite regularly. Your amp/cab seems perfectly ok for the gigs you describe. Even if you may not fill some bars with earthquake quality lows, you'll be heard clearly. Is the drum kit amplified? For that type of gigs I'd probably want it unamplified, except maybe the kick. And then the rest of the band turn up to match a drummer who doesn't hit the kit like it ran away with his girlfriend while pretending to be his best friend For me it's very important to enjoy the music, and for that I need to hear what's going on with reasonable clarity. And without hurting my ears. If not, it's not the band for me.
  23. I really like the DiMarzio AreaJ. They're humbucking but sound a lot more 'Jazzy' than other humbuckers I've tried, but punchier.
  24. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1472042401' post='3117926'] For those who may be limited on space in the back of the van / car. Looks like a relatively inexpensive backup, small & lightweight too... 2.9Kg [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/221904870728?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT"]http://www.ebay.co.u...K%3AMEBIDX%3AIT[/url] [/quote] that's pretty cool! and they come in red too
  25. [quote name='njr911' timestamp='1472033144' post='3117796'] I have both [url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BIA-yNXAnuJ/?taken-by=wearethenames"]https://www.instagra...y=wearethenames[/url] [/quote] what are the pickups on the roadworn, any idea? how do they compare to the Flea?
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