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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='nash' timestamp='1470743393' post='3108055'] If you can power something with a 9V battery it doesn't pull 600ma. More like 60ma [/quote] Indeed. I just checked and the manual clearly states "maximum 30mA" [url="http://www.korg.com/us/support/download/manual/0/259/1825/"]http://www.korg.com/us/support/download/manual/0/259/1825/[/url]
  2. Depends on what you want to do with it. I have both a G-Labs Wah and several envelope filters... If your question really is about the difference between envelope filters and 'autowah' pedals... I'd say that there is so much variation among envelope filters that you could just put them all into the same category, and choosing one becomes a matter of trying several and finding the one you like best.
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1470686958' post='3107705'] Seeing as it`s new only, I`d add in the Matt Freeman Sig - I`ve never played one, but have heard a lot of people use them and they sound great in the mix. [/quote] +1 It's a great bass. The stock pickup is pretty decent and the neck is fantastic. I had mine converted to 'Jazz' purely because I already had a Fender Classic 50 Precision and a Maruszczyk Jake (P/JJ) so that was a lot of 'Precisions' and I always wanted the Jazz vibe but in a smaller body with the Precision neck... so I took my Matt Freeman to a well known luthier and he had a lot of praise for this bass. He was amazed that Squier produced instruments of this quality these days. The Classic Vibe Precision is also very nice. I had one too, Fiesta Red, and I only let it go because I had to have a maple fingerboard Precision instead This is my converted Matt Freeman. The neck is simply delicious. It's a bit on the slim slide for a Precision but feels great, they didn't slim it too much:
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1470698793' post='3107826'] Hmmm... no. [/quote] good answer. You passed the test
  5. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1470695837' post='3107806'] Funny how good a Precision with J-PUPs looks, especially when compared to a Jazz with a P-PUP, which just looks wrong. That's a very elegant looking bass. I've always been convinced that a significant part of the P-Bass tone is in the neck (having played Precision neck on Jazz bodies and vice-versa), so I'm looking forward to hearing your views on how that sounds compared to a 'proper' Jazz. Either way, lovely looking bass, good work. [/quote] I'm sceptical about the neck contributing significantly to a P-tone... but I'm also one of those infidels who don't think the difference between maple and rosewood fingerboards is significant So, what this one sound like? It's hard because those pickups are not the most traditional Jazz pickups ever. They are humbuckers and unlike other humbucking Jazz pickups I don't think they particularly tried to reproduce a traditional Jazz bass sound. I had them on a 75RI Jazz, and I'd say it sounds pretty similar to that bass with the same pickups. I'm still playing a bit with the pickup heights, which affects the sound (especially both pickups on) a lot. This bridge pickup is very meaty and it's not very much like a standard Jazz pickup. It's fatter, with less top end and less of that nasal tone. The neck pickup is a bit tamer than a standard neck pickup in a Jazz: it sounds big, but doesn't have the prominent midrange that many Jazz neck pickups have and help them resemble a Precision. Together you get the traditional scooped sound, and I've been adjusting the relative heights so that it's not quite as scooped. So... because these pickups are not the most Jazz-alike, it's not exactly a Jazz, but it does sound a lot like my old 75RI used to sound with them. I think I'll end up installing another more traditional pickup eventually.
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1470695509' post='3107803'] Want! [/quote] You could try something like that on your RW Precision!
  7. It's not quite a NBD because I already owned this bass and have used it enough... but it's undergone a radical transformation. I like the Jazz bass sound, but I'm not a big fan of the large body or the thin neck. I had this Precision which was pretty sweet, great neck, but a bit 'surplus to requirements' and I thought I could put a couple of Jazz pickups on it and see what happens. I happened to have a couple of Nordstrand NJ4SE pickups, and I gave the job to Chris McIntyre. I collected it today. This was before: (the one on the left) I replaced the pickguard with a parchment colour one, but I can't find pictures of it... oh, and a sticker of the logo of my band I had the Jazz pickups installed as on a 60s spacing Jazz, and instead of VVT controls I have a master tone, master volume and a pan control. The jack socket was moved to the side. And this is what it looks like now: the 'sofa shot' It sounds... like a Jazz with these Nordstrand pickups: not exactly traditional Jazz territory, but clearly Jazz... yet with a much nicer sized body and a bigger and more comfortable (for me) neck. I don't know why I didn't do this before instead of buying so many Jazz basses over the years
  8. [quote name='Earbrass' timestamp='1470650519' post='3107279'] The US have passed similar legislation in 2014. If they can do it, [b]so can the EU[/b] [url="https://www.transportation.gov/briefing-room/us-department-transportation-issues-final-rule-regarding-air-travel-musical"]https://www.transpor...-travel-musical[/url] [/quote] ... ahem wasn't there a little vote not long ago?
  9. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1470659303' post='3107380'] No mcnach I wasn't referring to anyone in particular in my post. No offence intended. But I didn't mention tone or which cab is the "best". I'm certainly not arguing in favour of Barefaced either or berating anyone who doesn't like Barefaced. I'm certain you'll not find that I've ever done that and I've been a Barefaced user since Alex built them in his garage. I posted originally in response to, I think it was JTUK, who mentioned his TKS cabs performance at an outdoor gig and I was simply pointing out that the abilities of those TKS cabs is detailed very honestly in the manufacturer's specification. So you can tell quite a lot on the cabs abilities and performance from those specifications. What is also useful is that you can compare TKS cabs performance and abilities to any other manufacturers who publish equally open and honest specifications. And tone can be changed to a significant extent by the EQ on the amp [i]provided[/i] that the cab can handle the EQ demanded and at the required loudness. Sometimes a cab can be too loud at the required tone. The fact that people prefer one cab to another is only to be expected and outtright physical ability isn't necessarily the main reason for this. And rightly so. Frank. [/quote] as suspected... we pretty much agree and we just got caught in misunderstandings I interpreted your 'performance' post as if you were saying 'pah, the BB2's superior performance makes considering the S112 irrelevant', more or less. I was clearly wrong then It's true that you can alter the tone by using EQ, of course, that's why we have those controls on the amp and/or bass. But each cab has their own particular 'flavour'. Some flavours are stronger than others. If you start with a combination bass/amp/cab that gives you a sound close to what your goal is while leaving the EQ pretty much alone, than to me that's a combination I would prefer. I used to think a more 'transparent' cab was the best approach. But then I found that I had to use EQ in ways that are not necessary when I use other not-so-transparent cab... and that not-so-transparent cab cannot handle the lows other more transparent cabs can, but then I didn't need that level of low-handling performance and when I use the not-so-transparent cabs as the sole source of bass (no bass into PA), the result is really good. Anyway, I'm going back in circles It's not that I'm trying to convince anybody my preferred choice is the best... but a reflection of my own personal dilemma: I have two S112, and I love their sound, weight, size and volume. But I also have two BB2, and I know the BB2 can sound a lot more powerful and fill up spaces the S112s could not. They're still pretty light as far as cabs go, and compact enough that I can still carry two in the boot of my not-enormous hatchback (A3). So part of me wants to say "just keep the BB2, they'll cover all the ground you'll need"... but I get a more pleasant sound out of the S112s [1] and I still haven't found the situation where the S112s run out of steam... so, here I am... stuck in the middle. [1] I'm sure you should be able to get a sound with the BB2 that will be pretty much what I like about the S112s... but *I* haven't been able to get there, and since I don't normally get a lot of opportunities to try a particular set of amp/cabs in the final locations prior to a gig, or get to experiment much during the gig itself... if something gets me there in a simple way, then I lean towards it more.
  10. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1470658865' post='3107376'] What do you mean by "performance", if it's not related to volume or tone? It's true that the driver used the the TKS S112 or S212 has much lower displacement than the one used in the Barefaced 12" cabs, but if both of them can get loud enough and low enough for a specific application then the choice between the two is purely down to personal preference. That's how I read McNach's post, anyway. Having also used the same drivers as the S112/S212 (albeit not in TKS cabs), I'd want more than one in the OP's application as the guitarists are using a lot of amp. The S212 might be worth a look, as it's probably still a fair bit lighter than his Matamp 4x10". [/quote] Yes, that's just what I meant. And I agree, a single S112 won't do it. But two, or an S212 might be enough. The S112 is so light and compact and sounds so good... that to me it's worth considering. I don't think it would be louder than a typical 410, but then you probably never push a 410 too much. If a 410 performs above the level you need then a S212 or two S112 might be good. But it may not be suitable for someone who needs a lot more bass/volume than I do.
  11. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1470657543' post='3107355'] Fair enough. But I didn't mention either tone or volume in my post. [i]EDIT, I'M referring above to volume as in loudness. But reading back, I haven't argued about mcnach's preferred tone neither have I accused anyone of disputing Barefaced's claims? I simply pointed out that[b] the drivers used in TKS 112 cabs cannot compete with [/b][/i][b][i]Eminence Kappalite 3012 or Barefaced 12" drivers.[/i][/b] [i]Surely that's helpful information?[/i] Frank. [/quote] It is helpful to point out some details about their performance, for sure. I merely objected to the 'competition' angle, saying one was just better than the other. To me, the lower one is 'best' of the two, because it does what I want it to do better than the other, overall. To say the S112 cannot compete with the BB2 is like saying the Toyota Auris cannot compete with a Ferrari Testarossa, when all I need the car for is trips around town for shopping, for example. The Ferrari can go faster, but you won't take advantage of that performance in the scenario in question. I think we're going in circles and probably agree more than we disagree, but that's what you get when you're not discussing in real time face to face
  12. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1470609753' post='3107137'] Look, I've no doubt that the TKS 112 are great cabs. They use the same drivers as some cabs I've owned so I know from my own experience that they must be decent cabs. But I haven't heard them, so I can't comment based on personal experience. However, compared to the Barefaced BB2, ( also the other 12" driver cabs that use, for example, the Eminence Kappalite 3012 drivers) they just cannot compete on performance. In the words of Bill Fitzmaurice: "The laws of physics aren't swayed by opinion." Frank. [/quote] You must be mistaking me for somebody else: I'm not questioning 'performance' or 'physics'. I'm saying that I *like* the tone of the S112 best, and that they *work* well for my requirements so far. I'm not interesting in arguing which is *best*, in fact I suggested that best is relative, because it depends on the situation. I have two cabs of each, so it's not like I'm a 'hater' exactly. I think I start to see what some people are facing when they don't claim inconditional love for BF cabs... and I do like them!
  13. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1470424498' post='3105963'] A single BB2 will move at least the same volume of air as a pair of TKS 112 so it's not surprising that the TKS struggle with loudness and lows. Frank [/quote] I don't think they struggle with lows, or rather with the lows I'm asking them to provide. Their sound is what I like best from them. The BB2 is a good cab but I like better the sound of the TKS S112 and I'm still trying to find a gig where I feel "I should have brought the BB2s instead". I have just joined a reggae/ska band as a dep for a few weeks. There's like 14-16 gigs booked covering a wide range of venue types and I'll play the vast majority of them if not all. This may be a situation where the BB2 may see more use. The Maruszczyk P/JJ just excels at reggae and with the Streamliner and BB2 I get a really good sound. I'm looking for deeper bass here. Is one cab better than the other? In some things one wins in another things the other wins... I don't think either is a win-all contender.
  14. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1470405979' post='3105807'] 2 x 112's are strange creatures. I had 2 TKS 112'S and although the sound was lovely, I REALLY had to drive an amp a lot harder to get anything like volume out of those cabs. Our drummer always has snare and kick mic'd up. Both guitards use Blackstar heads with 212's. Never had any problem with 2 x 112's by Berg, Vanderkley or Genz Benz, especially without pa support. Try as much as you can. [/quote] I was a bit concerned about the TKS S112s at first [1] but... they do surprisingly well in my gigs. So much so that I'm not needing much the pair of BF BB2 I also have, and I prefer the sound of the S112s. They certainly don't sound as "big" and low as other bigger cabs. So... as you say, best to try as many as possible. What works very well for someone is not necessarily what works very well for you! [1] as you know, since I bought your pair of S112 so that I could have FOUR But I sold one pair on as I realised two are enough for me and if I use four it's just two many things to carry, then the two BB2 would do the job and they still fit in my boot... however they have been gathering dust, mostly.
  15. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1470345799' post='3105457'] Here it is doin' its thing. I love this bass with a passion. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cKycykSIVQ[/media] [/quote] sweet
  16. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1470315518' post='3105043'] Fixed (for those with long memories ) [/quote] I still have one of those! (converted to fretless)
  17. Another fan of DR Fat Beams, been using them for years... they sound good from the beginning, the initial over-bright zing is not as annoying as in other steels, and it goes away soon... and they last long too. Currently on my SUB and Precision and soon the Maruszczyks too... The Stingray gets the EB Cobalts which are pretty cool too, but in a different way.
  18. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1470244474' post='3104459'] Lakland 55 94 hits a lot of your points but i guess its a bolt on neck [/quote] Humbucker not in the sweet spot, unfortunately... you don't get a good Stingray sound out of those. The 5576 model, however... that's another story. But no neck-through either.
  19. I bought Andy's CS60 Jazz pickups. He posted them immediately and he even added a little extra Always a pleasure. Thank you, Andy!
  20. [quote name='Schnozzalee' timestamp='1470081471' post='3103194'] 22 pages about that... [/quote] ... but finally, you're here!
  21. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1470056375' post='3102934'] I'll give them an uncompressed sound as bass is one of the most likely areas they'll compress anyway and I don't want them to do it twice. [/quote] If you are already compressed, chances are their compressor will work much more subtly, I'd imagine. And it would be the kind of compression you like. Either way I don't see a reason (for me) to worry. As long as we have a decent sound person, they get good results. But I've never ever been asked anything about whether I am using compression or not. They have asked about the DI, some they have insisted I used their DI, etc... but never compression.
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1469958916' post='3102236'] What does the engr think when you put a compressor in line [/quote] They never ask. They've never commented. Why would they?
  23. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1469972079' post='3102357'] never ever got this 'it kills tone/dynamics' argument. Not if you don't let it it doesn't! [/quote] exactly
  24. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1469960299' post='3102249'] Has it arrived yet mate? I recorded a couple of tracks for our bands debut EP last week with it, it just sounds fantastic. DI straight to Focusrite interface and cubase with zero processing in-between, it sounds killer. Tracks are being mastered at the moment but hopefully will be able to share one soon. I may get the chief to do a mix of just drums and bass so you can here what it does better [/quote] Oh I'd love to hear that mix! Please post it here! Yes, it arrived on Friday. Unfortunately I've been too busy and I haven't been able to do much with it yet. I unpacked it and plugged it in for a few minutes using headphones only... just trying to get to grips with what each control does. The controls are pretty interactive, aren't they? You can't say "knob X in position Y is the right one for me" because it depends on what you do with the rest... but I thought I started to "get it" after about 15 minutes fiddling with it. It covers a LOT of ground. I want to play with it a bit more tomorrow or Tuesday and then take it to my rehearsal session on Wednesday, and use the OCS into the PA and see what it sounds like. So... it's early days, but I like what I hear so far. I think with a decent preamp this could be a killer magic box
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