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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1453298090' post='2958208'] I wouldn't have thought there was much you can do once the guy has been told how much you go out for in pubs - in his mind there isn't going to be much difference. Fault lies with the guitarist, so make him do it for free and then split the £200 one less way. [/quote] That sounds like a good lesson Frankly, the thought of doing a gig like that where you're stuck hanging around for hours and hours makes me shudder. The guy whose even is may just think about the time you'd be playing without realising that it involves a lot more than that, arriving early, setting up, checking... and being held hostage leaving late. There may be a polite way to educate him as to what the gig would actually involve for you. A pub gig is a lot simpler and easier, hence the lower fee.
  2. [quote name='Lee-Man' timestamp='1453393149' post='2959108'] Yeah, I'd echo that. They are genuine, if a little disorganised. I might be popping in on Saturday, if you need me to chase feel free to drop me a PM:) [/quote] They do seem disorganised. I wanted a CIOK power supply a while ago and I was enquirying whether they had that particular model or not... I gave up.
  3. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1453425501' post='2959496'] Bit surprised there is no criminal case to answer - surely there is fraud (by the boy) or criminal negligence (by the shop)? Still, seems like the right outcome; bass back to dad and the purchase refunded. A sad story really. [/quote] It sounds to me like the father just wants to be difficult because he feels wronged in some way, and probably the kid is just in the middle... sad, indeed. I'm not sure you could call fraud... father says he loaned the bass, kid says it was a gift... it's not like they'll have receipts. Best to walk out and not be splashed by any of it.
  4. [quote name='Ashweb' timestamp='1453407469' post='2959321'] Wow, thanks for all the replies. For all those that have asked, the bass is a Jackson C-20 and I paid £98 for it on ebay. A bit of a bargain I think. I spoke to the shop today and the bass is definitely going back. The father saw the bass (and an effect pedal on a different auction) on the ended listings on eBay and stormed into the shop demanding it back. After being informed of it being dispatched he reported the matter to the Police who spent time with the shop owner and concluded that there was no criminal case to answer but as said above there would be a civil case between estranged father and son (13y/o I believe, same age as my son). I'd get absolutely no pleasure from playing this now, knowing that a 13y/o boy has been criminalised by his own father for making a simple mistake; the shop is paying for a courier to pick it up and giving me a full refund so they will be left out of pocket over all this. It's just one of those bad situations that will only get worse the longer it drags on and frankly some battles just aren't worth fighting. Already looking into others to replace it... now that in itself is fun [/quote] Sounds like the best course of action... too messy, not worth it. Don't get involved in that family's bickering...
  5. various trade offers received, temptation is strong! I'll probably accept one of the offers before the weekend is over although cash still preferred
  6. interest expressed from various parties but nothing solid so far, still here weekend bump
  7. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1453293589' post='2958119'] I don't know how old you are, and this is only my opinion, but originals bands are probably a waste of time if you're over 30, unless you want to do music that hardly anybody else is interested in and you only want to do a handful of unpaid gigs a year [/quote] But that's not always the case. You just have to choose your bands. Ok, my originals band does not make as much cash as a function band would (although we do occasionally play the odd wedding/private function too, and those pay well), but we gig on average three times a month and our fee covers our expenses plus our recordings and assorted band activities. It is not something I could make a living on if I quit my day job! But as far as playing music on teh side for fun... it's been fantastic: it is fun and it doesn't cost me, in fact I make some sometimes and get to lots of other interesting gigs/small festivals for free. We also organise our own special shows at a venue we hire in town a few times a year and it's always well attended and makes money (venue hire is now cheap for us because they know that we'll bring people who will drink ) So there can be interest for originals bands. I did try and quit a bunch of bands before finding one that seemed promising 'though. I think too many people stick to something that's just 'meh' out of fear of not playing at all or something. And I think too many originals bands seem to have an attitude of entitlement, or acting as though they were artistically superior, yet not backed up by their performance... so, shop around and don't stop at the first band who will have you Our drummer additionally plays weddings etc, and makes good money on the side with his function band, so you can do both. I don't because the whole function band is not for me... The weddings we played with my originals band were cool, but all too often it involves being far too patient with drunk guests and waiting around, and I frankly don't need the money that badly: it's got to be fun, at this stage, for me. I'm 47.
  8. Same here. Except Wednesdays, and next Monday, I'm usually ok. 8pm-ish to make sure I can get there. Let's do it
  9. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1453191586' post='2957168'] Cool. It's a nice pedal but more subtle than I was expecting (not a bad thing). [/quote] indeed! It can do pretty distorted if you want it to, but I like how you can get a wide range of mild overdrive sounds, which is what I prefer
  10. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1453164605' post='2957113'] Just tried out my Bass Soul Food tonight and whilst I like it it seems like you have to go past 12 on the drive knob before you really begin to get "noticable" distortion. Does this tally with everyone else's experience? [/quote] it also depends where your tone control is: the more towards the treble you are, the sooner you hear the distortion.
  11. [quote name='Opticaleye' timestamp='1453068047' post='2956166'] Still awaiting my 1126 that I ordered in December. If only I'd have known you would sell these.......... [/quote] cancel the order (kidding )
  12. [quote name='Twigman' timestamp='1453119811' post='2956444'] Not tried it...mine is the old white, yellow and red one with the -15dB pad switch [/quote] same one I had, I liked it.
  13. ... and if 'iamtheelvy' doesn't take the head, I am interested too
  14. anodised gold colour Precision pickguard, from my Classic 50 series Fender... I don't like the way they feel to the touch, so I'm never going to use it. I removed it from the bass the very first week I had it.
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