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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1436889574' post='2821766'] Someone bought me a set of Roto's for xmas so I swapped them for the Coban strings on my US precision, through my rig in a band context I couldn't hear any noticeable difference. The Roto's were just about done by last month so i changed back to a new set of Coban's. No one at a gig or in rehearsal has made any comment about any change in tone (other than a new set obviously sound a bit brighter for a while). I can't tell any difference in guage between them and the previous set of Roto 45-105's from the feel of them either. Not bothered to try to measure them. [/quote] enjoy them, by all means! I'm actually envious!
  2. I wouldn't... if I wanted a 5-string, THAT Lakland would be it
  3. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1436781632' post='2820591'] I seem to have gone against the general consensus. After years of trying various manufacturers (rotos, elixirs, ernie ball, elite, fender own brand, others I can't even recall) I came to the conclusion that one 45-105 roundwound stainless sounds much like another, there were other parts of the process that were having far bigger influences on 'my tone' than the string. So I just looked around for a cheap reliable string of the type I wanted and ended up with these; [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Coban-Guitar-Strings-Deluxe-DCG3/dp/B00A3HGGP8"]http://www.amazon.co...3/dp/B00A3HGGP8[/url] No issues so far. [/quote] I tried them (at that price, I had to!!! ) They are not bad, but they didn't sound great to me. I replaced them with a set of Fender steel 7350M and the bass sprung to life by comparison. I guess if you like stainless steel strings after they've been on for a while, the Coban ones can be ok. The gauge seemed strange too, they did not measure what the packet said, but a little less. For cheap stainless, I like the Red Label Warwick. They're only about £11-12, and they sound pretty good. A little rough on the fingers, but I soon get used to it. This reminds me, I have a set of S.I.T. stainless strings to try, I should do that soon... my Jake needs restringing so it should be a good opportunity.
  4. 1996 Jazz gone (pending the usual) to Jamolah, with the SKB hardcase. Thank you all for the interest
  5. ... and if someone is near Liverpool and wants one.. I just noticed this! [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Squier-Black-Matt-Freeman-Signature-Model-Precision-Bass-/111716991312?"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Squier-Black-Matt-Freeman-Signature-Model-Precision-Bass-/111716991312?[/url] disclaimer: nothing to do with me!
  6. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1436717812' post='2820163'] that is a bargain for the 96. it was once mine, and the tone is very cool. with the retro its a 70's jazz bass monster.!!! [/quote] Thank you! It is indeed a great bass... I wish I could just keep them all!!! all PMs answered, about both the 2010 and the 1996 one... who knows, I might even sell both!
  7. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1436690985' post='2819920'] ive been toying with the idea of selling my spector to get that 96, left it too late (not that id sell quick). you snooze you lose I guess out of interest do these have to 70,s pickup spacing, as ive heard the japanese reissues dont ? [/quote] Yes, these two have 70s spacing. I have another 75RI (a 2002) with 60s spacing and pearl blocks that I had refinished in coral red (the grain was not pretty, unlike these two), which in the end is the one I'm keeping because I have a thing for red basses
  8. [quote name='sammybee' timestamp='1436649951' post='2819816'] PM'd re the '96 [/quote] and PM'd back you sure you don't like the 2010 better?
  9. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1436621051' post='2819598'] I do like rounds for tone but I cant get past all the string noise. I really admire players who can play clean with rounds. Maybe as I evolve and get better as a player I might come back to them. I know part of the problem is me dragging my fingers.[/quote] Try cutting down the high treble it helps me a lot
  10. [quote name='ezbass' timestamp='1436621787' post='2819608'] Marvellous sounding piece of kit, I just ordered the DI version to replace my M80 (better mid control and OD). GLWTS. [/quote] True! I used to have an M80 in the past. Nice, but the VT-Bass is much more versatile and the overdrive is a lot better. The M80's is too fizzy. The VT-Bass I'm keeping has been modified to add, precisely, a DI output. It's not going anywhere!
  11. preamp pedal, with DI, clean boost and the amazing MarkBass VLE and VPF filters you can find on most of their amps. I use my MarkBass combo most of the time with the EQ pretty flat and just dial my sound using the filters. I have been reluctant to sell this because it's such a great pedal, but I rarely use it on its own as the MB combo gets most of my attention... It comes with box and power supply. It asks for 12V (and the power supply is 12V), but I have used it successfully with 9V supplies. It does sound a little different at 12 and 9V 'though, but it's perfectly useable at 9V.
  12. £100 v2 of this ultra versatile pedal. I own two of these but one is enough these days for me... clean velcro on the bottom
  13. Boss LS-2 I'm sure you know what it does: A/B switch and/or mix, useful to add a clean blend for pedals that do not have that ability as well... I have two of these but I only use one pedalboard now, so... here's the second LS2 up for grabs! velcro on the bottom.
  14. [b]due to some extra expense anticipated next week... [u]FOR ONE WEEK ONLY[/u] [*]: [/b] 2010 '75 re-issue Fender Jazz with EMG pickups, black blocks, and SKB hard case - [b]£500[/b] or 1996 '75 re-issue Fender Jazz with DiMarzio Model J pickups, J-Retro preamp, white blocks, and SKB hard case - [b]£550[/b] [*] cash must be in my account by Friday 17th July After that, I will have made other arrangements and I will not be in a hurry to sell, so price will go up again.
  15. [quote name='pfretrock' timestamp='1436551888' post='2819171'] Just had a delivery by dpd, never heard of them before. I got 5 hours notice of a 1 hour delivery slot, it arrived 30 minutes into the slot. Tracking gave a link to google map which showed where the van was, what parcel number he was delivering (75) and what my parcel number was (87). Looking at the route the van took across town, it was well organised for shortest routes, updated at every drop. I guess this would be too much to ask of every delivery company. But ParcelForce have alway delivered my Thomann stuff within 36 hours from reaching UK (no strikes in Europe at that time). But really, I should get a life or take bass lessons rather than follow tracking on PC [/quote] DPD are about the best around. Whenever I see something it's been delivered by then, I relax.
  16. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1436521086' post='2818782'] Hmmm, I did have some self adhesive velcro strips somewhere, but I'd be worried about ruining the carpet on my brand new cab. Guess if it's only done occasionally it would take a fair while before any bobbling occurs... Actually, I've just tried it.... It's a terrible idea! Doesn't really work as the angle is all wrong and the combo ends up too far forward and it seems very unstable. Maybe with a bigger (deeper) cab underneath it would be ok.... [/quote] ah pity...
  17. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1436517462' post='2818709'] Yup, I've since bought the NY121 extension cab to go under the combo, but it's still not really that high, so I'm thinking of chopping an inch off either end end of the bottom tubes and using it to angle the combo whilst standing on top of the cab.... Not sure if it's a good idea or not, but what's the worst that could happen eh? [/quote] I like that idea. It may be possible to use a couple of long strips of tough velcro to go over the stand's feet and attach to the bottom cab (it's covered in carpet), giving a bit of extra protection against bumps. Maybe?
  18. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1435311492' post='2807466'] The Stagg GAS-4.2 is a good buy on ebay, works great with my Markbass CMD121 and is less than half the price of those two at about £15! [/quote] Yup. I bought one of them recently and I've just used mine tonight. It's perfect for an amp the size of the Markbass, although it can take something a little bigger too for sure. I think it's just elevated enough to not lose the "oomph", and you can adjust the angle. It's brilliant.
  19. [quote name='paullakins' timestamp='1436466266' post='2818427'] How much for the white block inlays one? [/quote] £650 will get you it, with a SKB hard case and a spare set of Fender pickups
  20. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1436342469' post='2817177'] Maybe the tracking system has designated waypoints - depots/hubs at which a consignment gets booked in when it arrives. If the last place a box was seen was in Koln and the next place it's supposed to be booked in is at some distribution hub somewhere in England... well to the system it still seems to be in Germany even though it's waiting at Calais? [/quote] it is possible,, and their tracking does not get updated immediately along the way in my experience. But once it's in the UK's final destination, the tracking system lets you know exactly when it's out for delivery.
  21. [quote name='afterimage' timestamp='1436307844' post='2817024'] Well it would have been nice to be informed I took a day off work waiting for it they should notify delays about shipping issues only common courtesy [/quote] did they say it would be delivered today? I usually just follow their tracking and it's been pretty much spot on. edit: ah, so they did not, the OP just jumped the gun. Ah, impatience...
  22. Of my top 5, two were bought new (one "discovered through BC). Of the other three, two were bought in the forum. BC is costing me money!!!
  23. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1436293307' post='2816848'] Seems you're adapting well to being a Scott: like moaning that we in the south have it easy, while you have free healthcare and education. [/quote] I had intensive lessons over the past couple of years!!!
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