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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='sifi2112' timestamp='1432760044' post='2784786'] I tried one out last week & I really liked it ... nearly bought it but looks like I'm getting a Cog Knightfall (variant) instead [/quote] I heard great things about the Knightfall! I have a variant of the COG Darklighter which is very sweet, but the Soul Food is a different flavour, very tasty too.
  2. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1432817239' post='2785251'] Yes yes yes, but how do you pronounce it??? Si [/quote] A guy in my lab is Polish... so I already know
  3. Ah, I just found mine is ready too, so this is coming to daddy McNach next week too
  4. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1432757719' post='2784746'] in response to the uber criticism of the title. .... [/quote] !!!!
  5. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1432718030' post='2784149'] Been looking at loads of the old Fender custom colours for my refin and I really like this colour combo, but I'm undecided if I could rock it myself. Not sure if the novelty would wear off. What do you lot think about it? Could you/do you play a pink one? [/quote] with a white/mintgreen/cream pickguard, yeah!
  6. It can save hassle... but if you have a relatively portable solution that you like and you're able to take it... that's what I'd do. I generally take a 1x12" cab and my amp with me (or a similar combo) if there is amplification provided. I just prefer to use mine, I know what to expect from it and I know I'll be happy with it. I can stack it over whatever was provided if space is an issue, and I never encountered a single sound guy who protested. If they did... tough. It's just a DI line from a different amp, I'm not asking for the moon.
  7. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1432750293' post='2784633'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cq2A7M8XbU0[/media] [/quote] I enjoyed that!
  8. I just played with one and... I like it! It covers very well the range between clean to just-a-bit-of-dirt to mild overdrive. The tone control is interesting, it really shapes the sound. I am having one of these, please.
  9. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1432721713' post='2784212'] Run the XLR on the B2.1 to his mixer. It'll be at roughly mic level. [/quote] Yes, that will be best. Headphone can work too, but as you have a DI out, use that first.
  10. [quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1432713933' post='2784092'] It's an open mic night, trying to avoid taking my heavy combo and since I'm "the only bass player in the village" there won't be one there already Organiser says there isn't an amp in his big mixer. [/quote] I bet there is! An unamplified mixer is very quiet. Like... no sound. He'll have some sort of PA, right? I've played my bass through small PAs in open-mic kind of situations. Sometimes very small ones, but then it didn't need to be loud. I have sometimes plugged in directly into the mixer! The sound is not as "refined" as it could be, but that hardly matters. MOst mixers can cope with that kind of signal. But having something like your Zoom would be a better option: Bass into Zoom, into mixer (which is amplified somehow into the PA speakers, because an unamplified mixer is very, very, very quiet, as I said... unless you all huddle around a set of headphones ) So, I'd say you're set.
  11. [quote name='landwomble' timestamp='1432642655' post='2783464'] Hi All, Does anyone have strong feelings about whether it's a good/bad/indifferent idea to refit strings you've removed from the bass? I'm tempted to practice fitting shielding and maybe a PU upgrade on my cheapo deko short scale P bass that I bought on a whim and am trying to get my daughter interested in using - as it's brand new, the strings aren't worn at all. Is it seen as a bad thing to remove the strings, tinker and then refit later? [/quote] I've done it countless times, for the same reason you mention or other kind of work on the bass. I have removed flats and stored them, just to be fitted later on another bass, as flatwounds is a kind of string I only ever want once in a while... I haven't noticed any problems.
  12. mcnach

    J&D P Bass

    [quote name='sixdegrees' timestamp='1432574966' post='2782877'] I've found that the P basses are not as well finished on the neck as the Jazzes. This is mainly due to the bound neck edges on the Jazzes. Some of the fretwork on the Ps could genuinely cut your hands. It's nothing that can't be sorted with a fine file or wire wool, but I wouldn't buy one without trying it first. QC is extremely variable. I can't comment on the P basses sound quality, but some of the Jazzes sound really good, and I wouldn't hesitate to gig with one. [/quote] The Jazz sounds really good, in my opinion, I love that thing... but the fretwork was "ouch" territory. Pretty sharp, those ends. Small issue, easily fixed, but... there it is.
  13. [quote name='Harlequin74' timestamp='1432547262' post='2782438'] Sorry to rehash this one, but i really think i am getting a better tone on my £300 quid Squier Jazz 70's bass than my American Fender Deluxe! Especially on the funky , g string , and slap tones. It must be me..........! Any therapy gratefully received. [/quote] ... and why not? Enjoy!!! I have a Squier with plywood body that I prefer to my Fenders. I did replace pickups and electronics (it has a J-Retro now) 'though. But the neck is fantastic and I love that bass. However, in general, I have better luck with Fenders than Squiers, but of course there are exceptional Squiers and that's a wonderful thing
  14. You can certainly feed the Zoom into the mixer... but there has to be an amp somewhere! How do you amplify the output of the mixer at the moment? It must have an amplifier built-in or there must be a separate amplifier for the mixer. In that case, it depends on the amplifier. If it's loud enough for the intended venue, then yes, it could work. If you don't have an amplifier, then... well, no.
  15. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1432654534' post='2783634'] Unless I'm missing some kind of joke , the carpet is there for that exact purpose. Drumkits tend to slide away when you play them unless they're on a rug or piece of carpet. [/quote] Ah, so I'm not the only one being confused...
  16. I want an island for dessert now. Made of chocolate, of course.
  17. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1432584421' post='2783065'] Doesn't that change the premise of the thread a little? Like, which bass would you banish to an island where no-one ever sets foot? I can think of one or two... [/quote]
  18. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1432583492' post='2783049'] No, upon reflection, the initial remit was a single bass to take to a desert island. It's not stipulated that the island must [i]remain [/i]desert after your arrival. It's true that, for a second person, it couldn't count, but for the first, I'll put the rule firmly back in place. Only one bass, and one has to stay on the (formerly...) desert island for ever. There, that's settled. Carry on. [/quote] Dang! You're right... Precision, Jazz, sorry babies, you are staying at home this time (can you hear them cry? you're a heartless beast)
  19. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1432578268' post='2782939'] Does that mean that, no sooner arrived, one has to leave..? [/quote] Perhaps, but who would be there to kick you out? Nobody, or it wouldn't be a desert island to start with. I suppose the point is that we can never go to a desert island. Well, we can *go* but we can never set foot on it. This then renders the current thread pointless. So, if we're playing like that, stuff that one bass rule, I'm taking three: the Stingray, a Precision and a Jazz. I'll worry about amplification later
  20. [quote name='sykilz' timestamp='1432576828' post='2782907'] I used the Dimarzio dp123 model j pups, they were hum cancelling, but I found them very woolly sounding compared to the stock single coils, so swapped back, so if you like the single coil sound I would avoid them. [/quote] I agree, I'm not a fan of the Model J. Just haven't got the punch I expected.
  21. Well, despite my P-bass love... it would have to be the Stingray. And desert island means it's deserted, as in no people, that's all Of course, it may technically cease to be a desert island once I arrive there, so that poses an interesting problem.
  22. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1432542357' post='2782355'] I gigged my recently acquired Yamaha BB404 last night for the first time. It immediately got a 'that sounds nice, is that new?' reaction from the band and I must admit, it did sound good. Later in the set I wanted to emulate more of a P bass sound so, I dialled out the bridge pickup and was met with classic, single coil hum. I could swap out the pickups for noise cancelling equivalents such as Seymour Duncan's Stacked Jazz or Dimarzio Ultra Jazz but I don't want to lose the original tone of the bass. What do other 'J' type bass owners do, just live with the hum? [/quote] I would put up with it, if I liked the sound and did not want to change it. Single coil hum has never really been much of an issue for me. If you do end up changing for humbuckers, I can't praise enough the "Area J" pickups from DiMarzio. But I don't know whether they'll sound the same. I replaced J pickups because of the sound, but never because of the hum. I imagine in some rooms it could be annoying, but in the vast majority of places it should not be intrusive.
  23. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1432474392' post='2781781'] Reminds me of a brilliant interaction with a punter at a gig once. We'd set up our PA and soundchecked, then as per request of the venue, put some fairly quiet music playing through the PA in the background (a range of hits from the 60's to the present day) and had gone to have a quiet game of pool in the pool room before the gig started. I can't remember exactly what artist had come on, it was perhaps Dizzee Rascal or something to that effect (not my scene). This one bigoted oaf came barging into the room, grabbed a cue, and demanded, in between a variety of threatening remarks, that we "turn that f***ing n****r music off right now". Anyway, we put some Stevie Wonder on and he was happy as Larry. [/quote]
  24. [quote name='gillento' timestamp='1432479914' post='2781842'] Aguilar db112 Barefaced BigBaby2 [/quote] The BF BB2 certainly works well with it, and so does the BF Compact. But I've used it with a lot of other cabs and it's never been bad, really.
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