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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='mikeycrikey' timestamp='1440364848' post='2850182'] I have the 424x which plays great and sounds great. However I feel the J pick up is slightly more dominant than the P pick up. [/quote] Did you try lowering the J pickup a bit?
  2. [quote name='ead' timestamp='1440329263' post='2849824'] I have a Genz Benz Streamliner perched on top of a Gen 2 Midget/Compact stack. So far no issues although I have changed the feet of the amp to give some additional clearance over the handles. The new feet don't feel particularly more or less grippy than the orginal fit items though. [/quote] The feet on my Streamliner are fine, grip-wise. It's the Shuttle 9.2 ones that were hard plastic and zero grip.
  3. I replaced the feet on my Shuttle 9.2. The original are hard plastic and offer no grip at all on my BF cabs. I put some nice rubbery ones that cost pennies each, and the head stays in place now.
  4. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1440115836' post='2848472'] I couldn't agree more - I've just bought a well used 5 in white - still with the checker plate pickguard - absolutely love it and fills my urge for a 2 band rosewood board MM 5. The neck feel reminds me exactly of my Bongo, and I think it has a standard 11 mm radius. Plays and sounds absolutely great. I have just measured my US Sub 5 - outer edge of strings at nut = 44 mm, actual neck width there 49 mm; at 12th fret outer edge of strings, 59 mm, actual neck width there 68 mm. This may be of interest to McNach but it is a very early build, late 2003 bass and although I haven't looked to check it sounds distinctly like it has series wiring (especially noticeable in slap and pop sound higher up the neck). Whatever, it's an awesome playing, sounding and looking bass and I certainly will be keeping it stock - it feels extremely light, to the extent it has significant deck dive when played seated - balances great on a strap and has been gigged several times already. A pity the previous owner put one or two nasty dings in the textured paint finish ......... but hey ho!!!! [/quote] Thanks! I'm always curious about the SUBs Late 2003 SUB5? I had a 2004 which was parallel. However I know that 2003 and at least some way into 2004 4-string SUBs seem to be wired in series (at least, every single one I know of is). It always seemed strange to me that at a time where the SR5 was ceramic, they'd put an alnico into the SUB5 making the SUB5 "THE real" Stingray 5-string: I thought the point was using components they already manufactured, not making new ones. But I love that there is variation. My series-wired SUB is lovely. I think it suits the 2EQ better than the parallel configuration (to this ears of mine!). It still sounds clearly "Stingray", but the extra punch, and using stainless strings, is just perfect. I had another SUB, a later one wired in parallel with the compensated nut (so 2005-2006?), and between the two the 2003 was the one that got all the action. Nothing wrong with the 2005 one, it sounded much like my 2EQ 2002 natural/maple Stingray - before I replaced the preamp for a John East 3-band. The 3-band adds versatility, but after my experience, I think instead of changing the preamp I would have tried to wire the pickup in series instead. It's a little fiddly, as it one has 2 wires, so you need to rewire it a bit but it's doable if one is careful. Ok, enough rambling for now... I'm not sure what my point was, or whether there was one I just read "SUB5 - series" and it got my interest If you ever get around to lifting the pickup and check the actual wiring, don't forget to post the results here, please looking at the wiring will be the definite proof that SUB5s also came in series at some point. I should not have sold mine Amazing basses
  5. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1440088290' post='2848222'] You could be right. I've listened to it a few times now. When I played this before I used to play two notes in the high register, not as a pedal. Not sure if the recorded version uses a high note and a pedal, two high and a pedal or multitracking. However he plays it its fantastic. [/quote] I'm now sure it's not multitracked: he plays it just like I did and if I can do it, doubtless he can do it too It's actually pretty simple... but beautiful. I like Flea more from BSSM onwards than before BSSM. It seems that at that point he decided to go for less "gymnastics" and more thinking about the actual notes he played, the melody... and he came up with basslines like this one for Scar Tissue, which is just beautiful
  6. [quote name='mikeycrikey' timestamp='1440080960' post='2848120'] Just measured the neck on my MM sub and it was 44 mm at the nut and 57mm at the 12th fret give or take a millimetre to allow for my dodgy glasses. Hope it helps [/quote] I still haven't measured mine, but it must be true. Wow, really? It doesn't feel it, which goes to show that a lot of the feel is the profile, the depth, not so much the width, I guess!
  7. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1440071125' post='2848017'] In the each guitar solo there's a high part and low part definitely double tracked. It repeats in the outro. [/quote] You got my curiosity going I found this, that's how I used to play it, no double tracking The bottom notes are mostly droning, so really easy to play [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82-T9ivCuV0#t=75[/media]
  8. [quote name='Nicko' timestamp='1440071125' post='2848017'] In the each guitar solo there's a high part and low part definitely double tracked. It repeats in the outro. [/quote] I used to play that live, plucking two notes simultaneously, I'm pretty sure that's what he does too... or I *was* pretty sure I have to confess I never sat down to analyse it in detail. It just sounded to me like two strings plucked at once (with thumb and index? can't recall and I don't have a bass in the office)... To my ears it sounds right. Try it!
  9. [quote name='police squad' timestamp='1439807321' post='2845843'] learn some Police tunes, that should challenge peoples awareness of space and time keeping (sounds all a bit Star Trek) or tell 'em to fook off [/quote] That's a great suggestion. The songs sound simple and easy enough... but it takes decent players to make them sound right, so they can highlight the band's shortcomings easily.
  10. [quote name='Japhet' timestamp='1439755423' post='2845540'] At a gig once a punter shouted out 'What does the bass do?' I replied, 'OK, I won't play in the next song' and the band backed me. It sounded sh*te and when I started playing again in the next song I got a big cheer. It's not only punters who don't know what we do but I'm lucky that my bandmates do. [/quote] ha ha Similarly, my very first band on bass was a not very good black metal kind of band. When I asked for some recordings prior to the audition they said not to worry. When I showed up it was clear to me that they (a drummer and a guitarist, no singer yet) only looked for a bass player because, well, bands always have a bass player, not because they thought they needed the sound of a bass. I was told, literally "just follow the guitar, it won't matter if you make mistakes because nobody listens to the bass anyway". We got together maybe four times, once a week. Then, I could not make the next practice and they decided to go ahead and do it without me. Halfway through I received a text from the guitarist: "you ok for next week? it sounds like sh*te without the bass!!!" No, I did not stay with that band long. They were good guys, but musically it was dreadful. We'd go for a pint after practice and they'd talk about whether it'd be a problem to take time off work when we have to go on tour, and how amazing it'd be if we get to support Slayer, and... So for my next band, it was a funk/hip hop thing, I joined a week before our first gig. I do like a bit of contrast in my life
  11. two basslines? I hear two simultaneous notes in places, sure, but that's just two notes played at the same time not multitracked... I could be wrong, of course, but that's what I hear
  12. [quote name='goonieman' timestamp='1439974150' post='2847123'] What i'm after is a solid rationale on which to choose if I had to. i.e. are there noise implications? impedance issues that will impact on FX use, etc. [/quote] Nope
  13. [quote name='goonieman' timestamp='1439970234' post='2847081'] Hi All, I'm revamping a fleabass (the cheapie ones - not a modulus!), and am routing for a MM pickup (seymour duncan SMB-4D ceramic). I'll be using a stingray 2EQ preamp. My question is, should I go for series or parallel wiring? If I go series, it will be hotter and more middly, but I can dial that out at the amp if desired, right? Are there any other issues I should be aware of? For me, series or parallel is kind of irrelevant because one can adjust onboard or at the amp... am I right? thanks [/quote] The ceramic is more mids rich, so maybe this is irrelevant, but I'll carry on undeterred anyway :-p I think the alnico Stingray pickup, in series, is a wonderful combination for the 2EQ preamp. In parallel is slightly scooped, and the 2EQ can control the midrange but it's a bit fiddly if you're not very familiar with those preamps and how the two controls interact. The alnico one in series adds just enough oomph in the mid region and it suits the 2EQ very well, in my experience: my USA SUB was wired in series (I'm led to believe that the initial run of SUBs in 2003/early 2004 were wired this way, then they reverted to the more usual parallel configuration) and with it the original 2EQ preamp is just fine. I always lean towards the John East preamp otherwise (2EQ, but with a separate mids control with sweepable centre frequency). So... I dunno I'd go series. I like the extra fat
  14. [quote name='goonieman' timestamp='1439934689' post='2846981'] Hi all, I've been considering the USA SUB series... but prefer slimmer jazz style width and profile. Can anyone tell me the specs on the made in USA sub neck please? [been googling for a while and finding conflicting data] Thanks [/quote] The USA EBMM SUB is not slim like a Jazz. It's the same as a Stingray of the same period (2003-2006), which means wide, and on the whole not too different from a Precision. I'll measure it when I get home if you don't get an answer but I imagine it'll be around 42mm wide. The only SUB that is thinner is the "Sterling by MusicMan" SUB, which is a very different animal (and not USA made), or the EBMM Sterling SUB (USA, again from 2003-2006 period), which is pretty rare. But they exist! I know a guy in Edinburgh who has one. edit: 44mm??? Are you sure? That's Classic 50 Precision territory -which I love- but the Stingray and SUB I have are a *little* narrower.
  15. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1439933414' post='2846965'] Glad I didn't buy one then! I wonder if I could make my bit of foam a bit more user-friendly by attaching it to a stiff backing with felt underneath, so it's a bit quicker to slide into place. [/quote] That looks like a much better option. Or those little things that look like a pillow... no hard backing but the foam is hard enough and it's easy to slide under the strings.
  16. For simplicity: Audacity. But Reaper is also pretty simple for most basic operations, and it allows you to do much more... It just looks a bit more scary at first but the basic operations are just as easy as in Audacity... so I vote for Reaper
  17. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1439851515' post='2846316'] But why sell it? That spec is really good. [/quote] well, it seems he wants a 4-string Precision or a Stingray... There are a lot of reasons people sell their basses, amps, pedals etc here. Being crap is not usually one of them. GAS is a fickle animal
  18. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1439720166' post='2845163'] I'm sure they are fantastic basses, but I feel that us basschatters do seem to stir up a frenzy in each other about new and exciting brands that pop up. See also the Sire threads for instance. I'm sure that once the excitement about acquiring the new must have has subsided, a few folks think - don't need it after all, now I need.. This, instead!! ... I think it's just the thrill and cycle of gas taking place and not any "catch" regarding Limelights in particular. (I still "need" a Limelight P that looks like Discreet's old Limelight J, and this coming from someone who only plays 5ers.. I rest my case!) [/quote] I'm sure there's a bit of that too!!! That's probably what pushed me towards TKS and Maruszczyk, for instance (two brands I doubt I'd know about if it weren't for BC!). That's not to say it was a mistake. The TKS cabs are very cool even if I'm not in love with them 100%. But the Maruszczyk is just fantastic. I was tempted by Limelight too, but I prefer to do my own careless relicing accompanied with suitable swearwords
  19. Sorry if I'm missing something.., You say it did not cut out, but it came close to cutting out. How do you know? Or did I misunderstood?
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1439648696' post='2844665'] If he doesn't do non-relics, I strongly recommend you chat to Adrian at Maruszczyk... [/quote] +1 Maruszczyk also do some kind of relic ones, from what I've seen... although I have to say they don't look as "real" as the Limelights. On the plus side, the saddles and other functional parts still work
  21. [quote name='Naetharu' timestamp='1439633962' post='2844530'] Anyhow, Just to make a final post everything is sorted for me. The bass is being returned and I have a beautiful new one on order. All smooth as can be and very happy. Cheers for your help folks [/quote] Cool! So... what's the new one going to be like?
  22. Nice! That's a LOT of bass for £380! I also have a white one, earlier than yours (yours looks like a 2005-2006, because of the compensated nut). I love it, fantastic bass. It has *nothing* to feel shy about next to a "real" Stingray, which I also own. I put a black scratchplate on mine. The pickup routing is clean on these basses, so they look great without one too!
  23. Have you considered the GB Shuttle 9.2, if you really want to change amps? I found it closer to the LMIII than the LMT800 was (although it's a different animal), and I do feel I get a bit more "oomph" from that than the LMIII.
  24. [quote name='Greg.Bassman' timestamp='1439330361' post='2842035'] Not a silly question at all lol. I wish. Due to show and transportation purposes, I'm afraid I'm reduced to a 410. Generally, it's very good; in a rehearsal room, it's a total gem- on a full stage with 8 other muso's though, and it starts to feel the strain I'm currently pushing the gain to 11 o'clock and setting the master around 12 o'clock; which I hate doing as (anything past 12 o'clock) it starts to clip. My thinking is, with the LM800, I hoping that I won't have to have the knobs so high to achieve my current volume- and at least (if needs be) I have the option to turn up further. Thoughts everyone? [/quote] I had both an LMIII and an LMT800 (the "tube" version, although whatever that did is questionable). They sound different. I liked both, but preferred the LMIII. The LMT800 has a bit more... "girth", but I can't say I noticed it being significantly louder than the LMIII, if at all. So, if your objective is simply more volume, the LM(T)800 may not be your best bet. I ended up selling the LMIII and LMT800 but keeping the CMD121P combo (LMIII head in small combo shape). I use that as stage monitor, somettimes with a small expension cab (various... I had Schroeder mini10R for a small rig version, TKS 1126 or BF BB2 or Compact for a slightly bigger one. I love the extra cab option (TKS or BF), because it's still portable and loud and good sounding. I used my LMIII with two cabs together: a single 15 (BF Compact) and a single 12 (BF BB2), and I can't imagine your 410 would be more efficient than that combination, plus you can very easily carry the two speakers, one in each hand. Not saying that you should get those exact cabs, but maybe a couple of efficient light single speaker cabs could work out better in the end. Regardless... LM800 purely for more volume is likely to disappoint, in my opinion.
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