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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1442318021' post='2865978'] MJ went through a period of being vilified, but seems to be enjoying a mild resurgence, as people concentrate on his music, rather than his personal life. That said, I was talking to a DJ at a wedding venue recently, and he was telling me that at a recent wedding, he put on some MJ as a request, and a big lad came up within seconds and told him to take it off, "Or else". His point of view was that there were kids at the wedding and he shouldn't be playing anything "by that f**king paedo". [/quote] what a f**king numbnuts knuckledragger moron
  2. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1442301440' post='2865787'] Will this ever end ? [/quote] Never. I'll make sure of it.
  3. Like it! Album ordered. Thanks for the heads up!
  4. I always reply, unless it's york5stringer. When I joined BassChat, the memo I received said not to reply to his PMs. Didn't you all get the same?
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1442219285' post='2865138'] And the problem is...will that gig suffer an 'idiot' failure..?? It it will...then not a real problem...if it wont, you probably wouldn't get asked again.. etc etc [/quote] +1 it really boils down to this. if I play at a local music bar and break a string, my bandmates start a jam improvising lyrics about my broken G-string (true story! in a RHCP tribute band) if I am playing a "serious" gig... I would like to have a backup if possible. The thing is that I don' think a Squier Jazz is more likely to fail than a Fender Jazz, for example, provided you treat them equally well and maintain them. Amplifiers are another matter.
  6. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1442046004' post='2863979'] [b]why should anyone tell you why the Fender is better over the Squire[/b]. It isn`t needed. If someone tells me a Squire is better than a Fender, i will accept their word, and try them both if i wanted one, because they couldn`t give a quantifiable reason.. [/quote] because we like to know what makes people prefer one bass over another, nothing sinister... it's a bass forum and we like to spend idle time here talking crap about gear But it's not about justifying to anybody your choices, it's just... well, exchanging views, really. I don't need to justify to anybody why I bought three Sue Ryder basses back in the day, but I happily told people why I thought they were attractive -to me, at the time-. One person in particular got quite verbose criticising our choices (several here bought those basses at the same time, when they were going for £50-60). I never felt I owed him an explanation or that I could convince him that those basses worked for me, but it's the nature of the forums: we talk a lot with no consequence whatsoever, and in the process there may be a few interesting points raised. That's why I participate. That's all. Sometimes someone may ask something I don't really have an answer for, or don't feel like getting into answering. Saying I have no answer or moving on are perfect acceptable responses too.
  7. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1441614138' post='2860149'] And why should you need to apologise for wanting the best gear ? I'm not going to think , oh, I'm playing the pub tonight, I'll take the cheap gear so I don't look too poseurish, oh, next week we are playing a function, better take the good gear. I take my best gear for every gig and I couldn't give a toss what anyone thinks of my choice. Surely, they are more interested in what kind of a noise you are making anyway! [/quote] You take the Sadowsky to the pub... and there'll be someone there who'll think you can't afford a Fender and that's why you play that imitation
  8. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1441566484' post='2859912'] Just saying, in my case I'd rather take a spare amp than a spare bass.... In practice have never bothered with either and have never had a problem (but I guess there is always a first time) As for taking a spare bass/amp and then leaving it in the car.... [/quote] worst case scenario... just walk up to the vocalist's microphone and hum your basslines
  9. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1441564407' post='2859879'] I find it quite interesting that lots of people think it necessary to take a spare (quality or otherwise) bass to a gig, but very few have said they take a spare amp. I'd be much more worried about an amp breaking than a bass (even one of my cheap, crap ones) Especially as the advice dished out on here in every "which amp?" thread is always "buy second hand, you'll get much more for your money" So, many of the people who only use expensive basses because they're more "reliable" quite often advise others to buy second hand amps... [/quote] True. I suppose it is because until relatively recently a spare head was both expensive and heavy, and we can always go straight to desk if absolutely necessary: it won't be much fun, but it'll work.
  10. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441542023' post='2859625'] All this "I bring two basses in case one breaks" and "I buy superior quality gear because it's more reliable" just seem like mealy-mouthed justifications for what is simply an indulgence, although so many here seem to be unwilling to admit that's what it is. If you want to play at being a big-time rock star, if you do it as an indulgence, if you simply have more fun that way, just bloody well say it instead of getting all upset when I don't believe that you bring two superior quality basses to the pub "in case one breaks". [/quote] ... ok, now I see why some people get a bit annoyed that sounds a bit too judgemental, to be honest. It is an indulgence for many. And nothing wrong about that. Personally, I don't take backup basses to our typical gigs: they're rather loose and I can easily replace a string. However, for "serious" gigs I have taken not only a spare bass but a spare amplifier. Last thing I want is to travel 200 miles to a gig that we get paid well for, and have to say "ooops, my bass doesn't work". It's rare... but I have had an amplifier go "puff" with sparks and smoke on me, and... this is the crucial part... if I have spares, and can transport them, and don't inconvenience anybody... why not bring them along? I also have spare contact lenses and spectacles in my car.
  11. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1441542931' post='2859635'] Why should they have to justify what bass they buy? You have already said that it was just a clickbait topic. [/quote] I don't think anybody is being forced to justify anything. You only owe that to yourself and nobody else. A couple of questions have been asked. Some find them pointless, some don't and respond. Not everybody has the same views... erm, what's surprising? What I don't get is the "this thread is pointless" comments (if it's pointless, what are you doing replying to it?) or feeling like you have to justify anything or that you've been attacked. You don't. You haven't.
  12. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1441540210' post='2859604'] Well, I'm with Milty. It's interesting to see what motivates people and what lies behind their choice of instrument. I never understand why some people see words on a page to have any malice. Non have been written. It's all in your heads guys. I just thought there were two reasons for choosing a particular bass. Seems I'm wrong so the thread has at least been interesting to me. Rampant consumerism? Hardly. We don't buy an expensive bass as soon as it's released and bin the old one. The supply chain and exchange of second hand gear is far more complex than that. As I wrote earlier, if you feel you have to defend yourself then maybe you should look at really why you bought the bass. So far only one person has admitted to being an out and out poser. [/quote] my thoughts exactly...
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441491139' post='2859299'] Aside from the cost factor and the law of diminishing returns. I don't disagree, however. Most high-ticket basses are better. There is an interesting phenomenon that simply pricing something higher makes it's disproportionately more valuable, which harks the old question "Is a Fender really worth it?". [/quote] Yes, I have to have at least one or two Fenders at home. It keeps my Squiers on their toes, so they try harder. Then I can gig with the Squiers
  14. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441313907' post='2857922'] I find this "I sound great, therefore I play better" attitude quite hard to understand. I consider sounding great to be relative to the people you are playing with, not relative to other basses. When musicians are on the same wavelength with each other, they sound great. It wouldn't matter if you had the most expensive bass in the world or not, a great jam is a great jam. [/quote] reread the "I sound great, therefore I play better" as "I love the way this bass feels and sounds, therefore I find it more inspiring to play, so I am more in tune with it and as a result I seem to play better - or I enjoy playing it more" that's how I understand it, at least. There was nothing wrong with my OLPs, and I've been known to be a bit of a reverse snob, but when I got my Stingray it just felt right in a way that the OLPs didn't quite match.
  15. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1441299278' post='2857753'] Looking purely at the facts, spending £2,000 on a guitar to play 15 £200 gigs throughout the year doesn't make business sense. [/quote] but it may make all the sense in pleasure terms... 15 gigs a year at £200 a pop is clearly not a business
  16. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1441972058' post='2863375'] Question here for the wise: Is there any reason why I shouldn't use it as an expansion to the CM121? I know that due to the watts rating, of course I'd need to keep it turned down. [/quote] I used to have a Schroeder mini10R. It was roughly the size of the Retro One, but heavier, and rated to 300W. I used it quite a bit with my CMD121P combo, and it was a nice combination. I played quite a few small bar gigs like that, where its small footprint was ideal, and it mnoved a lot more air than you'd think. I don't see why those two would not work well together. You won't break anything, so try it
  17. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1441971756' post='2863372'] As requested. The combo on the left is a CMD121. Both have their back panels parallel. Coke can is standard size. It's really light to carry. I'd say making one that has a docking port to take the amp would be a cool option; so the amp is protected and saves you carrying it as a separate item. [/quote] ha ha! the perfect photo. Now we need a review comparing the CMD121P combo to the One+LMIII. Tone, output, girth... pleeeease
  18. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1441961025' post='2863223'] Can you put it beside a can of Coke for scale purposes please (not one of the crappy tiny ones you get on airplanes) I can only truly guage the size of something if it's beside a can of coke. [/quote] yes!
  19. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1441965719' post='2863282'] Nice, and it'll look good on stage. It has a bit of a Charvel/Jackson vibe about it, but thankfully without the pointy headstock! [/quote] that's true!!!!!!!! but yeah, not a fan of pointy headstocks. I did own an Ibanez RG548 (SSH, floyd rose, pointy headstock) but it was natural ash so a bit more subdued and not so "80s"... that's as far as I'd go.
  20. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1441962207' post='2863242'] NICE! Lovely as it is tho, with a Delano MM pickup between the reverse P and the Bridge, you'd seriously have something special there!! [/quote] I did toy with the idea of adding a second reverse P right below the other one... but my whole point was simplicity and the hybrid thing: still fat, still reminiscent of a Precision, but a little more definition.
  21. [quote name='ianrendall' timestamp='1441959748' post='2863209'] Thanks for the replies chaps! Also, why so many holes? [/quote] They moved production to Switzerland for a little while...
  22. [quote name='TrevorR' timestamp='1441953664' post='2863161'] That's really not my kinda bass. But as not my kinda basses go that's one really really lovely not my kinda bass!!! Hmmmm... Starting to get seriously tempted by this brand! [/quote]
  23. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1441957047' post='2863184'] New Cab Day! [url="http://i963.photobucket.com/albums/ae112/richard108/Mobile%20Uploads/2015-09/IMAG0683_zpsmmqh5nie.jpg"]http://i963.photobuc...zpsmmqh5nie.jpg[/url] I'm really pleased with it. Met Alex and learned more about their thinking. Great guy. He'll do well. He is doing well. [/quote] it's tiny! (and I love the way it looks ) I want to hear these minibeast! Especially with that very same amplifier
  24. [quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1441922415' post='2863084'] Yeah i think you are probably right!! Still unsure of whether to order an ACG which has pre-amps i like or a cheaper but equally well built Adrian bass! [/quote] can you buy the ACG preamps?
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