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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1469173308' post='3096250'] That's a Sousaphone. Horrible things. [/quote] what are you talking about? Sousaphones and Tubas are brilliant! Yes, they can sound a bit like the soundtrack of a very fat man walking down the street to buy the newspaper... but they can do a lot more than that.
  2. [quote name='rodney72a' timestamp='1469149053' post='3096174'] You'd be paying a significant amount to devalue your bass by a significant amount. [/quote] devaluing it for some, not everyone. If I have a bass I love because of its sound/feel/whatever but it's not perfect, and I know I can do something to improve it... I'll do it. Why so precious about the perceived monetary value instead of enjoying playing an instrument, which is what they're for? So, one day he may want to sell it. If the job has been done well, there'll be buyers for it, no doubt. He won't be the only one who loves everything about the Classic but things 'ah, I wish it had contours'. And what's the worst that can happen? It fetches £200 less or something? Big deal, at least he'd really enjoy it while he had it without 'ah, I wish it had contours' nagging thoughts. Some think it's sacrilege to change the preamp on a Stingray! Funny nobody cares if it's an Ibanez or Fender. Play it, enjoy it, modify it if it makes you enjoy it better. We only live once
  3. [quote name='bassbiscuits' timestamp='1469142391' post='3096157'] Apologies from the outset if this is a stupid question, but... Any of you who use both flatwounds and round wounds on different basses - do you find you have to EQ differently depending on which you're using? I've been using round wounds on my basses for years now, but I've recently acquired some flatwounds - a set of TIs and a set of La Bellas, on different basses. I find the rounds too bright for some stuff, and the flats seemed a step in the right direction tonally - played unplugged they sound great. But up against my round wound basses plugged in, the flats just sound like sort of worse versions of my round wound sound, if that makes sense. So am I missing something? Maybe I'm going wrong by just taking the same old approach with my playing, EQ, amps etc - maybe there's something else I need to do to unlock the mysteries of these things and really get a good flatwound sound. Or am I just a die hard round wound user who hasn't realised it yet? Any advice? [/quote] Maybe try Ernie Ball Cobalt flats? Forget half-rounds or however they call them, you know, the ones that are supposed to be halfway between flats and rounds. Just go to these Cobalt Flats. They feel just like flats... because they are: very smooth, soft. But tonally they're nothing like any flat or half-round I ever tried, and I tried many. They sound much like rounds after they've been on teh bass for a little while. The zing is gone, but they do have a lot of top end if you want it. You can easily remove more top end and move the sound towards a more classic flat type of sound, or not and enjoy a sound that it's not quite like round-wounds, but not too dissimilar either. They have great presence and tight bottom end, not 'thud' (unless you make it go thud)... They're not the cheapest, but from what you say I think they'll be worth trying.
  4. [quote name='Simon.' timestamp='1469183810' post='3096372'] Good to hear you are happy with Chris and getting him to do the work. I've had nothing but excellent results from him. I did like your comment that "[color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]He doesn't mince his words[/font][/color]"! So spot on. He knows what he's doing, and doesn't suffer fools gladly. [/quote] His initial response, although positive, contained one thing that made me go "excuse me? who do you think you are?" for a second ... but it was clear in what spirit it was said. Then when you meet him in person it makes a lot of sense, and it's an attitude I really like. That, coupled with the standard of the work I've seen makes it a no-brainer for any instrument work. We seemed to have similar views about many things, but we disagreed about a few others and I enjoyed his attitude . He's passionate. His purple 50s style Precision-like bass was a real beauty and felt fantastic. It put bad thoughts in my mind... maybe I should start saving
  5. [quote name='Fionn' timestamp='1469176911' post='3096293'] So, a couple of months later ... how do the Cobalts sound and feel? [/quote] They feel and sound pretty much the same, I think. It's not the bass I play the most (my Stingray has that job) but I've used it a fair bit at home and played a few gigs too. I'm tempted to put those strings on my SUB, so that I can compare better the sound, as I've never used the ATK with any other strings... but I'm still very happy with them. They're not my favourite strings... I'm still a steel/roundwound type of guy, but it's a great variation to have. The ATK with those strings give me a very thick tone that has lots of definition and the top end is there when I want it... and they feel great.
  6. I started out just wanting a pickguard... but I've just left the bass with Chris McIntyre. He'll do the whole thing. He knows what he's doing, and I liked him a lot. Spent nearly an hour and a half chatting about anything and everything music. Uf, he has a couple of beautiful basses on that wall too. If I want another bass made, in the future, I'll have to come and talk to this guy. Simon and Kevin, thank you for recommending him
  7. [quote name='maldy' timestamp='1469093487' post='3095614'] Both my pickups were not flat to the body. I.e. the pickup was higher under the G string than the E string. To compensate any height difference in the string? Not sure if was intentional in the set up, but the volume seemed fine across the strings. [/quote]# It's normal: thinner strings give a weaker output, so the pickups/polepieces are often closer to the strings on the thinner string areas. How much, it depends on the pickups and the strings. Often is minimal.
  8. [quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1466669493' post='3077659'] Hi all. I'm considering adding a Hipshot d-tuner to my Tobias Toby Pro 4. Anyone have good/bad/indifferent experiences with this stuff? The exact model I need is the GB7 treble version, in black. I'm a lefty so as usual these are like gold-plated rocking-horse sh!t. Why do you want it they ask? We're playing a little number called Slither (Velvet Revolver) in our set. I currently tune the whole bass down to D, but it's a bit floppy and buzzy. Secondly, due to the tuning I only use this bass for one song which is a shame (it's my only 4-string) - I'd like to use it for Hysteria too. Checking out Duff's technique on Youtube, he practically stays on the bottom string throughout, and I could change to that method too. With this gizmo on board I can get my tension back, get my 4-string back, and maybe change guitars less in the set. So, who want to set me straight on the hipshot? Cheers Jim [/quote] I have several of my basses with the Hipshot. Originally because being in RHCP and RATM covers bands, I kept tuning and retuning between standard and drop-D. It doesn't take long to do it manually, and with practice it's really easy and pretty accurate without even checking with a tuner... but the Hipshot makes it reliable 100% and it's just so easy. Do it! If you even have difficulty with holding the tuning, just put a tiny bit of grease on the mechanism and it'll work beautifully.
  9. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1468691428' post='3092725'] Who said anything about a truss rod tweak and fret dress. I'm talking about a proper re leveling, re crowning and mirror like polish. Works wonders! [/quote] This man speaks wisely. Before going for a refret, take it to someone who does this kind of work and ask for their opinion. You may be surprised.
  10. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1468924178' post='3094291'] Sorry Discreet...my initial post/question may have been a bit Hazey...I already own 'the big rig' and am fed up with hauling it around to every gig whether it needs it or not. I am putting together a smaller set up for this reason, but just wanted opinions on my initial question.. [/quote] I'm doing pretty much every gig these days with one or two TKS S112 cabs: single 12" speakers, small, about 10Kg each... I haven't found them wanting yet. If portability is what you're after, do it. Yes, a 610 cab situation like I used to have sounds bigger and fuller, but the extra 'oomph' is rarely worth the hassle, and it's not like the 2x12 solution lacks bass, it just won't make the glasses two floors upstairs rattle.
  11. I'd still bring my amp and call it a monitor... which is what it'll be as you'll be DI'd. We played a gig once in a bar where they provided backline during the Edinburgh Festival. I had been there before and chose to bring my own amp: Two small 210 speakers stacked vertically. Yes, it was overkill in that I did not need the power, but the provided amp just made it really hard to hear onstage and I knew this would work. The sound guy was worried and pretty much asked me where I thought I was going with that. In a jovial manner I told him that it's ok, my amp has a volume knob too He laughed and... everything worked beautifully because I didn't need to turn up just because I could. I'd bring whatever I need to serve as a good monitor.
  12. [quote name='kevin_lindsay' timestamp='1468901797' post='3094136'] Chris is the man! I picked up a fretless 4 string Jazz Bass he made for me a week ago - fantastic hsnd-made instrument. Plays and sounds fantastic. [url="http://s7.photobucket.com/user/kevin_lindsay/media/McIntyre%20Smooth%20Mint%20fretless%204/FB_IMG_1468189770216.jpg.html"][/url] [url="http://s7.photobucket.com/user/kevin_lindsay/media/McIntyre%20Smooth%20Mint%20fretless%204/20160710_193428.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] That's great! I can't wait to meet the man. I've seen a refinish done by him and was excellent. That fretless looks sweet. But what caught my attention was the pink early 50s type Precision... what a beauty!
  13. Chris got back to me. Pretty fast! He doesn't mince his words, does he? I think I like him. Cost is fair. I'm going to have a chat on the phone with him tomorrow.
  14. [quote name='Simon.' timestamp='1468849525' post='3093739'] Seeing as you are in Edinburgh, Chris McIntyre is worth a shout. Quality work, and reasonable prices. [url="http://www.mcintyreguitars.com/"]http://www.mcintyreguitars.com/[/url] He did the reverse process on my Jazz - routed it out for a P-pick up and cut a new scratch-plate to hid the old J route underneath.. We also added plug & play connectors to the pick-up leads so you can swap it from a PJ back to a straight Jazz in less than 10 mins. [/quote] we've got a winner. I haven't met Chris yet but all I hear is excellent. He's at the same place where my previous go-to guy used to work: Rory Dowling, Taran Guitars... very talented but he's no longer in Edinburgh. I still meet him sometimes but it's more complicated as it takes me a good 90min to get to him. I think I'll email Chris and see if I get the whole thing done by him, as I tend to be a little impatient with a chisel and that's not a good thing Thanks!
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1468846607' post='3093712'] SIMS... not the cheapest but will cut the shape to order. If you can't get the bass there... then scan it for them. They don't use crappy pickguard material either... If the bass is worth it, then SIMS are worth it. [/quote] I had SIMS do a pickguard for me in the past, it was very good. Thanks for reminding me!
  16. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1468837542' post='3093608'] Warmoth do these. [url="http://www.warmoth.com/Pickguard/PBassPickguard.aspx"]http://www.warmoth.c...sPickguard.aspx[/url] [/quote] very interesting! postage is criminal but... this could be a good option if I do the routing on the body myself, thanks!
  17. [quote name='SubsonicSimpleton' timestamp='1468834108' post='3093575'] The same person that is going to route the body for the pups maybe? [/quote] well, that was going to be me... I'm handier with a chisel than what;s required to make a nice pickguard with bevelled edges etc...
  18. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1468851524' post='3093761'] I've been a bit non plussed with mine, although active they're stunning. Going back to passive though as I'm getting too many repair bills for my rigs. [b]The east is too hot I figure.[/b] Vintage style and stack knobs. [/quote] But it has trim pots inside so that you can adjust the output. Is that not doing the trick?
  19. I love the sound of the Jazz. I don't like the huge body or the thin neck. So I'm going to take my lovely yet redundant Matt Freeman Precision and add a J pickup to the bridge and change the P for a J. This requires a new pickguard routed for a J type pickup at the right spot. Now that BassDoc is no longer doing this, what is the best place to get this done?
  20. [quote name='Dsmnoisemaker' timestamp='1468687652' post='3092702'] Great!! I received your order, i will ship it this week!! [/quote] Fantastic!
  21. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1468683102' post='3092648'] So owners thus far are: police squad Musashimonkey Ruiner dazaudio njr911 King Tut Grant D rhcp128 Musicman20 maldy hiram.k.hackenbacker ....and that's just from this page without going through all the others. That's one popular model right there! [/quote] pity I'm all out of guitar rack space
  22. [quote name='Dsmnoisemaker' timestamp='1468684506' post='3092662'] It is a great idea..i researched that option and others for wireless monitoring, but as you hinted, latency was a big issue, together with distance range.. The other option was radio frequecy, it is easy to build a radio emmiter, but you just can't put a radio emmiter for professional use (due to fcc regulations), unless it is UHF (like nady) and that's another world..the emmitter would be bigger and much more complex than the OCSD..so..i just went for the feasible option [/quote] Oh, really? You even considered that option? that would have made that little box... well, not very little as you say after all! Maybe one day the bluetooth technology will be better (30ms latency for *low latency* bluetooth is just not good enough, as I have found out), or there will be something else. No biggie. It was just a thought. Omnicabsim just ordered, by the way I was going to wait but after checking a few more reviews, it does seem this will be perfect for me. Can't wait!
  23. Ah well, that's the end of the idea then At least regarding bluetooth. Thank you all!
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