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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1472030691' post='3117755'] I did not. I returned the One10 to Barefaced before I got the Two10. I couldn't afford to keep both. [/quote] Ah. I'm really curious about the Two10. On paper it seems like it would please me, and a couple of them would be a wonderous thing. So whenever I get a chance to hear/try one I'll take the opportunity. I was intrigued whether there was much difference with a couple of One10s as that increases my chances of finding someone semilocal I can one day meet for noise exchanges. I'm very happy with my current cabs, but they do have some limitations that I suspect the Two10s would not have, for just a little bit bigger size/weight.
  2. Did you get a chance to compare the Two10 with two One10 stacked?
  3. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1472021150' post='3117662'] It would be nice to think that if someone got a good deal on here, then decided they were not going to keep it, that it would be offered up here again for a similar deal, like you would do for your mates. Doesn't always happen. [/quote] There is a 'sense' of community, no doubt. If you look around the various sections in BC you'll see a lot of the same names. Some more prominent in some sections than others, but if you're around a little, yes, you get that sense. However, the marketplace is different. While many of those are 'regulars', there's quite a few users that seem to only contribute in that section. I just don't feel the same degree of 'community' with any of them. In other words... I would do a better deal for a 'mate' as you put it, or someone I have some sense of 'affinity' with... but I'm not that inclined to do a deal with someone whose presence in the world was only known to me from answering to my for-sale ad. Even within the community... it depends on how much you need the cash. If I'm selling because you just don't want an item, I'm more likely to set a good price so that it goes fast, or open to trades where I may not be getting the best deal but I get something else I fancy. After all I've also been on the positive side of trades sometimes too. But if you are selling because you really need some cash injection... why would you not sell for the price something is worth? I think we should see the 'good deals' within BC as something to be happy about, instead we seem to take it for granted so that we feel bad about standard trading practices. That's not quite right. Just like it's not right, in my opinion, to worry so much about what others do with their stuff, like selling, and the prices they ask for. It has a bad whiff of jealousy however I look at it. The sense of community is not damaged if some people buy and sale for profit (and I'd buy from anyone who has what I want at a price I'm prepared to pay, and I don't care how much they paid - or do you just care when they made a profit? How about when they make a loss? Do you offer to pay them extra because hey, we're the BC community? ) - the sense of community is formed outside the trading, mostly, and I don't see that being affected. It is affected, however, if we start to mind too much other people's business. This is an internet forum, open to the public (with everything that this entails, good and bad), not a cult.
  4. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1471980439' post='3117465'] Don't you just hate it when you sell a bass and, only a few days later, notice it for sale somewhere else for £550 more than you sold it for. Very recently sold a bass on here for £1100, and now seeing it for £1650 in Bass Direct ... The bass I just sold, unmistakably ... [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Wick_Streamer_1987.html"]http://www.bassdirec...eamer_1987.html[/url] Might not be the case, but if it was ... Would this be common practice around here, to buy bargain basses, and sell them quickly for profit? [/quote] I can understand a bit of a "dang, I should have asked for more" feeling but... if you ask for the price you want, and you get it, then what's to be unhappy about? Once that bass leaves your hands is no longer anything to do with you and if the new owner sells it for a profit, good for him. Imagine somebody buys an amplifier head from you, and a couple of weeks later that amplifier drops in price to the point that you pretty musch sold a used amp for what it almost costs now new. Do you feel remorseful then? I don't see the problem, frankly. It's the seller's business to ask for the price they want, and if I get my price I'm happy. If the new owner ends up selling it on and making money, why should it bother me?
  5. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1471990734' post='3117564'] Only time I tried this was a set of Warwick red labels on my Corvette. Unfortunately the red label strings were completely poo. [/quote] I actually like them! A bit rough but sound great. It's my go-to string for new (to me) basses that I am not sure I'll keep, as they're pretty cheap.
  6. No. I just experiment and over time I find what strings I like, and I use those. It may vary from bass to bass, not so much because another string brand is more suitable for bass X, but because I found a sound/feel I like on a particular bass and I keep it that way. Stingray: I use... Ernie Ball (funny enough) Cobalts on the Stingray, but DR Fat Beams on the EBMM SUB. Fender: DR Fat beams on the Precision, DR Fat Beams on the Jazz Squier: Fender steels on the Mike Dirnt, Ernie Ball nickel on the Jazz, DR Fat Beams on the Matt Freeman Jazz Maruszczyk: DR Fat beams... ... I guess I really like DR Fat Beams!
  7. [quote name='lastanthem88' timestamp='1471878054' post='3116618'] Haha 'Jose the Red'! I knew somewhere there would be 'another one' like me, only opposite... I love a P bass body, and a J neck. That's how this came into being, I simply bought two of them and swapped the necks over. I had a little fun with the Jazz bass first of course, adding the East pre amp, and a stringray style battery compartment routed through the back. Thanks as always to Karl the Equipment Sourcing & Customer Finding guru for his usual help - the guy should be on a commission! I knew Jose was going to go for the trade the moment he had the bass in his hands. His eyes lit up like a child at Christmas... and now I have a Big Baby to roll out at this weekends gigs. One is outdoor... I CAN'T WAIT! [/quote] I really did not want the bass. I really didn't. I don't need it. But... it was beautiful Since Saturday I've been playing a lot at home, making sure I know all the songs of this new band... and the red Jazz is the only bass I've used I hope you're enjoying the BB2 as well!
  8. Andy bought my Future Impact pedal... very easy transaction, very accommodating... a real pleasure. Thank you, Andy!
  9. I just bought it for my Kindle This weekend we'll be travelling away for a few gigs and drummer drives the van, so... plenty of time to remove myself and read.
  10. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1471885204' post='3116715'] Sue Ryder basses were the first thing that came to mind. At one point, everyone seemed to either have one or be trying to get their hands on one [/quote] Just because they were very cheap and, for those who like to mess about tinkering, they represented a cheap decent starting point. Nothing else, really. At one point I owned three One I kept stock, with a new pickup. It was quite alright and used it in a few gigs as I get sometimes a kick out of playing a ridiculously cheap bass. It upsets snobs Another I completely took apart, stripped, and I was going to do terrible things to it... but I got bored and sold the whole thing. The last one I turned into fretless and installed a decent pickup on it. I still have and use that one.
  11. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1471888259' post='3116746'] If you like the MM sound get one... but get full fat. [/quote] Which one is the full fat?
  12. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1471880137' post='3116649'] Well it's unfortunate you didn't manage to get one as the SR5 is a great bass - I used mine Saturday for the first time in ages and I was reminded how good it is. They did indeed set a months order window limit and required 50 orders - presumably the usual deposit arrangement and 3+ months wait for the instrument - I guess to justify the cost of the tooling - however it was in response to hundreds of posts either clamouring for production of such an instrument or even suggesting the existing instrument shouldn't have the narrower spacing. So unfortunately for those who wanted one it didn't happen. I viewed it as a company testing the market to see if there really was sufficient demand - there was a mass of vitriol flung by certain individuals IIRC but hey ho, it's the Internet. [/quote] The thread may have contained a lot of posts, but I doubt there were hundreds of "individuals" all asking for such bass to be produced. And even if they were, it's not reasonable to expect they'd all have the cash ready for such investment. It was a weird thread... with some loud and/or ugly complaints against EBMM, but also ugly responses from EBMM's head. It was sold as marketing research but it sounded to me as an arrogant way of saying "we're right, and won't change our ways, there's no demand for 19mm spacing Stingrays". I never felt they had to justify anything. It's their business. They can do whatever they choose. But the way that thread originated and how it was conducted... put me right off, to be honest. 19mm spacing 5-string basses sell quite alright (see Lakland, for example, among many others). Many of them use a MM style pickup at the bridge (most of them not quite at the sweetspot of the Stingray, unfortunately). A 19mm Stingray 5 would sell, even if not as much as the standard one. They choose to not produce it, that's fine... it's their business. But to say a company like EBMM is researching the future of such product by placing a very time-limited demand for orders in an internet bass forum... is completely BS. I'm no longer after 5 stringers, I had the Lakland which was fantastic in everything except not sounding like a Stingray (could not find a 55-76 model which would) and sold it because I just prefer 4 string basses I don't seem to have a need for a 5-string. If I did, I'd get in touch with Adrian Maruszczyk who would build a superb bass to the exact specs I indicate, for less than an EBMM SR5. But I'm not after a 5-string, so he only made me two 4-string basses instead
  13. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1471865876' post='3116447'] Squier deluxe - come up on eBay quite often [/quote] that's the one!
  14. [quote name='Lw.' timestamp='1471864955' post='3116428'] Limelight, Harley Benton, Sire, Maruszczyk, Fender Rumble V3 combos & at some point or another every boutique manufacturer of 1x12 cabs. Though it does seem to be the same c10 people powering through each craze before keeping the forum in business via the classifieds! [/quote] Are you enjoying your TKS S112s?
  15. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1471861259' post='3116373'] 4) Talkbass - 19 mm string spacing MM SR5 - however that one was about 800 posts and 5 orders placed so the proposal was canned. Goes to show how much hot air can float around a forum!! [/quote] That was BS. They asked for x orders in a month. When I was subsequently in the market for a 5 string, if a Stingray with 19mm spacing were available I'd have got one (I went Lakland instead). But that particular month was not the right one for me to order anything. The whole thing was designed to fail, to give EB the opportunity to say "look, I tried, there were no takers". Which I don't get since they do not need to justify to anybody what they choose to produce or not. But the whole EBMM world is a... complex one, to say the least
  16. actually, with your budget... Squier made that active Jazz 4/5 string with ebanol fingerboard. They were pretty tasty, going used for about £200 or little more... they were wide spacing too. I had one for a while too.
  17. Amazing synth pedal, with midi capabilities, and there's editor software you can download... by the guy behind the famous Akai Deep Impact. I ordered this when a new funky project was starting to take place, as if I needed an excuse to get my hands in a synth pedal ... unfortunately between the project not taking off and a house move, it means the pedal was used for about 40 minutes on receipt, having fun going through all the presets (99 of them I think)... and it spent the rest of the time in the box stored... I'm unboxing the contents of my 'toy room' and I don't see myself needing this anytime soon. If you're after one of these, save yourself a good chunk of cash and the long wait, and buy this which is in mint condition pretty much as new. And then please post videos of it in use, to make me feel like an idiot for selling it
  18. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1471846810' post='3116229'] Up the budget a little and you're into Lakland 55-01 territory. 19mm spacing and the best neck in the business. Sire V7 is 18mm and it's no slouch either... [/quote] +1 on the Lakland. I had a Skyline one, a 55-02 I think it was... it was fantastic. Like you, I favour wide spacing 5-string basses and the Lakland was the only one I truly felt at home from day 1.
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1471785023' post='3115811'] Just picked up my BF Two10 & Four10 stack. Can`t wait to give the Four10 a try on Tues (the whole stack may be a bit over-powering for a 15x15 rehearsal room). [/quote] wow! that is something I'd love to hear I'd be interested on your impressions of a single Two10's sound/performance. How you'd compare it, say, against a MarkBass CMD121P combo (for no other reason that you owned one and so did I). I'm newly Barefacedless, but the Two10 or a pair of them is something I'm interested to explore.
  20. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1471792554' post='3115903'] Remember the furore about Class D amps and how good they were and how well they compared to Tube Amps? [size=5][b]How good Sue Ryder basses are[/b]?[/size] The list is pretty much endless. I think it comes down to how easily impressed we can be and how we feel the need to tell others about how those items surpassed our expectations when it happens. Personally I'm happy to listen to the opinions of others - sometimes I learn something positive sometimes I learn that I don't agree with others... [/quote] Sue Ryder... how good they were *for the price*. Nobody was claiming that a £100 bass was a big contender. I still have one, turned fretless, with a pickup change. I preferred it to a CIJ Fender Precision 70s reissue fretless I used to own
  21. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1471794886' post='3115921'] The answer to your question is of course, both :-) [/quote] This man often has the correct ideas, and this is no exception A big difference between the Stingray and the Sterling, apart from the smaller body, is that the Sterling also has a thinner neck, more 'jazz-like'. That's a deal breaker for me, as I don't like those necks. Just something else to consider, apart from the sound. I love the Stingray, for sound and feel. It's the bass I use 90% of the time, or more. It's a one-pickup bass, but hugely versatile. The USA made SUB range, made between 2003 and 2006 is very interesting not only because of the 'marmite' finishes and the much lower price despite being essentially full blooded Stingrays, but because the early ones appeared to have the pickup wired in series as opposed to the usual parallel configuration. This makes them meatier and punchier than a standard Stingray, and complements the 2-band EQ on those basses really well. I have both a 2002 Stingray and a 2003 SUB (series), and they're both slightly different amazing beasts... just to add another factor to the pot
  22. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1471769585' post='3115627'] Steve mailed me about this bass and I suggested he put it on Basschat as it's a very niche market bass. But I'd forgotten totally about Jose The Red Looks fabulous fella, enjoy! [/quote] Ha ha! "Jose The Red" No longer red cabs, but I still got the shoes! I've always been surprised that there's not so much love for a Jazz with P neck, while there's a lot of people who clearly like Precision necks. And a Precision with a Jazz neck seems to be a very popular option. Today I'm playing my first gig with a band I'm depping for at a festival near Stirling, so last night I was going through the song list with the Jazz. The truss rod needed a tweak as it had far too much relief for my liking, but how I hate body end adjusting rods! Still... I thought I could adjust this one simply after removing pickguard: nope. Not enough clearance. So there we go... loosen up strings and neck screws... a couple of crack noises...this body/neck joint is pretty tight! About a 1/3 of a turn tightening it, and put back together... magic! That did it. No buzzing, low action, and sounds great... I'm tempted to take it away today... but for gigs when I'm not entirely confident with the material I'd rather take the Stingray as that bass is 'home'... but I next weekend we have a few gigs down in England, and maybe I'll just take the Jazz. Don't you hate it when you want to play with your new toy but you know you have to be sensible?
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