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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='sprocketflup' timestamp='1461449352' post='3034799'] Years ago, Id have agreed. But having done it, and seen that actually, it does, I'm afraid I cannot any agree any longer. Weve had so many messages from folk who have gone on to buy Kates entire back catalogue off the back of one of our gigs. [/quote] yup... it does get people buying music by the originals. I saw that with RATM and RHCP cover bands I've been in too. edit: hell! *I* bought the entire catalogue of those bands to be able to learn their songs, for I wasn't precisely a big fan beforehand!
  2. weekend bump. £550 for both, or £285 each (plus postage if required) Could possibly deliver/meet half-way if reasonably close to Edinburgh... say within 90min drive from Edinburgh or so.
  3. [quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1461342549' post='3033897'] Jeez. I used to be technical. Guess I'm getting old cos that sounds like hard word. Thanks anyway! [/quote] it isn't! You already did the hard work which is getting it in dropbox! the rest... it's just too many words for something simple. Give it a try, you'll see
  4. [quote name='bigjimmyc' timestamp='1461342095' post='3033886'] [html]https://www.dropbox.com/sc/hbdgwpotu5mo6jw/AACJhwIJw8ueB1668CfxyqKTa[/html] Does this work? [/quote] If you put the picture under the 'Public' folder in Dropbox, you can generate a 'public link'. You can then use that public link to embed an image here easily... just click on the 'picture' icon above (see the tweeter T above, three more to the left, that's it) and paste that link, et voila! If you are using the Dropbox application on a PC, just navigate to the Public folder and locate your picture, right click and the menu will contain a 'copy public link' item. Or using the website, again navigate to the file and a similar option will be there, as long as it's within the public folder.
  5. yup... lines I don't care for, but side marks to indicate where the frets would be are very useful for me, as I don't often play fretless. No pedal sounds remotely close to the real thing. They just have that soft attack characterwhich can be cool but... a cheap fretless is the way to go in my opinion. It's not hard to make it sound acceptable.
  6. [quote name='EHP' timestamp='1461252821' post='3032936'] Hello I'm interested in the cabs, where are you based? [/quote] I'm in Edinburgh.
  7. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1461147451' post='3031789'] It's a tough market at the moment... Great price! I'd have these if I wasn't already happy with my two cabs [/quote] It is! I'm also happy with 2x S112 and 2x BB2. Either set fits nicely in my boot and sound great. I lean towards the S112 for sound, even if the BB2 is still pretty cool I marginally prefer the S112.
  8. [quote name='olliedf89' timestamp='1461225935' post='3032544'] Yeah I'll start a topic in there at the weekend if I don't manage a solution. I did do that yeah and it did reduce the problem, though not all of it. It did give me very high action then which isn't really what I'm after, but I'm still playing about with the setup. Just seems strange that I can do whatever I want to the other strings, it's just the E that is rebelling! I'm gonna have to stick some tape over the pup I think! [/quote] the problem is not the pickup. That 'clack' is not the pickup. Seriously, take it to *real* tech for it to be sorted. You'll love the result and wonder why it took you so long to do that.
  9. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1461191897' post='3032416'] I'd be very interested if it was available as 4 ohm 😟 My valve amp will go to 2, but my other amps (like many) only go to 4 and I wouldn't want to have different cabs for different heads. As a one cab solution, I think BF may have a limited market of players who'll go for it because of this. [/quote] It won't make much difference between 4 and 8, really.
  10. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1461221745' post='3032505'] Nice handles! [/quote] I was wondering how long it would take for someone to say something... I love those handles too!
  11. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1461189569' post='3032390'] Not a lot in it between a 4 or 8ohm single-cab solution. Going from one 8ohm cab to two 8ohm cabs is a different kettle of fish, however. [/quote] what this man says.
  12. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1461178332' post='3032259'] ....and the question most unasked - why did you not put a TKS badge on it? PS - I was gonna say Barefaced, but I designed that logo years ago and I understand it's not for everyone. I don't mind it, but I'd do it differently now, esp for the more vintage looking cabs. Alex, give me a shout if you want a retro design badge. Same cost as last ones, i.e. nowt. D. [/quote] I personally like the logo very much. Well done, Deek!
  13. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1461139010' post='3031705'] I don't see how the era you grew up in has any relevance to what you like today. My musical development took place in the 70s and early 80s, but I'd be the first to admit that the vast majority of artists that I liked back then have done nothing of any real interest for at least the last 25 years. I could simply stick with the recordings that I'm familiar with but TBH I think that's rather sad and pathetic. Luckily it has never been easier to listen to anything from any era and any genre, and guess what? There's loads of music out there that I have never heard before that I really like. Some of it are older things that I had missed the first time around or even pre-date when I got into music. Some even pre-date my birth! But there's also lots of new bands that I like and many of them aren't just updated versions of what I grew up with. The result is that the CDs and records that I have been buying recently cover pretty much every era of "popular music" from the 50s right through to debut releases by brand new bands. I'm still enjoying a lot of the recordings that I grew up with, but there's an awful lot of music made before and since that are just as interesting and exciting to me. When it was made is completely irrelevant. The only thing that matters is that I like it. So by all means ignore Flea because you don't like the music he plays, but don't dismiss him simply because he's not from the generation that got you into music. [/quote] nicely put
  14. [quote name='Chienmortbb' timestamp='1461099043' post='3031543'] Has anyone got the dimensions of these pups. [/quote] not right here, but can measure them at home. They're a bit taller than most others. With regards to the covers, they're easily replaced: the original had ears that were too big for the routing in my bass (Mike Dirnt, clean wood routing) so I just changed the covers for teh small-ear version.
  15. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1461107134' post='3031602'] If you've got SEND and RETURN sockets on the back of your amp, connect them together using a spare guitar lead. [/quote] Yes, try this! Those sockets can sometimes create trouble.
  16. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1460901318' post='3029628'] Incidentally, you know why the headstock is the shape it is? Ol' Leo wasn't daft when it came to saving a dollar or two.... [/quote] aha!
  17. listening to the video again... it *is* a simple set-up matter. I've had basses that were like that. I had an old Jazz like that on purpose because it was cool to play 'Fleaesque' riffs on it... did you try? : [quote]I'd feel tempted to raise the E saddle a fraction and add a bit more relief by loosening the truss rod a tiny bit, and see how it goes.[/quote]
  18. [quote name='olliedf89' timestamp='1461084524' post='3031335'] *sigh* so thank you for all of your help so far. I've been playing about with the bass but to no real end. I took it to my local guitar shop today and he looked at it and couldn't work out the issue. He also (fairly enough) said he wouldn't take it to the tech as he was a grumpy bastard who would return it and tell me to just play lighter. I've attached another video in a last effort to try and fix it. I love this bass and I'd hate to see it relegated to the corner of the room. Here's another video from next to my amp, you can hear the issue better here, I switch between strings but when it's on the E you can hear the thump of the fingerstyle attack. [url="https://www.dropbox.com/s/hw431s5b6ex04d6/VIDEO0046.mp4?dl=0"]https://www.dropbox....EO0046.mp4?dl=0[/url] I'm going to get some new flats and possibly some new pups to see if any of that helps. Any recommendations? Thanks again! This is taking some patience! [/quote] that about the grumpy tech is one of the most ridiculous excuses I've ever heard... seriously. Take it somewhere else: that bass deserves to LIVE GLORIOUSLY!!! (I had one, and they're great basses!). There must be some competent techs in your area (unfortunately I'm too far to be any use)... I'd try posting on 'General Discussion' asking about good bass techs near you. I bet you'll get good pointers and your bass will revive.
  19. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1460790446' post='3028704'] Is it part of your agreement with the manager that this maximum fee has to come explicitly from his pocket? Maybe it's always a mix like this and, depending upon how much the crowd donates, the manager takes more or less of a loss for which he then has to make up the difference. Or was last night a change as to how you've done it in the past? I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but I feel that specifics like this do throw a completely different light on the matter. [/quote] That is a good point. And it would not be unreasonable. But the collection has to be presented as being collected in order to put live music in the bar, I think.
  20. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1461001616' post='3030553'] Not my generation, never been a fan.Never considered him as a big league player. Flea is not and has never been in the same league as a McCartney, Stanley Clark, Larry Grahm, Rocco Prestia, Chuck Rainy or Willie Weeks etc... Blue [/quote] That's very subjective. I'd argue that probably Flea himself would say he is *NOT* in the same league as those guys but he has been pretty influential too. McCartney leaves me cold, while a lot of Flea's stuff really speaks to me (a lot of it leaves me cold too... Flea is capable of the most beautiful basslines and the most inane too...).
  21. [quote name='Tee' timestamp='1461001171' post='3030548'] Are you saying the LM3 has a more pleasing tone/body/feel to your ears? I like the idea of the multi band (spectra)comp on the TC though, built in tuner etc. But i would probably take better tone over features at the end of the day. I'd say the DI out tone/quality is pretty important to me due to its use live/recording. But i guess the DI quality is directly related to the quality of the preamp (pre-EQ). [/quote] Absolutely. For me, of course. The LM3 feels more 'solid', whatever tone I go for. I liked all the built-in features of the RH450. They're impressive indeed! The 4-band semiparametric seems very versatile. IN practice... after playing with them a bit I stuck to the default centres. That's just me, of course. The 'tube tone' I was not very keen on. The compressor is very good and very transparent. The tuner... is a great thing to have. I'd rather use the LM3 and buy a compressor and a tuner. Presets are useful... but limitedly, for me... I have no problem turning the knobs when I need a different sound. I do most of my tone shaping at the bass anyway. The DI is very good in either of them, I'd say. I've recorded our second album with the LM3 DI (into expensive studio equipment) with a Stingray and it received very good comments. I recorded the first with the RH450... no complaints there either. Tone is subjective to a large degree. I would be ok with an RH450 if that's all I could use. It's not bad. But I really prefer the LM3. It's an amp that gives me the sound I like with minimal tweakage, so I may be lucky. But there's something else with the bottom end that feels... perhaps tighter and bigger? with the LM3, and the RH450 never fully satisfied me.
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