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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1432290565' post='2780032'] This is a silly one: it took me years to be able to play continual 16th note fingerstyle lines, not because of anything to do with my hands but because I would find myself breathing in a 16th note rhythm and feeling dizzy after a minute or two! I still have to focus quite hard on not doing that. [/quote] Ha! Next time I see you playing bass I'm going to pay attention I don't change my breathing, but it used to be that if I was learning something that I found difficult and needed to focus... I'd forget to blink. It took me a while to notice. At first I just noticed my eyes felt dry and itchy after practicing bass... I wear contact lenses. Then one day a friend pointed out at my fixed expression and how I didn't even blink... Now I blink.
  2. [quote name='Modman' timestamp='1432302546' post='2780223'] Well, I have just taken delivery of the LM3. Have just this second plugged it all in and the first note was just heaven! Sounds absolutely amazing, from the low B all the way up to the upper registers, every note sings! Then I turned it up halfway... HOLY F*****g PIG S***!!! This thing is a monster, probably one of the loudest amps i've heard and from such a small footprint! So yeah, if anyone was having thoughts about getting one. Just go for it, you will be amazed at how good it sounds. (BTW I don't work for Markbass haha) Definitely worth every penny. Again thanks for your help guys, really appreciated! [/quote] Now... experiment with the VLE filter (and VPF to some extent too)...
  3. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1432298116' post='2780156'] I usually leave my spare bass in the car when I gig but on Saturday (due to dodgy parking arrangements) I took it into the venue and left it 'on stage'. The guitarist asked whose the hard case was and when I replied it was mine then asked (disappointedly) if I'd bought a new bass. So I told him (to his apparent relief) it was my spare one that I always took with me. I've just realised I didn't open the case to show him, and I didn't open the case when packing before the gig to make sure it was actually in the case. In fact I can't remember the last time I actually saw that bass. I just lug the case around. It could be empty for all I know I probably have one more bass than I need. I'm going to make sure it's still there and works tonight. If I remember... [/quote] I always check what is in the case before leaving the house. I once arrived at a venue to find the bass inside was my fretless Precision. And no strap. Fortunately I had time to return home and pick the right bass. But at the time I was also playing in a RHCP tribute band and often out of town. RHCP on a fretless Precision would have been... interesting!
  4. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1432297694' post='2780146'] I wouldn't worry about that. Nobody can play Trombone. [/quote] I can play "ode to a dying elephant" on trombone. In fact, it's the only tune I can play.
  5. [quote name='Mattspacebass' timestamp='1432235191' post='2779615'] [/quote] I know that silence sometimes says a lot, but...
  6. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1432224060' post='2779413'] I've got something similar to this (and a spare) which I use at home so that I can also run a drum machine into my amp. Cost a tenner on ebay: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mixer-4-Channel-Mono-Mic-Microphone-Instrument-Mini-Mixer-170-201-01310-/201352292527?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item2ee18828af"]http://www.ebay.co.u...=item2ee18828af[/url] [/quote] Yeah, you can get a 4-channel mono version of the one I got for about £10 too. I just went for the one that has twice as much because it was only slightly larger and you can never have enough inputs!
  7. I would drill... but you know me, heh
  8. mcnach

    PJ bass

    [quote name='handman' timestamp='1431987969' post='2777110'] That is exactly how I have wired in the p pick up,maybe just not use to the sound.As a test I reinstalled the j neck pick everything seems to be working as normal, sound has a lot more presents and more importantly there is a lot more adjustment available in volume and tone controls, with the p pick up fitted nothing happened these controls until the 20% of their travel, very strange.As far as the jbxn are concerned I think they exceptional value for money and because they so cheap it's a no brained to give them a go, I think you will be pleasantly surprised [/quote] The PBXN on its own is not muddy at all. I put one on a Squier of mine and I'm amazed at the output of this thing... Very punchy, lots of treble if I want it (I roll down the volume a bit), I love that pickup... I hope you figure out the problem! Sorry I cannot help.
  9. Ah, I arrived late... good choice, by the way
  10. [quote name='ebenezer' timestamp='1432117481' post='2778255'] I had a genz streamliner 900, wasn't keen on that, got a markbass LM2 and happy as easy to use, great sounding and as loud as the genz...must be bigger watts!!! [/quote] I went the other way, sold the LM3 and I'm happier with a Streamliner 900. It sounds "bigger" and louder to me... but I have to disclose that I was only able to sell the LM3 because I also have a CMD121P combo (the amp in it is an LM3)... That LM3 sound is veeeeery nice. So I'd vote MarkBass too... if we were voting. I only have experience with the TC RH450, which I owned for about 3-4 years, and I liked but nowhere near as much as the MB and GB amps, but I can't say about the BH500 you are talking about. However, another bass player in town I know owned one and he didn't like it much, and he much preferred my Streamliner. Still, it's subjective. MarkBass!
  11. That's very very attractive. If I were a bit nearer I would not be able to resist...
  12. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1432197726' post='2779019'] Because the amp is so light, I think even Spider-Man/ super grip octopus sucker feet would not keep it on.....I will check it out though...thanks. [/quote] Don't know, that's what I did for my very very light GB Shuttle 9.2... it had hard plastic feet and if you brush it it would slide about. You had to make sure you secure the cable around a handle or something or it would move all over the place too easily. Rubber grippy feet, and no more trouble. They cost me pennies each.
  13. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1432189496' post='2778926'] I had one of these and I may have been using it wrong but it distorted everything? [/quote] Hmmm, mine works just fine. Tried it with mp3 player, couple of basses, electric guitar through a V-Amp, all into the MarkBass combo...
  14. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1432047745' post='2777551'] Sounds reeeaaaallly nice..... The vibration I get is not like a fifties washing machine on a spin cycle...Think Uncle Buck..., more like a very fast dentists drill type thing. The main problem is a light weight amp....Epifani PS 6000, [color=#0000cd][b]which has sort of small hard rubber feet[/b][/color] which does not have the weight to hold itself in place. The cabs I use are 2 Ashdown ABM Neo 4x8's, stacked, which are the best I have ever owned... and can handle anything I throw at them as they are rated at 1000 watts each. It's just the small surface contact area of the feet, and the weight of the amp, (or lack of ) that cause this problem, which has been fixed for £1. [/quote] change the feet!!! easy, cheap, and profer long term solution, no "oh, where's teh mat?" or "man, this mat is getting disgusting"
  15. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1431950995' post='2776464'] Very much this. If I was invited to audition with restrictions etc.., I'm not sure I'd act much differently. Did you ask him where his guitar was. It may have been in the Car. [/quote] really? How long do you think they should do a first audition for? I think 30min is quite enough to get a sense whether someone may be ok or is a definitely no. Sometimes, you may just KNOW you found the guy within 15 minutes! But that's rare. It's really painful qhen you have a guy for a full hour, that within 15min you all knew was not going to be the one... I don't think it's unusual for a band to try out a number of players, and then short list a couple you thought were possibly a good match for another, more involved, session.
  16. [quote name='lowdown' timestamp='1432129200' post='2778415'] Blame her in doors, then.... [/quote] Brilliant!
  17. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1432127286' post='2778382'] OK people, it was me that started this argument trying (angrily) to quell the witch hunt and point out that the actions taken had unexpected and unwanted spin-offs. I also stated back in post #165 that, like the OP, I want to draw a line under the discussion. My views are still the same. Some people on BC, just like in the real world, are more pragmatic and easier going than others. Just let's leave it at that, shall we? I think stuckinthepod and I have had enough, thank you. [/quote] If someone else feels like continuing discussing things in a polite manner... may we do so, please? When I have enough of thread I tend to just walk out, I don't ask whoever is left to stop because I had enough
  18. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1432126305' post='2778367'] A completely different issue, you are talking about a person being shot at; this relates to an inanimate object that is replaceable. Perspective. [/quote] Of course it's a different issue!!! I'm not (that) dumb! The point remains: that the outcome was a positive one was fortunate, but the action was wrong. Sometimes exaggerating a situation allows one to see some things better. The action of the driver was not great. Whether the parcel got subsequently damaged or not is secondary: the initial action was wrong. You may consider the outcome when deciding what your reaction would be, but that's what has already been discussed one and on and on, so I won't go there again. I'm merely pointing out that saying "it's ok, because the result was ok" is not correct.
  19. I did. Well, not normally. But there are two situations that come to mind when I do/did: One, simply at home. I may want to play along to the output from my laptop, or an mp3 player, or... But that one, at home, has a simple solution. I actually have a small mixer where my PC and various other things plug into... I can get electric guitars through a V-Amp, microphones... whatever I wish. But, you know, sometimes you may want to take your little amp somewhere, and a little mixer would be handy. Two, and this is the real one, out in the wild, without possibility to plug in. I was looking at the PJB Briefcase, and it looks great, battery operated and all, but only one input. I use a much cheaper solution (and of course, not as good sounding, but it works) for busking, in the shape of a small 10" powered speaker thingy, sold as a mini PA system. It came with a terrible terrible wireless microphone, but it is small, light, more than loud enough, and battery life is pretty good. Sometimes I would have liked to let my drummer, playing a cajon, be amplified through my amp. He has a wonderful sounding minicajon, clearly a studio thing, barely any volume at all... three acoustic guitars drown him, let alone my bass. And trumpet. And another trumpet. And a sax. I found this: and it's great! All the inputs you could wish for, and it can operate on 9V batteries! Maplin, for the cost of a very cheap pedal. I didn't even know these things existed!!!
  20. [quote name='Bobthedog' timestamp='1432124477' post='2778340'] I am with Tim on this. Nothing happened - what damages has the OP suffered as a result of this specific action? [/quote] It's ok I got shot at, the guy didn't hit me.
  21. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1431929565' post='2776189'] I'm a lost cause... I even get GAS for instruments I can't play, I was looking at cellos online last week. [/quote] I have a trombone...
  22. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' timestamp='1431904086' post='2776137'] Laptop batteries contain lithium cells which can explode when abused. They also operate at voltages which are different to car batteries etc. I would be very wary about connecting a laptop battery to anything that was not specifically designed for it. You would also need to work out a safe way of charging it. Decent car amplifiers are designed to connect to 12-14 volts, and contain voltage convertors to provide the higher voltages needed to give you a higher power output - they tend to shut down if the applied voltage is not what they expect to see. A laptop power supply runs at about 19 volts, so it is unlikely that the laptop battery will provide enough voltage to give you enough power from a simple amplifier, or to allow a car amplifier to turn on. A 7AHr lead acid battery will cost you about £15, The same amount of energy in NiMH 'D-cells' will cost you about £80, and in Lithium-whatever will cost you well over £100. Your lightest option is lithium, but your cheapest option is a small lead acid battey, or if you want a longer gig, a larger lead acid battery and a trolley. Another option is to use a mains invertor to run your mains-amp from a 12 volt battery, This minimises the amount of new kit you need to buy, and allows you to use gear whose tone you already know and like. However, some basses and/or amps pick up a buzz from the invertor, so it is definately a try before you buy option. Piezo pickups and class D amplifiers seem to be better, The standby current for the invertor and amp is likely to be 1-2 Amps, which will mean you get less playing time out of that system than you would out of a system specifically designed for battery use, but it is a cheap way forward. Having said all that, some bass players have been very happy with Roland amplifiers running off 6 AA batteries [url="http://www.roland.com/products/micro_cube_bass_rx/"]http://www.roland.co...o_cube_bass_rx/[/url] - I was not impressed when I tried one, but it may have had half-dead batteries, or just not been capable of producing the sound I wanted. David [/quote] Very informative! Thank you!
  23. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' timestamp='1431904086' post='2776137'] Just seen McNach's reply - in mitigation I would point out that the specification does not mention a battery power supply, and the socket is only listed as an input socket! [/quote] Ha! I know, you'd imagine they would make that feature clear in their specs, eh? I also missed it for a while until someone else mentioned you could use that as a portable battery operated solution, and I went "huh?"... then I checked, and there it was
  24. [quote name='Mottlefeeder' timestamp='1431897350' post='2776079'] I can't see anything on the PJ website to confirm that this will run on batteries - it appears to be a mains-only practice amp. The PJ Briefcase will take the same battery that I used in mine. David [/quote] The Double Four has a "DC input" on the front panel. That's where you can hook up a battery. If you look at the sort of batteries recommended for the Briefcase, they will work here too, you'll just need a suitable cable to hook it up, and a charger, presumably.
  25. wow, that's the prettiest CV50 I've ever seen. Mine looks nothing like that.
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