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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='mr.noisy' timestamp='1459422083' post='3016337'] They do sound great, and surf green isn't boring by any means, still looks great and I might get one as a backup. Pickups do sound great, very growly. It reminds me of a MIJ Geddy Lee jazz that I had a few years back. Even with the tone rolled all the way down they still got some of that growl there. Did you keep the pickguard stock on yours? [/quote] I changed the pickguard and knobs on mine. Just because! I don't have pictures of it as it is now, just this one where I just placed the pickguard on it, unscrewed, and placed the cream knobs on top of the existing black ones... but it gives you an idea:
  2. [quote name='RickyV' timestamp='1459426653' post='3016421'] Mmmmm. Have looked at these before but not gone for one. Now thinking I really need to! Probably go for the all black with the maple. What are the strings like tho? Are they a decent branded set or just stock J&D's which will need changing straight away? [/quote] I like the stock strings, so I left them on. It's very rare I do that, but they felt and sounded great to me.
  3. [quote name='highwayman' timestamp='1459286805' post='3015225'] Update, I'm now in possession of a gorgeous 2eq black Stingray with a stunning maple neck - I love it! Although I think the black pick guard looks superb I've also bought a mirrored one, however I'll wait until I have a degree of competency before I fit it... [/quote] welcome to the Stingray club! Nice choice. I hope you enjoy it as it is and be done... *however*, if you feel there's a little something that could make it batter and can't put your finger on it, I'll share two experiences with 2EQ preamps that *for me* transformed a good bass into a much better bass. 1) replace the original 2EQ with a John East MMSR 3-band 3-knob preamp. Straight replacement. The mids are flat at the centre detent, so you get the 2EQ flavour still (although I find John East's a bit tighter and more refined than my 2002 one was), and the mids with mid-sweep frequency control just opens it up tremendously. So versatile. 2) rewire the pickup from parallel to series. The series configuration has a bit more punch, more mids... and for me that works perfectly with an original 2EQ. Just suggestions in case one day you get bored with it. I hope you don't
  4. [quote name='EmmettC' timestamp='1456091563' post='2985361'] The John East MM pre-amp is amazing, based on the original MM pre-amp, and with the optional sweepable mid control it's just so versatile. That's what I would do, in fact I did. [/quote] and that's what I did too in my 2002 2EQ model. It transformed a great bass into an amazing bass.
  5. I have the 'boring' surf green one... pretty cool basses, eh? I like the pickups on mine too, they sound righteous!
  6. [quote name='ribbetingfrog' timestamp='1459383596' post='3016112'] Just bought a pbxn to pop in a Squier Affinity I've got knocking around. The stock pups are flat, characterless and have no punch. Will put my two pence worth in when they are fitted. If I like it then it'll be the tuners next, they're crap too! [/quote] be prepared for a huge jump in output! Those things are loud!
  7. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1459379507' post='3016090'] If a BB2 isn't loud enough (and I do understand what you mean) then it's time to DI into the PA. However, I know how good a pair of speakers can sound. That's why I also have a Super Midget to pair with my BB2. Frank [/quote] The 2x BB2 scenario is for when there's no PA to plug into. However I've sometimes used the BB2+Compact when I had PA support. Yes, it was overkill as a monitor but it was easy to get a good sound onstage without being loud.
  8. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1459271506' post='3015005'] I wouldn't touch the truss rod so soon after unpacking. The relief is nil I take it, i.e. touching the frets? Give it time to adjust and warm up, if there is still any issue I would contact them to ask why it has been set up how it has. Shouldn't have to worry about back bow or any other issues on a brand new freshly setup bass. [/quote] a freshly set up bass... in a likely different weather, after travelling and being stored cold etc etc... It's not unusual that something will move. But it should be pretty easy to restore it to what it was before it was posted, usually just a touch of truss rod one way or the other. However, that's just to restore the original set up. Who says that's what the customer prefers? I don't see what's so terrible about 'setting up' an instrument. I don't mean levelling frets etc, which should be perfect as it is new, I mean adjusting the neck curvature, saddles... Expecting others to set up a bass the exact way I like it is a bit too much. I nearly always tweak any new bass I get so that it plays the way I want it to.
  9. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1459112802' post='3013668'] I had a BB2 and a Compact - used them both a few times, and the BB2 alone couple of times. Moved the BB2 on because I'm not a fan of horns (and I needed the cash at the time), and I liked the Compact tone more. Bought a Midget, and used both together for everything. As good as the BB2 was, alone it was just too small for me onstage - I had the impression my calves (and the audience) were getting the best of the sound. If I'd have had the cash, I'd have gone with two BB2s (with the horns off) and been a lot happier. Edit: What I really should have got (and maybe will do at some point) is get two Super Compacts - that'd be nearer my tone goals…but that's just me… [/quote] Ha! I used to use a BB2 + Compact as well! I sold the Compact as I preferred the BB2... ah, if only we could have synchronised! I tend to use the BB2 with the horn control at its brightest setting, and cut down the top end at the bass if it's too much. I also like the stack of 2 (2xBB2 or BB2+Compact) because it just gets a better sound wherever I am too, as well as out in front. Considering they're relatively small and light, why not? It's not all about needing the volume. Most times I don't need to be that loud, and that's where the 2x S112 are perfect. I'm sure 1x BB2 out-performs them in terms of volume, but stacked vertically I like their sound a bit better and they're a breeze to carry.
  10. [quote name='machinehead' timestamp='1459111387' post='3013658'] I can't imagine ever needing a pair of BB2s. One is very loud indeed although, a part of me fancies try two. Just a thought... I have a BB2 and a Super Midget. That's three rigs - small, medium and overkill. Maybe add a SM for more flexibility? Frank [/quote] I have played enough times where 1x BB2 is not really enough. Not very often, but it happens. And I realised that 2x BB2 beat 4x S112 in almost every sense... I like the sound of the BB2 as is, I just want... louder.
  11. [quote name='Oopsdabassist' timestamp='1459010113' post='3012845'] Our singist does something similar too, halfway through last number, cue excuse for mad w***ery by guitarists and a bloody drum solo....I just stop playing altogether and listen to the bottom fall out of the song, then kick into the groove again with a smug smile I hate soloing!!!! [/quote] that can be a cool and clear way to show what a bass does, without showing off
  12. I had a CV Precision, and currently own a Matt Freeman one (CV in all but name)... I find the tuners more than adequate too. Are you looking for a 'vintage' look?
  13. so yeah... I think I'm going to get a second BB2 and ditch the 4x S112 thing. Pity they seem so rare in the FS section... I've been using the BB2 a bit more now and I love the sheer power and tight bottom end of those cabs. One or two S112 will be just fine for most of my needs, and when I need more... Two BB2 are an amazingly loud and compact solution, which still fit in the boot of my A3.
  14. [quote name='Cuzzie' timestamp='1457814272' post='3002079'] Fusion gig bags are awesome, singles and doubles, very protective, bass stays still, good pockets, made in UK and great customer service [/quote] +1 Big fan here. The F1 was awesome. I recently found out they are discontinued and replaced with a different one that, on paper, doesn't seem as good... we'll see. Fantastic protection, lots of storage... but what sets these apart are that they're really designed like a rucksack: by far the most comfortable ones to walk with... [url="http://www.fusion-bags.com/products/f1-bass-guitar-gig-bag"]http://www.fusion-bags.com/products/f1-bass-guitar-gig-bag[/url]
  15. [quote name='jazzyvee' timestamp='1457376981' post='2997972'] Have one of these that I bought for a guitar and whilst it seems to give good protection they are very cheaply made and the polystyrene interior is not stuck to the outer casing or the internal fabric well at all. That said I've never had any damage to a guitar that has been inside it and I still use it now but only for my beat up guitar as the exposed dried hard glue looks like it could scratch the finish. Another point to think about is the polystyrene at the bottom end of of the case has become compressed and is breaking up so you could end up damaging a heavy bass if it dropped there. I tried uploading some photo's but for some reason I still can't do that and keep getting an error message that upload has failed. I can send you the photo's if you like. [/quote] That doesn't look great. The rectangular ones I have are better I think. One is by "Casey", another one I can't recall... I think it may even be Stagg? The Casey one is nicer as they thought better of the handle position. Similar to this, but I haven't got one of these so I don't know how they compare: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kinsman-Standard-Hardfoam-Guitar-Case/dp/B002WCQQKM/ref=sr_1_2?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1458844876&sr=1-2&keywords=kinsman+case"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Kinsman-Standard-Hardfoam-Guitar-Case/dp/B002WCQQKM/ref=sr_1_2?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1458844876&sr=1-2&keywords=kinsman+case[/url] Mine have loops and straps so they can be strapped on the back, but they're not very comfortable that way.
  16. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1457176529' post='2996008'] Why not just buy a secondhand Hiscox for £60? Mine is in great nick and I never worry about my bass being damaged. Sorry, I just don't understand this thing about hardcases being bulky and taking up loads of room. Also, who leaves their bags and bits on stage? Trip hazard much?! [/quote] The issue with many hard cases is that they often don't hold the guitar snugly and it can move inside. If something falls on the case the guitar will be ok... but if the case itself is shaken about, so will the instrument inside. The foam cases I have hold most guitars/basses tight and because of the material they're made of they'll absorb impacts effectively (although that would be it for the case). Hiscox cases are great, but only if they hold your instrument very snugly and doesn't move around. I normally use a Fusion F1 gigbag/case hybrid thing. It's bulky for a gig-bag, but has tons of protection, 3cm thick foam, and hard bits where you need them... The bass is better protected there than in most hard cases (except if a cab falls onto it, but the bass travels with me) and it's a lot easier to carry and it has pockets full of accessories, cables, etc.
  17. [quote name='JohnFitzgerald' timestamp='1457171642' post='2995933'] I've never been at all taken with the idea of a gig bag. They may stop a bass from scratching, but I reckon that's about all. Mechanical damage is still a distinct possibility and you certainly wouldn't load one into a van anything other than very very carefully. I've always used a hard case, but those annoy me too. The bass isn't always held securely, can rattle about inside, and they take up so much space. I think I'm happy with the compromise I've now settled on. These poly foam cases - or similar. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Bass-Guitar-Foam-Case-by-Gear4music/C87?origin=product-ads&campaign=PLA+Shop+-+GENERIC&adgroup=GENERIC&medium=vertical_search&network=google&merchant_id=1279443&product_id=15847d1&product_country=GB&product_partition_id=144462915199&gclid=CjwKEAiApOq2BRDoo8SVjZHV7TkSJABLe2iDe2YkxrqAeYqQrek4Y0TbIoIEQu-5nema7IDbY291cxoCS_vw_wcB"]http://www.gear4musi...291cxoCS_vw_wcB[/url] The bass can't rattle around, won't get scratched, and if the case takes a whack, the case is highly likely to absorb it. More so than a badly padded hard case which might just pass all of the impact to the bass, undiminished. I won't be stacking bass bins on top, but I reckon these work well. [/quote] I have a couple of similar ones, only rectangular, one for guitar and one for bass. They work pretty well. The guitar one was used to transport an SX Les Paul Junior type of guitar to Canada and back, and survived to tell the tale
  18. Oh! That looks nice!!! (it took me a while, but I found the thread! )
  19. [quote name='ikay' timestamp='1458758922' post='3010622'] Re the Musicman FAQ on setting pickup height below: "If you have a single pickup bass set the pickup height to 6/32" from the plastic pickup cover to the bottom of the G string. Adjust the bass side of the pickup to be level with the pickguard." Are they seriously saying to set it as indicated by the red line in the attached pic? Looks a bit extreme to me! [/quote] It's very similar to how I have it in my Stingray... perhaps a tiny bit higher (I don't have the bass in front of me right now) which I set by ear, not measuring. I would not bother with measurements but take that as a visual guideline, and then adjust by ear, until you're happy with the string balance and sound.
  20. [quote name='highwayman' timestamp='1458770155' post='3010820'] Thanks for the replies, excellent all of them. I've been impressed by the Markbass range and am looking at purchasing the Minimark 801 (best price £299 delivered?) - it's modestly loud but I suspect a decent keeper even after I progress to more power. [/quote] That's actually a very nice amp, good choice!
  21. [quote name='NancyJohnson' timestamp='1458805276' post='3010957'] I went decades without owning a tuner and in defence of the OP what has perfect pitch got to do with it? If it's just guitars, you tune to each other, you're probably all going to be in the general pitch ballpark anyway, so being slightly off isn't going to be an issue. If you have a fixed tuned instrument (keys), tune to that. Insofar as being in a noisy room, you set aside a few minutes to tune to each other. Band discipline. [/quote] There are always ways to get around a problem. In the absence of electronic tuners the world will not collapse and a band will find the time to get together and tune. But... it's 2016. Electronic tuners are cheap and ubiquitous. No need for 'band discipline' whatever that means. Or, why make life harder than it needs to be? Remove the issue of tuning, and you have more time for all the other issues with a band.
  22. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1458812279' post='3011048'] Still happy with the rig Jose? [/quote] Yup! I only ever use 1 or 2 speakers together so far but I like having options. Tomorrow's gig just needs 1 speaker as it'll be strictly my onstage monitor. The only question is 'black or blue?' I still want to experiment with two BB2 as that would be a pretty cool and loud rig... but I do prefer the sound of the S112. It's just that one cannot rest idly and say "ook, I'm done for now"
  23. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1458819552' post='3011160'] I agree but when a venue wants to book a years gigs it doesn't help , sometimes you have to be honest & just can't work with certain musicians just because of their circumstances ,when my Son was born & because of my new job I stopped gigging because I knew I couldn't commit to bookings ,I knew a band wouldn't want to hear " I might be able to do it ". [/quote] it's tough, but that's how it is, yes...
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