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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1471732771' post='3115493'] Looks great! Are the RW necks 'A' profile? i.e 40mm nut? I've got a 70's P bass which I think is a 41mm and it is super nice! [/quote] I don't know the A C etc profiles... but it's ~44mm wide, much like the Classic 50s series. I love that wide fretboard.
  2. I was selling my Barefaced Big Baby 2 cabs, and a number of trades were offered. I was adamant that the only thing that would tempt me would be a Barefaced Two10. However... an evil person made me an offer I could not refuse. How? It was a Jazz. I already have Jazz basses. That's not enough. It was red. I like red basses. I already have a red jazz bass. It has a J-Retro. I am partial to J-Retro preamps in my Jazz basses. It had a maple fingerboard. That's interesting but I'm not after a Jazz bass. It is a roadworn series bass. Ah cool... I have really liked every single one I've tried. The neck is from a Precision roadworn. WHAT??? Yup. A roadworn Jazz, with the neck of a roadworn Precision. Making it a really amazing Jazz bass, for I dislike the thin necks in those. So I went, tried, and it's now mine mine mine. I love that neck... Precision neck into a lovely Jazz... perfect.
  3. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1471592667' post='3114182'] Indeed! Takes me quite a bit longer. It would take me longet than 3 mins to find the spare string! Compare and contrast- to unplug the non-functioning bass, take it off, put it down, put on the spare sat on the stage next to me, plug it in - takes around 1 minute. [/quote] That's because you have placed your backup bass near and ready... if you did the same with your spare strings...
  4. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1471519286' post='3113589'] I broke a string at a rehearsal once and, ever since, have taken a back up to a gig - tuned and ready to go. Usually my Hohner B2B - takes up very little space on stage or in the car. [/quote] I broke my G string once. It took me about 2 minutes to get it replaced and tuned. Meanwhile, the band launched into an impromptu funky jam with the singer improvising lyrics mocking me about breaking my G string It was probably the highlight of the gig for most of the audience! As long as you don't all just stand there looking at your feet doing nothing, a string change is not a problem, I don't think.
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1471518717' post='3113582'] I've never used a backup. I have had a failure that I got round and since then take a backup but 1 failure in 30years? [b]How high profile are the gigs?[/b] [/quote] That's it, for me. I take one bass, usually. Plus extra strings, cables, batteries... I judge the risk to be pretty low, and if I have to stop playing entirely it won't be the end of the world. However, for 'important' gigs I would take another bass. What you consider 'important' may vary... in my case, in an originals band, we generally don't play functions but we sometimes get asked to play at a wedding. In a situation like that I'd carry backup bass/amp, but for most gigs I won't bother. If it's a gig where we're trying to impress someone, whether it's to open up new venues for us or whatever, then I'd typically carry backup too. But that's about it.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1471473618' post='3113371'] Thanks, I'm resting up for a grueling 4 hour bar gig Friday night at Kim's Lake Side. Ridiculously small place, but everyone plays there and the owners understand the bar band business. The crowd is cool and we always seem to do well there. It's a lake bar and the clientele has big money. Not unusual to see folks dropping 20s in the tip jar. [b]I know you guys question tipping, but it's a big part of our service culture in the States.[/b] Blue [/quote] We mostly just question why waiters etc don't get a salary just like any other worker, and let tips be 'rewards' for going a little further than is needed in making the experience a pleasant one. It just seems unfair to treat waiters differently from other workers. I have done stints waiting tables as a student, it's hard work as it is, remaining polite and respectful even with the most unpleasant customers, without adding the worry about whether I'd make enough money to pay rent or not.
  7. I don't need this bass I don't need this bass I don't need this bass... Uf... I liked the look of the Dimension from the minute they came out and the single pickup active was very appealing... especially in red/maple!
  8. [quote name='Radchenko' timestamp='1471457677' post='3113218'] Pm. Really interested. Thanks [/quote] and pm'd back
  9. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1471446378' post='3113118'] I've just jotted down the band's rehearsal history. It's a start-up band, and the full has only met 3 times: Rehearsal 1 - Went ahead without lead singer who was sick. Room costs split between those present. Rehearsal 2 - As rehearsal 1 Rehearsal 3 - As rehearsals 1 and 2 Rehearsal 4 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs Rehearsal 5 - Cancelled. Both singers (man and wife) sick. No room costs Rehearsal 6 - Cancelled. Guitarist's wife sick. No room costs At this point, I suggested a short summer break while people recovered from various illnesses, and the guitarist's wife gave birth. Rehearsal 7 - All present! Room costs split evenly Rehearsal 8 - All present, but guitarist and both singers arrived with no money. Room costs split between drummer and myself. Rehearsal 9 - All present. Room costs split between those who didn't pay the previous time. Rehearsal 10 - Due tonight. Cancelled late because guitarist's wife is sick. Guitarist has offered to pay room costs. [/quote] That's quite a run! Unless I really really really liked that band, I'd be looking elsewhere... sounds like it could be fun people to hang with but I'm not sure it's looking very promising regarding getting gigs, and I am not sure I'd trust them not to have to cancel gigs too often.
  10. [quote name='Coilte' timestamp='1471439427' post='3113047'] My initial response is , yes, he should pay. Why should the rest of the band be out of pocket, because he can't make it ? Granted, emergencies can happen at any time, but again, that's not the fault of the band. Having said the above, I suppose it would depend on a few things : 1. Does this guy make a habit of pulling out of practice at the last minute. 2. The type of "emergency". 3. The general attitude of the band members. [/quote] good response. I've been in bands where the 'culprit' would pay for it. In my present and longest-serving band, we just absorb it on the next one and we all pay. That's because it's a rare occurrence and nobody just blows off practice without a reason in a way we need to cancel. More often what we'd get is that a member cannot make it... but provided it's not the drummer (or myself sometimes too), we still go ahead. We have 3 guitarists, one of which is the main singer but another also sings, a trumpet and a sax player... we still get lots done if one is missing. Our 'practices' comprise both rehearsing new songs and jamming/coming up with new ideas and developing them... so not everybody needs to be present.
  11. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1471439970' post='3113052'] If only you lived a bit closer to[b] civilisation[/b] Id be all over one of these. [/quote] ... I think you need to update your location field on your profile: it appears to say Swindon, clearly some mistake
  12. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1471355342' post='3112412'] The one with green seams cover is on hold for a couple of days (deal is not 100% set) The other one is still available.[b] On Sunday[/b] I was planning to go on a little road trip towards Kendal, so it opens the door to meeting someone along the M6... but we've also been tempted by a location near Newcastle, so we might end up going in that direction instead... essentially we'll go where the weather looks best but if someone wants to meet near those areas, we can arrange something [/quote] change of plans, maybe: It'll be [b]Saturday[/b], the day trip. On Sunday I may be playing a gig in Stirling in the late afternoon at a festival. I'm depping for a local ska/reggae band and my first gig would be next week, but their regular bass player may not be avaliable this Sunday after all (medical issues) in which case they'd need me, so I'd keep my Sunday free instead for now...
  13. [quote name='Mattpt85' timestamp='1471268632' post='3111672'] Thanks Pal, I am still incredibly happy with it. Here's a not very good pic next to it's partner in crime. (Off-off topic - I got some of them cobalt flats, trying with the band for the first time tomorrow!) [/quote] Cobalt flats! How did you like them? I'm still enjoying what they do in my ATK300. I'm not much of a flat string person, but I like that MM-type bridge pickup fingerstyle 'burp' I get with them, fat and smooth.
  14. Nice one! I'm enjoying mine
  15. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1471356875' post='3112434'] Sorry yes the stingray, i think when they designed that bit, the bloke at the back who use to work for K-Tel, jml or Ronco said " iv got an idea". Some like it some dont, i just think it trouble waiting to happen, Just my thoughts on it, [/quote] I agree
  16. The one with green seams cover is on hold for a couple of days (deal is not 100% set) The other one is still available. On Sunday I was planning to go on a little road trip towards Kendal, so it opens the door to meeting someone along the M6... but we've also been tempted by a location near Newcastle, so we might end up going in that direction instead... essentially we'll go where the weather looks best but if someone wants to meet near those areas, we can arrange something
  17. [media]http://youtu.be/k5ThulqDmKc[/media]
  18. [quote name='funkgod' timestamp='1471334918' post='3112141'] Same here also, only it was not just the battery dying, the copper contacts at the bottom of the "toys r us" plastic battery case had corroded and the power wires to the main board, so i got a new one, and on that one the clasp cracked and snapped off so having had enough i ripped that out and got an old chrome cover and a battery snap, was fine from then on, i still have them somewhere. [/quote] Are you talking about a Stingray too? I'm not a big fan of their battery compartment. Yes, it's fast and easy access... but I see how it can misbehave. Mine did ages ago (it's a 2002, so it's old but not THAT old) but all I had to do was clean the contacts a bit (abrassive) and bend them upwards so that they pressed more against the battery... and so far so good... but I do think sometimes about replacing it with a snap and a simple lid.
  19. [quote name='mrbacco' timestamp='1471341914' post='3112235'] Thanks to all of you. I am playing now in each part and corner of the house [[b]gf is not happy cause it's interfering a lot with her fiddle[/b] LOL] and then I will certainly change the amp [before we need to move to another bigger place] and that would take me to a better level of sound, after that [and after long practice time] I maybe tell the difference with new strings and pickups ... and maybe I'll enlarge the family after that... Thanks again! [/quote] Just tell her casually that you're considering switching to accordion, or trombone... I suspect she will suddenly become more encouraging and helpful about your bass playing
  20. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1471302001' post='3112046'] Not this year, unfortunately, tied up down in Glasgow. I don't drink, but usually make it along. Banchory is (more or less) my home town, played the Beer fest every year till now, due too a myriad of reasons, and to avoid sounding like I'm mud slinging won't go into. I'm 3 miles from Banchory as I type this, as I drove up today How'd you enjoy our slice of the world? [/quote] Aha! Well, I loved it. We drove back the same night so I didn't get to see much apart from the festival itself, but we also played last year (on the Friday, which was a bit quieter), and that time I had booked a room with my girlfriend in a small B&B just outside Banchory. We spent Saturday exploring the area and finally made it back to Edinburgh slowly along the coast, stopping at Dunnottar Castle among other places... it's beautiful up there, but I've only been in Summer and have been lucky with the weather Our trumpet player is from Aberdeen and she doesn't seem to like the area so much, but I guess we often dismiss where we grew up and find other places more 'exotic' and interesting... Hopefully we'll play again next year. They seemed to like us even more than last year We played two hours (8.30 till 10.30) and we'd have happily played longer, the crowd were fantastic. And noisy! There's a few videos around but they don't quite capture it. Last year we had a 3h slot but it was late on Friday and it wasn't quite as lively.
  21. [quote name='mingsta' timestamp='1471293299' post='3111957'] Great album. When I first heard it, I was rather underwhelmed, but its a grower for sure. [/quote] same here!
  22. [quote name='JonesTheCat' timestamp='1471291716' post='3111943'] I was contemplating throwing a bid in on that Dirnt - the cracks were the only thing putting me off, what do we think? [/quote] I would not be worried. They're not uncommon on tight neck pockets and they're just the finish cracking. You see quite a few Fender/Squier instruments like that. It's just cosmetic, mildly.
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