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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='LayDownThaFunk' timestamp='1430038601' post='2757235'] Why would you pay to stream music? Something you don't even own yet it's coming out your pocket. Even if it is the future... [/quote] Yet we pay to stream movies that we will also not own, and think nothing of it. Before that it was renting movies, so we also paid and didn't own. Times are changing! I wasn't a fan of streaming music. I wanted to own the files so I could play them anywhere, anytime. But as the availability increases, streaming starts to look more appealing. It does seem like it's where we're going...
  2. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1430037966' post='2757226'] Would your world implode if you lost that knife? [/quote] Of course not, didn't you read what I said? Anyway, this seems a bit like a pointless argument. I think we should focus here about the OP's Stingray. It's a long shot already without diluting the post in a discussion about sentimental value of objects... but feel free to start an OT thread about it
  3. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1430030875' post='2757168'] Don't take this the wrong way, and it's just an opinion but attaching sentimental value to 'stuff' gets you on the road to obsession. It's a guitar and there are many others just like it. [/quote] I think it's a pretty normal thing. I have a pen knife my grandfather gave me when I was 10 and I was a boy scout. I still have that pen knife and it has sentimental value to me way above the value of the knife. My world would not stop if I lost it, but I'd be sad about that. Another pen knife would not do. I already have another couple of them, but THIS one is the my grandfather gave me. You don't understand that? edit: I just remembered, and coincidentally is also about knives... but I have no obsession with blades, I promise! My dad bought me a hunting knife when I joined the boy scouts. We all had one back then. And most of us had small axes too, and we were taught how to use them for various things, I'm glad kids were allowed to do things back then... but I digress. One day the handle broke. My dad made a new handle for it using a hazel branch from my uncle's farm. It was beautiful, it had a copper ring as well, and my dad's signature and date. When I moved to the UK, I brought the knife with me, not sure why... but it made sense, it was one of my precious possessions and at the time I was still doing lots of outdoor activities. That knife was always with me in my hiking rucksack. The number of sticks I have sharpened to roast chorizo on a camp fire, I can't count! Yum. The thing is that I put it in a pocket of my suitcase when I flew here. On arrival, I collected my bags, and everything seemed normal. I went to my then girlfriend's place and unpacked. The knife was gone. Someone had taken it from my suitcase!!! I'm still angry about that. I did not replace the knife. I didn't really need it and my smaller pen knifes do the job. But that one was a present from my dad, and had a handle hand made my him. That has value you cannot measure in £. Is that obsession to you?
  4. I was searching for a backing track for "So lonely" and came across this site: [url="http://www.karaoke-version.com"]http://www.karaoke-version.com[/url] where you can choose what instruments to mute, an download the result for £1.99 per track. It's not the original version, but the quality is pretty decent for most songs I checked. "So Lonely" is there and sounds cool. I thought someone else might like it.
  5. mcnach


    [quote name='ianrendall' timestamp='1429921578' post='2756465'] That's quite a striking look with the light and dark contrast. It's almost 'graphic novel' in appearance. [/quote] I'm about to remove the cream Model P pickups and install some black ones, just for looks... It shouldn't bother me but every time I look at it I go "ah, it'd look so much better all in black!"
  6. I had something similar with my Genz Benz Shuttle... the feet were hard plastic and did not grip at all. I sorted it by replacing the feet with nice rubber grippy ones. No issues since, no extra bits to carry around. The head is light but it will not vibrate off my cabs no matter how loud I play.
  7. If the bass will always be used with a pickguard... wouldn't you consider using another "standard" pickguard and just drill new holes where needed? Nobody will see the old ones.
  8. mcnach


    [quote name='Bobzilla' timestamp='1429651079' post='2753723'] So, I've decided to have a go at de-fretting a bass. One £18.50 Westfield P-Bass off Ebay later, and I have a suitable victim (yes, I know, its not going to sound the best fretless ever, but its a learning tool). Key question though is filler or veneer. I've seen advocates of both on online tutorials, but has anyone done one with either or even both? Thanks. (and the good thing is that a cheap bass neck means easily removed frets with zero damage and flaking). [/quote] well done! I also bought a cheap Sue Ryder P-bass a while ago and it's turned out pretty well as a fretless. I sold a Squier VM and a Japanese Fender (beautiful, natural and unlined maple fingerboard), because this one felt and sounded better! I removed the frets myself, carefully, but I let someone else finish it. I had sycamore veneers to fill the fret slots. I keep thinkinf about removing the black dots and insert something pale instead... but that's a lot of cash for a "cheap bass", and it's purely cosmetic... have fun with yours!
  9. I have a Fusion F1 like that one. Fantastic! The best out there, in my opinion.
  10. It's [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-%2522Police%2522-Play-Bass-with/dp/1847722059/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1429779850&sr=8-1&keywords=play+bass+with+the+police"]this one[/url] It wouldn't be my ideal playlist (So Lonely is not in there!!! Criminal!!!), but it has a few good ones anyway. The backing tracks are good. At first I wished they had vocals. Then I thought "cool, I can sing along", then I *REALLY* wished it came with vocals, and my neighbours would probably agree I noticed a discrepancy in the tab (yes ) for one of the songs, I forget which one... but they're all really easy to get by ear, which is what I do anyway. Although the tab is nice to quickly scan through and remember the parts ahead of playing. I bought it purely for the backing tracks, really
  11. Rod bought my cream DiMarzio Model P pickup... smooth, easy, and so was the transaction
  12. I've recently rediscovered The Police. Yeah, it happens. Also, separately, I've recently taken to playing my fretless a lot while at home [1], a lowly but fun and nice to play Precision bass I had converted to fretless. It has nylon tapewounds and produces this lovely woody thump. So, it was obvious I would have to learn a few Police songs, right? I sourced one of these "Play with..." backing tracks CDs and I just spent a couple of hours going through several songs... Things like "Roxanne". There are only a few notes (the timing is key for this one, 'though) and nothing complicated at all... but it feel great to play. Sometimes the simplest basslines can be amazing.
  13. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1429701278' post='2754042'] I don't get this electric basses aren't acoustic instruments, and electrics is a major factor in sound. Lots of basses sound not great acoustically, say for instance a small body headless, but will sound huge when plugged in. If a bass sounds good acoustically but has crap electrics then its going to sound bad unless you replace the entire electrics and even then the pickup placement choice might be not well thought out so your stuffed, unless you fill and re route new cavities. You might as well buy a different bass. Electric bass in my view electrics first, acoustics are a factor but a secondary one. [/quote] I agree with that, in principle. However, the basses that I've owned that sounded best, they also felt "solid" when unplugged. Hard to describe, it's not exactly how resonant they were while unplugged, and it's not weight... but they just feel "well made" and solid.
  14. I don't have a CV Jazz to check, so I cannot guarantee all the holes will align 100%, but it does look about right from the pictures. And yes, postage is included
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1429601038' post='2752936'] Why would you play anyone's bass lines at all..?? I just noodle with things that I've come up with and I'll be trying to the bass to sound like it could handle the sounds within the styles that I hear and play. I kind of laugh when I hear someone playing a standard bassline, tbh.. [/quote] this. Or Three Blind Mice.
  16. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1429608178' post='2753028'] This. I had a Jazz bass that had this (it was McNach's, then I bought it, he missed it so much I sold it back to him) and it was fantastic. Sound guys used to complement me on how good it sounded. No, really! [/quote] The "black beauty"... I love that bass! I'm so glad to have found it again "that bass player looks a bit familiar, but I can't think why" later... "that bass looks a lot like my old black Jazz... wait!!! It is my old black Jazz!!!"
  17. [quote name='mfisher91' timestamp='1429457920' post='2751544'] Hi all, I'm searching for a Markbass gig bag. Does anyone know of any where that sells them fairly cheaply? I've just purchased a markbass little mark 250 and need to get a gig bag as I'm out gigging next weekend, however I can't afford to spend too much on one. I've seen the Markbass ones for £70, but can't find any cheaper. Don't mind if it's not a markbass one as long as I know it fits perfectly! [/quote] Gator, small mixer bag. I used them for a LMIII, a LMT800, and Genz Benz Shuttle and Streamliner. Nice handy pocket for cables. About £20, I think.
  18. [quote name='miles'tone' timestamp='1429532116' post='2752284'] I've never had a noisy P bass at all. As long as the earth wire from the bridge to the back of a pot is soldered effectively, that should be all that's required. (I was told this by Sims Customs actually when I was ordering a '64 P body and asked what they recommend for shielding. They said they don't, even on their own builds as it doesn't matter on a passive bass. As long as said bridge to pot wire is connected.. It did surprise me at the time but so far no probs on my last two P's, one of which I put together myself). [/quote] On my bass, the pots/bridge ground was practically non-existent (I relied on the glue being conductive, and it wasn't), so it could well be that that was all I needed to do. Truly silent now. Well, except for when I touch the polepieces It doesn't happen often as I tend to play a little below the pickup on a P bass, but sometimes I do play over the pickup and further, and I get a little bzzz when I touch the poles. Maybe another time when I can be bothered I'll ground the polepieces too. Fortunately they are easy to access from below the pickup.
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