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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1453968418' post='2964679'] Don't you use this with a Big Baby Jose? How do you find the combination? The reason I ask is that there is a BB for sale too and the though of using both interests me... [/quote] I do! It works well. It sounds huge! If I didn't have size constraints, I would have stayed with them all along I think. Not that they're big! but I'm being difficult Yesterday a couple of other BCers and myself got together and made some noise through a pair of TKS S112, a pair of TKS 1126, a pair of Vanderkley 210MNT and a Tecamp M212... the results and conclusions of that session will be posted soon... I'm sure we'll all agree the Compact + BB2 sounded huge. If interested... on this one you get free personal delivery
  2. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1453930163' post='2964443'] Maruszczyk Elwood 5 inbound. Very excited.!!!!!!!! Glock 2 band with Delano Jazz pickups. Thanks Thomas. [/quote] wow
  3. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1453900131' post='2963963'] I feel like I've been gazzumped.... is that the word? Might you sell your Barefaced cabs then Jose? [/quote] It might happen!!! If this 4x S112 idea works out volume-wise for my purposes, it'll allow me to rationalise my cab collection (and reduce space, which I need right now)... and there may be some BF outgoing
  4. I had a meeting at 9am, but coffee is a wonderful thing! It appears that an agreement has been arrived to where Karlfer and I will meet on Sunday to exchange boxes: he'll have my 1126s and I'll have his S112s, as I really like my pair of S112s, and the only reason I'd keep a separate bigger rig would be for those gigs where I need a bit more volume... and I had this crazy notion of trying FOUR of them (at 8ohm, so whether the extra oomph is significant enough I'll have to try and see)... so I could reduce my collection to just 4x S112s to cover all my needs. But I digress... that will be the subject of another thread... what I came here for was to announce... [b]STATUS UPDATE: These [color=#ff0000]red[/color] cabs are currently ON HOLD[/b]
  5. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1453664031' post='2961573'] You can actually buy a cab touch up spray from barefaced ;-) [/quote] interesting!
  6. awaiting next chapter anxiously...
  7. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1453844102' post='2963433'] Oh believe me, 100 miles to Carlisle is no issue. It's the law of sales that's the issue. The law is; your cabs sell two minutes before mine. I end up with no cabs and an irate landlord, drummist and 2 gaytartists [/quote] which ones are you selling? Not the S112s, surely??? Because... well, that would be too crazy. But... did you know I was wondering what 4x S112s would sound like for those gigs where a pair is just not enough? It would be a final 8ohm solution rather than 4ohm, but with the right amp, and each speaker rated at 250W, I could probably sell my BF rig too and just have 4x S112s for maximum modularity and I can't think of another word... It sounds crazy... Maybe it is... But... if you're thinking of letting your S112s go and want a pair of 1126s... perhaps we should move to a private room
  8. Arranging trade with a MB LM3 at the moment. Thank you for all the offers!
  9. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1453842072' post='2963402'] Carlisle, that's only 100 miles up [s]the car park [/s]M6 from me Stop it Jose, I'm starting to get obsessed [/quote] I could perhaps drive a bit further south if the weather is nice enough...
  10. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1453839551' post='2963363'] So the actual answer to the question is simply "because for some gigs we do not have a big enough pa system available so this rig does FOH along with my own monitoring, sorry I didn't realise it was too loud out front muddying the overall mix, I'll turn it down. Any chance of a bit of me in this wedge?thanks. :-) [/quote] that's too polite! This is the interwebz!!! what do you think you're doing???
  11. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1453833894' post='2963278'] I'm really loving the red! Very tempting I'm currently having a rig rethink. [/quote] what is there to think??? They're [color=#ff0000][size=5][b]RED[/b][/size][/color]!!! Based in Morecambe? I would not be against meeting in Carlisle, if you ended up succumbing to the power of red. I'm planning to be around there in a not very distant future
  12. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1453825737' post='2963173'] Yip. But if they'd been [i][b][color=#800080][size=8]purple[/size][/color][/b][/i]... [/quote] I did consider that!!! But went with red. Then, for the S112s... I was between blue and purple again... and blue won. Hmmm. Purple...
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1453821727' post='2963109'] I'm pretty sure punters can't tell the difference between the sound of a bass guitar and an explosion in a dildo factory. [/quote] another classic line from Discreet!
  14. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1453815510' post='2962989'] Stunning. And a bargain price! So many cabs, so little time GLWTS, doubt you will need it. [/quote] you know it! New they cost me £1500ish... and they're like new still. I just think the red colour may put some people off... but it's so preeeteeee They're coming out tomorrow with me for a crazy cab fest, the 1126s, the S112s, the Bigbaby2 and the Compact... and a pair of Vanderkley 210MNT. I suspect that I'll fall in love with them again and want to keep them all I wish I could!
  15. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1453815708' post='2962993'] Spookily enough you are not the first to say that. Anybody would think I'm a fickle, oooh shiny, buy it, magpie gear whore. Oh, wait a minute.......... [/quote] I guess I'm way down the list now but... if you decide to move them one day I'm also interested
  16. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1453815130' post='2962982'] Shame my 2 x S112's are black tolex or I might have been putting a proposal to you regarding you red fella's We likes red's don't we my preciousssssss [/quote] we likes, we likes. and blue! also black! I think if I get a new pair of S112s down the line, I'd probably go for plain black this time
  17. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1453814889' post='2962973'] Great review! I've pretty much decided that when cash allows I will be getting a pair of these little beauties, but the one thing that concerned me (especially after owning a Barefaced Big One) was the dispersion. You've largely put my mind at rest on that score - so thanks! [/quote] You'd be pleased in that regard for sure The only thing these don't do is insane volume, but don't get me wrong, they get louder than I need for 90% of my gigs at the very least, and the sound is great. There's something about them that just sounds so pleasing (for my taste!)... They sound strong, there's more than enough bass, when you turn up the bass the definition seems to be better retained than with some other speakers... I'm very pleased. It's early days, but I'm very very pleased.
  18. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1453820359' post='2963074'] As I've alluded to, it depends upon the gig. You remember a gig somewhat like The Queen's Diamond Jubilee concert - live, very high profile? You reckon for the sake of a DI box you'd take the risk of using an onboard DI? If the amp goes down, it would be the sound guys fault for being a loss of signal, not the amp manufacturers. Besides, you want to maximise the focus on the shoddy singing from the second rate pop stars... Amp failures? Well... that depends upon who made it and if fire takes out the DI. [/quote] No, in a later post you clarified your point nicely. I'd agree with that.
  19. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1453795401' post='2962720'] In any mission critical gig, it will be normal. I'm not talking your average originals venue where a guys DI box is likely to go missing. I played on a live TV broadcast [/quote] well, this is one case where if I can have redundancy to cover my ass just in case, no matter how unlikely, I would go for redundancy... but this is not the usual gig for most here
  20. [quote name='sunburstjazz1967' timestamp='1453794232' post='2962709'] If you are sending your bass signal pre eq the first part of your post is irrelevant as their is a requirement for the guitarists amp sound to be captured, not so with a pre eq di. [/quote] my pedals (non dodgy, 'though) go before the amp, and will be present in the preEQ DI...
  21. [quote name='bassman7755' timestamp='1453789425' post='2962686'] ... but they would still be happy to mic up a guitarist using a board of dodgy old pedals and a valve amp with a vastly higher probability of kit failure in the signal chain ??, makes no sense whatsoever. About the lamest excuse for not wanting to take an amp output I've ever heard (and not one I've come across in real life). [/quote] nicely put
  22. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1453752054' post='2962493'] Here's your first problem. Any sound tech worth their salt would never use an onboard DI. The amp dies, so does all direct signal to the desk. Chance of a DI box failing? - very low in comparison. [/quote] it's music, not flying a plane that may crash if something malfunctions... if the amp dies, quick swap to DI box and carry on. How often does an amp fail?
  23. well well well... I still have not gigged these beauties and we're hitting an unusually quiet period with nothing for another two weeks... but I've used them for rehearsals with two very different bands. One is my originals band, a bit of ska/funk/whatever-else (hard to describe), the other is a RATM covers band. I used the Streamliner 900 for both. For the first band, the rehearsal room is not great acoustically and a bit on the small side. I did not push very hard, it was not very loud... but it sounded very good from the start. I found them less toppy than say the BF BB2 and TKS 1126, but it's not necessarily a bad thing: there was enough treble for me and they never felt brittle no matter what I did. Now, the bottom end... on the Streamliner I always reduce lows a lot... and I still did it here. They may not sound anywhere as big as the 1126, but it fits better with the kind of sound I want. I've never been a big fan of a very bass-heavy bass, and these speakers just work so well!. I tried boosting to bottom end to see how they reacted and... as JTUK said, if you want bass just turn it up, these speakers will get bassy if you want them to. I had a great time with them, and I loved how easy they were to handle: they're like a feather, compact, easy to navigate with a pair of those through staircases and lifts and loading and unloading... Now, the second band, Radge Against The Machine... this was out of town in a bigger room. A very nice room. Big, good sound... and we were loud because guitar boy just can't turn down, however for RATM music it is ok if it sounds ok. Often it's mush in small rooms with crappy battered bass amps. This one was very very very good. Loud rocky band, I got to use a wide range of sounds, with various overdrives, wah pedal, fingerstyle and slap... and, frankly, we have never sounded as good as this. We've sounded good, but with the little S112s I got a very warm yet with lots of definition kind of sound. I had to experiment a bit with the amount of bass cut from the Streamliner to get it right... and walking around the room it was clear that these speakers are going to be great onstage. If I stand right in front of them a few metres away, there's a lot of midrange/treble and makes it sound perhaps a bit bass-shy... but just move away from the axis and the sound is very balanced and very uniform pretty much wherever I am. I pushed them harder with RATM. I want to see how loud they can get but I was a little afraid because the amp is supposed to be able to put out more than the speakers are designed for, and as I often used some overdrive I was afraid to not hear 'warning noises'. It's clear they don't have the volume, or anything remotely close, to what my Barefaced speakers have. They also don't sound anywhere as big as the 1126... but I like them best of all. It's the first set of speakers I can say I *love*, straight away. I've disliked a few, and liked others... but loved? None so far. Until now. They're probably loud enough for anything I need but I can see how they may come a little short in certain situations (that I am infrequently in), which is why I want to keep a set of the bigger ones (I decided to keep the BF set). However, a crazy idea is forming: sell the whole lot except for the two S112s, and if I feel I need more volume... get a second pair of them or a S212 (I like individual S112s because they are so easy to carry and pack in the car etc, better than a larger cab). Four S112... I'd have to wire them as two sets resulting on a final 8 ohm load, so the amp won't be pushing as hard as it could, but the extra speakers might compensate for that and more, as long as the amp is powerful enough... Aaanyway, that crazy talk is just that, crazy talk, for now anyway... let's see after a few months how things are going.
  24. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1453320874' post='2958482'] I will probably be in a minority of one here but I, and I'm sure my two band mates are the same think about the gig before the money. If it's a party it will probably be a good night so we would be happy with £50 each. We've done loads of party's for friends of friends on the cheap. I've spent 15 years playing in boring clubs where I only did it for the money. Nowadays I'd happily play for a low fee as long as I enjoy it and I see people enjoying themselves to our music. Life is short so I want to play as many good gigs as possible. [/quote] I kind of agree. Our fee is usually a reflection of a balance between hassle/fun. The more towards fun a gig is, the less we are willing to charge. As a result we do play a few free gigs and we never play *just* for the money... but do charge as a compensation for our inconvenience at the very least. A birthday gig like the OP's could be fun and we could do it for £200 easily. But some of those parties are not that much fun. At least not to everybody in the band. And do you always know in advance what kind of gig it's going to be? Best to charge first, and you can always say when it comes to collect the money "you know what? we had so much fun, let's call make a discount". That way you look even better. There's no way you can play for a small fee and at the end of the night say "you know what? we're bored, tired and hungry... we decided we need to be paid extra"
  25. [quote name='Marvin' timestamp='1453301770' post='2958249'] So the birthday chap has found out your band charge £200 for pubs and wants the same deal? If he only wants to pay your 'pub' price you could give him a pub set. Turn up at 8pm set up, do 2 sets and leave Maybe ask him what he's expecting. If he's wanting more than a pub set then explain the price goes up (and maybe suggest he asks how much a DJ would cost all night) Personally, I don't get involved in that mates rate stuff. I was asked to do a party for someone's mate once and they didn't want to pay anything. I was told there'd be food and drink in it for you. The thought of a buffet and cola all night made my stomach turn. I said I was busy. [/quote] +1 that's another thing... sometimes they will make sure you have food and drinks. They see it as your being invited to the party and that you'll enjoy it. But I can usually do without the food and I'll be driving so... no drinking for me. Some party! But they just may be completely unaware of how it is for you.
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