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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='paul h' timestamp='1460536967' post='3026495'] I used to play a Markbass LMII through an Aguilar 1x12 (I forget exactly which model) and now I use a TC BH550 through a Barefaced Gen1 Compact. The Markbass rig always sounded a little harsh and aggressive to me whereas my current rig is very full and warm. I would absolutely go TC head with a BF One10...especially with PA support. [/quote] The head in the RS210c is an RS series head, which is a very different animal from the BH550, 'though. I love the Markbass LM3 and find it very warm but the guitarist in a previous band had a BH550 head with 2x 212 cabs and I have to admit I thought it made very good sounds. Pretty full. I liked that better than my RS450 rig.
  2. [quote name='lastanthem88' timestamp='1460538304' post='3026523'] Thanks Paul - alot of guys tell me that TC power outputs are still very misleading? [/quote] They are, at least on the RS series heads. The RS450 is not 450W but something like 236W... however, they are loud, especially if you put it through some efficient speakers. I sold mine after 3 years not because it lacked volume, but because I found amps I liked a lot more. It was my first decent amp, and being so portable made me overlook other aspects at the time. Eventually I found other amps that were as small but sounded a lot better (in my opinion). So don't worry about the watts too much. It's not a huge difference between 250 and 450W in terms of volume if you have the right speakers anyway. Certainly not if you mostly want a stage monitor.
  3. [quote name='arcochazz' timestamp='1460530624' post='3026439'] You have a pm [/quote] PM respondido
  4. It's not tuned one octave too low, is it? Nah... that would be so floppy it wouldn't even vibrate, I'd imagine... Really strange, I can't picture it in my head. Any chance of a quick video?
  5. [quote name='Alanbass' timestamp='1460450961' post='3025739'] will you split these? thanks [/quote] I would, sure.
  6. don't be too put off by the 12 ohm thing on the 210... there will be a difference in output but it's likely a lot less pronounced than you think (especially when you have a reasonably powerful amp)
  7. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1460444090' post='3025670'] Brilliant cabs. If someone is from the South and wants to try these out before buying, you'd be welcome to play through my two. [/quote] the spirit of BC is well and truly alive
  8. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1460443897' post='3025667'] Damn! If these had come up a month ago... [/quote] I know, eh? But I *had* to try 4 of these together
  9. [quote name='rmorris' timestamp='1460410309' post='3025561'] You mention that it was purchased new. So did you buy it online or bricks and mortar shop or whatever ? It seems to me that[b] the retailer has primary responsibility[/b] for it and should take remedial action (no pun intended :-) Hope it works out well. [/quote] not if you damage it, however...
  10. This is my beloved MarkBass combo... I bought it in the Summer of 2013. Made in Italy, it weighs a mere 13Kg. It's very compact, but the 12" speaker is a loud beast. The combo can output 500W with an extension speaker, or 300W into the built-in speaker alone. The head is essentially a MarkBass Little Mark III (the newer version with switchable post/pre DI and level control for the DI). I have played many gigs with the combo alone, as it makes the perfect stage monitor: it's easy to carry and much much louder than its size would suggest. I have also played a few gigs with just the combo, without any support, in small bars in town such as City Cafe, Hemma, Badabing and numerous pubs, as long as you are not playing Motorhead covers . With the addition of an extension speaker, however, you get a very powerful yet compact rig. I play in a ska/funk band with two trumpets and a sax, three guitars and a drummer... and this amp has never let me down. The amp has seen a lot of action, as it is so portable I was using it as a practice amp at home as well. I have been reluctant to sell it, but I'm using a different modular solution these days and I don't have room for all... It comes with a RoqSolid cover that has a pocket where you can keep cables and accessories. The amp is in good cosmetic condition as I've always looked after it and kept in covered when not in use. I have however replaced the ends of the handle. The original ones are made of hard plastic, and last year I took it apart to check whether the rubber was fraying, as I heard there were some issues sometimes... and I discovered that the central plastic post was nearly sheared off!!! This would have meant that one day I could have been walking down the stairs with it and... crack, whops... there goes the amp! So I located a similar handle with metal attachments and used that instead, for safety. You can see in one of the pictured that the metal ends have a slightly different shape. I also have a replacement MarkBass handle, new and unused, that you can have. I contacted MarkBass regarding the handle issue and they simply sent me a new handle. I never installed because I trust the metal ones more... but if you want to restore the original look, you can. In addition I have a replacement tweeter. It's supposed to have a smoother better sound than the original, but I never bothered to fit it to test it... I have no use for it once the combo goes so if you want it, I'll give it to you free as well. All this for £450.
  11. £60 including postage Lots of interesting synthy distortions and a couple of standard ones, plus octave effects, with EQ, dry-blend, noise gate, two footswitches for two programmable presets... Barely used, great condition... it has velcro on the bottom however.
  12. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1460394453' post='3025358'] Same here. I do tighten them up with a spanner though. I do know of people who have them come loose, but they are invariably the same people that only finger tighten them. [/quote] That may be it. I never had issues with them (when I still used them), but I tightened them with a wrench. Now I use Grolsch rubber washers and they work beautifully. Shame I don't like the beer that much
  13. [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1460386402' post='3025228'] I have used both for big band rehearsals. The TC had very little in reserve. The One 10 needs my Tecamp Puma 500 master at 10 or 11 o'clock with everything else flat and a Jazz neck pup doing the driving. Even then the bass was backed off a bit. Side by side the One 10 clearly had more bass. I know it does not visually make sense, but there are technical reasons why the One 10 is so good. My experience backs up Barefaced's claims. I find the old-school sound of the One10 ideal for P and J pickups. [/quote] Thank you for that... now I'm even more curious
  14. [quote name='DBerriff' timestamp='1460378103' post='3025115'] I have owned both and the TC is nowhere near as loud or deep as a single Barefaced One 10 (driven by a Tecamp Puma). Two One 10s will be in a different league altogether. You can use the head of your choice; stick with MarkBass if you are happy with the sound. Sorry, but for me it is no contest, apart from the one-box convenience and the very clever Toneprint effects. Edit: and the cost of course. [/quote] That's interesting (the comparison between the One10 and the RS210). Is the One10 really fuller sounding than the RS210? I was not a fan at all of the RS210... but when I look at the One10 I can't help thinking "it can't be that deep/loud, surely". Yet, I've owned BF's Compact and BB2 and I'm pretty impressed by their performance, so can the hype about the One10 be real too? In other words: dang, I really want to hear a pair of those! I'm very happy with my current solution(s) but now I'd love to hear a couple of those One10 cabs too... I really should not read this forum. I have spent far too much money since I joined
  15. [quote name='Gamble' timestamp='1460319016' post='3024673'] Just looking for opinions, I'm considering fitting flush mount Dunlop straplocks to my Warwick Corvette $$ (I like them, already got them on 3 of my basses) but not sure if they'd put anyone off if I ever came to sell the bass. Ta! [/quote] I'm not a fan... but they would not turn me off enough to pass on a bass that I liked.
  16. what he said. I used the RS210 cab for a while... not the lightest or best sounding, in my opinion. I'd be tempted to get a MarkBass LM3 head (what you have in your combo) and pair it with a lightweight cab. There are lots out there that would be light and portable, and loud enough as a stage monitor. My favourite rig right now is precisely a MarkBass LM3 with 1 or 2 TKS S112 cabs. They're small and very light (10Kg). They do not have the sheer volume that some other cabs have, but I find it quite adequate. I use one cab as a monitor or for rehearsals with one band, and for another band I often use 2 because I love the extra oomph... and they're extremely portable. disclaimer: I happen to have 2 of those cabs for sale (I have 4 in total, which is overkill so I'm keeping 2), but that's not why I'm talking about them, I'm just a big fan of them because of their sound and weight. Regardless, I'd try a head + cab rather than using the RS210: I had it and I think it's too heavy for what it is. I can tolerate that weight if I love the sound, but I did not. Barefaced make some very loud and compact/light cabs, I like those too a lot.
  17. those dark blue ones with the beige grille look amazing! When I ordered mine, I liked the "V-frame" but I wasn't entirely sure about the cloth covered grille... if I had seen these I'd have probably ordered something similar! In the end I went for the beautiful -yet boring by comparison- plain blue ones: The foldable Wolfcraft trolley makes it a breeze to take them anywhere... although they're so light that I often don't bother anymore. Still, great cart to have around.
  18. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1460104180' post='3022541'] Personally, I've never had a problem with Thomann, but from what you've said, aren't most of the problems you've had to do with negotiating a discount in order to keep it? Always problematic in my experience. Straight up return would have been far simpler and relatively hassle free. Plenty of other amps that can do the same job, whatever it is that you've bought. [/quote] That's what I think too. Email is never going to be a fast way to negotiate a discount, where you may need a more open two-way communication channel. Try phoning them for that and I'm sure you'll get an answer within minutes, even if it's not the answer you want, If you just want to return it, Thomann makes it pretty easy.
  19. I like this pedal a lot. I find that the tone control is a 'secret weapon' here, allowing you to get smooth overdrive or really dirty gritty sounds, depending. I have used it a lot in the past for low gain sounds too, with the tone control towards the low end, pretty fat and smooth.
  20. [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I got two pairs, yes, two pairs, that's FOUR of these little beauties...[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I thought that a pair of these ultra light and portable and beautiful sounding cabs couldn't possibly be loud enough, so about a week after I got my first pair I had the chance to buy another pair and went for it.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]As it turns out, four speakers are a LOT of fun, but it really is not necessary as two of them do get a lot louder than their diminutive size suggests and work just fine for me (and 4 of them kind of defeats the purpose of having a portable rig [/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif])... so I'm letting the black pair go.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Specs:[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Impedance: 8 Ω[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Power handling (high average power test signal): 250 W RMS[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Recommended amplifier power: 150-300 W RMS @ 8 Ω[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Sensitivity[average]: 99 dB SPL @ 1W/1m[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Sensitivity[100Hz]: 98 dB SPL @ 1W/1m[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Sensitivity[max]: 103 dB SPL @ 1,5 kHz, 1W/1m[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Frequency response (-10db): 46 Hz – 4,8 kHz[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Displacement: 237 cm³[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Measurements (WxHxD): 52x38x33 cm[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Weight: 10 kg[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]more info here:[/font] [url="http://www.bassgear.co.uk/product/tks-engineering-s112/"]http://www.bassgear....gineering-s112/[/url] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]They are very good sounding cabs (in my opinion, which is why I keep one set). They can be used on their side or vertically, as they have feet on both side and bottom.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]They do not have massive lows when compared to bigger cabs perhaps, although respond well to boosting them at the amp a bit. They have something going on in the low mids that gives them a presence I love. They have lots of definition and sound punchy and full, without getting boomy. I love their sound. I use a Stingray mostly, but also Precisions, and both work really well through a MarkBass LM3 or a Genz Benz Streamliner 900 and these cabs. I actually prefer the LM3.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]They're extremely light and easy to carry anywhere. I use one of them alone for most rehearsals and as a stage monitor. For rehearsals, placed on the ground, with a band comprising three guitars, drums, trumpet and sax, it was plenty with the LM3 not being pushed hard at all. I used two of them for loud rehearsals (RATM covers band) in a very large room, and they behave beautifully. They'll easily work by themselves without further support in small bars (except in a Motorhead covers band, perhaps [/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]. I've played many gigs using a MarkBass CMD121P combo with an extension speaker, and these will work probably as well, but sound better.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Anyway, here they are.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]They are in excellent condition and come with very nicely padded TKS covers.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]These would cost you £414 each (£369 + £5 extra feet for vertical configuration + £40 cover), so £828 total.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]I'll let them both go for £550.[/font] [font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Great cabs. I just don't need 4 of them.[/font]
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