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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1451562243' post='2941520'] In which universe? [/quote]
  2. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1451515193' post='2941228'] Mark bass known for a rather sterile sound, don't many use a valve overdrive pedal in front of them? Even without much gain to thicken the sound somewhat. [/quote] I cannot imagine calling an LM2/3 'sterile' sounding...
  3. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1451508021' post='2941145'] For me with the Precision I still don`t understand why the pickup is nearer the bridge under the thinner strings - it would make so much more sense to me to have this the other way round, as per the Mark Hoppus Sig model, getting a bassier response from them. [/quote] This! which is why I ordered this: and the truss rod access at the body end without a notch to fit the tool... having to loosen up the neck is a ridiculous way to do things.
  4. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1451352965' post='2939846'] Digital Village in the UK sell them. [url="http://www.dv247.com/search/3039/0/ProductPrice/Ascending/-/1/"]http://www.dv247.com.../Ascending/-/1/[/url] J&D are the exact same basses as the Harley Benton ones, just without the Wilkinson hardware. [/quote] how do you know that?
  5. Brilliant recorder... the greedy guy in me wants it, so that I can link it to my existing R16 to get moooooore tracks. Sanity, return! have a free bump!
  6. Why not? that sounds good to me! I just had knee surgery (on the 18th, torn meniscus) so I'm still recovering and don't fancy carrying cabs about, but give me a couple more weeks and I should be alright. It'll also mean I'll have my pair of TKS S112 with me, so I can bring those too. Getting all three pairs in my hatchback will be an interesting challenge but I'm sure I can manage
  7. That's right, I generally cut lows quite a bit when using the Streamliner [1], with any cab, but the 1126 needs the lows cut the most. The Streamliner mids control doesn't get me with those cabs where I want to... the 200Hz setting is a bit low and the 600Hz a bit high. They can sound good, but I find the 'right' sound for me more easily with the BF BB2/Compact combo. The reason I'm trying the S112 now is that I suspect they'll have enough bottom for me and probably give me the sound I want more easily than the 1126, while being even lighter and more compact which right now is an important factor (the size more than the weight, weight is just a bonus). I could probably find an amp that works better for me with the 1126... I love the MarkBass LMIII, and the Shuttle 9.2 (which I also own) is probably better suited for those cabs. I'd be quite happy with the 2x 1126, to be frank. But that's the curse of having choices The S112 is likely to be, tonally, a better match for what I want, and I really could use with reducing the cab sizes a little more. The step from 1126 to S112, sizewise, may not sound significant to many, but it will be to me, at the moment. I like the idea of keeping a setup capable of moving more air, for the few times when I really need that ability. In that respect, the BF set get louder and bigger than the 1126 set. [1] in fact, I quite often turn down the low end in my amp, any amp, as it became clear long ago that at gig volume boosting the low end tends to sound a little muddy. I like my low mids, definition. It never seems to sound weak on the dance floor.
  8. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1451250645' post='2939130'] [i]heard a guy playing a Vintage V96 and it had a great sound. Very Stingray like. I'm sure you could pick one up cheaply on ebay secondhand. [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Guitar-and-Bass/Vintage-V96-Active-Bass-Gloss-Black/T3X"]http://www.gear4musi...Gloss-Black/T3X[/url][/i] [i]Edit - In fact this was the guy. Great band and the bass player is fantastic, despite the fact he looks about twelve. [url="https://youtu.be/AW1jJTVpvZQ"]https://youtu.be/AW1jJTVpvZQ[/url][/i] [i][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AW1jJTVpvZQ[/media][/i] [/quote] Offtopic: That's Ruaridh. I love his playing. Check out his other band Triptych and Flo [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J43LNjfc2-I[/media]
  9. [quote name='vbance' timestamp='1451087411' post='2938278'] [url="https://flic.kr/p/BveHDA"][/url] [/quote] that looks beautiful. These cabs are a very nice step upwards in the looks department for Barefaced
  10. Would it be a problem to consider two sax players? That means that you don't need to boot the existing one (but I would not keep him if he really doesn't pull his weight). Of course you should be upfront and tell him that you're considering bringing an additional sax. In my band we used to have one trumpet. The moment came when he announced he was going to be moving several hundred miles away soon... so we looked for a replacement. The replacement arrived sooner we expected. So we ended up with two trumpets for a while. It was actually better than one trumpet alone, and it meant that the chances that at least one of them could make a gig were good so we played more gigs. Maybe having two sax players would not be a bad thing. You can introduce some harmonies and generally get a bigger sound. Maybe having a better player is the kick the existing player needs to step up his practice regime...
  11. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1450998233' post='2937817'] Interesting. I was really impressed with the idea of them but I heard a couple of reports from bass players that use them saying that they were a bit iffy when it came to keeping things in tune. I might have to re-investigate these then since they would be a dream for me what with all the swapping about between drop-d and standard we do in a gig. [/quote] Seriously, if you do drop-D regularly, they're fantastic. If you maintain it, ensuring there's a drop of grease on the moving parts, the tuning is remarkably stable, back and forth. I got mine from a seller in the US, I forget the name now... they came at around £45-50 and not one time I had to pay extra tax. I may have been lucky but... I can't remember the seller's name, but if you search old threads on the Hipshot D-tuners it'll be mentioned there as I wasn't the only one buying from them.
  12. Pete just sold me a Bass Synth Wah... it was a tall order as I wanted it urgently, and with Xmas around the corner, it wouldn't be easy. But he made it work! Thank you soooo much, Pete!
  13. [quote name='ProfFrink' timestamp='1450887273' post='2936746'] Any vids/recordings/demos? [/quote] Not mine, but youtube has a few... like this one that illustrate a range of the sounds it can achieve [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VAC0LVUrAaU[/media]
  14. I am not a Christian, never really been and I can't say I know of a single one of my friends who is a christian... so it may come as a surprise that in 2008 I auditioned for a worship band. Well, I didn't know it was a worship band. They didn't say. I was looking for a band to join, they told me they practice at this church near where I lived and didn't think much of it as many churches use their grounds as a sort of community centres around here. I asked for recordings or anything they would want me to prepare and they said no, just show up with my bass. They did not mention the worship aspect at all. So I showed up, and immediately I realised what the situation was. I felt tempted to turn around and leave but... I was there, they expected me, why not go through with it. Band leader and guitarist was a bit of a tyrant from the way he treated his band, but he wasn't extreme and the band sounded good, so hey, if that works... I was handed a few sheets with lyrics and chords written along the lyrics and "let's start with song X, 1, 2, 3, 4..." and we started! Songs I never heard before, but largely pretty predictable structures, so all I had to do was scan the sheet for the chords before starting, and go with it. Play simple initially, and try a bit "prettier" playing as I became more comfortable. The band was two guitars, three female backing singers I think, keyboard, a guy doing various percusion bits, and a 12 year old drummer who was pretty cool. I had a good time. They offered me the gig but I declined because the worship aspect really isn't for me... but if I were a Christian, that would have been a pretty cool band to join. The atmosphere was welcoming and nice, and what at first seemed like a tyrant bandleader... I suspect he just held the reigns of the band tight but he was probably a cool guy too, or the other members wouldn't act so relaxed around him. I would not leave my "usual" gigs, but having something like this in addition to a more standard band sounds great to me... if you're into worship. It's not an area I know much about, but over the years I have encountered a good number of worship bands/players and there's a lot of really good stuff out there, musically. I can imagine it would do a lot of good to help develop further as a bass player.
  15. [quote name='gazzatriumph' timestamp='1450722224' post='2935254'] I researched before buying and looked at the G30, reports that the clip was crap were true the battery compartment lid isnt great but as I said Ive had no problems with it, I prefer to have a pouch for extra protection rather than using a clip, there were good and bad points on the G30 and the Sony, people reporting the Sony gave out a high pitch noise when using batteries plus I'd had a Sony TV pack up just after the warranty and had a Sony Hi Fi which packed up, it was replaced under warranty and the replacement packed in and was replaced with a Panasonic so I lost a bit of faith with Sony products. [/quote] When I got my G30, the Sony did not exist. The G30 is still doing a great job. The clip looked flimsy so I never even used it: I got a leather holder by Levy that works very well, instead. The battery door... I never understood the complaints. It seems to me it's made on purpose so that you do need to press the catch hard,, which means it won't open by itself... and I suspect some people simply did not pay enough attention and didn't close the lid properly. Over six years later, it's still going strong. I have also a preference not to buy anything Sony, so I'd still get the G30.
  16. At home. Waiting for a BSW to be delivered before 1pm. It is the THIRD one I buy!!! Will I keep it this time? Unlikely, it looks like it'll become my girlfriend's... but at least I'll have access to it! It's a funny pedal this one. It does a few cool noises and covers octave, synthy and envelope filter flavours. There are much better pedals out there for each individual effect, but this one sounds quite decent regardless. Every time I sell mine... I find yet another situation where the BSW would have been ideal. Hopefully this time it'll stay close to me. It is a lot of fun on guitar too, more than the guitar-oriented version, in fact.
  17. [quote name='Rich' timestamp='1450273116' post='2931224'] Horrid scoopy tone = knob. Refusal to compromise for the sake of overall band sound = complete knob. "Too cool for earplugs" = [u][b]idiot[/b][/u] (and complete total and utter knob). What do your bandmates think? Does it get on their nerves too, or is it just you? If it's just you, do they know that it's pissing you off? [/quote] It sounds like a very inexperienced guitarist, between this and the other thread about what guitar to buy. He probably has no clue what the band sounds like as a whole and just enjoys making noise... I think recording a rehearsal could be a useful way to approach the subject in a constructive way... but I am not optimistic. I haven't met a single guitarist with the traits you describe who is willing to compromise. If the rest of the band sees no problem, then it may be time to look for another band. If they see a problem, then it's time for another guitarist, probably.
  18. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1450217662' post='2930735'] Cheers for the info folks, Sadly I missed seeing the post until after the Ebay auction had finshed but it does look nice. I'd be a little wary of D-tuners only because I have heard very mixed reports on the ones used with bass guitars. [/quote] D-tuners (Hipshot extenders) work fantastically well on bass!!! I have them on three of my basses as I needed to alternate between standard and drop-D a lot in the past. I'd have them on guitar in a heartbeat to avoid faffing about. They're very reliable. They'll work just as well on guitar, provided there's a fixed bridge, or a floating trem that only does down-bends.
  19. mcnach

    Best tuner pedal

    Korg Pitchblack, without a doubt. I also like the Korg DT10 a lot. The disadvantage is it takes up a lot more space but it's very good. Great display. I left mine behind after playing at a festival and by the time I realised it was gone. I hate people sometimes... my lovely DT10
  20. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1450732130' post='2935396'] Yeah, that could be entertaining. I'm not sure when I'll get started on them; probably not until the new year, but I have a new wee musical project they would be useful for. [/quote] You know where to find me
  21. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1450721726' post='2935245'] So can we close this thread now? [/quote] No, but you're free to not read it
  22. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1450470324' post='2933230'] It's interesting what high regard these are held in on basschat, as on paper they look decent but unremarkable; a quality but not premium spec Eminence driver in a 40-something litre box, and (going by the sensitivity) figures, tuned for a small mid-bass bump. It's clear that in the flesh they have a sound which people like though. In the new year I'm going to put together a pair of cabs with what I'm fairly sure is the same driver as the S112, but mine will be built in true shed-fangled DIY fashion. When I've got those done, it would be a fun exercise to compare them to the S112s if anyone up here has some. [/quote] Hi Martin, I'll have a pair of S112's coming to me soon, so we can compare them if you like.
  23. was that for me or for the previous message about the TTE amp? anyway, for me... I still haven't moved any of my speakers. I've been moving house, and what with Xmas etc I haven't bothered, although I've got some interested parties in some of them if/when I decide to move them. What I've just done is say "to hell with it! Let's get a couple of S112s!"... so yup, they've been ordered. It seems I may get lucky as Tommy had some ready to cover in vinyl and they may ship within a couple of days. It's a rather expensive way to figure out which combination works best for me, but I figured I deserved a Xmas present
  24. [quote name='Fisheth' timestamp='1450461740' post='2933146'] two of the five tuners on my Squier VM5 Jazz have fallen off repeatedly and have broke. I'm having to replace them. It is a great bass, aside from that however. [/quote] two of them fell off... repeatedly??? man, what do you do to that poor bass?
  25. I've seen people changing the head in the CMD121 combo and also on a 210... so it is possible. However the amp does not have the top metal plate that a stand alone head would have, so you'd have to make one or source it somehow from another broken head or something, otherwise the guts would be exposed when you use it (assuming you want to use it as a stand alone unit.
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