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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1436283635' post='2816731'] Cool! ( well cooler than london) Wish I was Scottish right now . The heat makes me say fumny things [/quote] what is that heat you speak of? It seems you lot south of the border keep it all for yourselves, as usual
  2. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1436273910' post='2816617'] Are you one of salmonds crew? [/quote] Nah, I may or not sympathise with some of their goals (obscure enough?), but I'm only an adoptive son of Scotland. I'm Spanish actually. I'm here because I love the weather. edit: and my "mcnach" alias existed way before I even realised that one day I'd live in Scotland
  3. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1436262818' post='2816450'] That's another thing. There have been some really cool bassss for sale oI here.The annoying thing is, they're from foreign sellers who seem to have little interest in Basschat otherwise [/quote] Do you really want foreigners coming over here and occupying your forum and buying your basses??? (disclaimer: I one of those foreigners, I do have a couple of cool basses for sale, but I do have an interest in BC beyond GAS, honest )
  4. [quote name='morsefull' timestamp='1436207439' post='2816018'] Ok, It's probably best for me to calm down a bit. I've PM'd the seller and am awaiting his reply. I want the Marketplace to be everything we need it to be. Open, transparent and a place where we can trust each other. I remember a thread a long time ago when someone paid for a bass and didn't receive it and the response from the Basschat " family" was amazing. If I remember correctly he got either the bass or his money back. Now I'm not at all out of pocket but it's important that we are all aware of the issues that can arise relating to sales here. The more we discuss various issues the better it'll be for all, whether selling or buying. [/quote] +1 The problem with people is that... they're people! But we generally have a good bunch over here. Let's not get a disappointing experience cloud our vision. If the bass is still available, I hope you manage to make it yours!
  5. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1436202684' post='2815943'] When selling or buying on ebay I can see that once you click "Buy" that's it - you clicked, you bought. No backing out. It's all buying blind really. I've bought basses that way and found out that not all Fender's (for example) sound the same, even though the spec might appear to be the same. When buying on BC I expect to arrange to go and see a bass, try it and buy if I like it. If I don't like it, or I'm not sure I'll politely back out and wish the other guy all the best and leave. I'd expect exactly the same in the return. We all know that many basses can't simply be tried out in a store, because stores don't stock them. I expect that I can go and try a bass, as long as I genuinely set out honestly wanting to buy and not simply go "tyre kicking". If the seller has driven a fair way, to meet I'd expect to cover his/her costs if I've wasted their time. (Never happened yet). I may be wrong on all this, of course. I was once in a situation where I drove 120 miles to try a bass. We were given a cuppa and hot-cross buns! I tried 2 basses. One was the one I went to try. It was ok, but not for me. The other was really cool, but a good bit more than I could afford, but served to show that I could be far better suited to a bass other than the one I went there to try. I can understand the seller was disappointed, but I'd been the one who'd forked out for the fuel for going there, so I left empty handed. When I got home I had a PM informing me that generally everyone on BC are really good guys and a pleasure to meet. I was, I was told, not one of them. I was the scum of the earth and should hang my head in shame. So I guess not all folk here have the same outlook or expectations? [/quote] Brilliant!!! I've had a few times people coming to try something I was selling only for them to go "hmmm, not sure, I'll think about it" and go away. I never felt for a minute that they were doing wrong. IN fact, I admired them because usually when I go to try something I end up buying it! I can't resist! (not always )
  6. [quote name='morsefull' timestamp='1436200241' post='2815904'] If the marketplace is going to continue to be a place where we can buy and sell with confidence then people need to be aware of the need for dealing in a trustworthy and transparent way. My issue is that I sold my bass to buy this. It also took the seller almost a month to decide they didn't want to sell to me. Also the sale thread is still alive ?? [/quote] It is disappointing but I don't see an issue with "trustworthiness"... You sold a bass to buy the other one... and now you don't have either. That is annoying, I truly understand that... but until the sale is really done, the bass you want to buy is not yours! So the seller took a long time to decide not to sell it and had you waiting? Yes, annoying, but it's entirely his prerrogative. Similarly, you could have chosen to walk away. I'm sorry it didn't work out, but I can't see how this is a confidence issue, or something for the mods to worry about. There are a lot of items for sale by a lot of different people... some are more reliable than others. You just hit one that wasn't so much. Bad luck. It happens. He did not take your money, 'though. Remember that an item you want which is for sale, it's not really yours until "the deed is done", and both parties can change their minds. It doesn't happen often, but it happens sometimes. That's life.
  7. [quote name='morsefull' timestamp='1436195607' post='2815830'] The plot thickens. Anyway I've reported the "Sorry but I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with you on the Skjold" post to the mods. I suppose It's a case of buyer beware. [/quote] Hmmm, I get that you're disappointed but what is there to report? That the seller changed his mind? Really? I think you're over-reacting a little bit.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1436188873' post='2815708'] OK then, another sideways step - nut width 42mm... anyone tried these? They are quite affordable... MM-style humbuckers are switchable to singe-coil too, so should be possible to get J-type tones, if necessary. [url="http://retrovibe.co.uk/vantage/white.html"]http://retrovibe.co....tage/white.html[/url] [color=#ffffff]M[/color] [color=#ffffff]M[/color] [/quote] Hmmm... I have a previous incarnation of these. They're *ok*, but that's about it. I tinkered, I modified, I had fun with it... but it feels "budget". I haven't tried these newer ones, 'though.
  9. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1436046904' post='2814615'] All depends on what sound you want. The Cog sounds 0% like the Darkglass... [/quote] Indeed. The COG sounds... better
  10. [quote name='danny-79' timestamp='1436015392' post='2814342'] That's not bad either ! and nearly half the price of the B3K Still undecided [/quote] *and* you could make the Darklighter even better if you talk to Tom... I first experienced the Darklighter in a package designed by another BCer that included a blend knob. Whilst the blend knob is not absolutely necessary, it adds a very nice touch to it as it allows you much better control over the sound. When I ordered mine, I actually wanted a pedal that included a configurable series/parallel and a number of other additions, so it is housed in a larger box, but a blend alone might just fit in the small enclosure. Mine has two additional filters, suggested by Tom, as the larger box gave lots of extra room and the man has lots of cool ideas and the filters control the range of the distortion... Those are the secret weapon of my Darklighter, it helps dialling in just the right kind of drive, and it's really nice. Talk to Tom, he's great But even stock, it's a fantastic pedal for bass.
  11. [quote name='Me And My Bass' timestamp='1436009219' post='2814304'] I will get the measurements for you today mate, I is the smallest 2x15 I have ever came across . . Only slightly bigger than the BF compact. It does however weigh a good wee bit, still one hand manageable though. [/quote] Thank you! The problem with heavy cabs is not the weight alone, is that they are bulky, which combined makes it awkward... It looks like it is a nice compact package that could be easy to handle.
  12. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1435958736' post='2814072'] The amp doesn't have an input gain pot in the traditional respect. So I wasn't 100% sure on how it was going to react. Turns out that without the pad engaged, I'm still not clipping the pre but it is putting out alot more volume. [/quote] if it sounds good, then that's alright!
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1435930083' post='2813731'] Here's a thing - I have GAS for that Jazz bass sound, but I don't want to make my oft-repeated mistake of buying a Jazz only to move it on because I don't get on with the neck. So... As an experiment I'm thinking of buying a Squier P and a Squier J and swapping the necks to see if I get on with a Jazz with a P neck. If successful, do you think anyone would be interested in the remaining P with a Jazz neck? And can you see any problems or pitfalls with this ruse? Has anyone tried it? [/quote] I have the same affliction! I have owned more Jazz basses than any other type because I love the sound and the look, but I *hate* that thin neck. Fortunately, it seems that there are a LOT of people who prefer slim necks, so a P with a Jazz neck should be quite attractive for those who don't buy a P because of the neck (I heard a few people claiming not to own a Precision because of the thick neck).
  14. [quote name='M@23' timestamp='1435871197' post='2813297'] Just got my first decent active bass after years of passives! Just playing around with my Aguilar TH before this weekends gigs and noticed that it is unbelievable loud without the 10db pad engaged, but doesn't clip. I play with quite a light touch so am used to cranking the amp with my passive basses. The volume is barely on with the active and its much louder. I guess a lot is dependant on how hot the basses pre is and how hard people play, but, do people use the pads on their amps? The bass doesn't seem to lose any volume in passive mode either, which I wasn't expecting. At the moment I'm thinking of not bothering with the pad and just keeping the master volume down. [/quote] I tend to not bother with the pad, and simply adjust the input gain as required. To be honest, my active basses don't seem louder than my passive ones. Only of of my J-Retro equipped ones, whose preamp I keep meaning to turn down a bit but I haven't yet. My G&L L2000, passive, is probably the loudest of the lot!
  15. The COG Darklighter is something worth considering too.
  16. Well, after using it for a bit now, I can say I'm really glad I bought it. It works really well with a Precision to add a little bit of "something"... some light drive that doesn't sound clearly overdriven but increases the "growl" and definition whilst retaining the big low end... I love this pedal!
  17. Hmmm, could I please have dimensions and weight, please Chris? This actually may be a pretty good opportunity as I'm not entirely convinced by my TKS cabs...
  18. [quote name='Joeyfivebags' timestamp='1435920349' post='2813601'] Whats confusing is, advert says it's been owned from new but the explanation of the sanding is 'for whatever reason'. [/quote] "herbal" cigarettes
  19. [quote name='N64Lover' timestamp='1435862999' post='2813213'] I had one similar to the 1996 that I imported used from Japan in 2008. I was living in Edinburgh and sold it to some guy but I can't remember his name. I had it for 3 months but had to sell it in order to buy a flight somewhere, always regretted it! It's ticking all the boxes for me....Edinburgh, J-Retro, sanded neck...argh! Tempting. [/quote] well, if you're in Edinburgh... that must be a sign! It left Edinburgh and I brought it back, clearly it wants to stay! great avatar!!! I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first!
  20. [quote name='Isabass' timestamp='1435857168' post='2813132'] What's the weight of the 1996 ? [/quote] My scales are not the most accurate, but it reads about 4.5 Kg.
  21. [quote name='Simon.' timestamp='1435850446' post='2813053'] The 1996, MoP one used to be mine - I bought it through John at Fareast Guitars in about 2005. Best neck I've ever played. Wish I could justify getting this back... Feel free to ask any questions, if you have them. [/quote] Thank you, Simon! Ah, so you were not the first owner? I always thought you were!
  22. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1435838019' post='2812877'] Oh i do miss her Jose.!!! [/quote] It is a very nice bass, I understand why you were so attached to it! I'm glad you are enjoying the Lakland 55-02 I traded you for the Jazz Your thread about it made me miss it too, but I have a lot more use for the Jazz. I've always had a love/hate relationship with the Jazz bass: I love the sounds it makes, but I don't get along with slim necks like those. That did not stop me from buying quite a few Jazz basses over the years!!! That one in particular, with the figured ash body and the pearl type blocks, is stunning. I haven't gigged with it (gigs have been exclusively with the Precision or the Maruszczyk P/JJ in the past months), but I used it for a few rehearsals and it's lovely.
  23. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1435860169' post='2813177'] I'm sure they're fine (in fact I've heard a lot of people say they're pretty good), but they look like they're made from that stuff that dentists use for temporary fillings. [/quote] Yes, they look worse than they really are, probably. It's actually quite a tough material now that I tested it!
  24. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1435760296' post='2812193'] There's an OC-2 for sale in the Effects For Sale forum at the moment. Get that! Si [/quote] That. Or the MarkBass Octaver for a cleaner type of octave with better tracking. But the OC-2 sounds great,
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