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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Mike2tone' timestamp='1426884219' post='2723215'] What did you go for Mcnach? [/quote] aaaaah, it's a secret! A Jake P/JJ with very slight differences from the one in stock I was looking at, but they are differences that will make me like it that much more. I'll post pictures in about 11 weeks
  2. [quote name='Markolinni' timestamp='1426782251' post='2721907'] hehe. Congratulations 10 weeks will pass fast (or maybe not..) The first 2 will be the most difficult. I'm passing through the 6 week. hehe. I'm happy.. appear 1 photo on FB of a piece of my future bass Got even more ansious hehehe [/quote] Deposit paid... the wait begins.
  3. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1426720561' post='2721352'] I feel your pain. I placed my order two days ago, and I'm still mailing Adrian to chat about changes. The poor bugger. [/quote] I made my mind up. I think. I'm placing an order fresh 10 long weeks! uf...
  4. Ah, decisions decisions... Emailing with Adrian right now... Hard times for an impatient man: I can order something they have in stock and have it next week? or order something only slightly different that would be a *bit* more to my liking, and wait for a while (and pay a chunk more)... Hmmm. The difference is just the neck profile... a 4 string with a 40mm width at the nut and 21mm deep at 1st fret is certainly comfy and noticeably wider than a typical Jazz. But I'd rather have a 42-43mm wide one and slightly deeper too, maybe 23mm? If in addition I could get a glossy slightly tinted lacquered neck then it would be *perfect*. But... ah, what to do, what to do!?
  5. Is the neck lacquered? what's the width of the neck at the nut?
  6. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1426542328' post='2719229'] Alea jacta est... [/quote] aha! what did you go for? what did you go for?
  7. [quote name='Russtaman-bass' timestamp='1426449413' post='2718170'] Thanks for the response, no need to bother you further then! [/quote] No bother... just trying to save you time. By the way, I'm not the seller... I just knew where the answer was. Nice bass indeed. Have a good evening!
  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1426428107' post='2717933'] He's confirmed that the necks are clear lacquered :-) My order will be placed soon... [/quote]
  9. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1426422837' post='2717847'] I agree, anyone can become amazing if the are prepared to work, work, work at it. On the other hand , some annoying people, like my girlfriends brother, are just born with the ability to be just good right away. He didn't pick up a guitar until he was 13. Within three years, he was a virtuoso, who could play any Rush song you could name flawlessly, since then, he has become the best guitarist I've ever met in real life. It's so bloody annoying! [/quote] Yeah, I hate those. I'd round them all up in a field and shoot them... oh, wait, sorry, I thought this was the Clarkson thread
  10. [quote name='Russtaman-bass' timestamp='1426423497' post='2717856'] Hi, Nice bass, is it still available and what part of the country are you in. Russ [/quote] the clue is at the bottom of the original post
  11. [quote name='piffle' timestamp='1425576261' post='2708776'] Hi guys, For sometime i have been looking for a GB streamliner head. Sadly i haven't been able to find one (except at a hugely inflated price). So my question is .. what thoughts people may have as to a similar sounding alternative thats as simple to use. I play a Warwick streamer II currently using a 1980's Trace Elliot AH500, with a shiny new Barefaced BT2. cheers folks [/quote] what's a hugely inflated price? I see them not too unfrequently for around £400 (the 900, or less for the 600 version). That's what I paid for mine more or less (I bought the Shuttle 9.2 new, but the Streamliner 900 was used). I am a HUGE fan of the Streamliner 900. My advice: keep looking. It's a terrific amp. I'd consider the Aguilar TH500 as an alternative, but it frustrated me i the way every control seems to interact with everything else. The Streamliner is almost plug and play. It's really hard to get a bad sound out of it.
  12. Coban stainless steel strings, on eBay, £7 delivered for a set. They're not the best. But they work. For £12 I prefer Warwick Red Label stainless steel, but the £7 ones are not terrible
  13. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1426415824' post='2717735'] Ah - thanks for reminding me about the lacquer! I'll ask him. I'm gradually pinning everything down. [b]He's being very patient with me...[/b] [/quote] well, finish already! some of us are trying to get in the queue!
  14. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1426413680' post='2717696'] He's literally just replied - if I send him the dimensions of my '71, they'll copy it. :-) [/quote] Nice! Did you specify lacquered neck in the end? I'm still hoping that some of the instruments they have already made work for me (I'm impatient, you see and I dread thinking of all the options!!! )
  15. [quote name='spyder' timestamp='1426194413' post='2715611'] My bass is the red Jake in the video clip from the previous thread. [/quote] What's the neck like? I like Precision necks... and yes, they vary, but they're generally wide and I like the Classic 50 ones a lot, which some consider "chunky".
  16. Do you have one of these? Or have you tried one? What's the neck width/profile like? Is it typical Precision or slimmer?
  17. [quote name='jonnythenotes' timestamp='1425940964' post='2712657'] It's blindingly obvious she plays with an ease and fluency that can't just be learnt, it has to come naturally...there is playing a bass, and using a bass, lots of folks can do the first one, but not many the second.. That song is five minutes long, and must have a couple of thousand individual 'hits' on the strings... That's like trying to type at 100 words a minute without making one mistake... Come on. [/quote] You'd be amazed what people can do when they, well... practice and work at it. If music were my job, I bet I'd be substantially better than I'm now, as I'd be playing quite a bit everyday... I remember an interview with Paco de Lucia talking about talent etc, and he said that sure, some people have a gift, but that he still had to spend hours and hours everyday playing guitar to become that good. I think some people use the excuse "I am not that talented" as a self-justification, when the truth is they just don't want to put in the effort. But this is an entirely different matter now...
  18. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1425859052' post='2711646'] Sex-IST [/quote] You must watch "This is Spinal Tap" sometime
  19. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1425858047' post='2711623'] Well, I didn't learn that way (though many people probably wish I had). But seriously, it seems a really weird idea to video yourself doing something and then put it on the net. I have the same concerns with people reporting their every moment on facebook. To me it seems very sad, almost as if these people need to do these things to make themselves feel OK about themselves, or to justify their existence. I can't believe that these people do it out of altruism to help their fellow bassists learn stuff. [/quote] live and let live... does it matter what the reason is to post those videos? what's weird to me is that when someone posts about something they love, there's always some who just join in to say "nah, could be better", "nah, not that good". I do not understand what compels someone to post that. see?
  20. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1426329079' post='2716925'] I've had an email chat with Adrian. You can spec pretty much any neck profile you like. Didn't realise they weren't lacquered - I wonder if it's an option? I'm really struggling with specs at the minute. I want a passive PJ that nails the P tone, but there's so many options I don't know what would suit me best. Also, to get my target weight (3.8kg) Adrian says I'd need to go for a chambered body. Just wondering how that would affect tone. So much to consider... [/quote] I just sent an email... I find it hard to decide between 3 of the basses in stock (or 6 even!), as I was after a straight simple P, but I know I'd find a bridge pickup quite a useful addition. So I asked a few questions about those basses and about ordering one fresh too... hmmm, we'll see, but if I find it hard to decide between stock basses, a custom order would be a nightmare! decisions, decisions! I asked him about lacquered necks. It's not a deal breaker, and I can always have it lacquered in the future. David Wilson did a great job on my Stingray so I could take it to him.
  21. I tried that bass briefly once, when I bought "me and my bass"'s 75RI Jazz... and I can confirm it is a fantastic Stingray, from a great guy. It almost makes me want to buy a USA Precision just to trade it! This must be one of the very nicest Stingrays I ever played. edit: oh, for sale now? It won't last long!!!!
  22. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1426205232' post='2715775'] Of course, the alternative is to treat yourself to an old skool Trace SMX, select preset 2 and cut through the mix like nothing else. My 3 band 'Ray through these amps blows anything else out of the water [/quote] I avoid playing in swimming pools, to start with...
  23. wow, some very attractive instruments there! I wish I could try them, I love the look/specs/price of some of the Jakes in stock! I wonder what the neck is like. I love the wide "Classic 50s" Precision style, and I'd hate a Jazz type neck... Pity the necks are not lacquered either. Hmmm... You are a bad bunch, putting ideas in my mind, and I am indeed looking for a Precision at the moment...
  24. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1426237578' post='2715877'] If I had received comms that made me want to hold the item, then I'd give the guy more than 3.5 hrs before I looked around for someone else and taking it off 'hold'. I'd at least send a message saying I had other 'buyers' and I'd only keep the item on hold for 24hrs if I didn't hear back in that time with proper details to advance the sale. Then the onus would be on the buyer to comply... 3.5 hrs is a bit of an insult, IMO. No wonder the newbie wasn't impressed. I wouldn't expect buyers here to jerk you around... and the whole point of this place for sales is that it isn't the usual market place..?? [/quote] It is a bit of a short time. I've always waited longer, sometimes holding something for over a week. But I'd do that for someone I believe in. If a regular I'm a bit familiar with asks me to hold something and I don't need the cash quickly, no problem. However, if I have someone without a "history", and makes me think he may not be all that serious, I'd be less likely to wait, especially if I have other offers. Yes, 3 hours is not a lot of time... But if the buyer really wants it all he had to say was express interest. One line. Thirty seconds is all it takes. The seller all he sees is someone who read his reply and chose not to acknowledge his message... If he wants to sell fast, I can see why he wouldn't wait. Don't you? Everytime I've been really interested in something I made sure the seller knew it and that's even with people I may have exchanged PMs with and sort of knew me already.
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