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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. After an interesting three way conversation involving a variety of cabs, possibly going in various directions, Geoff bought my dear Barefaced Compact. Great guy to deal with, and having the opportunity to meet him in person was a bonus I hope you enjoy the Compact!
  2. ... and now I have 4x of these S112 cabs. Tonight at rehearsal I'll use 2x as I would normally, and then all 4 together. Just because I can and why not... and see whether the extra volume will be enough to allow me to not need other bigger cabs.
  3. [quote name='DiMarco' timestamp='1454107994' post='2966651'] Short answer to "Could you turn your backline down a bit?" is NO. Band runs the show, not the soundguy. He will not get sub lows coming off the stage. We can haz shelving EQ cutting off any subs from the bass stack on stage. Why do we need a 250w all valve head? Because we can and it sounds dope. Next. [/quote] Why do you bother with a sound guy if you don't let him manage the sound? Great attitude, I bet you sound great
  4. [quote name='taunton-hobbit' timestamp='1454101020' post='2966547'] Eighteen replies, and no-one has mentioned Barefaced? Oh the shame........ [/quote] naughty
  5. Good to see there are quite a few more than I expected! Right now, my eye would be on the Mesa Subway D800. Purely because it's the one I had a chance to hear a bit of recently and it gave me a good impression.
  6. [quote name='dodge_bass' timestamp='1454088108' post='2966371'] Did you buy this last week off here? [/quote] No, I've owned it for 2-3 years. Why? (and I advertised it 3 weeks ago ) edit: I have not seen a modified bassballs in here in ages!
  7. [quote name='deepbass5' timestamp='1454083655' post='2966325'] Can't imagine turning up at an orchestra rehearsal with an electric bass and amp - I think most would frown when you walked in door [/quote] only if you're not bringing an 8x10 cab with you...
  8. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1454081081' post='2966281'] I play in an orchestra! When there is a solo woodwind part the last thing anyone tolerates is a whirring fan! [/quote] can't you just whistle along the woodwind to mask the fan noise?
  9. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1454071785' post='2966080'] Nope - they're pretty much the same. [/quote] Interesting! Thanks
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1454070439' post='2966035'] They're pretty much the same, IMO. Any difference I heard could probably be attributed to the drivers being closer to ear level. [/quote] but did you notice a significant increase in the low end?
  11. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1453989723' post='2965029'] I wish more amps didn't have fans. Fan noise annoys me so much. Tecamp, Demeter and PJB manage it. [/quote] You're not playing loud enough then
  12. [quote name='bassace' timestamp='1454068195' post='2965995'] Was listed under Events? Did Bluejay know? [/quote] I don't think so... it wasn't an... 'event' as such... just three guys (and a girl hostage) making a little bit of noise in one room somewhere in Fife
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1454067739' post='2965982'] Yeah, get a room! [/quote] but we did! and filled it with amps!
  14. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1454066960' post='2965967'] Oooooo, a 6 foot ten inch stack just over a foot wide? I'd be looking over my shoulder a lot... It's a Jenga Rig! [/quote] Jenga Rig, love it!
  15. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1454066673' post='2965957'] Especially if stacked vertically [/quote] you know that I *will* try it once in that configuration, right? I'll take a picture... using the panoramic mode in the camera.
  16. [quote name='mcnach' timestamp='1454067071' post='2965969'] Oh, I would absolutely *love* that! You're a star! If you really don't mind, I'd love to be able to use it for a rehearsal, if that's ok. I like what I heard the other day. I'm actually going to be rehearsing with the RATM band in Rosyth over the next 3 Mondays, between 8-10pm. That's not a million miles away from you! Do you think maybe I could meet you one of those days before the practice and borrow the amp? I could then return it after the practice (before 11pm), if you're happy with that. [/quote] erm... sorry... moving to PM.
  17. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1454023713' post='2965669'] Jose, you can borrow the Mesa anytime. Just let me know.... D. [/quote] Oh, I would absolutely *love* that! You're a star! If you really don't mind, I'd love to be able to use it for a rehearsal, if that's ok. I like what I heard the other day. I'm actually going to be rehearsing with the RATM band in Rosyth over the next 3 Mondays, between 8-10pm. That's not a million miles away from you! Do you think maybe I could meet you one of those days before the practice and borrow the amp? I could then return it after the practice (before 11pm), if you're happy with that.
  18. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1454062907' post='2965872'] I've no doubt the S112 would be great in a band environment. Funnily enough when I play with the 5-piece my bass tone becomes very middy to cut through. My only reservation with the little cabs is that I'd rather be able to dial back the bass than not be able to add anymore, if that makes sense. [/quote] There is definitely a limit to how much bass they can produce, and it's less than the 1126 or the barefaced, for sure. But one thing I like about the S112s is that when you boost bass, it stays pretty tight and not boomy at all. However, yes, if you require more deep bass... these may not be the best for you.
  19. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1454063037' post='2965878'] I've yet to run out of steam with either my old S112 stack, or current S212, and I've done plenty o'loud pub gigs with no PA support. That said, I don't play in Sunn O))) - if I did, I'd probably double up. [/quote] How do you compare the 2x S112 vs. 1x S212? Does the S212 retain that midrange character but with extra depth? I noticed the cab is a bit deeper than 2x S12 together.
  20. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1454061196' post='2965840'] I'd agree with that: it depends on your requirements - what 212s you're using, and why. If it's for sheer volume then I'd say the Barefaced stuff is well suited to matching volume with smaller cabs (I had a Big Baby 2 for a while, and for a single 12 it would comfortably go bonkers loud: two would cover pretty much any gig volume I can think of), but if you don't push your 2 x 212s hard, and you're looking for smaller, lighter, voiced cabs which sound good, then there's lots of options, of which TKS get a lot of love around here. [/quote] That is true. If you want to reduce size but loud is an important requirement, I'd look at a pair of Barefaced BB2. We recently tested a bunch of cabs, and the Barefaced had no match when it came to volume. Whether you like the sound or not is another matter... some of us loved it, some not so much. I prefer the sound of the S112 and even the 1126 in a way... but with a band it was easier to use the Barefaced or the S112. The S112 just never sounds bad, it seems... and I tried! But if you need a loud rig, a pair of S112, as nice as they are, may not be the right setup. Even 4 of them won't be the rig that will fill a large venue with deep bass... so it really depends on the kind of gigs you play. I have PA support nearly always, so a pair of S112 will do the job very easily. The stages I play are never huge either, and rarely outdoors. The kind of places where I don't have support and I need to rely on my backline have been anything from small bars to large village halls... the larger venues will need a louder setup than 2x S112.
  21. [quote name='AREA' timestamp='1454021018' post='2965642'] I've read alot about those Cabs in here. The Point is, I am planing to get two 1x12" Cabs instead of my two 2x12" Cabs. I'd like to do a little bit of "downsizing". Those Cabs are nearly completely unknown in Germany. I'd be exited about two S112 and I've read a good Review here, but they are so tiny... Can they really handle a 5-String? Thx for your Opinion Tom [/quote] They can, and sound very good in my opinion. They just don't get as loud or as deep as other bigger cabs. Would that be a problem? It depends on what you're after. I'm in the process of letting go several bigger cabs and moving to S112 because I really like their sound. Disclaimer: I have only been an owner of these S112s for a short time, and I have not yet used them for a gig where I rely on them as the sole source of bass... so my comments are based on rehearsals with two bands (one of them very loud) and how I think they'll work on a gig based on that. They can do low, if you boost bass at your amp, and they don't get boomy. They sound very tight with great presence in the low mids, which makes them work very well in a band, for my liking. I don't look for a very deep reggae type of bass, but I like a bass that has body, is punchy, and has good definition. The S112 do it for me. I have a stack of two, and I like how the sound disperses: right in front, at 3 metres, it may seem a little lacking in lows because the midrange is so prominent... but step away from the axis and the sound is balanced and you can hear it quite evenly pretty much anywhere (onstage). They are incredibly light and small, and they get plenty loud for onstage monitoring and small bar gigs, I am sure... but I wish they could have a bit more volume. That's why I just sourced another pair. Four of these are still a very compact solution, and I suspect the extra volume will be enough for those times when I need a bit more. But I have not tested this yet. The 1126 is a lot fuller in sound, deep, and can handle more power. In many ways it could be a better solution, especially if you don't think the S112 has enough bottom end. But I prefer the S112 despite their drawbacks.
  22. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1454028658' post='2965698'] Jose, bassgear have a used Tecamp Puma 1000 - this might suit you, and you could even add another 4 S112's in the future!! D. [/quote] Come on, that would be crazy... (I like it! )
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