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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Tee' timestamp='1460998527' post='3030518'] Is it reasonable to compare the LM3 to the RH450, if you were in the market for a head like that? The TCs look feature rich, but what [i]is[/i] the TC 'sound' exactly? Likewise what is the MB sound? I've heard warm and articulate for MB. Any other view or descriptions? [/quote] I don't think the compare at all. I was in the market for a head like that and chose the RH450 over the LM3 because I found a good deal in a local shop and I liked the features etc. Later on I tried the LM3 and I regretted going for the RH450. The RH450 was ok, but never fully satisfied me, and had something in the low end that i could not put my finger on, while the LM3 just sounded 'right' without much (or any) tweaking. I now own only the LM3 (for a while I had both)
  2. [quote name='Number6' timestamp='1460720838' post='3028150'] So a bassplayer is given the oportunity of playing a very high profile tune on a very high profile event and he plays sh*te like that! Hahahahahaha unbelieveable really Bassdom should feel let down. P.S i'm not a Flea fan i might add. [/quote] I'm a big Flea fan.... but I was disappointed. He can do much better than that.
  3. [quote name='Paul S' timestamp='1460829729' post='3029216'] Hot Rod Pickups - [url="http://www.hot-rodpickups.com/pb-thumper-precision-bass-pickup-574-p.asp"]http://www.hot-rodpi...ickup-574-p.asp[/url] I like the Fender Original, sometimes confusingly called the '62 Re-Issue pickup. [/quote] That's the one! And yes.. good call about the original/62... it took me a while to realise they were the same too
  4. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1460769918' post='3028669'] I agree with the OP, that's shameful behaviour, but I imagine the owner is collecting money from the punters to meet your fee so he can pocket the takings from the till. Is it right? No. Is it nice? No. Fair? No. Smart? I hate myself for this, but.....probably. It's sickening. I actually got mad reading the original post. [/quote] But then collect not 'for the band' but 'so that this venue can keep bringing bands'. If they pass a jar for the band I would hate that the cash I put in doesn't end up in the band's pockets. I'd feel I'd been lied to.
  5. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1460578935' post='3027062'] Think I would be tempted to go with Fender 62 custom shop pups. [/quote] or these!
  6. [quote name='Yawn_Blah' timestamp='1460574955' post='3027013'] [b]Voiced:[/b] [b]1. vintage, not modern[/b] [b]2. not boomy, good thump, good mids, not growly, good but not sizzling highs.[/b] - i use XL chromes - i tried SD SPB-2 & 3s. on SPB-2s i love their mids and hi mids's balance (strong mids vs moderate hi mids) but disliked the boominess and i think they lack in the top end (to my ears). on SPB-3s i love what's happening in the lows (strong lows while not boomy at all and very thumpy) and hate the rest (scooped mids, exaggerated highs ...) - budget is tight so boutiques are not an option for me. - output doesn't matter. - how are SPB-1s? please share your knowledge and experience with me. i'll appreciate that. Cheers -T [/quote] You're describing the Wizard Thumper, I think. The company stopped trading, but someone else continued their designs with the same machinery I believe... I can't recall their name 'though. Still, I'm pretty sure the pickup is still called Thumper. I have one I'm not using but... I'm holding on to it
  7. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1460669481' post='3027814'] Everyone should own a pedal that offers extra width and gain Ideal if you have two very different basses that need a boost and some extra girth [/quote] this man is right! it allows you to dial in the midrange *just so* (or whatever, but I used for midrange)... it can make your bass cut through a little better when you're having a hard time being heard and the standard bass/amp controls don't offer the same degree of refined adjustment... or dial in that 'slap tone preset' that has the right amount of presence and depth, and eliminates unwanted volume differences between fingers and slap, for example... or dial in a deep yet defined reggae sound when it's a sound you only need in a few songs... or... (the list could go on). In fact... I should probably keep it even if I don't use it right now. It's the second one of these that I've owned. My Stingray has a midsweep control (John East) and it's the bass I use the most these days... but I bet I'll go back to the Precision and I may miss this pedal... So I guess this is the last bump If there's no interest I'll let the post drop into obscurity
  8. amazing selection of overdrive/distortions... a few classic ones, and lots of funky/synthy ones, and it even has an octave effect. price drop, £70 and it includes delivery now.
  9. [quote name='moooper' timestamp='1460558330' post='3026801'] Company is Parcel Monkey The greatest care is taken when parcels are handled by hand during the sorting processes. However, whilst �Handle With Care� labeling would ensure careful manual handling, this would not affect the mechanised sorting processes. Being a reseller passing thousands of parcels each week to the designated couriers, our partners have to use mechanised sorting systems. Therefore, goods despatched on our services have to be packaged correctly in order to withstand the rigors of our mechanical sorting processes. Please be assured that the vast number of parcels despatched on our services are delivered without incident and that the occurrence of damage is rare. Kindly note we made you aware that all items must be correctly packaged before transit, that is sufficient amount of bubble wraps must be used to wrap the item. We then advise customers to use additional cushioning materials to ensure all edges are covered as well then use a strong cardboard box as the outer packaging. Taking into consideration all of the above I regret I cannot change the status of your claim. I recognise this is not the response you were hoping for and I am sorry I cannot offer a more favourable reply. Once again please accept my apologies for the inconvenience and concern which this matter has clearly generated. [/quote] the problem is no matter how hard a box is, it does nothing against a sharp deceleration, which is why you can get severe internal injuries in a car crash despite seatbelts and airbags. Can you imagine the amount of crumpling material needed to protect a speaker cab dropped from a height of 1.5m? Do you think it's unreasonable to expect that parcels will not be dropped from such a height? Do you imagine the height a parcel must fall to generate the force necessary to shear a magnet? There's insufficient package and there's inadequate courier practices.
  10. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1460490047' post='3026256'] Admirably putting their own spin on it and refusing to slavishly reproduce the original. Even going that extra mile and giving the bass player a completely different song to learn from the other two players. Genius. [/quote]
  11. [quote name='Deep Thought' timestamp='1460488199' post='3026229'] What astounds me is that they felt it was good enough to put up on YouTube. I would kill to make sure NOBODY ever got to hear that if it was me. [/quote] what astounds me is that nobody stopped 2 seconds in and asked everybody else to listen to the other guys so that they can play in time.
  12. I find some of the pedal names very amusing
  13. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1460645097' post='3027551'] You don't get a dedicated tap switch.. but you hold the pedal down for two seconds and then tap is engaged. Then you do the same to go back to just being on/off. Would have thought most pedals would be the same. Plus there's a selection of different delays/slicers and tremelos. All in a boss sized pedal. [/quote] ah! I had the impression that it was more involved, going through the menus etc. That can definitely work too.
  14. [quote name='lefrash' timestamp='1460614636' post='3027189'] One of the zoom ms range. I've got the 50g and the 60b. Both do it and are single pedal sized. I just so happen to be selling my ms50g... ahem [/quote] I did think of that too, but I thought the tap-tempo function is a little more involved to get at, isn't it? The Line6 is ideal, 'though. I sent him the link, we'll see. I like the functionality of the Zoom, personally... but for our purposes I think the Line6 is the winner
  15. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1460626355' post='3027312'] Ted: Would you look at that. Its as smooth as a baby's bottom. Dougal: You'd know all about that Ted. [/quote]
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1460622058' post='3027260'] If there's one thing everyone on this forum likes above all else, it's a big bottom. [/quote] I'm about to enjoy an increased Big Baby's bottom... erm... I'm talking cabs, I swear!
  17. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1460560007' post='3026818'] Is that Thomann's fault ? I thought they used couriers to deliver stuff, usually DHL in Germany, parcel force over here. If you click on the tracking you can activate the email notification thing to track progress of the shipment. [/quote] yeah, unfortunately it depends on the local depot/delivery and Thomann (or any company for that matter) have little control over that. It's frustrating.
  18. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1460556221' post='3026778'] There are quite a lot, but some of them are [i]very[/i] spendy. Off the top of my head: Empress Tremolo Diamond Tremolo Suhr Jack Rabbit (has tap tempo and strum tempo) Seymour Duncan Shape Shifter Chase Bliss Gravitas (total overkill for your needs by the sound of it) Line6 Tonecore Tap Tremolo Cusack Tap-A-Whirl If you want a cheap one then the best option is probably something like a line6 M5. The tremolo effects on the M5 seem to be very popular and they're very cheap pedals. If you can find a second hand Seymour Duncan that's probably a good choice too. I have an Empress and its fantastic. Its very simple to operate. [/quote] Cool, thanks! The Line6 looks just perfect, and it's cheap which he would like too
  19. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1460554449' post='3026757'] Electix MoFX has probably the most versatile Tremolo I've come across - complete with both tap-tempo and MIDI sync. [/quote] neither a pedal nor simple! I nearly choked when I saw the picture of that thing Thank you guys, please keep them coming!
  20. any suggestions? the simpler the better. I imagine there will be a lot of multiFX pedals out there that can do this but I'm looking for a small pedal that allows to select the rate by tapping a switch easily. The guitarist in a band I'm with uses his Boss tremolo and his constant fiddling trying to get the rate right is very tiring... the rate has to be right locking with the drums and bass... and adjusting it by tapping would be sooo nice. I just can't suggest a pedal to do that as I have no idea.
  21. I just looked at the video... frankly, it just looks like a mild setup issue to me, especially with the way it gets worse as you fret the higher notes on the E string. I hear a lot of fret buzz and it even chokes a bit on the higher notes. I can't really say without having the bass in my hands, but I'd feel tempted to raise the E saddle a fraction and add a bit more relief by loosening the truss rod a tiny bit, and see how it goes. Does the neck look like it's sitting perfectly square in the pocket, and not slightly tilted with a gap on the E string side? Don't be afraid to experiment with the setup (let's not go into fret levelling etc, just basic geometry adjustments)... you'll learn a bunch in the process... and if you can't get it right you'll end up taking it to a guitar tech anyway, so try to learn something first The Lakland videos above are pretty good.
  22. [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1460536511' post='3026490'] The Barefaced 12" range does sound different to the 10", and is more HiFi. I was a bit disappointed at first when I got my Super Compact as I had got used to the old school warmth of the One 10. It is a matter of adapting the signal chain and adding a touch of colour in the amp, in my case. Also, the SC came into its own on a recent gig with its clarity and headroom, and should be great when I get back to playing upright. The Barefaced team are far more knowledgeable than I am, and really helpful as you have found. So I would not hesitate in taking their advice, should you go with BF. In the interest of balance, there are of course other excellent options including Genz Benz which I have used as a very dependable and great sounding system (now Genzler). [/quote] That was my initial experience too with the BF BB2, being used to more 'coloured' cabs. You get used to a certain flavour being provided by the cab rather than the bass/amp, and the first experience can be a bit disappointing if you're in a hurry. But very soon you realise what those cabs can sound like. The Retro series is probably more 'traditional'... I haven't had the chance to try them yet.
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