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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1435232640' post='2806741'] I had the Squier P bass, Classic Vibe 60's in Fiesta Red I only sold it cos I just felt I had too many basses Instant regret! Really should have held onto the bass There was just something about the look & feel of the bass Possibly the best P bass neck I've played - maybe only marginally compared to my USA P bass, but it really felt so comfortable, and somehow, it also felt aged..... As you say, it's being picky re the sound To me, my Squier sounded typically P bass-like but perhaps an upgraded set of pups may have improved the sound slightly I keep looking around at them for sale second-hand As I have too many, I really shouldn't - but I know if one came up at the right price I'd be sorely tempted [/quote] Ah, I had one of those a while ago, Fiesta Red too. It was a great bass. However the rosewood fingerboard meant I eventually let it go (to buy a G&L L2000, natural/maple). The Matt Freeman is of similar quality, if not better.
  2. [quote name='Bassman Sam' timestamp='1435195973' post='2806458'] Pictures please. You're right about mid-range basses though. I have a MIM Fender Precision that I picked up on here for £400 with an upgraded pick up. I can't find fault with the finish and feel. I wish I could have had instruments as good at the equivalent price point when I started out in the '60's. Cheap basses were just that for the most, cheap and nasty. [/quote] My first electric guitar, bought used, fifth hand at least with severely grooved frets and generally being a pretty poor instrument cost me the equivalent of £25. In 1986 this was quite a bit of cash for me. The same guitar new cost about £100-120 at the time in the shops, so I thought it was a great deal. We dreamt of Fenders. But those were over £400. There was nothing in between, it was either crappy instruments (and not that cheap) or too expensive for our teenage pockets. The friend who sold me that guitar did so because he had just bought a Squier. We didn't really know this "new" make. But it said "by Fender" so we thought it was awesome. He paid about £80 for it, second hand. It's one of the mythical JV series. He still has it and it's indeed a fine instrument. That was the beginning of the end of the truly crappy instruments. But it took a while until the low end became as good as it is now. Pictures? Ok, here's one, with its two other Precision siblings That's the Squier Matt Freeman on the left, my fave Fender Classic 50 in the centre, and on the right the fabulous Maruszczyk Jake. edit: October 2016. That was a seriously sexy bass. But I had the Precision bases covered and I wanted a Jazz that played and felt as good as the Matt Freeman... so I did this:
  3. [quote name='Modman' timestamp='1435258118' post='2807106'] Now that was an option, but I struggle with squire being a reputable brand. I hear good things about them... It's a tough one. [/quote] reputable brand? Try one first... see if you like it, and ignore what the headstock says. Some Fenders are dogs and some Squiers are fantastic. In general, modern Squiers are pretty decent. The VM Fretless is pretty tasty.
  4. eBay. I had the same issue. If you look carefully at the pictures, you'll find the "small ear" type. If in doubt, I kept looking and eventually I found the right ones.
  5. [quote name='wdejong' timestamp='1434990897' post='2804487'] I intend to swap guitars when we play that one song in drop D. No idea if/how it's going to work, as it will be the first gig I'm doing it. Is there anyone who down-tunes their guitars live on stage, mid-performance? [/quote] drop D? as in detuning the E string only to D? I would just retune, especially if it's one song. It takes seconds. I have Hipshot extenders in a couple of basses to get the drop-D at the flick of a switch too, as I used to play in a couple of bands that required constant changing
  6. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1435234403' post='2806781'] It's a female heckler, I thought ? [/quote] females have mums too. Not a response I'd personally use, but just pointing out the gender of the heckler is irrelevant.
  7. After a few days away, I arrived back to find that box waiting for me. Yup, last week I succumbed and ordered a Matt Freeman Precision. Do I need a P-bass? Yes, of course. But do I need *another* P-bass. Of course not. But look at it. It's yummy. That maple tint, the neck dimensions, black or "vintage" white... a brief moment of weakness and the deed was done. I opened the box this afternoon, adjusted the truss rod a fraction and brought the saddles down a tiny bit... nice lowish action, it plays fantastic. It looks even better. I was starting this thinking of "budget instruments today... nothing like they used to be, these are really good quality!" but of course, at £360 they're not exactly budget. Yes, that's still a lot cheaper than a Fender, but it's no longer the bottom of the range. However, the midrange instruments used to be decidedly "midrange", but some of the midrange instruments these days are just really really good! I went to rehearsal this evening with this bass... and I loved it. The pickup is not exactly my favourite sound, but I'm really splitting hairs: it is good! Very good! It can get a little muddy or a little clanky, but I'm really being picky. There really is no need to replace anything in this bass. Did I mention how good it looks too? The neck is somewhere between my Classic 50 and the Maruszczyk Jake: reassuringly full, but not too much of a handful. Very nice profile. The finish is impeccable. I still prefer the Classic 50, it sounds a little bit better, it's a little lighter and a little better balanced, although the neck on the Squier is a bit more comfy. Just a hair. But the Squier is a close second. Got a gig in Aberdeen this weekend, first time we play in that city. I'm bringing the Squier!
  8. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1434886023' post='2803542'] Funnily enough I find the cab the biggest problem... [/quote] unfortunately true... well, that, and the fact that I'm the guy playing but I can't find a suitable alternative for the latter
  9. Ah... but I used the MarkBass combo on Friday night and it was BEAUTIFUL. No, the P pickup is still not my favourite, but the whole bass came alive... I rarely use the gear provided at venues, but just my luck that as I get my new bass my first gigs were without my own amps. Awesome bass. I bought a few pickups to experiment now... One thing is sure, the double J stays. That one sounds great.
  10. [quote name='Norris' timestamp='1434819192' post='2803078'] It's a dilemma. There is a bass rig provided which means you don't have to set up and pack down yours. Do you use it? Last night I used the one provided and really wished I'd used my own. It was a rack mount Fender thing (yep, that unimpressed I didn't bother to remember the model) with way too many knobs, buttons and sliders, into Hartke 2x10 and 1x15 cabs. Echoes like you only get in village halls (actually a local football club) didn't help me trying to dial in a decent sound. I wish I'd have used my Rumble combo [/quote] I generally bring my own. If there's PA support then I might just bring one small cab and head, or the little MarkBass combo. 85% of the times I use the provided rig I'm not happy with the sound: it may be reasonable out front, but terrible onstage which makes it more difficult for me than necesary, and takes away a lot of the fun. So I try to use my own stuff.
  11. [quote name='spaz91' timestamp='1394744870' post='2394801'] So, re: the Markbass: 1. Does the small cab size make it sound boxy and thin? 2. Is it hand portable, in your opinion? 3. Though the official website strictly prohibits it, is it possible to replace the amplifier with a different model? 4. Is 12" really enough speaker coverage to play with a drummer? [/quote] 1) Not at all, not even close. Small cab, small box, but sounds "proper". It doesn't move as much air as bigger ones, obviously, but that only affects volume, not the quality of the sound. 2) Quite. It's still 12-14Kg, 'though, so I would not like to carry it for miles from that handle... it's bulky enough to make it uncomfortable after a few hundred metres, but I can't imagine you can get something that does the job if this that can be more easily transported. 3) I've seen people do that. Yes. You can remove the head too, but it'll be missing the top plate. 4) I've played gigs, full band, with only the MarkBass. Granted, we were not very loud in those situations, but it worked. However I'd generally want an extension cab. I have used a Schroeder mini10 (smaller than the MarkBass combo) and together it sounded beautiful and pretty big. More often I used a Barefaced Compact *or* BB2... now THAT gets loud. Most times I only require a stage monitor, really, as the bass will have PA support... for that the combo is fantastic: walk in, set up easily, it sounds good, plenty loud for a small stage... unplug and walk out, simples. I love mine. It's not for every situation, but it can cover a lot of ground.
  12. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1434777072' post='2802704'] I don't know where you get those figures. We played a bar last weekend and out of about 100 people, I knew about 3 vaguely! Just to add, it was our local [/quote] that's what I find too most bars with live music around here, people go to have a drink or sixteen while there's live music playing, they don't really seem to choose to go depending on who is playing. Of course, some notice that so and so is playing and make a point of going but the vast majority just go to the bar and see what happens. Last night, for instance, we were playing at one of the best known music bars in town, where we play about once a month. We're an originals band. There are some people who know us personally and show up, but only a handful. I could recognise a few that seem to follow us around (we gave some of them T-shirts of the band that we just made, I hope next time I see some of the shirts around and makes us feel important ), but the vast majority were just the regular bar goers that would have been there regardless of who played.
  13. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1434749793' post='2802614'] Hi Guys, We've just booked a gig for next week due to a cancellation but been warned by the band that cancelled that there is always one lady that goes every week and likes to heckle the bands. Personally I have never had anyone heckle me in any band I've been in, so I'm a little unsure how to deal with it! Apparently her favourite line is "Get on with it!" in between songs. Any advice on how to cleverly deal with a heckler? Thanks [/quote] if that's all she does... ignore her. But, perhaps she has a point? Don't spend too long between songs, avoid silences and don't talk too much... really, get on with it Maybe that other band does all that!
  14. [quote name='zawinul' timestamp='1434741483' post='2802472'] can you send me Adrian's email please I 'd like to talk about a killer fretless I have been brooding on for ages! [/quote] the email is at the bottom of their website here: [url="http://www.public-peace.de/index.php/maruszczyk-instruments"]http://www.public-peace.de/index.php/maruszczyk-instruments[/url]
  15. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1434725573' post='2802255'] I'm not sure , I think 1/3 of a pub gig audience usually have a connection to the band [/quote] how big of an audience are we talking about?
  16. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1434734170' post='2802368'] I'm familiar with a lot of bass guitar sounds, but I don't really know what the term 'growl' actually means. I'm told my SR760 has loads of it, but don't really know what aspect of the sound that refers to. [/quote] you're not making it angry enough, so it doesn't growl at you yet.
  17. will keep eyes and ears open... bastards.
  18. argh! I can't believe this... I bought one THREE DAYS AGO after looking here for a little while with no luck! I went for the white one... but I liked both and either would have done! good luck with the sale!
  19. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1434707345' post='2801998'] Good point lojo. Double booking affects punters too, [/quote] but I doubt many care which band is at the pub that night... so it works for the pub
  20. [quote name='shemeckfrac' timestamp='1434716283' post='2802115'] After you get it please share the details / pics [/quote] Obviously!!! This is Basschat!!!
  21. [quote name='shemeckfrac' timestamp='1434296614' post='2798399'] Such and Mcnach -- I appreciate sharing your honest thoughts and details that I would've otherwise never think of. The common line seems to be "if you want something Adrian will customise it for you for very reasonable or no cost". My problem is not knowing what I want. I've been looking at the Jake 5a white. Since I'm not keen on Delanos in general (although I don't know if in this particular case they wouldn't be the best fit), my first thought was to swap them for equivalent Haeussle pickups because apparently they sound "more retro" and that (I think) appeals to me. But I'm not sure if I played this bass blindfolded with Haeussles and Delanos which ones I'd actually choose. Also, perhaps single coils would be a better choice as opposed to humbuckers ? .... decisions decisions. Another dilemma is whether I should leave the standard hardware or upgrade to ETS brigde (+50 Euro) and Hipshot machineheads (+140 Euro). I wonder if it would make the difference to the sound or playability at all. I was also considering going for the "Europe" body i.e. with resonance hollows (~40% increase in total cost). This would reduce the weight from the current 4.3kg by maybe 0.5 kg and probably improve the resonance but is that what I really need on this type of bass? How would you configure your Jake 5a ???? [/quote] In case I didn't make my position clear before, because words are cheap... I have an announcement to make: I just started the process with Adrian to have another bass made for me. It's another Jake, but not like you know them. A while ago I was experimenting and decided I'd really like a bass with certain characteristics, but nobody seems to make one like it. I spoke to a luthier I know about it but we didn't get far. He builds acoustic instruments, and he's very good at it, I'm sure he'd build a wonderful electric bass... but the whole thing fizzled out. Now, after my experience with the Jake P/JJ, I am certain that Adrian is the man. First few emails exchanged, pictures and diagrams attached... he's made a few cool suggestions expanding my options, I have a good idea of the final cost too... It's time to sit down and nail all those specifications right. I have a couple of basses that I'm unlikely to require any more that will be for sale very very soon!
  22. [quote name='gsgbass' timestamp='1434490445' post='2800216'] Am. Std. Precision. [/quote] what a beauty!
  23. [quote name='Thunderbird' timestamp='1434465546' post='2799868'] Speak to basschat member TimAl his work is spot on [/quote] Maybe that works better than emailing from their website... I did and they never replied! Ended up going elsewhere.
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