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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1452353598' post='2949201'] G&l! Very under rated and oft over looked basses Your mods sound interesting. Not all g&l' are active, the l1000 and sb1 and sb2's are passive but have very powerful pickups. [/quote] Yeah, those pickups are very very powerful. One day I'll own a L1500, I think... A G&L SB2 would also be so tempting... argh, here I am, trying to cut down the amount of gear I own and I'm thinking of more. This place is a bad influence. Bad bad influence.
  2. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452353546' post='2949198'] You have to keep it anyway now it's got one of your famous thumb-rests fitted. [/quote] ha ha it does look unlike any other L2000 now, but the thumbrest is removable, as you know
  3. I got a Tribute series L2000 a while ago... but for one reason or another it never became a bass I'd use a lot. It's lovely and ultra versatile but I ended up rotating between Stingray, Precision and sometimes Jazz instead. I played gigs with the L2000 but it was never enough for me to truly *love* it. Then I removed the electronics and installed a 3-band MMSR preamp from John East. It sounded very good but... still, nothing. Then I turned it passive, with Jazz-style VVT controls and parallel/series/single-coil combination switches, and a metal plate just because I like the look. It's by far my favourite configuration of the three I've tried. Still... it was a bass I'd occasionally play but never made it into my "top 5". So, I decided to sell it. I took pictures, and yesterday I put it on Gumtree [1]. Within hours I get two very interested parties. However, in that time, I've been playing the L2000... and I've changed my mind. [1] For basses I tend to stick them on Gumtree, just to find a local sale and avoid posting... but I'd also put an ad here... I think the reason I did not put an ad here was that subconsciously I knew I did not want to sell it. Passive, switch to series, roll off tone... amazing reggae tones! Ok, L2000... you may stay
  4. [quote name='rockmanrock' timestamp='1452333222' post='2948885'] I think they're an overhang. The J&D ones look the same to me, quite squarish? [url="https://images.musicstore.de/images/1600/jack-und-danny-pb-bk-black_4_BAS0000912-001.jpg"]https://images.music...0000912-001.jpg[/url] Spot the difference: [url="http://www.guitarfetish.com/DLX-Bass-Active-Preamp-Carved-Body-Gloss-Black-24-Fret_p_4314.html"]http://www.guitarfet...ret_p_4314.html[/url] [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_b_450_black_progressive_series.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...sive_series.htm[/url] [/quote] The Jazz J&D is definitely round and 'Fender-compatible'... but yeah, it could easily be an overhang on the squareish ones. And the others do look similar.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1452300429' post='2948786'] My OCD got the better of me finally. I originally specced a parchment guard for this bass, but every other Dakota P I've seen anywhere seems to have a green mint guard as standard. So I found an 'aged' USA mint P guard on eBay... you can't see the subtleties in this pic, but it's a great job, not overdone and fits well with the overall level of relic. Pleased! [/quote] Hmmm, that's very nice!
  6. [quote name='rockmanrock' timestamp='1452302392' post='2948797'] Maybe Thomann requested no serials on theirs, but the early samples that got used for photos had them. On Mark's J&D: WSM1505A05.0016 On the HB JB75-NA: WSM1404A03.0534 So that's 2015 and 2014 by the look of it. WSM must be Yeou Chern / J & D ? A few years back, the word was that Saein/Shine were making all the HB's but it seems not. I read on a German site that up to 10 suppliers are used for the guitars/basses. The HBs and J&Ds aren't the same though, the J&D's usually have an extra fret and the bridge is further up from the base of the body. Xaviere basses from GFS in the USA seem to be J&D's too: [url="http://www.guitarfetish.com/Xaviere-Bass-Guitars_c_362.html"]http://www.guitarfet...tars_c_362.html[/url]. Right, that's enough trainspotting for tonight. [/quote] Interesting, and some of those Xaviere basses look tasty. But the end of the neck where it meets the body seems too square. Or is it just an overhang? J&D's are rounder, Fender-style.
  7. G&L L2000!!! or maybe a Warwick Corvette $$. Or a MM Sterling or Stingray even!
  8. [quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1452200995' post='2947630'] Match sticks deployed! Is it normal for strap locks to rattle? Quite annoying. Guess I'll get used to it. Cheers guys [/quote] Yup, they do. And they make noise when you move the strap... but I hope you play loud enough to drown that noise
  9. [quote name='gs_triumph' timestamp='1452102399' post='2946448'] Guys n gals, I have an ibanez atk 800 recently purchased through the forums here. I wanted to put strap locks on it so ordered 'no bull' locks of the bay. However on unscrewing the existing strap button I can see the screws are much thicker than those supplied with the no bull locks. The screws from the bass don't fit through the lock buttons. Does anyone manufacture locks with bigger screws? Cheers [/quote] I used to use Schaller and it was the same story. Usually I could use the original screws, 'though but sometimes I could not, and it was toothpick+glue time. Fill the hole with a toothpick and wood glue, and fit the new screw in. To be honest, I've long since moved away from straplocks and now I favour rubber rings, like those on Grolsch beer bottles. They do the job very well, in fact I prefer them now.
  10. [quote name='wojt3q' timestamp='1452103549' post='2946468'] Hi! I'm actually a guitarist and looking for a bass guitar for my home studio. Since I'm not a bass player, I don't really want to buy hi-end bass, that's why I prefer sth rather inexpensive - I can spend around 350 euros. I don't have much experience with bass (this will be my second one) and I still don't have any particular tonal preferences, that's why I would like to purchase something versatile with wide variety of tonal options. The bass is going to he used in almost everything - rock, funk, jazz, electronic music, solo bass stuff etc. I think I prefer used ones - better quality to price ratio I did some research and I found few basses which are associated with word "versatile". Some of them are: Ibanez ATK200, Squier jazz basses, Vintage branded guitars, Cort gb74, Ibanez Btb, Ibanez SR, Yamaha Rbx... Some people mention StingRay copies, but some describe them as one trick pony. What would you recommend to me? Thank you for dropping in here! [/quote] I would not say that Stingrays are one trick ponies at all, especially if active. However, if you want one versatile bass... I'd probably go for some kind of Jazz or even Precision/Jazz hybrid bass. Two pickups, at any rate. I'd personally be looking at the Squier Classic Vibe series of basses. The Jazz they make is excellent. I have experiences with a lot of the models you mention and probably they'd all do the job, so it'll come down to which is more comfortable to you. But if I had to choose one, unseen... the CV Jazz. The G&L L2000 Tribute series is also very versatile. Extremely so even. You can find one used well within your budget. Still, I'd go for a Jazz, myself. edit: the Sire V7 gets great reviews... and as an active Jazz, I'd definitely look into it. I have never tried one but the sound clips I heard on this forum ('discreet' posted some) were really good.
  11. all PM's replied to currently on hold pending payment
  12. This is a EHX BassBalls modified by SFX to give access to the filter controls on the face of the pedal, providing a wider range of sounds and better control overall. price reduction: £45 delivered
  13. Pretty much as new, light home use only.
  14. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1452175920' post='2947275'] @ ahpook, post #7 Somewhat against my better judgement, we invited him along for a try-out. His reply (sic); [color=#000000][color=#222222]"[/color]I have sent my reply, to reiterate, I will leave you to decide from the two drummer you said are coming for an "audition" I stated I would not be part of that scenario of conducting musician collaboration.[/color] [color=#000000]One a personal note I have played music for over 40 years, last 15 professionally, speaking to potential none paid "like minded" individual as if it were a job interview, you ask too much, you are very very lucky anyone would even come down to session.............food for thought Mr White, it attitude first.[/color]" Thanks for that. I'll cross you off my list. [/quote] arrogant idiot... sounds like a hoot to have around.
  15. Have you tried sticking to pick, but slightly palm muting at the same time? It would remove sustain, of course (how much, that's something you can control by the position of your hand), but it may just give you something closer to what you're after. edit: and suddenly a flurry of 'try palm muting' comments... typical
  16. The only trade I'd consider at the moment would be a Big Baby 2.
  17. [quote name='GisserD' timestamp='1452079553' post='2946116'] My Latest offerings.... Reccorded live in Brighton [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkJMaST0PiA"]https://www.youtube....h?v=lkJMaST0PiA[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLPU95h_j5Y"]https://www.youtube....h?v=lLPU95h_j5Y[/url] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaPGaqpHgtI"]https://www.youtube....h?v=gaPGaqpHgtI[/url] More Bass!!! [/quote] ooh, I enjoyed that! "more bass!"
  18. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1452046444' post='2945913'] This thought came into my head, for those of you who gig, how many basses do you own? I suspect its more than one, do you have certain basses than you gig and others you don't? Any other reasons why you have more than one bass? This isn't a critique at those who do, in fact its quite the opposite! Would love to hear your thoughts on how you guys utilise multiple basses [/quote] My last count was about 16, I think? However, over the past year I've gigged with only about 6-7 of them, and it's really only 2-3 that get most gigs: Stingray & Precision or lately the Maruszczyks. To be honest, I could have just the Stingray and I would be fine. It's just nice sometimes to change, and certain gigs just feel like they would be better with maybe the P/JJ or a Precision... but the Stingray would cover all for me. How quickly they wear out from gigs? Hmmm, they don't! I don't gig in war zones. The Stingray has probably about 200 gigs on it, and it's in great condition. Yeah, sure, a couple small dings on the headstock (playing on the left side of the stage normally, too close to a wall many times) etc, but I see no reason why a gigging bass has to accumulate injuries unless used over decades... I had a Warwick Corvette $$ in nirvana black that started showing signs of wear on the top next to the pickup where I rest my thumb, and on the other side from being hit while popping the G and D strings while playing slap. But that's a very delicate finish. The neck on my Stingray (all maple) was getting pretty dirty, but I had it cleaned up and lacquered so it always looks perfect now (and I prefer lacquered necks).
  19. If you're not sure what pedal you want... I'd say go for a Zoom MS60-B Then use it to explore the million different kind of sounds you can get from it to see whether there's a particular type of pedal you may want to explore further.
  20. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1452023821' post='2945684'] Aha! At last the Barefaced Compact is up for sale! Unfortunately I bought one a couple of months ago Oh well, have a bump on me. [/quote] Ha ha! I knew there was someone who had asked me about it a while ago but could not remember who it was. I was about to go through my old Barefaced-related posts to see if I could find it...
  21. I got it for my fretless, but got lazy and never fitted it. It has a Model P that I'm not entirely keen on as I wanted something a bit more 'traditional'... if nobody goes for it I should try it and see for myself what it sounds like
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