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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='skampino' timestamp='1457568568' post='2999825'] It's a legitimate chain I purchased from and genuine article. I knew it was a display model, probably not been touched for a while going by corrosion on the battery and they obviously didn't check it before sending. Thanks for the assurance it's just the battery connectors. [/quote] I'm confused... I thought the OP was smurfitt... edit: aaah!
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1457621193' post='3000242'] He's on holiday and I'm still busy trying to figure out whether it's d&b or db monitors in question. [/quote]
  3. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1457481108' post='2999047'] Now that would be brilliant...! I have been listening to that bassline for pretty much as long as I have been playing bass - it's pretty much part of my musical DNA! I have played various versions of FFYL in a number of bands, but I am not convinced that I have ever managed to get your version 100% right. It would be fascinating to see exactly what you played, especially with you actually showing us how you did it. [/quote] oh yes!!!
  4. [quote name='pendingrequests' timestamp='1455723997' post='2981848'] It's finally decision time. I've had enough of Ampeg. They have had my PF500 for nearly a month and only today did I finally get an update. I love the aesthetic of the Portaflex cabs, so for now I am keeping both (15 and the 2x10) The gigs will range from using either 1 or 2 cabs. So the head needs to meet the requirements of both scenarios. Aguilar TH500 - More expensive, but from the TH pedal it sounds great. Output at 8 ohms is lower than the MB MB Little Tube 800 - Power at 8ohms and 4 ohms, mix between tube signal and dry, but doesn't fit in as aesthetically as the TH500. HELP! [/quote] First, I'd advise not to pay too much attention to power differences. There really isn't much between them in reality. I was exactly at the same place a couple of years ago. I tried both amps and I ended up buying the LMT800. Both sounded good, but I found the LMT800 more intuitive to use and it just worked better, for me. The TH500 can sound great but all the controls seem to interact and that frustrated me a bit. Maybe I wasn't patient enough, but I liked the LMT800 best, regardless... so that's what I went for. Tube/SS mix is a bit of a gimmick, really. It barely has any effect. I personally liked it best with the mix at 50% or perhaps a bit towards SS... but in the mix you won't tell the difference. After a few months I ended up selling the LMT800 and bought a Genz Benz Streamliner 900. I still have it and I prefer it to either of those two. It excels at 'old school' sounds, but it can do modern as well. Don't think much about the 900W rating by the way... I recently tried this against a Mesa D800 (800W) and a MarkBass LM3 (500W) through the same speakers... there wasn't that much of a difference at 8 ohm with 4x 12" speakers. Anything above 300W is probably going to do the job (volume-wise) if you have the right speakers. edit: too late to the party!
  5. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1457264803' post='2996792'] I use a pair of Phil Jones Bass over ear headphones. I am quite impressed with them. [/quote] I liked mine but they felt a bit too loose on my head, and eventually the left one stopped working. I thought it was the cable but it wasn't... I ended up with Audio Technica TH-M50X... they fit my head much better and I really like their sound after breaking them in.
  6. if you put some pictures up you have a better chance of getting interest.
  7. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1456918553' post='2993466'] Hi there, I love my sire V7, but have had one or two problems recently. I wanted to have a hip-shot D-tuner fitted. This proved a little difficult because a.) there are essentially 3 sizes of hipshots (screw-positioning, diameter of posts etc.) according to what bass you want them fitted on and the V7 doesn't actually match any of them exactly. My guitar doc had to sort of cheat a bit. Not an insurmountable problem, but a pain nonetheless. And, b.) the German distributors, I think it's Warwick, insisted on my guitar bloke buying all three and then going through the returns process of two of them, rather than sending him all three and just billing him for one and allowing him to return the other two. He's [i]the[/i] guitar bloke in Berlin and has a reputation, so he's hardly likely to cheat, but hey-ho. Now I'm off on tour, the volume/tone pot got loose and I can't tighten the nut because the thread is bared. I've no idea how this happened. I just opened the case and there it was. When I took the control plate off to have a look at it, I discovered there were already three washers underneath, which could imply that they already had a problem with the thread in the factory and shoved the washers in to alleviate that. I called Thomann and they're hopefully sending me a replacement pot. In my conversation with the guy, he said that Thomann don't really stock spares. They just get finished instruments from Sire and would probably have to take the parts off of one of the basses they have in stock. A bit impractical, I think. I've jerry rigged it with gaffer tape for now so that the nut can bite into [i]something[/i] and it will hold. Has anyone had a look inside their V7 and are the pots fairly standard issue stuff or are they, like the dimensions of the tuners, a bit non-standard? [/quote] the washers are just for aesthetic reasons: if there is too much of the shaft on the other side, there will be a gap between the bottom of the knob and the control plate that can look bad if it's too bit. Adding a washer or two reduces the effective length of the shaft and the end result looks better. Of course, there must be a minimum amount of thread above the control plate, that's the only limitation.
  8. I really hope I don't come across those situations... especially the 'larf' one. I suspect I'd end up in prison...
  9. [quote name='cana.dan' timestamp='1457202882' post='2996356'] Finally decided to contact Adrian about getting a P bass in Fiesta Red. However, after a back and forth it seems his Fiesta Red isn't quite as pink as I'd like it to be, so I'm having to look elsewhere. Bummer! [/quote] It's a pretty kind of red. I have one in that colour, you're welcome to check it out in person if you're not sure about it. But it's not really pinkish, no.
  10. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1457192134' post='2996214'] Anything with top vents is a bad idea for gigging............ [/quote] who puts anything on top of the amps?
  11. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1452083461' post='2946170'] Shonks, I've moved this to GD. For what it's worth, I think sellers should put a location, particularly if it is collection only. My feeling is that it should not be mandatory though. [/quote] my thoughts too. If I want/need to know the location, I ask. No biggie. If a seller fails to give data that I consider important (such as pictures ) and I'm not that interested in the item, I pass, their loss. If I am interested, I ask when I make first contact. I'd avoid making rules when not necessary.
  12. [quote name='bassjim' timestamp='1457024881' post='2994602'] I think its obvious I'm really against it. I think its ridiculous. every thing we already have is working fine . [/quote] it sounds like it isn't working fine, otherwise you wouldn't have a band keen on IEMs right now The arguments of avoiding to bring their amp are pretty poor, in my opinion. But if being able to hear the rest of the band or themselves properly is an issue and as a result the performance is not great, then that's a good case. I've played so many gigs where teh onstage sound was poor... it worked out ok, people had a good time, we sounded alright out front... but those gigs are a chore and I really would like to enjoy every single gig we play. There have been times when improvising something was out of the question because the sound was so bad for us. Not often, I admit, but if I can I'd like that to happen zero times. To me it's not just playing well to the audience, it is for me to enjoy playing too. I love music. I'd love to hear it all as clearly as possible. So, when IEMs are no longer a crazy expensive solution... why not?
  13. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1457020010' post='2994530'] I say yes. I have the super cheap Gear 4 Music ones and the whole band use them. Much greater clarity of sound, much quieter so no hearing damage. No monitors to lug around and so fewer cables and clutter on stage. I'd possibly argue that a pub band's need is greater than a 'proper' band's as pub bands generally have less space hence poorer acoustic management and more noise pollution to contend with. [/quote] That would be my view too. I wish we were using IEMs regardless the venue. We'd all get a better personal mix so we'd enjoy it more, and that alone is worth it, for me.
  14. very sweet amp, I love mine. I was able to compare the 112MNT with the TKS 1126 cabs I used to own, and they were not very far off sound-wise. The Streamliner sounded great through the 1126s too... before I bought mine I was slightly concerned about the 'old school' comments, afraid that it'd be too dark... but this amp can do an amazing wide range of sounds. It'll do old school, if you want it to, but it can do 'modern' bright very well too. disclaimer: I'm just a fan of the amp, no connection to the seller at all, even if we seem to live in the same city
  15. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1456501631' post='2989730'] I like it because I can perv at basses I wouldn't normally look at. I say we leave it as it is. If people can't be bothered to filter through a few ads then that's their problem. [/quote] This. It's not like there are hundreds of ads every day or anything... when I'm looking for something I just skim the titles and right-click and open in a new tab... After I'm done scanning I go through the tabs, closing them as I go along unless any deserve my full attention. I find this pretty smooth. I'd hate having multiple subdivisions.
  16. If you like those, you may also want to consider a Mike Dirnt Squier Precision (got mine for under £100 used). Very nice and light too. The neck is pretty slim also if you like that, not at all Precision-like. Rosewood, 'though. I have one, but sourced a CV maple neck and replaced it. I also changed the pickup... the original is fine, but I liked these cheap Entwistle pickups better. It's a monster of a bass.
  17. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1456180297' post='2986433'] It's not a good idea to plug headphones into a speaker jack, whatever the amp. Headphones don't have the right impedance for amp o/p, and will certainly be damaged when too much signal is applied to them. An accidental movement of the volume knob and your ears will meet in the middle of your head. Use an amp with a dedicated headphone socket, never the speaker sockets. [/quote] You'll probably kill the headphones in a microsecond if you plug them into the speaker out... the output there is much higher than any headphone output.
  18. [quote name='Greg.Bassman' timestamp='1456442822' post='2989206'] Hi all. Ok so, I've been playing my Fender MIM jazz for a while now, and though it sounds great, it's action makes it a nightmare to play. I'm a light player who enjoys funk/disco, where the lines are often busy. To cut the story short... I need the action as low as I can get it! At the moment, if it's set [i]too [/i]low, I get buzz; subsequently, the action needs to remain higher... obviously, this is no longer acceptable Some have insisted upon a fret dress; is there any additional factors that I should be considering... Bridge type etc? Cheers. P.S - My neck radius is 9.5 (modern C) and the gauge of string I use are 'Regular Lights' (45-65-80-100). [/quote] Obviously the nut, bridge and truss rod must be set right... but you'll never get a low action that sounds good if the frets are not perfectly level. So make sure the frets are just right and the rest is basic geometry. Well, the neck angle also is important, I forgot that. Sometimes a very thin shim in the neck pocket is necessary... but get the other bits right first. Then if you find the bridge saddles are bottomed out and still want more, you'll know it's time for a shim. If that doesn't happen you'll be ok without messing with that. I'd take it to someone who knows what they're doing: it won't cost much and you'll get it right. It's fun to learn to do it yourself, and a great skill to have, but if you want results fast just take it to a good tech.
  19. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1456426556' post='2988969'] Didn't the SNP get a landslide victory at the last election ? [/quote]Yu Yup. But remember how the system works: first past the post gets the seat... The SNP actually got around 50% of the votes, a bit more than the 45% the "Yes" got in September 2014. Whether the increase is due to people changing their minds after the referendum or because some agre with SNP as a party minus the independence bit, I don't know. I do know a few people who voted "No" yet they choose to vote SNP because they see it as a more relevant party (and less vomit-inducing) than the rest...
  20. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1456055712' post='2984846'] Thanks guys! I have just checked with Transferwise and their fee will be about £2.40, it also offers a better exchange rate. Natwest charges £10 for the transfer and worst exchange rate too. I will check later with CurrencyChange too. [/quote] thank you! I used Natwest the two times I needed it... next time it'll be Transferwise
  21. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1455964571' post='2983975'] Great advice all. Got the Einhell 90kg truck, £30 from Argos. First trip South London to Northampton return. Feels pretty solid, hammers up and down curbs, and thunders along the pavement. Learned - Avoiding tube station stairs is complicated when changing lines. - There are lots of hidden lifts, mainly used by lazy people who could probably do with climbing a few stairs. - Truck *just* fits in a Prius boot (uber..) when you return after hours Yet to attempt both cabs, might be over ambitious. All good though, hopefully many more miles ahead.. [/quote] what cab is that one?
  22. [quote name='dodge_bass' timestamp='1455887360' post='2983303'] Is this still available? [/quote] yup! still available
  23. [quote name='PauBass' timestamp='1455839915' post='2982965'] Well, I have made my mind and I'm about to order one. Only doubt I have now is if I should go for custom neck shape/dimensions or not? I was thinking of having it made to my Geddy Lee neck speck, which I love, but not sure if it will be worth the extra cash. [/quote] Ask Adrian. My first Maruszczyk was pretty stock, except for the neck, which I specified the dimensions of (wider and thicker than stock) and lacquered. I don't think it was that much more expensive than stock and probably just because of the lacquer... Ask him, you may be pleasantly surprised.
  24. [quote name='sshorepunk' timestamp='1455794705' post='2982451'] A lot of talk around the amps I've been looking at, not had chance to play most of them yet, but reviews are looking promising The Genzler Mogadon seems to be a good, non valve option, as does the subway, but the price is +£100 over the Genzler right now. I was originally looking at a TH500, but there is some good competition out there now Tony [/quote] Damn, you had me looking for a new Genzler amp model!!!
  25. One of the most beautiful I've seen.
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