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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='mybass' timestamp='1424860482' post='2701180'] I have an EBS Multicomp pedal that is good but my ears feel it alters the bass sound. Anyone had one of these and changed to something they feel is more 'true'...? [/quote] I have not one but TWO of the things, as I got tired of switching them from the small pedalboard to the big one... and I love that pedal. I generally use the multiband setting. It does change the sound, you're right. But it's a good sound, I find. I don't go for very drastic settings, but I like what it sounds like, it's an "always on" pedal for me and the fact that it changes the tone does not bother me. I only use the board about 50% of the time, so I still play a lot without compression... it still sounds good! But I like the slightly "denser" tone I get with the pedal on, especially when using the Jazz. I have tried a variety of other pedals, and some were much more transparent. The BBE Optocomp jumps to mind. It was very transparent, and it thickened the sound wonderfully, but I still preferred the EBS.
  2. [quote name='dadofsix' timestamp='1424660171' post='2698899'] Small children can make any relationship rocky, at times. Without knowing more of your situation, I can only generalize. Forgive me if I offend in any way. Look, from your perspective, you're working hard, doing what you love, and getting paid to do it. From her perspective, you're out having fun WITH ADULTS, while she's trapped at home with two teeny weenies with all the responsibilities of a single mother when you're away. I'm not saying that it's fair that she's feeling this way but, when push comes to shove, I'm guessing she's feeling trapped in her situation without you there. Deep down, I don't think she wants you to change. What I DO think she wants is for you to recognize her sacrifice, for you to find appropriate and genuine ways of showing her how much you appreciate that sacrifice, for you to support her willingly and happily when she needs time to herself, or when she needs time with you. Marriage is hard work, to be sure. But it is infinitely easier if both partners feel that the other is pulling their weight in the responsibilities department. She's already had time to build up resentment. It will take time for that resentment to cool -- but it will. One last thing before I end this missive, never forget that she's the one who is answering your children's question: "Where is daddy tonight?" Do you want them to hear their mother tell them that: "Daddy is off working hard for us. He really wishes he could be here with us now but he can't, so make him feel extra special when you see him tomorrow." OR, do you want them to hear: "Your father is off with his friends having fun. He doesn't have any time for us." Daughters and sons learn from their father what it means to be the "man of the house." Just what are they learning from you? Make her feel appreciated. Go more than the extra mile in sacrificing your free time so she can remember what it's like being an adult without having children grabbing at her leg or feeling that she needs to immediately respond to a whiney voice. You married this woman knowing what was expected of you. You brought children into this world knowing how much would be demanded of you. I'm not saying you shouldn't pursue your dream. What I am saying is that you should do everything you can to show her how much you appreciate what she is sacrificing of her own dreams while you pursue yours. Best of luck to you and your family. <><Peace [/quote] wonderful post.
  3. We recorded our first album in an old disused church that had been converted into a series of interesting rooms. On one of the sessions we noticed one of the guitar amps producing some strange noises. We turned it up and we could hear... people... it sounded like a cafeteria, with sound of cups and spoons... We had a break and decided to investigate. A nearby church was holding a meeting, and we went in and asked... They had their system on. They said they didn't need it on at the time, turned it off, and no more ghosts coming out of the guitar amp.
  4. [quote name='Caledonian_Enterprises' timestamp='1424729086' post='2699859'] Thanks for discussing with your band , its still early stages as you can see, all i can say is the setup will weigh no more than 24kg (possible 20kg) and the sound range will be[b] between 94db and 113db[/b]. if you have any other contacts then id welcome their thoughts too. What band are you in?? [/quote] That's a hell of a wide range! It's almost like saying "it'll be kind of quiet compared to other cabs, or very loud, not sure yet"
  5. [quote name='kodiakblair' timestamp='1424653757' post='2698880'] Result Lee. Just to whet your appetite here's a fella on a Zygote. [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BF-IkdcvFVQ"]https://www.youtube....h?v=BF-IkdcvFVQ[/url] [/quote] Those zygote ones with the two MM style pickups look pretty cool. Tempting. If only the fingerboard were maple...
  6. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1424509183' post='2697016'] IF ...... there's room for the battery in the control cavity. With a precision there may or may not be. It's a small cavity. Many will not have room. If there is not room, it's a fairly simple task enlarging the cavity under the pickguard to fit the battery, but you will need a Dremel or a router and a bit of confidence in how to use it. [/quote] or chisel and hammer, my favourite for these tasks... if you go slow it works really well.
  7. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1424369864' post='2695641'] EMG very easy to fit, even older type which require soldering. Check if you have sufficient room for 9V battery. They are a non-destructive exercise so when you come to sell just refit the previous pickup etc. Whether it is worthwhile is a personal judgement call, [/quote] This. As for resale value, it's not like 90s fenders are particularly "special". Some people would even pay extra because of the EMGs. The Precision EMGs are pretty sweet!
  8. Is that genuine "roadworn" series parts, or "in the spirit of"? The body has definitely received some extra "attention" if it's a RW one. Would it be possible to see a picture under the scratchplate? The back of the neck also looks different. Did you sand it off? I tried a RW strat and it was really sweet... hmmm.
  9. [quote name='JamesXP' timestamp='1424639246' post='2698684'] I considered changing the wiring around / adding a switch.. is it difficult? From what I can tell this from around 05... in excellent condition too hardly a mark! [/quote] The pickups are simple 2-wire... so for you to be able to alter the wiring you'll need to do some careful soldering at the eyelets. Not "difficult" but can be fiddly if you're not familiar with that sort of thing. Doable, 'though.
  10. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1424628679' post='2698491'] I can't tell. Are you saying it's the finest instrument in the universe incapable of being bettered? Or are you saying that you can't polish a turd? [/quote]
  11. what a pity it doesn't have a maple fingerboard
  12. I've got a couple of SUBs, they're fantastic. One has the pickup wired in series (stock, a 2003 one) and the other in parallel (late 2005 or early 2006). The series one is just monstrous (in a good way). I wouldn't have bought a Stingray had I tried these first!
  13. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1424613836' post='2698260'] DR Fat Beams imo are the sh*t Jose. DR's are expensive but i love them, and they last for a long long time. best electric bass string in the world imo. just put a set on a Lakland 55-02 and its great. Bass string royalty is them DR's. Low Riders are nice also. For Flats La Bella Deep Talking are really great. [/quote] Yup, I've hat Fat Beams on my white EBMM SUB for a while now, and restrung your old 75RI Jazz with them too. Beautiful strings. I tried the Hi Beams too, but not the Lo Riders. Fat Beams have been my favourite for a while, I just did not realise it was a lot to do with them being stainless steel until recently.
  14. [quote name='rodney72a' timestamp='1424564264' post='2697899'] I have yet to see an EBMM bass that has benefited from 'upgrading' its pickup or preamp. But if spending money on devaluing your instrument is your thing, go for it... (At least keep the original parts.) [/quote] , , and then some more! define devaluing... I have a 2002 Stingray, 2EQ, beautiful natural/maple. It's been my main bass for a few years, except the last period since October 2014 that i've been playing the Precision on my avatar mostly. But the Stingray is *my* bass, the one I'd save from a fire, the one that if I'm not sure what I'm going to need... I'll pick before any other bass. But I guess I've devalued it, OMG. I felt the 2EQ wasn't doing it for me. It works better on my USA SUB that has the pickup wired in series (stock! it came like that!) which has a more pronounced midrange. On the Stingray, I found the treble getting too shrill too quickly. I put a 3-band John East on it, with the midsweep module. Awesome. Even in 2EQ mode if feels the low end is a bit tighter and the treble has a more sensible operation, and then the mid module is just perfect, so versatile and easy to use. I can't give a rat's ass whether someone thinks I devalued a precious EBMM instrument by swapping the preamp, because the truth (and yes, I hold the truth, since it's my bass and it has to satisfy me ) is it sounds better and turned a bass that fels fantastic but didn't have the sound to match into a wonderful wonderful thing. If you're not horrified enough... I also recently had the neck lacquered. Yup. Because I like the feel of a lacquered neck, and it's a lot easier to maintain looking nice. "Oh, the horror!" Well, you're entitled to your opinion, but I'm entitled to think it's rubbish. Seriously, what do people care whether others modify their instruments to their taste? Especially when we talk of certain brands, like EBMM... it's just ridiculous the level of offense some seem to get at seeing others enjoying their instruments in a non-stock form.
  15. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1424556700' post='2697761'] Would it be cyber-bullying if all of us offered him £59.26 every hour for a week? [/quote] I don't know, but it appeals to me
  16. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1424545876' post='2697621'] Yup! The cheapest and easiest way to transform your sound, IMO! A crap bass with good strings will sound decent. A good bass with crap strings probably won't. [b]And I'm happy that McNach is a good customer of StringPing.com[/b] I'm a steel fan, myself! Nice and clear, and lovely for slap! [/quote] But I feel a bit dirty, ignoring my local shops and buying online instead
  17. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1424032933' post='2691854'] It's easier to adapt the 10% of a bass you like 90% of than find one that is 100% what you want off the hook though. [/quote] well said
  18. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1423835003' post='2689519'] I've mentiond them on other string related threads before and didn't want to be seen to be on a hobby horse. If you are interested they are these; [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Coban-Bass-Guitars-DCG3-Bass-Guitar-Full-Set-4-Strings-45-105-Deluxe-Range-j78-/151583961517?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item234b1bb1ad#ht_3977wt_1144"]http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_3977wt_1144[/url] At one time you could get them even cheaper if you bought multiple packs but that feature seems to have been dropped. I'm guessing they are just some far east bulk manufacturer that this shop then puts their own label on. [/quote] I got a set of these to try. They're not as nice as... any of the others, really, but they're not horrible. I don't hate them, but I prefer any of the others I've tried so far. The gauge is a bit strange, the 105 string is only about 100, but none of the strings measured exactly what they're supposed to (other brands measurements are sot-on, pretty much), and the A string was a bit duller (in sound) than the rest. Not a lot, and once you play loud you won't notice unless you use a very bright sound. They feel softer to the touch than just about any of the other steel string I've tried, so that's a plus for some (I actually like the coarseness, but I also enjoy the softer nickel ones... both have their pros and cons). Straight out of the packet they feel less bright than any of the other steel string I've tried too. But they still have lots of top end. They just feel like I'd been playing them for a week or two already. At <£7 all in, they're very good value. I don't mind spending even 5-6x that for a set of strings that I like better, as they last me a few months, but if cost became an issue, I'd be between the Warwick Red Label (£11-12) and the Coban ones (£7). I prefer the Warwick's sound, but they are a little too coarse perhaps, and the Coban ones feel nicer and doesn't sound bad at all...
  19. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1424440226' post='2696324'] Try Tim from Scratch It. He did mine for my customised jazz and it's great: [url="http://www.originalscratchplates.com"]http://www.originalscratchplates.com[/url] [/quote] I thought he only did one-ply "designy" ones... does he do also standard ones?
  20. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1424445233' post='2696406'] Hardly ruined, nor firewood. A couple of minor cosmetic issues on a budget bass is hardly the end of the world, the hole in the front could be put to some use like low battery indicator or DFA switch. [/quote] that's what I thought too.
  21. [quote name='John Schoen' timestamp='1424431208' post='2696192'] I can think of two stores now, was it one of these? [url="http://www.guitar-parts.nl/index.php?p=product&id=2705&parent=292"]http://www.guitar-pa...2705&parent=292[/url] [url="http://www.customworldguitarparts.com/default/pickguards-2/jazz-bass-pickguard.html"]http://www.customwor...-pickguard.html[/url] [/quote] Customworld is where I got my last one. Not the right colour for me. I don't know the other place. It doesn't mean it's not the right place, it's just that I don't remember. Hmmm. The picture looks "tame mint green" which is what I'm after... but as I found out, pictures don't tell the full story. I'll have to check what their returns policy is
  22. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1424429352' post='2696170'] I had the same quest with a tort guard and in the end I went to Sims. But if you are doing this by picture, you have got to be sure it will be what you want. Tort is hard as some of it is sooo red and really doesn't work, IMO, but Sims don't deal in such tat... I'd start there.... [/quote] Yeah, pictures don't work for the mint green either. I received one yesterday that looked perfect in the picture... it was again bright green. It's hard to convey the exact colour on pictures. Reds are notoriously hard to photograph and reproduce accurately, it looks like shades of pale green are too. I might try SIMS and see what they say. In fact, if they do teh right colour, I'd love to get a custom made one for my single-coil style Precision too.
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1424427193' post='2696128'] Yup. Apple is great for people who just want to do stuff. Android etc. is[b] great for people who want to do stuff with the thing they use to do stuff.[/b] :-) [/quote] Ha! I love that! I'm going to keep it for future reference
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