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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. Thinning the herd... Here goes my wine red EBMM SUB. It's one of the later models, late 2005 or early 2006 as far as I can tell, because of the compensated nut. These basses are fantastic, real Stingrays in everything but price and cosmetic touches, with the same 2-band EQ and the same alnico pickup as the Stingrays of the time. The bass has a few minor marks on the neck, and some bigger ones on the top of the headstock (pictured) but it's in good condition, and is lovely to play. Only selling it because I already have a Stingray and another SUB, in white, and I prefer the look of the white one. I don't need three virtually identical basses. The original metal pickguard was removed and a white one installed. The original one will be included. edit: I forgot to add, it has Schaller straplocks on.
  2. clearing up my drawer of parts... next, a pair of Jazz pickups edit: I just remembered these are BOTH sized identically: same size as a NECK pickup... so they'd leave a small gap at the edge of the normal size bridge pickup route (under 2mm).
  3. [quote name='lou24d53' timestamp='1427815107' post='2734572'] Will do neepheid...when I politely but firmly turned it down, the promoter replied back to me asking which parts I found to be unacceptable?! [/quote] did he? don't be shy! Unfortunately, your experience is not unique, we've been offered similar terms by a number of promoters over the years. They quickly stop calling us. WE haven't stopped gigging Much easier to promote your own gigs, sometimes. We do that from time to time. INvite a couple of other bands we know and like, and end up having a really good time without idiot "promoters"... sometimes you don't make much money, other times you make a nice cut... but you ALWAYS make more than with the promoters that send you that list of conditions.
  4. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1427808807' post='2734479'] I agree with the statement that bands need to be good, but I know we are good and I know a couple of the other local bands are good too. Even so, bars are just not entertaining live music round here. It's like they think they will get enough folk in with a sh*tty disco, so why pay more for live music. Long gaps between songs is my hate and I continually battle with a guitarist with OCD., so I suppose we can be guilty of that, but I don't think that is the reason for the lack of gigs.certainly not in this town . [/quote] not just good, but entertaining. actually, I know a local band doing VERY well, and they were not very good... but they were hugely entertaining. They're gigging all over the place now, because they have build a following and fill venues. The bar is a business, a band could be great technically but if it doesn't make people take notice and follow them a bit, they are unlikely to do well.
  5. [quote name='Markolinni' timestamp='1427306801' post='2728675'] Any news of the delivery of them? [/quote] shut up!!!!
  6. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1427060397' post='2725350'] Entwistle PBXN cheap and awesome! [/quote] +1 I just bought one for my cheapo MIke Dirnt Precision and played a gig with it last night. Really happy with it! Just not a very traditional P bass sound... but it's a great sound nevertheless.
  7. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1427053799' post='2725201'] I wish it were the other way round to the original post - if only brands would sell roundwounds that were road-worn-in, so I didn`t have twangy/zingyness for a couple of weeks. Admittedly my faves, Roto Steel Rounds do die pretty quickly, but not quick enough - out of the packet would be best. [/quote] I tried a set of stainless steel "Coban" strings, from eBay, at the recommendation of a BCer. You might like them. ONly £7 delivered if they don't please you. They are smoother than other steels, and lack the annoying zing other strings have when new. At first it put me off, but they are alright in fact, and they work very well live. I have mixed feelings about them still, but I admit parto of it is that they're too cheap so I'm not supposed to be happy with them, right?
  8. [quote name='joeghee' timestamp='1422403447' post='2672366'] Hi There, Yesterday I finally got my new Barefaced six10 delivered. I Think it looks stunning!!! Here are the first pictures. More comments on sound quality follow after the weekend. By than, I've had the virgin rehearsal end virgin gig with it.... The tolex looks and feels super nice and is very well glued. I do think that the side handles are mounted upside down. When mounted like this, there is not enough space for the wrist if it's carried by two people.... In the pictures you can see the "hybrid resonator" which basically seems like a bass port in the bottom of the cab... I am very curious about the sound!!! Cheers from the Netherlands! Arn [/quote] looks great, nice handles!
  9. mcnach

    Filter Quest!

    [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1426950260' post='2723884'] I'm on a bit of a filter quest at the mo, having recently tried the following:[list] [*][b]Zoom B1Xon:[/b] I'd always loved the 'Z-Tron' model of the Q-Tron in this - this was my benchmark. For £39 for the B1on, I think this is the best value envelope filter going and I prefer it to everything else I've gone through except a real Q-Tron! [*][b]MXR M82:[/b] Sounds great but not as fat as the Mutron/Q-Tron lowpass filters. Clean blend makes it great as a subtle filter or for letting the original attack through with slap. [*][b]Keeley Neutrino: [/b]I thought this would be the one, but I found it wasn't as fat and squelchy as the Zoom, and the sensitivity control is actually a gain control that affects output volume, meaning when you turn it down to suit a hot bass, you result in a volume drop when engaging the pedal. [*][b]3Leaf Proton: [/b]A nice filter, just not as juicy or expressive as what I was used to from the Zoom. [*][b]3Leaf Wonderlove:[/b] I found this hard to dial in a good sound, and it just didn't float my boat. [*][b]EHX Enigma:[/b] Big volume spike with this at the low part of the sweep, plus a volume boost when turned on. Again not as fat as the Q-Tron model in the Zoom unit. Very versatile though with lots of control on offer. [*][b]EHX Mini Q-Tron:[/b] Not the current Micro Q-Tron but the older one, ironically the biggest pedal I own so not what I would call 'mini'! I saw one of these on Ratman's board in the post-your-pedal-board thread which peaked my interest, and after some research it seems this particular model gets a lot of love, some even preferring it over the original Mutron. Searched for one of these yesterday and was lucky enough to find one on the Gumtree, and it arrived this morning. It has everything I loved about the Zoom but sounds even deeper and fatter, so it's the current king for me. It does suffer from a volume boost so I will be modding it to fit a standard power connector and master volume control, and maybe even true bypass depending on how the bypass is (still need to test that out yet). [/list] The Neutrino and Enigma are going to be returned (I got the Enigma as B-stock from Thomann at a good price, so if anyone wants to try it for the same price I paid they are welcome). The M82 and might be going up for sale also. The only other combatant to enter the battle is the 3Leaf Groove Regulator which I nabbed from the classifieds which should hopefully be with me soon! [/quote] I'd look at the EBS Bassiq and the Aguilar Filter Twin. I was on a similar quest a while ago, and I ended up with the Filter Twin... but recently I finally tried the Bassiq (it escaped me before) and it's a really really nice pedal too. Additionally, if size is not a problem, the Source Audio Bass Envelope Filter, the first one, is really good. Some filters are hard to control with massive volume spikes, or they add too much bottom end, or rob it... The SA BEF is very well behaved and very easy to use yet incredibly versatile. I ended up using only a couple of the many different models it has, and it's my favourite. It only stays away from my pedal board due to size constraints, but I use it in the big one. It's quite cheap now, after they brought out the Manta pedal.
  10. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1426864075' post='2722898'] How about... [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/247112-scratch-it-original-scratchplates-pickguards-to-your-design/"]http://basschat.co.u...to-your-design/[/url] [/quote] I don't think they do standard 3-ply types, but they focus on single ply special designs, afair.
  11. sorry, I ended up ordering a Maruszczyk... glossy lacquered neck and at least 42mm width at the nut was my requirement... But this Sandberg is still beauuutiful!
  12. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1427012822' post='2724571'] [/quote]
  13. [quote name='Mr Arkadin' timestamp='1426991812' post='2724520'] Likewise. Is there a mute button for trolls like that? [/quote] There is... just don't read it ;-)
  14. I took the Squier P to my gig tonight, through the little Markbass CMD121P combo (just as a stage monitor) and I have to say I am very very pleased with the transformation! These pickups are great value! I had my tone (passive) rolled off maybe a quarter of a turn, and that gave me a very nice smooth tone. Opening up the tone made it sound a little louder (those mids) and cut through more clearly, with lots of grunt... These pickups work very well with the passive P bass tone. Again, it's not the classic 50s Precision tone, but something a bit more... aggressive yet refined. Hard to describe . It's like using a jackhammer that was precision-build in Sweden or something Powerful, yet precise. I don't know! It's just a very good sound. Incidentally, I had three different people complimenting me on my bass (playing? sound? not clear)... I also have a set of veyr very very cheap strings on this bass, stainless steel, brand "Coban". £7 delivered, on eBay. Someone on BC was using them and I thought I would check them out. They're not the best strings I've used, and they felt a bit dead compared to other steel strings I was trying... but after a bit, I started enjoying the way they didn't have all that extra treble that I don't really like, and fellt smoother. Today they did a great job. I might continue using them after all!
  15. [quote name='DarkHeart' timestamp='1426950025' post='2723878'] They are awesome pups. I can`t believe I never thought about changing the covers so they fit better! just done that and put one in my Dirnt Precision and its transformed it, think i`ll remove it from the for sale section now and have a proper go with it and see if I get the `Precision` thing [/quote] it was just a flash of inspiration... I've had other pickups fitted with the "wrong ears" and never thought of just changing the covers until now. So simple!
  16. [quote name='The Badderer' timestamp='1426970220' post='2724342'] ^^^ Fair point. I guess it's a choice, some would prefer to lock the thread when they can see the topic is going nowhere healthy, others see where it goes freedom of speech etc. nothing bad seems to have happened so far.... [/quote] it's just... words... about... basses.
  17. [quote name='spyder' timestamp='1426937873' post='2723656'] Come on. Stop this childish posting and go and play your bass. Someone lock this thread. [/quote] why lock it? I am having a look and don't like the thread (I don't care for Ricks, but Rick threads are sometimes amusing to watch ) but... why lock it? Don't like it? Don't read it. Sorry, I am not saying this as a personal attack but I have seen recently a few comments on other threads along the same lines "lock the thread"... I say let people discuss whatever they please. If they are not interesting threads I'll move on, but let those who want to stay in them do so.
  18. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1426925541' post='2723445'] Can I just say that you've wasted all your hard earned cash and should have bought an OLP [/quote] and I just want to say that Chiliwailer is not a second account owned by me
  19. Sometimes a cheap bass surprises you. A while ago I found, by chance, someone nearby selling a Squier Mike Dirnt Precision for £115. I was curious as I was starting to feel a certain attraction for P basses after hating them for so long, so I went to check it out. The bass was very light, the neck slim (which I loved then, but now I wish it were wider and thicker), and it was quite nice. Then I was reminded the £115 price covered bass and amplifier... so I went home with them and later sold the amp for £20. Very comfy bass to play, and the pickup may not be the best but it sounded ok to me. I used this bass a lot for busking with my band using a battery operated amplifier... it worked pretty well and it was a bass I did not worry too much if it got wet, or dirty, or scratched... Recently I've been hearing good things about these Entwistle pickups, especially the neodymium one. At £26, it looked like a painless way to try to improve this bass. The pickups arrived, but the black covers have larger ears than the route on my bass... so I then ordered a set of white covers with smaller ears. They arrived today and fitted perfectly on the bass and on the Entwistle pickups... and it looks like this: ... I have not been able yet to play it with the band, but at home it sounds quite nice. Adjustable polepieces are cool, and I raised the G string ones a bit as the G string was sounding a bit weaker than the rest. The first thing you notice is that some of the "Precision" character is gone. It's not a traditional P bass sound, but it's a good one. It's got a lot of "grunt" but it sounds a bit more refined than a classic P bass. Hard to describe! Not a traditional P bass sound, but it's a good one, especially at £26!
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1426885681' post='2723232'] ...and has it arrived yet? Mine hasn't, and I ordered it three days ago. *drums fingers* [/quote] no, not yet, and I've been at home all day, running to the window everytime I heard a van parking on my street
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