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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. PA is not backline some "promoters"
  2. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1428825120' post='2744770'] Thanks for the suggestions folks, the rubber mesh sheet seems like a great idea, as I don't want to make any permanent mods to the cab or head. I will head off to Wilko's this week. [/quote] I was annoyed with my Shuttle 9.2 because the plastic feet just don't have any grip, so it was too easy for it to slide around. I ended up replacing the feet: it's cheap, non-destructive, and really easy. You can reinstall the original ones anytime, no fuss. I made a thread about it, it includes pictures... maybe that will work for you too? It certainly did the job for me thread below: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/231593-replacing-feet-on-a-genz-benz-shuttle-92-with-pictures/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/231593-replacing-feet-on-a-genz-benz-shuttle-92-with-pictures/[/url]
  3. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1428836292' post='2744971'] And my recommendation for best bit of kit for the day.. The TKS 1126T. Outstanding. Thanks Barrie! [/quote] Whilst I haven't tested the competition as extensively... all I can say is the TKS 1126 is really good. I have two, a T and a "sans T" version. I'm very happy with them: weight, portability, sound... I also thank Barrie for all his help while I was considering the various options.
  4. [quote name='lownote12' timestamp='1428747639' post='2744219'] U have PM [/quote] and replied.
  5. [quote name='ras52' timestamp='1428676012' post='2743701'] The stand has arrived.... and we've come a long way since GAS 1.0! [attachment=189047:IMG_03381.JPG] (I'll be trying it out in rehearsal tomorrow.) [/quote] let us know what you think! sturdy?
  6. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1428516136' post='2742078'] Not many can send bass frequencies without clipping the bass off, thats why I never got on with them. [/quote] not true anymore, the digital systems don't have that issue.
  7. cana.dan just bought my wine red EBMM SUB this evening. Great guy, it was a pleasure. I hope you enjoy the bass!
  8. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1427992356' post='2736839'] Your dad is a bit good [/quote] Indeed! Tell him I'm willing to be adopted. I already graduated, so no university costs, bargain!
  9. Nice bass, and welcome to Precision land I'm also a recent convert white/white/maple is classy. Black pickguard is also great, but the current combination is a winner... just don't go tort, please!
  10. Fantastic basses at ridiculous prices (for the amount of bass)... I am selling one of mine tomorrow, but the other one will stay with me. I've seen a SUB fretless once, unlined board, but it wasn't the original neck. The good news is it would not cost much to defret one. I've had two basses defretted (I removed the frets, and let a luthier finish the job properly, planing the board, filling fret slots etc). Under £100.
  11. [quote name='gt4ever' timestamp='1428426685' post='2741182'] Just got off the phone to a PC looking into the case. He's gonna speak to the studio owner to get a statement off him and then get in touch with the singer. They said not to call his bluff with the CCTV and leave them to do their job so thats what I'm gonna do. I'll keep you all posted if theres a happy ending to this one! Rich [/quote] ... or this, probably more sensible
  12. [quote name='gt4ever' timestamp='1428424776' post='2741160'] The plot thickens. My gut instinct was always the singer as the culprit. I phoned the studio to see if there was CCTV. I told the owner what happened. He said he saw the singer take a flight case directly to his car and put it in there and thought nothing of it. I said how did he know it was the singer, and he described him and said he got to the studio early and they were chatting before we arrived. I know that this said singer turned up with just a carrier bag with a drink and lyrics inside. So now I have a witness who has nothing to gain from lying. At least I know that my intial instincts were correct. So... what next. I filed everything with the local police. My last contact with the singer that me saying yesterday that I'll check if there is CCTV to see what happened. I now know that he was seen stealing the case so is my best bet to lie to him and say there is CCTV and it shows him putting it in his car and to give him an opportunity to return it to the studio or I'll press charges, or let the police deal with it. Do I call his bluff in the hope that he hasnt got rid of it yet? I just want my gear back! What do you reckon. I am so f***ing livid. Rich [/quote] I'd call his bluff. But be cautious about it. It worked for me once, when I bought a bass on this very forum from a newbie (I had a wanted ad). Bass did not arrive, excuses were made, rats were smelled... I checked his profile, noticed others had checked his profile who had also wanted ads... and bingo, he had "sold" them stuff too. I decided to approach him directly, expecting him to be not that bright, and made him believe I knew where he lived, and that I was going to be in the area soon. I made him believe I had contacts in the police who helped me find him, and I made him believe that I'd let it go if he reimbursed every one of us (one guy had paid by Paypal gift, so he was not covered by Paypal protection)... and in the end we all got our cash back. He was remarkably dumb, he got very scared about the possibility of getting a police record if we went for him... I hope he learnt his lesson and never did it again. Your singer... cannot be that bright either. Approach with caution, offer him a way out... Make him realise he's been caught and he could just walk away, and you might just get all your stuff back. Needless to say, have backup nearby, and film the bastard if he agrees to meet you to return your stuff. Good luck!
  13. [quote name='cana.dan' timestamp='1428349572' post='2740503'] Oh I know it. Had one exactly the same as this years ago. Always regretted selling it. [/quote] it's a bargain and you know it!
  14. The bass that kicked me off my Stingray/Jazz phase... I love that wide neck too.
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