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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='gafbass02' timestamp='1424421862' post='2696066'] Oasis are stil current in the sense that I can't get through a single gig without one drunken chavvy bloke agressively demanding them all night, or host one open mic without one guy pretending to be them. :-/ Drives me nuts, which is why I finally 'relented' and arranged a completely different 'rock' version of the most requested song 'wonderwall' just to shut them up and to date a sense of mischief (Which I demo'd up on GarageBand on my iPad if anyone's interested) [url="https://soundcloud.com/gafbass02/wonderwall-rock-ipad-demo"]https://soundcloud.c...-rock-ipad-demo[/url] [/quote] Nice! I prefer it to the original!
  2. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1424414426' post='2696009'] I have no idea what package management is. Is it something I need to know? [/quote] Clearly you don't. So no need to worry. The thing is "computers" can be used for one and a million things, so it's natural that there's a whole lot of different requirements out there for different people. Macs do what they do very well for a group of people. If you have different requirements, Macs may not be for you. Like... anything else really. I don't see why we need to fight wars over Mac vs PC Can Mac people accept Macs are not ideal for everyone, and viceversa about PCs? Then we can go back to argue about Precision vs Jazz or something
  3. I want a mint green pickguard for my 75RI Jazz... but some are too fake bright green. I bought one once from a shop in the Netherlands that was perfect, just the kind that looks "aged" and slghtly greenish... But I don't recall who they were. Does anybody know where I could get one that's not too bright and weird looking?
  4. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1424358376' post='2695519'] Out of curiosity, if it's not money that you avoid Apple for. Why is it? [/quote] As with most things I don't buy (except a Ferrari and such), I don't buy them because I don't like them, or the company making them, or both. Apple products are not THAT expensive. You can get an iPhone on a similar package to my mobile one, but you won't see me going for one. I know Apple-fans tend to think Apple-life is the life we should all naturally aspire to, but it's just not so. Enjoy your iWhatever. I'm glad there are other alternatives that work better for me. Equally, I would never own a Rickenbacker, I don't think. It's not a cash thing. I just don't like them, unconceivable as it may seem to some. Computing-wise, PCs are more convenient for me, and more flexible. I use dual partitions so that I sometimes use Windows and other times a flavour of Linux, depending on what I need to do. I'm very happy with my HTC phone running Android, and I have never felt "I wish it were an iPhone"... I do not like the way Apple products seem to create unnecessary dependance on other Apple products... even things like power supplies! It was power supplies that made me shun Sony many years ago, when I got fed up that every new Walkman I bought seemed to use yet a different adaptor plug and I had to buy their own brand adaptor. I haven't bought Sony ever since, I'm vindictive that way I lie, I bought a pair of headphones once, because they sounded great. But if there is an equally good alternative available to me, I go for that one. Same thing for Apple and me.
  5. [quote name='pineweasel' timestamp='1424274736' post='2694637'] Not really in this case - it's just the amp simulation via a plugged in iPhone/iPad that's Apple only [/quote] oh, my interest has revived then... I should check it out when they come out. I like the idea, I like the look, if I like the sound... I might just get one.
  6. [quote name='largo' timestamp='1424293034' post='2694918'] at £600 an Apple user will accept this for a functional device that looks the business. Android users on the other hand tend to be more cheapskate and think Open Source means they should get stuff for less... [/quote] you're very mistaken about the reasons of many like me to avoid Apple... Money is not the issue at all
  7. [quote name='Kempy535' timestamp='1424248672' post='2694224'] I think its a great idea and would be certainly interested in one. The fact I can use it as a music steaming device is a big plus. A down side is the apple only support. If they music stream quality is as good as they claim i don't see an issue with the price either. Compare it to Sonos or a Bose system. [/quote] Apple only??? That's... hard to justify these days. Ah well, as a die-hard non-apple user, I guess it's one toy less to worry about I like the idea, if it works and sounds as good as claimed, it would tempt me. But it's got to be supported by non-apple products or it's a non-starter for me. Android, Linux and Windows in my home, but not a single Apple apart from the ones in the fruit basket, and they're all intact
  8. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1424103120' post='2692637'] Anyone on here wrote a good two hours of original material liked by hundreds of thousands of people!? [/quote] Not me, for sure. But what's your point exactly? Do I need to be able to produce something awesome in order to add weight to my opinion that Oasis mostly sound like generic drivel to me? I do like a couple of songs, maybe three... But I never play them as I can't stand the Whiney One.
  9. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1421614309' post='2663353'] Lovely bass but dude, that string spacing... [/quote] indeed I used to have one of these in Nirvana Black... That's a lot of bass for not much money, considering! Surprised it's still here...
  10. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1423838380' post='2689578'] I've found Roto and Warwick Reds to be very coarse too... Warwick EMP feel and sound a little nicer, but they're extremely expensive, and I found they dont last any longer than uncoated strings. Forgot to mention another nice brand of steel... [b]Elites Stadium Series[/b]! [/quote] Aha!!!! Blast from the past!!! My first "good" bass was a Warwick Corvette $$. I bought it used. The strings were pretty dead but even then there was something really special going on. I assumed it was just the bass, but it clearly was both, as I could never get quite the same "thump" and bounce with any other string... I did ask the previous owner and he had Elites Stadium on, 50-110. I had just moved to bass pretty much and felt that was too manly a gauge for me and I didn't try those strings in another gauge... So, I could have discovered steel strings very early on!
  11. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1423835003' post='2689519'] I've mentiond them on other string related threads before and didn't want to be seen to be on a hobby horse. If you are interested they are these; [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Coban-Bass-Guitars-DCG3-Bass-Guitar-Full-Set-4-Strings-45-105-Deluxe-Range-j78-/151583961517?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item234b1bb1ad#ht_3977wt_1144"]http://www.ebay.co.u...#ht_3977wt_1144[/url] At one time you could get them even cheaper if you bought multiple packs but that feature seems to have been dropped. I'm guessing they are just some far east bulk manufacturer that this shop then puts their own label on. [/quote] Well, at that price they certainly deserve to be checked out! Thanks!
  12. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1423831469' post='2689466'] Been using some steel roundwounds for the last year or two that are £6 delivered, sound fine to me. Had some comments about how good my bass sounds at gigs from ex bassists from the same band. Just ordered another couple of packs to have in stock for when current ones get tired just in case they put the price up! [/quote] Nice price. Care sharing, or are you afraid we'd eat up all the stock?
  13. [quote name='doctorbass' timestamp='1423822792' post='2689351'] Im a firm believer that one of the biggest changes / upgrades that you can make to your bass is a string change. Usually much cheaper and almost always more dramatic than a PU swap for example. String swapping can get a bit obsessive for some but it improves your basic set-up skills in the process! And I agree, roundwound steels are great -[b] I use Rotosound 66's.[/b] [/quote] I have a pack of those to try, probably this weekend. Just have to choose which bass.
  14. It's a bit embarrassing that after all these years I haven't paid enough attention to the strings. I mean, I have... I have experimented with various flats, pressurewounds, nylon tapewounds, but rounds are rounds, right? Sure, tehre are differences between brands, some are coarser to the touch, some feel "tighter" (something about the core being round or hexagonal too?)... When I started playing bass, after years of guitar, I just went with the same brand I liked on guitar: D'Addario. Nickels. Then I ran with it. Over time I would be exposed to other strings. I noticed some strings felt a bit different, in a way I really liked. But I always thought it was the bass they were on which made them sound that way, bouncy, and just tight-sounding (hard to describe). Then, I discovered DR fat beams. Steel. I like those a lot. Not cheap. But I like them, so I bought more and more. Used only on one bass or two (Stingrays). I still did not make teh steel/nickel connection. Then, I got tired of the flats on my Squier Precision CV50, and fitted this set of Warwick Red Label I had in my drawer... They were pretty cheap strings at under £12 delivered. Pretty coarse to the touch but... hey, that feel, the bounce... the sound, it's pretty much all there. Wait... They're stainless steel too! So I have FatBeams, D'Addario ProSteel and FlexSteels, Fender Steels, Rotosound steels and Warwick Red Label steel... and some are nicer than others but... they all have "it". What a difference it makes!!! I understand they're not for everyone. I don't like the initial brightness... the almost slight mid-scoop sound... but after a few days they're perfect. I can tame the zing (which they have in spades) easily with a passive tone control in my Precision/Jazz, or the treble control on the Stingray, and they have very nice tight low mids... maybe not so much because of the strings but also because of the way they feel, which I like, and allows/makes me pluck strings in a certain way. Bottomline: You're not entirely happy with your bass, you think it is missing a bit of "thump"? Try some steels if you haven't, maybe you'll like them. Warwick Red Label, at <£12 are fantastic value, if a little coarse. The Fat Beams are the most expensive I tried, at ~£35... The others are all £18-20 or so. So, strings, eh? Some of the cheapest parts in a bass, and so often overlooked! They transformed my Precision. I had the original strings on (Fender nickels) since late October... By late december they had lost a lot of the brightness and the last few gigs in January it wasn't so good. I put a set of Fat Beams on it and it's become a lot better (for me)... I used a lot the tone control at rehearsal last night... the slap sound was fantastic, the fingerstyle fat and defined... Amazing change.
  15. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1423726731' post='2688249'] OK. Er... why? Actually it's funny. The last time there was a thread like this, the opinions were very much in favour of the GK. Now not so much... I wonder why? Did a few people get GK amps and feel underwhelmed by them? I might just keep an eye on the for sale section and see what comes up in my price range! [/quote] The Streamliner because it seems to sound great regardless what cab I use with it. I also have the Shuttle 9.2, and I like it, but the Streamliner seems easier (for me) to get a good sound out of. It's got girth easily, and if you like mids -like I do- it's not shy there. Jazz/Stingray heaven (even if I'm using a Precision at the moment!). Not saying the GK amps are worse, just that from the ones I have experience of, the Streamliner seems to do everything I ask it to do the best, and it's within budget (used, obviously). If you considered the ToneHammer series, I think the Streamliner is a nicer alternative. I nearly bought a TH500 myself. It sounded good, but I was a bit frustrated at the interactivity of teh controls... while the Streamliner just seemed to work and get a great sound no matter what I did, and tonally-wise, it's not a million light years away from the ToneHammers... but it will do clean bright and glassy better than them (if you wanted to)... I find it a bit more versatile. The drive is nicer on the ToneHammer... but it's easy to get the Streamliner to where it just gets a little fat-sounding, and sound great... and any more drive I use an external pedal. I'm a fan of the Streamliner
  16. [quote name='DogHammer' timestamp='1423477839' post='2685122'] Gig on the weekend, another bass player said to me: "Am I plugging into that Orange, yeah?" "No mate. I'm sure the soundman has a DI Box." [/quote]
  17. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1423316907' post='2683438'] True, but the seller has to be accommodating of the buyer's needs/wants too. [/quote] That's the thing, he doesn't have to. It's up to him how he wants to sell stuff, and at what price. We can try to negotiate, but his is the last word, he has the right to put whetever conditions he wants to. You have the right to pass.
  18. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1423258086' post='2683001'] They do t-shirts? [/quote] Indeedy they do. [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/T-shirtsandspares.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/T-shirtsandspares.htm[/url] can't see any pictures, 'though... but I presume they display their beautiful logo (I mean it: I really like the logo!)
  19. [quote name='Moos3h' timestamp='1423240259' post='2682707'] Well, I finally got round to doing something with my Deko. The neck was garbage, so that's gone in the parts bin and I've thrown on one that's off an Aliexpress 'Fender' which is a little better. It's quite a looker now and the body is REALLY good, nice weight and great grain. I should point out that I'm very much NOT the luthier, the neck wouldn't quite fit and I didn't have such tools as a file or sandpaper, so I just stood on it until it went in. Job done. I reckon I could get a job at Fender with that level of technical skill? Anyhoo - it's together, working and I'll take it for a spin tonight at rehearsal to see how it sounds. [attachment=183087:FullSizeRender.jpg] Cheers, James [/quote] that looks better than either of my 3 Japanese 75RI Fenders! edit: well, two of them. I got one refinished in red because the grain was so ugly
  20. [quote name='tom1946' timestamp='1423220338' post='2682296'] I've bought a few new MIM's lately and they are very variable, [/quote] That's true, MIM instruments vary a lot. Some are very nice, some are real dogs, many are just ok. Squier CV series tend to be nicer than most of MIM instruments, in my admittedly not extremely extensive experience of them. However, some MIM series are fantastic. The Classic ones are outstanding. The Classic 50 in particular, if we're talking Precisions, is extremely good. The neck is a bit wider than most others (which I like), so they get the "chunky" adjective appended to them often. But the profile is not really deep and I find them really comfy. I don't have big hands, but I prefer bigger necks, Stingray and Precisions for me. The Classic 50 has the nicest neck.
  21. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1422635396' post='2674997'] It's a real shame Ashdown have to come on here defending themselves like this, especially from ignorant comments about frequency response. They are a British success in a worldwide market, I understand people may not "get" the product but it seems to have turned into an unnecessary flaming a la the Barefaced threads. Let's leave this one be shall we [/quote] +1 such bitter criticism, when nobody has actually even tried the product, is ridiculous, whether it's Ashdown, or Behringer or anybody else.
  22. [quote name='Shockwave' timestamp='1423139300' post='2681219'] It's the EXACT same as the 50's Precision Neck. So chunky [/quote] Not helping...
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