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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Markolinni' timestamp='1433337576' post='2790204'] now.. UNWRAP IT ... and say out loud... mar.. marus.. marusxz... well, forget that! .. let's play [/quote]I I'm going home earlyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
  2. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1433339203' post='2790226'] I would have had to open the parcel if it was me...would have sneaked an amp in with me in the morning too if I knew it was coming... [/quote] Well... as I was anticipating this moment, I prepared for it, and I have only about 15 left at work before I escape home. Rehearsal tonight as well... I was planning to use my Precision on the Friday and Saturday gigs, and tonight I get to use the backline that will be provided on Friday at rehearsal... But... It would almost be insulting to leave the contents of that box at home.
  3. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1433338501' post='2790220'] I have no idea, but I have the same filing cabinet as you at work. [/quote] (turning around....) But I don't see you? Are you sure it's the same???
  4. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1433336384' post='2790182'] I am also at work, but mine has been opened and plunked upon. More later :-) [/quote] Dang! You beat me to it! And? Looking forward to the inevitable NBD thread
  5. [quote name='Truckstop' timestamp='1433332235' post='2790138'] Ironing board? [/quote] You clearly know me and know the state of my shirts (I own an ironing board, and a nice iron... which gets used about 5 times a year )
  6. [b]edit: finally revealed, I edited the title - Maruszczyk Jake[/b] This is just cruel... I have received this a couple of hours ago... and it's just sitting there looking at me while at work. Unopened...
  7. Mine was scanned in Stansted at 16.15!!! Impatient? Not a bit, cool as a cucumber here... edit: estimated delivery... Wednesday 3rd, by 18:00 edit 2:
  8. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1433243924' post='2789236'] Why would someone go to all the trouble of grafting a Korean Squier neck onto a non-Squier body to end up with a bass that is worth thrupence ha'penny? That's what I can't fathom out [/quote] I think it is most likely a Squier indeed. The bridge with the extra two screws.. yup, it's been used in some Squiers too. They've made so many different variations, that it doesn't surprise me to find a colour we haven't seen before. I don't see anything that screams "not a Squier", so I'd assume it is until proven wrong. Could be that someone use the neck to build something with another body, but it all looks pretty Squierish to me. I can't see anything weird with the shape of the horn either... I don't know.
  9. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1433165627' post='2788443'] I've not played one in person, but the demos suggest to me that Motown style is not it's forte. Best pedals for that (IMHO) are either a v1 Catalinbread SFT (older one with the white knobs) or a Bearfoot Blueberry. Both more expensive than the EHX though, granted! [/quote] The demos seem to show the more distorted/less smooth type of sounds. Don't dismiss it based on those demos!
  10. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1433154196' post='2788232'] Y'all have probably seen this on the other thread, but if not... this will be with me on Wednesday :-) [/quote] Mine too!!! I'll race you to unpack it!!!
  11. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1433083825' post='2787654'] It doesn't have any letters proceeding the numbers [url="http://s1332.photobucket.com/user/markmojo1962/media/20150531_154200_zpsshd7cjst.jpg.html"][/url] [/quote] ah! I have no idea, then
  12. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1433079211' post='2787586'] It's just a six digit number and looking how close some of the pickguard screwholes are to the control cavity, I wouldn't say it's been 'crafted' by anyone [/quote] no, I meant the letters before the numbers, what are they?
  13. [quote name='steve-soar' timestamp='1433078872' post='2787581'] Groan. [/quote] Just "groan" or care adding a few more words?
  14. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1433072273' post='2787485'] I use the treble control on my amp. [/quote] it can be useful, but it rarely has the same effect. Tweeter attenuators have their place.
  15. It probably represents they're made in different factories, just like the Japanese instruments with teh MIJ and CIJ. I have a Korean Squier Jazz that says "Made in Korea", the serial number starts with CN.... which I believe it means it's built by the Cort factory. Others were made by Samick (I forget what letter denotes that, possibly an S), and there may be others... What's your serial number like?
  16. It's a funny one... It does little with some amps that they already contain a high pass filter of some sort. But with other amps the effect is clear: the speakers move much much much less, but the sound stays virtually the same. Sometimes I feel it changes nothing in the sound, other times the bass feels a bit... nicer, "tighter", perhaps. It's subtle. But it clearly saves speakers a lot of extra work and makes the amp work less hard. I use mine all the time. Sometimes I suppose I don't need it, but it's fitted permanently to my board. You can probably never use it and ba absolutely ok, most people don't use one! But... I feel better using one.
  17. I used the Bass Soul Food last night, and I decided to make it a permanent addition to the mini board (Pedaltrain nano, actually, containing a Korg Pitchblack tuner, an EBS Multicomp, now the Soul Food, and a Thumpinator to end it all). Playing my Precision, and using provided backline for a change last night. It was a bit lacking in the mids, a bit indistinct... Enter the Soul Food! It has a prominent mids enhanced tone, which you can easily tame with either (or both of) the treble control and the blend control. I set it with minimal drive (it did not sound distorted), knocked down the treble a bit and adjusted blend to get the body full again, while I adjusted the level to match... Switching it on/off made a subtle but very appropriate change to the sound. It sounded just like my bass without it, but with an extra bump in the midrange in a way that it sounded fat, not honky/boxy. It stays. Now one of my VT-Bass pedals can go. This covers the low drive area much better, to my taste.
  18. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1432465542' post='2781660'] I`ve no experience of them but have read a few favourable reviews on here about them. What I`d like to see though is a tone chart that illustrates where the pickups peaks/troughs are, that would be a good indicator as to whether suitable or not. There`s nothing on there aside from resistance - being 8.4 as oppose to the 11.54 of the DP122. I`d probably estimate from this that the Entwistle is more vintagey voiced, could be majorly wrong though. [/quote] The Entwistle is not vintage sounding at all. From the OP's description, I think it'll fit better than the Model P pickup. It's a bit more balanced, I'd say. Hard to describe sounds!!! Definitely "modern" and clear. edit: and adjustable polepieces too
  19. [quote name='solo4652' timestamp='1432390287' post='2781087'] I have a Fender MIJ fotoflame/62 RI P bass here with the stock pickup. I'm considering replacing the pickup and I've been reading up on what's available. Shortlist is DiMarzio DP122 or a G&L MFD. Before I drop a fair cash-wedge on either of these, can anybody suggest a cheaper alternative? I'm not looking for a bass-heavy Motown sound - I'm looking for high-output mids-forward clarity, as found on my (now sold) Ibanez Blazer, and Yamaha BB1200. Thanks, Steve [/quote] High output, clarity, and... interested in low prices? Entwistle PBXN, their neodymium version, not the standard PBX. It's about £26 and it's a great pickup! The ears of the cover are a little big for my bass... so I also bought some extra covers for about £3, which also means you avoid the ugly model number and logo on the front. That's what I'd go for.
  20. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1432986397' post='2786783'] Could be stringing you along with no action. If he doesn't pickup, don't fret about it [/quote] well done!!!
  21. [quote name='Iheartreverb' timestamp='1432241743' post='2779713'] fiest off, I know this seems odd in the effects forum but this is pedal related. In short I like my bass tone nearly/or all the way off. So quote bass heavy (or treble lacking). It just sounds really nice to me. The next piece of the puzzle is that I'm going into a programmable sansamp (which is famously mid lacking) and in short, my band mates hate it. Firstly they don't understand what it does or the need to have. So my question is probably two things, Do you compromise your tone for something that mix's well? (It's worth adding we are an instrumental rock band and there are times where the bass parts might be the focus so my solo sound is also important) I'm using the sansamp because I don't like the massive EQ shift when using a drive so this allows me to blend these really well while changing the gain levels and output a bit. I also think it will be mega useful down the line for live. I just think like the they don't like my eq with both bass and sansamp (used 100% wet) with extreme time cuts p. Any/ all advice appreciated Cheers! [/quote] I don't understand the concept of a strict "my sound". My sound is... whatever seems to mix well with the band. If the blend doesn't sound good, then there's no point. Of course, maybe you and your bandbates have different ideas of what a good blended sound is. That can be a problem, much like when you want to play funk and your bandmates want to play black metal... You all have to have a relatively similar idea of what sounds good. I don't normally tell my guitarists anything about "their sound" because they automatically choose something that sounds good in the context of the band. So, I think rather than thinking in terms of "my band doesn't like my sound", maybe what you have is a situation where you guys want a different kind of *band* sound... You should find out, because that can be a deal breaker.
  22. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1432886635' post='2785823'] I would venture to add "...or make your gear so sensibly sized and easy to manage that it sits in front or on top of what may already be there, takes no more than 5 minutes to set up and pack away, and just needs one XLR to the desk." That's my position on multi-band nights and I've never had any issues from sound guys. [/quote] This. Works for me and never had a single complaint. I'm ready before the drummer is! (but that's not difficult, eh? ) People playing at a certain level can probably be guaranteed to get something decent... Not us (SBK). So if I bring mine I know I'll be able to get a decent sound, not just our there, but for me! I need to be able to hear myself if I'm going to enjoy this... and I have to enjoy it, otherwise what's the point? We certainly don't make enough to quit our day jobs I once played at an outdoor "festival" and the bass amp was... a 30W Gorilla practice amp. Yup. No monitors either. I propped the tiny box on some wooden boxes so it was close to ear level, but even then... I could hear nothing. It sounded alright on the front! No problem there! But I'd have enjoyed it more if I had my own much more capable little amp. We're not talking about everyone bringing their own 8x10 monsters here.
  23. I had a DHA, and I wasn't a fan. Same with the Darkglass Vintage. The EHX Bass Soul Food, however, is really nice. I think that one would probably do what you want, and it's only about £60.
  24. [quote name='Colonel36' timestamp='1432823341' post='2785315'] ...or he could be a secret bass giver [/quote] I'd go with this...
  25. [quote name='lee650' timestamp='1432766714' post='2784890'] so would you say it would give a nice tubey/motown type of drive, the same way the solid gold beta drive does? I quite fancy one of these myself [/quote] A lot of pedals claim to to a tubey type of overdrive. None really nail it, I don't think. But I think you can get a pretty nice approximation with this. The treble knob allows you to dial in "edginess", I like it turned down a bit, for a fuller, mellower, rounder sound. Then up the drive to taste and adjust balance with the blend knob... I'm really liking what this pedal does.
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