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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='deksawyer' timestamp='1452731684' post='2953047'] I'm interested. I'll PM you. D. [/quote] received and replied
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1452721393' post='2952944'] Lovely! Don't worry about them having noticeably less lows than the 1126. What they do have is shedloads of natural, useful lows. And if you turn the bass knob up on your amp, they'll cope. Enjoy 'em! [/quote] I'm not worried about having less lows... for my taste the 1126s have if anything too much of them! I'm only a little worried about my amps being rated higher than the speakers, and what could happen if I end up boosting the bottom end. I'd like to think I could hear if I'm pushing the speakers too much for comfort, and I doubt I'd boost much or play that loud judging from my needs so far... but it does make me a little nervous, especially as occasionally I do let others use my gear. On the other hand, the 900W rating (at 8ohm) of the Streamliner is probably a bit of an exaggeration too... I will get a chance of a decent test within the next few days and see how they behave with regards to volume and tone at volume. Can't wait.
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1452720271' post='2952929'] hmmm another good review for these... I would have tended towards the [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1126 if I were buying but the s112 get so much love! [/font][/color] [/quote] well, don't take my comments as a review, yet. I have literally played through them for about 45 minutes at home, at a mostly-neighbour-friendly volume. So it's early days. But the first impression is good. The 1126 is very nice too... Last year I was between the S112, the 1126 and the H115 I think it was. After reading reviews and chatting to both Tommy at TKS and Barrie at BassGear, I went with the 1126 (which was what I was leaning towards the most). They have a very big sound. Hard to describe, especially when you know, it's a speaker, you can twiddle knobs in your amp and make it sound in a million different ways... But there's a certain character there that makes it sound pleasant yet the S112 seem much more the kind of sound I'm after, especially when it comes to the low midrange and the 'non-obtrusive' lows... we'll see! I just don't like the handles that much but everything else is very nice.
  4. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1452719171' post='2952922'] Ooh, nice colour! Does this mean you'll need a blue bass and some blue shoes to complete the set? I'll be interested to hear how you get on with them. [/quote] Ha ha! No, bass and shoes stay red When will you build yours? It would be fun to check them out side by side.
  5. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1452725712' post='2952989'] btw your signature says that the cab is 1x15' That's f***ing massive [/quote] Reverse Spinal Tap moment! Thank you for pointing that out... glad I don't have to carry a 15' speaker around!
  6. [quote name='chickenjames' timestamp='1452728612' post='2953013'] I've got one of the 'bargain' ones. I love it! I got it in 2014 on Black Friday, 15% off so I paid £950. I think there are still a few of them in the shops. 2EQ, very limited choice of colours (black, red and blue IIRC). Mine's 2EQ, black on black. No frills - no birds eye on the neck and no mutes (as I think you get on the Classic). 1 humbucker. But I think it's got everything that matters: same pickups as the more expensive one and the same sound, feel and build quality. Same bridge, tuners, nut etc. Decent soft case but I never use it. It even comes with a good servicing kit. Honestly, unless you need another pickup or _really_ want a mid on the EQ, I can't understand how it wold be worth spending any more. [/quote] do you remember if they did maple fingerboard ones or were they all rosewood?
  7. [quote name='AngelDust' timestamp='1452727485' post='2953002'] Thanks for kind words, bro! I would like to find some SUB for recording, but don't have it for this moment. Maybe in the future [/quote] I'd lend you mine if you were near Edinburgh!
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452712685' post='2952825'] Just what I was thinking! SO BLUE!! I hope they suit you at battle levels. [/quote] I hope so too!
  9. [quote name='synthaside' timestamp='1452703905' post='2952655'] As Long term lurker in this thread and frequent peruser of public peace ... i'm strongly considering pulling the trigger on one of his stock Elwood C's in the rather fetching white rabbit guise Does anyone within 30 mins or so of london have one of these ... i could try ? Im concious of the fact that he uses a 40mm rather than 38mm neck and after being burnt on a bass i didnt play before buying i'd really rather lay my claws on one. [/quote] Why don't you order a bass just like that one, but specify the neck dimensions you prefer? The cost will be the same, you just have to wait a bit. That's what I did for my first Jake: I order everything stock except I chose a wider and chunkier neck, and lacquered too. 10 weeks later it was in my hands. If you know the dimensions/profile of the neck that you prefer, that way you ensure you get a bass to your taste
  10. That looks pretty cool, but no tone control? I'd miss it. Never heard of these basses, but look great!
  11. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1452674560' post='2952190'] I tend to plug mine into the 'active' input (it's a switch setting for my amp). No good reason other than habbit I guess as most of my basses have preamps installed. [/quote] I tend to plug my basses, active or passive, in the passive socket. My active basses don't really have a particularly hot output. Only if it seemed to be to strong I'd try the active (attenuated) input. I think the passive input sounds better generally.
  12. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1452697392' post='2952544'] Yup. My DNA commands me to investigate thoroughly through reading up and asking questions to retailer, distributor and manufacturer, and then putting every available quantifiable data into a spreadsheet, and after weighing the different parameters in an accomplished parameter prioritising system, letting the computer decide which product best serves my needs, after which, if I then notice I'm disappointed with the outcome, I must immediately order the one I wanted it to be in the first place. This system is perfect, if slightly long-winded. Knowing however that that is how my DNA works, in real life I just buy the one I wanted in the first place, and I'm not preoccupied too muchly with what I pay for it. So if I want a Bongo, then I don't ask whether a RockBass Corvette will do nearly the same job at a fraction of the cost (which I think it will, BTW). I'll then just buy the Bongo. ...without looking back ...as well as the Corvette, just to be sure. Other than that, I tend to ask questions in such a manner that if the recipient can be arsed to read and understand them, they can save a lot of time answering in a condensed manner. Most recipients can't be arsed, and they will most probably use their time not answering my questions and probably losing a sale by doing so. Happily, some recipients do understand and appreciate. Mark Stickley and Marc Vanderkley are some of the good guys in my book, giving adequate info. Hm. Statistically speaking, I seem to trust Mark a lot more than John, Thomas, Peter or Judas. [/quote] brilliant!
  13. [quote name='No lust in Jazz' timestamp='1452687240' post='2952373'] [media]http://youtu.be/RnBJWwK4kks[/media] [/quote] thank you! nice video & story
  14. [quote name='Greg.Bassman' timestamp='1452696894' post='2952539'] Hi all. Ok so, I have my sights set on a Stingray. I've recently received a quote from Musicman for a 'Stingray 4 SLO Special [b]H - 2 Band[/b] EQ' in natural finish... for £1600. I was quite surprised by this price, as I've noticed that you can pick up a Stingray, of the same spec, for £1099 from most retailers (see link). Fair enough, they're not 'SLO Special's, but all other criteria applies. Surely, a change in neck profile doesn't justify a £500 price jump? I wondered whether there may be a difference in material, build quality etc between the ones available in store (compared to special orders). Anybody out there that can shed some light on this? or is it simply a pricing mistake on MM's part? (or is it [i]me[/i] missing something here?! lol) [url="http://www.gak.co.uk/en/music-man-stingray-2eq-black-rosewood/71480"]http://www.gak.co.uk...-rosewood/71480[/url] [/quote] Stingrays are around the £1400+ mark these days, I believe. There was a special price for a batch of them in a limited number of colours (black, and I can't remember what else) that sold without the hard case for around £1000. I guess the one in the link is one of them. A natural finish Stingray hasn't sold for £1000 in quite some time... So I think you've been quoted current prices. edit: actually, natural Stingrays seem to go for £1600-1800 depending on the shop, so it does seem that your quote is consistent with shop prices.
  15. ah well... it was ok in the end. I drive to the depot today and the cabs were there, and a very nice guy helped me carrying one of them to my car while I carried the other. [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/276807-ncd-tks-s112-x2/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/276807-ncd-tks-s112-x2/[/url]
  16. My new cabs arrived! A pair of blue TKS S112... no tweeter. I've only managed to have a quick and not very loud test at home... and they look promising. Hopefully this weekend I'll have a proper go. They have noticeably less low end than the 1126, but this is not a bad thing necessarily. In fact, for me they sound more they way I like. I tried one as an extension to my little MarkBass CMD121P combo and it didn't sound as good as using the same head into the two S112. So my trusty mini combo might go in the end too. I'm trying to rationalise my gear and have a simple 'small' rig that I can use for most gigs I play, and something bigger for the few times I need more 'oomph', so I'm thinking that the S112s can replace the combo and the pair of 1126 easily. If they sound, once I try them loud, the way I think they'll sound... There is something on the low midrange that makes me think it's going to be really easy to get them to sound good within the band: I like a punchy bass, not with too much low end but powerful, and to me that's the low midrange doing it. There are many ways to achieve that, but if you start with an amp/cab that are friendly with that territory it makes life a lot easier. The Streamliner 900 sounded pretty good... in fact, everything I tried was encouraging: Stingray/L2000/Precision and Streamliner/Shuttle/LM3 Still early days, as I need to see how they behave at volume and with the band... but I think I made the right choice here. I should have bought these rather than the 1126 last year. So, the obligatory pictures... They were supposed to arrive yesterday but the courier screwed up somewhere and didn't knock at my door: they said there was nobody in and left a card, but no card was left and I was in all day... So Vic from BassGear gave me the consignment number and asked the courier to not attempt redelivery and I picked them up myself today at the depot. When the guy shows up with the trolley and the two boxes, we pick one each and walk to the car. My first impression was "hmmm, light! I like this!" He agreed I put them on my back seat and drove away. When I got home I noticed one of the boxes had some impact damage But fortunately, the cab was undamaged and only the outer layer of the box was affected. So I took them out of their boxes: They are as tall (vertically oriented) as the 1126 cabs, but narrower. Which means they are not forming a very tall stack, but it's a reasonable height... and did I mention how light and manageable they are? I don't expect them to be the loudest wall-shaking cabs ever, but then I don't need that. If they're loud enough and I can get something close to the tone they're promising in my quick test... they'll be just fine.
  17. Waiting patiently at home all day... at 4pm I contact the shop to ask for tracking number, to check if they're still delivering today or what. Shop checks for me "they say there was nobody in, so they left a card". no, they bloody didn't!!! And I was in all day!!! APC. So they've been advised to not attempt redelivery and I'll pick the cabs up myself from their depot tomorrow. Now, shall we make bets that when I get there they'll tell me "oh, they're out for delivery again"? It would not be the first time. (... and breathe)
  18. I would post within the UK as well, although collection (or I could deliver if not too far from Edinburgh) would still be preferred... but posting is now an option too. I have enough cardboard and bubble wrap
  19. This is what DiMarzio says about this pickup: [b] Split P™[/b] DP127 Widen the sound of your gear with a Split P™ pickup. Each half of this unique double-blade P-style pickup is a complete humbucker. Split P™ pickups are EQ’d to expand the range of your bass by extending both low- and high-end response: a great way to get a broader contemporary sound from mid-rangy one-pickup-in-the-middle basses. The double-blade design adds snap for crisp attack and emphasizes cool overtones for big, smooth tone. Blade pole pieces also make the Split P™ very sensitive to finger- and pick-attack. Notes seem to ring longer, especially in the upper registers, as the pickup “hears” the decaying note practically down to a whisper.
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