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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Joeyfivebags' timestamp='1420723545' post='2652551'] Yes and No, depends on which school of thinking you use. [/quote] what school of thought makes a circle or zero radius not a point?
  2. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1420715871' post='2652409'] That's even worse. Someone is borrowing his kit and then telling him how to set it up? It's like borrowing someone's cab and complaining it's not punchy enough. Some people need to grow up. [/quote] It's the sound guy, apparently, who has an issue. Or the promoter. NOt the other bands. This is a multiband thing, but the reason these bands will play together is we all know eachother (in fact, several members are in more than one of these bands), it's not your typical multiband bill. Band 1 is just a guitarist with loops and effects and a singer. Band 2 is singer/guitarist from band 4 (mine), bassist from band 3, and another guy. Band 3 is providing the drum kit, graciously, as band 4's drummer will only make it in time for the gig, being away at another gig previously. Band 4, mine, provides bass rig and two guitar amps, I believe (or maybe three?) It's all a friendly arrangement. No band member is complaining about any of the equipment.
  3. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1420670748' post='2652133'] As long as the cash is ok there's no problem. If you get the cash and hand the amp over, then your part of the deal is over. Take a deep breath aaaaaaaaand........relax. [/quote] exactly!
  4. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1420669630' post='2652105'] My diplomatic solution is to suggest to Hamish that we bring his kit but have a tuning key ready to remove the front skin if they want to mic from the inside. I think Pete is playing with Rhythm Beats Working too, but yeah, he's the only other bassist. It'll be interesting to hear those cabs too. [/quote] That's probably a good diplomatic solution, but part of me hates being compliant with what I deem unreasonable requests: it may help getting the sound right faster, but if Hamish wants his kit to sound like this, then Mr Soundguy, just use it like that. Or should I bring a Precision instead of a Stingray if the soundguy says so? [1] Neil will not arrive until after midnight, so we will not soundcheck, that means there's a bit more time for individual band checks. Ah yes, I forgot about Rhythm Beats... it's all the same people grouped in different ways! [1] I'll be using a Precision anyway
  5. [quote name='Beedster' timestamp='1420668946' post='2652090'] £50 says scam. Even if not, as someone who's sold a thing or two on here, if in the same situation I'd decline the sale and seek a more straight forward deal. Good luck either way. C [/quote] Why? I really don't see the problem. Someone comes to my workplace to pick up something I'm selling and they pay with cash. How is it relevant whether they're Chinese or Martians, and whether the person collecting is the final user or their cousin? The precautions about cash are exactly the same as any other cash transaction of the kind we regularly do via this forum, gumtree or whatever. Does it sound a little "different"? Yes. But, all those differences are pretty unimportant. Be cautious, of course! But from a safety point of view, it's surely better that they meet the seller at his workplace and not at his home, right? There will presumably be other people around too. So really, the only issue is whether the cash is legit or a forgery And that is a problem that applies every single time you take cash as payment, the actual identity or nationality of the person bringing the cash and collecting the item is entirely irrelevant... unless this is an eBay transaction, in which case it MUST be posted and be traceable, which I understand this is not the case.
  6. Cool! But you know a Megalodon would have been hard to beat
  7. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1420660036' post='2651904'] It is indeed. I'm sure we can sort something between the bands, but it does seem like an odd thing for the promoter to be so preoccupied with. [/quote] That promoter... let's just say that a few of us are not exactly in love with him, but Stu deals with him so we're now spared the BS I just do not communicate directly with him anymore, because he annoys me. I already threatened the guy that runs Fortune Promotions for being an utter idiot and wasting our time, and it nearly led to a punch-up (it'd have been short, I'd have dismembered him... no, not angry, why do you say that? ) so when I announce I'd better not deal with someone, the rest of the band lets me stay out Our drummer is away playing a wedding that day, and is expected to arrived at the venue after midnight, so there's no way we can help with drums. Normally Neil would have used his. I'm not sure who the sound guy will be, but the one we had last time there was alright. I thought the sound was good and he was pretty helpful to accommodate our requirements. I'm guessing we must have somebody else this time? If sound guy insists about the drum issue, let the promoter figure it out, honestly. I'll be providing the bass rig (Streamliner with the red TKS cabs), which Pete is more than welcome to use. Just not sure I'll bring the wooly beard It's just Ella+Farhad, NUF and SBK, right?
  8. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1420657987' post='2651868'] Wow, it gets weirder! I messaged the promoter back to say yes, we'd bring a drum kit and guitar amp but the drummer doesn't want to put a hole in his kick (it's a multi-band lineup with some gear sharing going on) and she replied; "I'll see if i can get another kit, i'll let u know if i can. It just compromises the bands sound a bit, and makes sound checks take longer." So this insistence on having a hole in the kick means we're pretty much being told not to use our own kit. How bizarre! [/quote] Is this for Saturday?
  9. Sounds good, and nice price too. Tempting.
  10. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1416905553' post='2614788'] The term "zero radius" makes me wonder if the object in question would exist at all. As we know that the larger the radius, the flatter the board, wouldn't these flat boards have been sanded to a radius which approaches infinity? Or am I thinking too much? [/quote] glad somebody else said it, I didn't feel like wearing my pedant hat today but it bothered my inner OCD-sufferer It should be infinity radius, of course.
  11. [quote name='sbrag' timestamp='1420493822' post='2650060'] When I dropped the baton off to Steve aka Skidder652003 I thought it would be nice if a few of the bands who have been involved in the relay could get together to for a charity gig to raise some more money for the fund. I have pm'd Jimryan who is happy especially if it is February to mark the 2nd anniversary of the relay. I am happy to look into organising something and have pm'd a few people who have been involved, and emailed Cancer Research UK for any support they can provide, but I would love to hear from any bands, specifically those who have used the Purple one, who would like to play. Details are light at the moments as it is very early stages, but sometime in Feb and hopefully in or within a commutable distance of Bristol. Let me know if you would like to be involved, I know if 2 or 3 bands already but it would be great to get at least a couple more. Cheers Steve [/quote] The idea is great and I'm sure my band would be willing to participate, but being based in Edinburgh makes it all a little complicated and expensive
  12. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1420479096' post='2649797'] I think you've made a wise choice, Mr Shuker has mine currently for a high gloss vintage tint. As much as the unfinished necks feel nice they just look, well, unfinished & not to mention a pig to keep clean. Post up a picture when you get it back, I'd be interested in seeing. Mines due anytime now, its been painted & refretted but the nut needed replacing so we're waiting for that. [/quote] will do, shouldn't be too long. David tends to post pictures on his facebook page, and he has some of other Stingrays/Sadowsky basses he's done in the past: [url="https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002025970885"]https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002025970885[/url] Post yours when you get it back!
  13. [quote name='paul j h' timestamp='1420482243' post='2649852'] Hi all I was looking at my creamy white stingray with brown torti plate today and thinking after this post that a vintage tint would be a good idea, especially when I put it on a stand next to my stingray classic in the same colours/finish. If its not too cheeky a question what is the approx cost? Cheers Paul [/quote] You've got a PM. I'd contact David directly to ask him further details, he's always been great at replying to emails/facebook. [url="http://www.dwilsonguitars.com/"]http://www.dwilsonguitars.com/[/url] [url="https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002025970885"]https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002025970885[/url]
  14. That's more like it. I was starting to worry and thinking of arranging an intervention
  15. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1420424536' post='2649283'] If you adjust what you think is the pan, tap the pickups gently with something metal, you should be able to see if you're right, needs to be plugged in of course �� turn the control all one way, tap the pickups then turn all the other way, you should only get a tapping noise from 1 pickup at a time. [/quote] ah, that will teach me to wait till the end of the thread!
  16. [quote name='Twincam' timestamp='1420295684' post='2647692'] Ok instead of the ibanez. i went and tested out a Peavey millennium active. Liked the shape, and was easy to play even while not set up well i was impressed, Sounded great maybe a bit dark sounding but i like that. So i bought it. Just set it up, still needs a little nut work on the g string but other than that very nice, also excellent fret work. Ok so i can't work out the controls the volume one was easy. And the bass control ive worked out and the mid. Now i would of thought working them out was easy but everytime i think ive got it something doesn't add up. The treble and what could be the blend pot sound similar but ones more powerful which i assume is the blend as its infront of the bass and mid where i think the treble is behind to the back of the bass. The model i bought seems to be a transition one too or something or other. Its supposed to have 18v electronics well there's only one 9v battery in there, tho ive not checked the main compartment for all i know there might be one wrongly stuffed in there. The neck and headstock is slightly different to ones ive seen online, its similar to the new ones with the truss rod access in the head. But decorated more like the older ones. And the controls don't match what it says online anywhere or on some of the vids ive seen online. In fact the vids don't match other vids or some of the things online either so maybe they swapped them around a few times. Am i being thick here or what?. My first bass was an active vintage with blend, bass,mid and treble and although it was not great sounding i could clearly tell by ear what was going on. Anyhow pleased with my purchase. [/quote] tap the polepieces lightly with something metallic, that will tell you without doubt which pickups you're using: that will allow you to find out which one is the blend control if the sound alone is not enough indication. Once you have the blend sorted, the others will be easy to figure out.
  17. would have been awesome to have a clean blend incorporated into this
  18. Like others have said, Strat switches eventually fail. You may extend their life by fiddling with the contacts, but once it starts misbehaving, it's best to simply replace it. It may seem ok now, but it'll probably fail again and you know Murphy's law It may also be a time to consider other arrangements, perhaps. On one of my strats I fitted a "megaswitch" I think it was called... It looks and works just like a standard 5-way switch, but instead of the middle pickup alone (which I didn't care for) you can easily wire it to give you neck+bridge, which I find it a more interesting combination. There are other alternative wirings around, and switches that allows you to easily achieve them. I also tend to move mid tone control to the bridge, and have the neck and mid either share the other or leave the mid without it. Lots of fun can be had with strats and their wiring!
  19. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1420402133' post='2649005'] Good work Jose, I bet it will come out nice, I'm not sure what the Classic neck finish is but it's not sticky like some, that said I dont notice my Jazz being too bad either. My normal Rays are filthy! [/quote] My Stingray was a mess to look at I'm not sure what the lacquer is that Dave uses, but he seems to have done quite a few Stingrays already and I'm sure he knows what he's doing. He has some pictures on his facebook of another Ray he did, and it looked great, with a slight tint, and shiny... Funny, I used the Stingray (instead of the Precision I've been using for the past couple of months) at the NYE gig, as I wanted to have one last go before giving it to Dave... and every 5 minutes I was "wow, I love this bass!!!" I do that from time to time, spend some time with another bass, and one day I take the Stingray and that's it... Stingray for another 9 months uninterrupted I don't think the Precision will see quite as much action after I get the Ray back Oh, what am I doing talking to you? I forgot you were a traitor!
  20. [quote name='Alun' timestamp='1420405475' post='2649072'] Here's a silly idea I had last year :-) [media]http://youtu.be/K_oBtvzX8gQ[/media] [/quote] that was really cool! thanks for posting!
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1420297774' post='2647748'] One of the cardinal errors made by many members of this forum (myself included) is to put the acquisition of new equipment before doing anything about improving playing skills. You can buy a very good used bass indeed for £300 - you will have to become a top-drawer player to actually [i]need [/i]anything that costs a lot more than that. And you can keep Mrs Bad Sign happy at the same time. Edit: As mentioned above, a Squier Classic Vibe could be all the bass you ever need. [/quote] Banned!!!
  22. [quote name='Born under a bad sign' timestamp='1420297278' post='2647735'] I have about £700 squirreled away and at present have a bad P bass copy that I have to bang occasionally cos the pick-ups keeping going off Although new to bass I have already acquired GAS and [s]want [/s]need lots of basses, that I won't be able to play very well. So I have 3 ideas for the money: a) Spend it all on the highest spec used bass I can find Buy a used bass for about £300 and spend the rest on lessons c) Fess up to Mrs Bad Sign about the money and let her spend it for me, hoping she will see my need for a new bass with what is leftover after her trip to the Metrocentre. Your thoughts would be appreciated PS c) isn't really an option, is It? [/quote] I'd start looking and trying basses within your budget, and buy the one that speaks to you. Yes, they talk. You'll know when you find one that wants to talk to you It may be that £400 gets you that, hey, and you have lots extra to have the bass setup nicely and some lessons too Second hand is a very good route, in my opinion, for you'll be able to get a more expensive bass (should that be the one you find you want) and you will not lose much if two months later you find another one you prefer It's pointless recommending models or whatever as you have to decide. I recently bought a Fender Precision Classic 50, and I think it's lovely, I'm in love with that bass. Other people say the neck is "meh", a bit too wide, or does not feel nice because it's laquered, or... but for *me* it's fantastic. So, I'd say, try as many basses as you can. Second hand is a bit slower as you'll typically have to travel to someone's house etc, as opposed to going to a shop and testing all of the basses they have... but it's a good way to get a nice deal. I'd try both ways!
  23. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1412099260' post='2565669'] I think i'd rather be locked in a room listening to a continuous loop of Richard Clayderman. [/quote] !!!!!! Yeah, the music is not for me either, but I really enjoyed the bass AND the drums... fantastic players, all of them.
  24. more here: [url="https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002025970885&fref=photo"]https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002025970885&fref=photo[/url]
  25. I've always liked lacquered maple necks. I like the feel, and the look. I recently bought a 75RI Jazz, and a previous owner sanded off the back of the neck (nooooo! it's one of its nicest features! ). Not a huge deal, but... I like it lacquered. Now, to my favourite bass: the Stingray. Mine is a 2002, EBMM - made, so it has the oiled neck only. It looked nice when I bought it in 2010, but by now it is pretty grey in parts, even if I try to maintain it and I wash my hands before I play etc. So, having had another 75RI Jazz [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/251507-kind-of-nbd-refinished-jazz-bass/"]refinished in red[/url] by David Wilson last month, I enquired about lacquering the neck on my Stingray... and it is now in his hands. I am looking forward to it, but... it was difficult to see the first pictures of the neck being sanded... "my baaabyyyyyyy!!!!" I cried!
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