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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. So I was looking into a multi function cab simulator pedal (it's also DI, etc etc) that looks pretty cool and it also doubles as a headphone amp, with a dedicated headphone out. That got me thinking... what if we hooked up a bluetooth transmitter to the headphone out, and use bluetooth earphones with it? That would allow for personal bass monitoring onstage... which may be interesting if it's that simple. Would that work? I suspect a problem may be latency... if there's latency in the bluetooth signal it would be useless for this purpose. But I really have no clue about what transmitters would be suitable or anything. Does anybody know any reasons why this would not work? Or if it would... any ideas what kind of gear I would need?
  2. Hmmm, about the headphone out... I've just had the crazy idea of using it to plug in a bluetooth transmitter of some sort together with wireless earphones: compact bass monitoring onstage. I wonder if anybody has tried something like that. I suspect the issue may be ensuring no/low latency from the bluetooth...
  3. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1468633529' post='3092324'] *sound of D string snapping in the distance* [/quote] At least it wasn't the G...
  4. [quote name='sellisnba' timestamp='1468594444' post='3092040'] Felt the need to resurrect this post a bit. I had these strings on my bass for around 6 weeks, bearing in mind I alternate between two basses and always look after my strings. So I'm fine tuning today and the D string snaps for no reason, pretty poor in my eyes for expensive strings. I've mailed Eb let's see what they say. It's a shame really because they are nice strings to play. [/quote] that's very disappointing! hopefully that is an exception, as I want my strings to last substantially longer than that (mine have been on for just over two months... fingers crossed)
  5. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1467836491' post='3086677'] Killer pedal. Exactly what I was looking for, quite amazing what this thing does to your sound through headphones/DI. Im still not sure if I will use this through an amp, but such is the quality of the sound I'm getting through headphones I will give it a go at rehearsal on Sunday, see what it does. There is very little about this company on Basschat; small business based out of Chile, here is their website [url="http://www.dsmnoisemaker.com."]http://www.dsmnoisemaker.com.[/url] I thoroughly recommend everyone check them out. Great bloke, already had a good chat with him about this pedal, cut from the same cloth as Doug Castro. [/quote] I was interested in hearing your comments as I think I'd use it pretty much the same way as you... and you've done nothing to disuade me. I must get my hands on one of these... MOT coming within the next couple of weeks. If it's good news I'm going straight to the website to order one!
  6. [quote name='bassintheface' timestamp='1468010521' post='3088118'] At short notice (last sun eve 'URGENT Facebook message' ) I got asked to attend and judge in a high school 'battle of the bands' by my mate who is head of music at a local school. The other judges were the singer and the drummer from my function band, plus another good friend (head of music at another school) plus none other Uli Jon Roth (of The Scorpions). We were asked to play a short set at the end of the show as judges, plus Uli Jon wanted to play a song too! Cue Monday eve and I find myself rehearsing 'all along the watchtower' with my drum buddy, keys player / teacher mate and Uli Jon Roth! An experience in itself! He had the famous 'sky' guitar with him (all 30 odd frets, scalloped, some whole tone) and some other crazy gear. It was like being in my own personal 'Spinal Tap' and I could type hundreds of words about it (like how he asked my mate to double up on a fast Cm arpeggio thing he was playing at lightening speed, which my buddy picked up super quick and got the best compliment from Uli - "when I played this with Steve Vai last year, he didn't pick this up as fast as you"). My mate you see used to play keys for Echo and the bunneymen, the lightning seeds and others when he was a session player!! Uli is a really nice guy and an amazing guitar player and musician, plus LOVES Hendrix! Get to Tuesday and we arrive at the venue having sourced a Marshall 4x12 for Uli (his gear was in transit from Spain to Denmark or something), do a quick sound check and are good to go. Show goes well and the kids are great, then we play a set, then the song with Uli - fair play, he was brilliant but also very complimentary to us all. He's now asked if he can guest with us in the new psychedelic blues band we've formed at a festival in Aug and do some shows with us going forward, plus we've swapped numbers and emails as he Said he liked my playing and asked if I'd be interested in playing bass with his band when he next tours! He has warned me though that he likes to play LOUD! This is the man who EVH, Vai, Satriani, Malmsteen and many more cite as a major influence! Music. Bloody hell. [/quote] wow!!!! amazing I quoted the whole thing because I loved reading it so much! I'm envious, but I can still feel lots of warm fuzzies even if it's not happening to me :-p I've never been closed to the man. I only saw him live once, a few years ago, with Glenn Hughes and someone else (Michael Schenker dropped from the bill due to 'personal issues')... Uli was incredible, and he does come across as a really cool guy.
  7. The Classic 50s is quite a step above the standard MIM Precision, so based on that alone I'd be looking at Classic 50s. Of course, you find some standards that are fantastic, so trying them before you buy is the best option, but you knew that so let's move on I own a Classic 50 (avatar, I replaced the pickguard, I didn't like the cold metal feel). The truss rod adjustment issue is stupid. Why oh why could they not put it in a more sensible place... it's not like it's a 100% perfect replica anyway! But having said that... it's not a big deal. I have a guitar with the same system and it's not as painful as it seems... but more painful than it needs to be, so it annoys me, but if the guitar is worth it I'll put up with it. My Classic 50 is worth it. I never adjusted the truss rod 'though. I've owned it for 2 years now. I bought it new and it was set up perfectly, and it's never needed adjustment. Perhaps the substantial neck helps with that stability. This neck is wider than a Standard. It's wider than just about any other Precision. It doesn't feel chunky, 'though. I love the Stingray and typical Precision neck more than a Jazz... and this feels very comfortable. I love the extra width. I love the glossy lacquered neck. And it sounds really good stock. I'd recommend you check one out first purely because of the neck dimensions, if you hear 'chunky neck' and you feel like running away. If you're comfortable with Precisions generally, this one may feel a bit different but not terribly so. It's actually not that chunky, it's wider but not uncomfortably deep. Between those two, the Classic 50, no doubt.
  8. Bought a couple of TKS cabs for around £1500 and a year later I sold them for the equivalent of £700... But I *now* know what I like. And I stay away from the For Sale forum
  9. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1468262546' post='3089713'] Depending on what you get, they're very flat to the neck, you don't notice they're on there. [/quote] I don't mind noticing them, but I used something like that before and the adhesive was not very strong. After not long they'd start drifting through normal playing, and some fell off.
  10. Gig last Sunday... first time in a new venue for us... while the Euro 16 footbal finals were on. Yup... at one point we played to ONE bartender. There were two guys in the kitchen who'd come out to hear us from time to time... By the end of the gig (3h slot) there were maybe 10-12 people. They made noise, 'though... and bar manager apologised to us for not having realised what night it was and said he loved us and we'll be back on Friday/Saturday slots. We actually had a ball. When you have just a handful of people really enjoying it, it's easy to give them all your attention... and it was fun. Glaswegians... when they're good they're the best
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1468083850' post='3088542'] Yes, it seems to put off quite a lot of people. But there's no reason for it. Like I said in the OP, the 'road wear' is a red herring that just diverts attention away from the fact that, if you're into vintage Fenders, this is as close as you're going to get without spending thousands on the real thing. Yes, it takes a leap of faith to buy one online without trying it, but if you find one used then it's absolutely a no-brainer. And as far as the 'road wear' goes - again as I said, I don't much care for the arm contour 'wear' and the faux fag-burn on the headstock, because they're on every P Bass and make it obvious that it's a Road Worn. Otherwise, the 'wear' is very plausible, particularly the ageing of the hardware. which is as good as I've seen. Bottom line is, it plays as well as any P and it sounds as good, too. I got mine a couple of weeks ago and I'm still having trouble putting it down. I'm wearing it now, as I type this. This Road Worn, my Diamond BCP-1, my Markbass SA450 and my newly-delivered Barefaced Two10 - just about where I want to be at the moment. [/quote] I know, I was very sceptical until I tried a friend's RW Jazz a few years ago and that was really something. So from that moment I opened my heart to the RW... not because of the RW aspect but because they seem to be great instruments. And I've tried a few more since. All were very good. But it still makes me hesitate... which worked out well for you
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1468075578' post='3088468'] You should have, it's exceptional. It's my A1, go-to bass. It's going nowhere. Don't know how Karl could bear to part with it. [/quote] It was the 'roadworn' aspect that made me hesitate. I think it looks good, but something inside me says it's a little strange... yet, having had those basses in my hands, I should have not hesitated that long... ah well, all the better for you!
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1468073188' post='3088446'] Yes it is. No-one is paying £500 just for 'road wear'. [/quote] that fiesta red RW of yours... you have no idea how many times I looked at it and almost PM'd Karl to take it off his hands I don't need it. At all. But I know what those basses are like and it was so tempting!
  14. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1466700567' post='3078027'] Oh good, another one of these threads! Opinion is split, I know a few who daren't say anything negative due to the way any negativity against these cabs always gets jumped on, and somehow the attackers make it seem BF is being picked on!! [/quote] That's not the impression I got. Before I got my first BF cab, and not knowing anything about the history of the company whatsoever, I would come across BF-related threads and I just could not understand the bahaviour of the participants. And by that I mean people seeming hellbent on jumping onto any BF thread to just be negative in a way that seemed... obsessive. It put me right off BF at first because it made me think that perhaps there was a reason behind that behaviour. Eventually the day came when I could try them for myself and... I still don't get that compulsive behaviour of some. I really don't. If there's any excessive lashing out from BF 'fans' (which is not pretty either) sometimes, it was not them who started it Of course you disagree. But my own observations are different from what you said, so I want to leave this message here
  15. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1468048706' post='3088227'] There is a bit more to it than that. [/quote] quite a bit more. I have a Classic 50 Precision and it;s a great bass... but the RW series one is a pretty different instrument
  16. The green one looks pretty interesting. Hmmm. £134 is not too bad either.
  17. I was going to recommend my girlfriend but... I will wait until I know what you'd want her for. edit: StingrayPete got there first, dang...
  18. I wish I could try one locally... I have decided to let my Jazz basses go and instead have a Maruszczyk made (Precision body and neck, but Jazz in sound), but this is a Jazz that I could perhaps live with with its slightly chunkier neck and... looking amazing... argh! I hate Basschat sometimes...
  19. I had that issue with a big MM type pickup in a Tanglewood Warrior. I used clear nail varnish over the pole pieces, the one that dries in 60 seconds. A couple of coats was enough. Eventually I fixed it with tape touching all polepieces from below and scratched the nail varnish away. But the nail varnish works, it's easy to apply and it's not really noticeable unless you know it's there.
  20. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1467889365' post='3087017'] Sorry Jose, didn't quite catch that? [url="http://s1354.photobucket.com/user/Karl_Altdorfer/media/007_zpsyqmrsugz.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] mantra: I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. I should sell Jazz basses, not buying more. [...]
  21. I really should stop reading this thread...
  22. shut up all of you I don't need a Jazz even if it's as pretty as that one. go away
  23. [quote name='Light Grenade' timestamp='1466676317' post='3077764'] I'm looking to switch up my cab setup into something a bit more portable, and after doing some reading, I think i'm going to go for 12" speakers, a pair ideally. Basically, due to the amount of brands out there, and where I live, it's pretty tough to 'try before I buy' as every retailer round about where I live seems to purely sell Ashdown. I'm after some portable cabs that have great lows and a rich mid range, I'm not wanting something with that hi-fi, scooped mid sound. I've had my eye on a few different cabs such as the Eden EX-112, Fender Rumble V3 & GK Neo range, but I have no idea what they sound like, and I never trust YouTube demos. I've also had a look the the Orange Isobaric cabs, and played through an SP212 a year or so ago, I was sure I really liked it at the time, but nearly every forum I've read has dragged it's name through the mud (pardon the pun), so that's made me re-think my interest. Major volume isn't a huge issue, as I go through the PA at nearly every gig I play. My budget is approximately £600/£700 and I play a Lakland Skyline 44-01, Mark Bass Big Bang & D'Addario Chrome flats, any help or recommendations would be much appreciated. [/quote] Two TKS S112 cabs. They are *very* portable and very light and just around the top end of your budget. They're not as 'deep' as some other (bigger) cabs, but they are capable of more than enough bottom end and most of all, they sound *fantastic*. The bottom end is very tight, very good definition, and have a great pleasant mid range. edit: ah, I got there late
  24. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1467185742' post='3081671'] Plus two cabs always looks better than one haha [/quote] Besides this very important point ... I often used two cabs onstage not so much for the extra volume -which was unnecessary just for stage- but because of having a second speaker closer to my ears really help me hearing myself, whilst avoiding turning up the volume much... so it makes balancing things on stage easier. But I doubt it's *necessary* in this case. Looking forward to hearing what the solution is for the OP
  25. [quote name='lowhand_mike' timestamp='1467116461' post='3081267'] eh? so what ive been told is all lies i stand corrected, though whats the point in buying an 800watt amp over a 300 if they dont matter [/quote] (The LM3 is 500W at 4 ohm) Watts sort of matter, but sort of don't. The loudness of your system depends on many factors, not just the watts. We're used to seeing just watts quoted and we tend to think 'whoa, that is 300W more powerful, it must be a hell of a lot louder' when in reality it often isn't that much louder. It soon becomes clear if you try it for yourself. I found out the hard and expensive way
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