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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1430160905' post='2758553'] There's a service called Pandora (which sadly is no longer available in the UK) which offers this. When I've used it in the past it has been very good at suggesting music I should be interested in based on my tastes and I found my current favourite band "The Birthday Massacre" through Pandora. Unfortunately for musicians it's royalty rate is even poorer than Spotify. [/quote] I heard of it but I arrived too late!
  2. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1430160686' post='2758551'] I'm quite happy to use a streaming service to listen to bands I've heard about that sound interesting, but if I do find something worth hearing more than a handful of times I'll still buy the CD. I wouldn't want to rely on the streaming service being the only way I could listen to the music and I certainly wouldn't be prepared to pay for it, when I'm using it solely as a try before I buy service. While internet connectivity is a lot better than it used to be it's still not 100% reliable, whereas so long as I have electricity I can alway listen to my CDs, and even in cities mobile data can be very patchy. IME the infrastructure still isn't good enough to make streaming a viable substitute for actually owning a physical copy of the recordings you want to hear. And that's before I even start looking at the huge gaps in the various streaming services catalogues... [/quote] Absolutely, it's not perfect. Gaps in coverage both for connectivity and the music selection are quite big. I still buy music and will probably continue... even if it's only out of habit. But I think one day streaming will probably be good enough that most people would not care about buying. Only us old die hards It's not there yet, but the idea is attractive. Ad even if it isn't attractive to me, it seems that's the way we're going: moving to get people to pay smaller amounts regularly rather than larger sums once. It's even there in software, look at Adobe and Microsof Office 365... Little by little, we pay for a service rather than ownership. Once we moved to CDs, I stopped progressively caring about the physical format. The old records with the big sleeves, the artwork, all the information inside, photographs... thatw as interesting and precious. Then CDs arrived and it's all small, if it exists at all... it's just not the same. I converted all my CDs to mp3 and that's how I play music most of the time, from a hard drive.
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1430162276' post='2758573'] I don't like sunburst, but strangely I have GAS for the honeyburst version... [/quote] Don't worry, they only ever did a handful of solid colours
  4. [quote name='cetera' timestamp='1429916046' post='2756441'] Will do, chaps..... just give me a few days as I'm mad busy at the moment and I've given it to my tech to set up/clean up etc [/quote] not good enough. we want pictures, and we want them NOW, damnit!
  5. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1430136198' post='2758229'] Isn't this just like the BBC radio though. Technically you pay a license fee to listen to the radio/ watch TV. If you hear a song you like on the radio, you go out and buy it. I don't know many people who buy songs from previously unknown artists without hearing them first. [/quote] and there's that too! A streaming service that recognises what you play, and suggests "others you might like" has a huge potential. I have spent hundreds on Amazon after buying a CD and checking the "other Cds you might like", discovering some interesting bands in the process.
  6. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1430127159' post='2758112'] But most people who are older than 6 don't want to watch the same movie over and over again. I'm quite happy to pay to stream a movie once, and if I thought it was any good I'll be happy to pay in couple of years time to watch it again. Songs that I like I will want to listen to all the time. If it's through a streaming service you are totally at the whim of the service and the artist allowing their music to be on that service. At least with a CD ripped onto my computer and iPod I can listen to the song whenever I want. [/quote] ... yes, and that's why I wasn't keen on music streaming. Until it started to become easy for me to find music I wanted to hear at a reasonably low price. I still buy... but I like not depending on having the music physically with me. As long as I have internet connection, I'm set. It's not great yet... but eventually coverage/selection will be better. It frees you from having to have that particular CD with you, or the mp3 in your player or whatever. Enough people like that to make streaming popular.
  7. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1430092053' post='2757950'] If you stopped playing in the middle of a number everyone in the room should wonder what just happened. If they don't you're doing something wrong. People in the audience know when the band's sounding good and the band is sounding good because you are, so don't think your sh*t goes unnoticed. Get the best sound you can. And use it a lot. Like Jack Bruce told Clapton; I'm here to make you sound good. [/quote] Oh, they notice! They just don't know it's the bass that they're enjoying. Or who is playing it. Confession time: THAT is why I took up bass! The POWER, mwahahaha! We were at a work retreat thingy, the whole institute, up in the highlands in a hotel somewhere. Three days of science talks during the day, then activities in the afternoon, followed by one night a Ceilidh, another a pub quiz (to recover from the Ceilidh)... etc. One of the guys organising it that year was a drummer and I used to play with him soemtimes (guitar). He said "hey, we have the function room where the bar is available, shall we bring instruments and see what happens? I'm sure a few people can play". I took a guitar and my amplifer. During the pub quiz, in another area, we started making noise in the function room. ONly one guy played bass. After 15 minutes he left to get a beer and did not return. Nobody wanted to play bass! So after a while I gave someone my guitar and I took the bass. I had already been told that I played basslines on my guitar, so I guess it was fate. Because I used to play with this drummer, it was easy to just jam... the guitarist that took over my guitar was REALLY good, and he just adapted to what the drummer, and I were playing. Then others joined, but we remained the core, and people finshed the quiz and came to where we were... We thought maybe it was time to stop and just play music on the PA, but they asked us to carry on, and we tried to play something danceable. THAT is when I realised the power of the bass. I got hooked. A few weeks later bought a bass, and the rest, as they say, is history.
  8. [quote name='ianrendall' timestamp='1430133291' post='2758189'] I do think that the 'Other musically related items for sale' section could do with dividing. Perhaps in to an electronics section and a hardware section? [/quote] I like the bazaar style of it now. When I was little and I had 25 pesetas, I'd run to the tiny sweet store looking at all the goodies "... and 3 of those, and... 1 of these, oh and two more of the vampire cola fizzy fangs! and..." Now, if I have a few £ burning a hole in my pocket, I open a tab for the 'Other musically related items for sale', and see if something inspires me.
  9. [quote name='Coldflows' timestamp='1430130409' post='2758156'] +1 to the music man sub club! Its my fave bass to play with others, you can just get so much punch out of it. Although as has been said earlier you can't go wrong replacing the awfull metal scratchplate. I'm debating about putting on a brighter colour scatchplate on mine, currently black on gray bass. [/quote] The routing for the pickup is very tidy, so it looks good without a pickguard at all. I used to use my wine red SUB (now belonging to cana.dan) without pickguard for a while, and then with a colourless acrylic one (too much space under the strings was putting me off)
  10. [quote name='cana.dan' timestamp='1430075445' post='2757778'] Congrats, I recently reacquired a SUB and am in love with the MM tone all over again! [/quote] Glad you're liking it! It took me a lot to finally decide to let that bass go... But it's ok, everybody, calm down, I still have another!
  11. mcnach


    show me show me show me!
  12. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1430045722' post='2757342'] I currently play in a three piece cover band and I try, where possible, to emulate the tone of the bass in the original recording. As you can imagine, this is quite a challenge with one amp and one bass when you're trying to emulate everything from a deep reggae tone for 'I Shot The Sheriff' through Nathan East's polished tones on Clapton's 'Old Love' to Paul Simonon's aggressive gnarly P-bass on London's Calling. I'd be interested to hear what other players in a similar situation do. Do you adopt the 'this is my bass tone, take it or leave it' attitude or do you try to adjust your tone to suit the song? Do you take more than one bass? Thanks [/quote] I personally would not bother with that, but use a bass that covers the usual bases reasonably well. Like a Jazz or a G&L L2000. If I really really wanted to do my best at replicating the tone in a covers band situation, I'd look at a Line6 Variax, or at a way to transplant its guts into a bass I like to use better.
  13. [quote name='bassface2k10' timestamp='1429963136' post='2756732'] A little bit of digging around threw up this extension [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/4037-classifieds/?page=2"]http://community.inv...sifieds/?page=2[/url] and this as an example of it in action, parts are ugley but not beyond some hacking of the CSS :-) [url="https://www.pro-bike.ro/forums/classifieds/category/14-motocross-trial/?sort_key=price&sort_order=desc"]https://www.pro-bike...sort_order=desc[/url] [/quote] I have to say I like the look of that... well, the idea of the look (picture, price, blurb, all at one glance), that particular example is pretty ugly edit: on further thought... no, I like it better as it is already
  14. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1429960221' post='2756697'] It's also possible that you might have CGAS - Confused GAS - you're looking for one brand when another jumps out at you! [/quote] or a variant: sometimes you may be looking for a Precision, but it does not need to be a Fender...
  15. [quote name='timmo' timestamp='1429953486' post='2756592'] If there is sub sections, i would rather it be done on price. 0-£500, £501-£1000, £1001-£1500,£1501-£50000 for example. If you divide all the basses into Fenders, etc, then you could miss a bargain that you hadn`t originally thought about, [/quote] actually, a search function that would allow you to search by price would be nice!
  16. [quote name='bassface2k10' timestamp='1429953279' post='2756590'] But im mainly coming at it as a seller, not a tyre kicker [/quote] then use the search function?
  17. [quote name='bassface2k10' timestamp='1429952300' post='2756577'] Is there any chance that the ‘basses for sale’ section on the forum could be split into sub sections, for example Fender Warwick Ibanez Lakland Sandberg Custom and so one This would make the section a lot easier to navigate, It'll be easier to locate a bass the user may be looking for, reduce the need for sellers to bump their adverts every few days (which sometimes are off the 1st page within hours), and finally lightening the load on your database :-) Good idea? [/quote] I personally would not like it. I like to be able to browse in one place alone. If you are interested in a particular make or model, you can use the search function within that subforum and it will bring out only the relevant ones.
  18. what do you mean it's only been a month!!! It feels like it's been a year!!! ... impatient, me? nah...
  19. I love the look of that monster! (monster in the best possible way) I'm only glad it's not me who has to lift it and carry it places
  20. [quote name='finlaymac' timestamp='1429980880' post='2756935'] Hi everyone, This is a long shot, if ever there was one... Around 10 years ago I had a bass guitar stolen whilst moving house, and I've never been able to track it down. Quite honestly I think about it all the time and would love to get it back. It was really the first instrument I ever gigged with, I saved up for ages to buy it and my mum, who has since passed on, helped me finance it. It goes without saying it holds [i]huge[/i] sentimental value for me. The bass is a 4-string cream pre-Ernie Ball 1980 Musicman Stingray. I think the date on the neck was August 1980. Unfortunately I didm' have a not of the serial number. The most discerning feature is that it had my name (Jamie Macdonald) scratched on the inside of the battery plate, and also Manchester musician Paddy Steer's name scratched on there too. The bass was stolen from a removal van in summer of 2004, if memory serves (it could have been 2003). It was stolen from West Didsbury in Manchester. I think it could possibly have ended up in the Liverpool area. I've attached a couple of photos of an identical bass guitar, currently trying to track down some old photos to add too, but this one is almost exactly as I remember it. As I say this is a long shot. It could be anywhere by now, and I doubt anyone who has it would want to admit to it, but hopefully there's some honest soul out there who will fess up, or if anyone has come across it in the last ten years, please drop me a line. Any info would be much appreciated. Thanks Jamie [/quote] very long shot it is, but always worth looking! Chances are the current owner has no idea it was once stolen... But maybe if you find him he might be willing to sell it back to you. Were there any other distinct marks on the bass that do not require getting so close and opening the battery cover?
  21. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1430044562' post='2757317'] Like half the basses on this site then! [/quote] I misread that as "like half the asses on this site then"
  22. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1430040557' post='2757266'] That's what I don't understand. So much money going down the toilet. [/quote] it's not money down the toilet, you pay for usage. Like a beer... you pay for it, but you don't really own it. You use it and... it literally goes down the toilet, oh, so maybe it is money down the toilet after all But that's after getting some value out of it.
  23. nice bass!!! Great news, it's great to be reunited with an old love(d bass).
  24. Aha, now it makes sense that their sadly discontinued Stingray version was called a 76!
  25. Those US SUBs are excellent basses, welcome to the club!
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