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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. wow, the Stingray vibe on that one is very very appealing, yum!
  2. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1420314919' post='2648044'] Yeah I'm also glad you're back contributing Vail. I saw the thread in question; I've also felt a bit hurt by some comments on threads I've contributed to in the past but I guess we all need to remember that[u][b] internet based communication is a poor substitute for what we'd be doing in a face to face conversation[/b][/u]. So yeah, hang on in there! [/quote] soooo true!
  3. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1420312313' post='2647996'] I just went back and looked at that logo - it's an odd sci-fi influenced thing, the "designed and built" bit works quite well - but the rest of it... the b and d echo quite nicely - but that f is the most disgusting thing I've seen for a while, and also oddly seems upper case... it just kinda works against the whole "very well engineered technology products" by having such an odd logo.... all IMO IME of course... . [/quote] well, I like it!
  4. Glad you changed your mind, Vail. Looking forward to further discussions about anything bass, and I hope next time we all can disagree in a more civil manner. Disagreements imake up a large part of discussions, and that can be cool and enriching! But that old thread was pretty ugly unnecessarily and I regret my contribution to the ugliness. Welcome back!
  5. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1420272708' post='2647323'] Haha what happens when an Engineer designs stuff that's should look pretty. Tbh, the old painted finish and the logo do not deter me one bit. I don't have to look at it at gigs. But I'm not half tempted by a TKS cab though in red. [/quote]
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1420037244' post='2645057'] Well, he operates in a world where opinions are whether he gets the gig or not... and he has gotten an awful lot of AAAAA gigs...so I'd say he knows what he is talking about because he knows how to deliver in a world of top level players. His signal chain and playing technique and all round ability will have gone passed such scrutiny because that level is so high and there is a lot of money at stake to get the best out there. [b]I really don't think he deserved the treatment he got ( I happen to think he had a very valid point and said as much )[/b] and it seems a pattern that top level pros wont touch this place...or dip out as soon as they realise the way it works. So yes, I'm serious... some ppl have just pissed off a potential massive resource and someone who was willing to share it. Unbelievable..........AGAIN..!!! [/quote] The difference between what you and he said is... you were not arrogant. Looking back at how the discussion developed... I think he acted wrong, but some of us did too, and for my part I wish I hadn't emphasised just so much that line on post #19 . I meant to highlight it, but that font resize thing got a little out of hand. I can see how something like that could make Vail get defensive, just like his subsequent name-dropping etc was perceived by some as being arrogant... It is a shame, I stand by my not caring to hear from someone and defer to someone if they cannot behave like a normal human being and look like they expect to be bowed to... But looking back, it was all kind of silly and unnecessary, from both sides. It's perhaps a good example of how discussions face to face are different to forums. I can imagine a (heated even) discussion face to face, but with no falling out... yet, in writing, it all somehow appears a lot heavier and stronger than it needs to be, sometimes. Not my best hour, for what it concerns me, regretful. Not our best hour, both on BC and Vail's perspective.
  7. loved it! Very nice and wide variety of gigs,,, looks fun!
  8. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1420029000' post='2644959'] I was ditched from a band because the lead guitarist and drummer wanted to bring in an old mate of theirs. The day after I got the news (the members responsible didn't tell me, the rhythm guitarist was the one who broke the news), FB suggested that I might like to become friends with their new bassist... [/quote] You should have... and then go off together to form a band with two bass players and the rhythm guitarist of the other band.
  9. when people say "why do I need active EQ on the bass, if I already have it on the amp, or on a pedal", you have to also consider not all EQ sound the same. They operate differently. Just like not all overdrive pedals sound the same, not all EQ circuits work the same way. So sometimes it's not where you have it, but simply how it sounds.
  10. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1419973381' post='2644558'] Isn't it the case that an active bass also buffers the signal so you don't need to worry about long guitar cables or cable capacitance which can affect the tone from a passive bass. [/quote] That's also true. But the way I see it is if you always play with the same type/length cables... the sound you get is the sound you get. If it sounds the way it does because it's lost some high frequency content through the cable, it doesn't matter that much, as long as it sounds good. But it's worth keeping that in mind, especially if you start noticing inconsistencies when playing through different setups.
  11. [quote name='icastle' timestamp='1419969319' post='2644492'] I rarely find the need to even touch my tone controls, but I did have to when I first got the bass to get the default sound I wanted. [/quote] That is true! Once I find a tone I like on a bass, I tend to stick to those settings. It;s only very minor tweaks after that, depending on the actual place I'm playing etc. I remember seeing Flea's Modulus having the knobs held with tape at particular positions, presumably for the same reason.
  12. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1419968478' post='2644479'] maybe I'm being a bit thick here, don't know whether this question been asked before but why do you need an active bass or even tone controls on a passive? (never touch my on/off P tone knob, always full on) when an amp or FX pedal does the job so much better, it's not like you can easily alter any of the bass controls mid song. [/quote] I don't think you *need* one. I see it simply as just another flavour, one you might like, or not. I'd never choose a bass because it is passive, or active, I choose a bass because I like how it plays and sounds. For sure, you can argue a preamp in a pedal makes more sense, as you can apply it to every one of your instruments, and some do just that. I kind of like having the controls at my fingertips (although lately I've been playing a passive Precision, so...). The preamps I really like have a semiparametric mids control, which I find very useful (John East). Well, very useful... they often stay flat, doing nothing! But when you need a little tweak on the mids, to cut through better or eliminate honk... I love having the ability to control and tweak that easily on my bass. Just a matter of preference, really. I do use the tone controls on passive basses, 'though. It just doesn't do the same as the controls on my amp.
  13. [quote name='vailbass' timestamp='1419997733' post='2644739'] it's not "my way", bro. It's the way it's done in the high- end pro world. I didn't invent the idea, I was just looking to help guys avoid mistakes that will prove harmful; most pros don't want to take the time to share with less experienced guys but I would like to. The notion that I have an "attitude" is silly. When I just stated some facts about how it's done in the real world of professional music- making, I was greeted with crap like "you must not ever have used a good compressor" or "you obviously don't how how to use it". Would you expect a super- successful business- person to coddle a beginner that questions/ berates their ability or knowledge they're trying to share?....You've lost an opportunity to gain knowledge...good- bye.. [/quote] [s]Cry me a river.[/s] edit: crossed out as being unnecesary
  14. [quote name='vailbass' timestamp='1419988655' post='2644720'] I have some things to share that will certainly go against what many of you think is true. I only want to help, I have played for millions of people around the world and still tour extensively; more than 100,000 flying miles per year for the last 30 + years; thousands of shows, many sessions when I am home. If you guys want to stay in your little internet 'bubble' fine, I will leave and go about my business of playing bass for the masses. If anyone wants to hear from someone who has clearly 'done- it- all" with a bass guitar then I'd be happy to answer questions. BTW Chick Corea loved my sound too, un- compressed. No compression on any of my 6 solo CD's while tracking. What do you think of the sound of my bass?? www.vailjohnson.net [/quote] It's not what you tell "us" (whoever us is), but how you tell us, friend. It's the attitude of the "I've seen more, therefore I'm right so shut up and listen to me" that grates me, personally. If I did that to my students in the lab I'd be considered an arrogant pillock. My students raise good points regularly. If I acted condescendingly, they would not say a word and we'd all miss out. So you are quite happy not using compressors, fine. You give a list of credentials, cool, so you're not a weekend bar player, you probably have a lot of stuff that if you'd like to share would be pretty cool to hear. Now, if I find an equally successful professional bass player who loves his compressor... what would you say to him/her? "MY way is the ONLY way"? I very much doubt it, you would not be as successful as you are with that sort of attitude. So, why do you act this way here? Really, what do you get out of it? Is that really interesting to you? I know it wouldn't be interesting to me if I acted that way in a forum about my field of study. You're clearly experienced... I wish you cut down the Holier Than Thou attitude and really shared, if you really want to. I'd listen. I'm just an amateur who loves music and has a lot of fun playing with a couple of bands in front of an audience 4-5 times a month who secretly (well, not so secretly ) envies the likes of you who had the vision to dedicate themselves to music and make a living playing music. I know it's not all roses, but it still sounds pretty interesting to me. I love my job too, don't get me wrong... I've lived in different countries, study in a foreign language, earned a PhD ans subsequently had to reinvent myself a few times, changing fields and adapting to the ever changing world of science. Some look at me and my colleagues and say "wow, what you do is really cool!"... and sometimes all I want is for Friday to arrive so that I can get in my car, drive to a music venue and play for 45 or 90 minutes or however long we've been booked for So, I'm interested in your knowledge and stories, but without the attitude. I've got no time for that, even if you were Einstein.
  15. [quote name='vailbass' timestamp='1419988159' post='2644716'] well, this is actually just like 'talk bass'; neophytes with closed minds and a "string 'em up" attitude toward someone with a different and far more experienced view. I didn't use a compressor on any of the Herbie Hancock tours I did, nor the Whitney Houston sessions, Stevie Nicks, Kenny G, etc., etc., etc., etc. I've played through (and own most of) all the classic compressors. Have a look at my 8078 in my profile pic. Compression while you are tracking a bass part is a crutch, get better and be done with the training wheels, fellas! :-) Like I said, I use them after the fact in the studio and house engineers use them live to good effect; [/quote] Didn't you tour with Inti at some point?
  16. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1419980250' post='2644649'] I'm loving the photo-essay of the packing and unpacking - you really should have taken a pic of the delivery man for completeness though [/quote] I was too slow, my brain could only think "red, red, reeeed!!! My red cabs are here OMG OMG OMG!!!!!"
  17. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1419979784' post='2644645'] Looks great - obviously red is the fastest colour [/quote] "Erm, you're not moving at all" "But if I did move, I'd be the fastest... just look at it, the redness... feel the speed... No! Don't touch it!" (This is Spinal Tap - style; sustain of the silent Gibson Les Paul)
  18. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1419980490' post='2644653'] Old geezers eh? Whoda thunk? [/quote] You seem to know how to carry yourself. Go visit the Off Topic section some time to see real moaning and bickering
  19. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1419980379' post='2644652'] What a load of moaning old nit pickers. [/quote] purely fingerstyle here, mate... picks? That's like for guitarists, newbies and clown-whores with no talent
  20. [quote name='scoobystig' timestamp='1419968952' post='2644484'] It was well...... Superb, the sound was brilliant, in fact the best comment was from my wife who simply said " I could actually hear what you were playing tonight" which I think just about sums it up really [/quote] if she didn't add "and I wished I couldn't", that's a cool bonus too
  21. We're only playing a 45min slot at a NYE party in town with a bunch of other bands. I only know a few of them but they're all good and fun (we all play originals with a common denominator: upbeat, dancey, fun), so it should be a great evening. It's organised between two venues that are interconnected, so when one band finishes in one venue, the next starts in the other, so no dead time in between shows. We're getting paid really well as they're paying us taking into account how many band members we have (8-piece), so that's a really cool bonus, as it's a party I'd have liked to go anyway, but since I'm playing I get to be there for free as well I was planning on taking my brand new shiny red cabs, but it seems too much hassle for just 45min, so I might just walk in with my bass on my back and just have fun. Outfit not 100% decided yet, but I just got this wool hat + beard, and I think I have to use it, don't you agree?
  22. Of course, if the red cabs seem a bit too much... I have devised a way to detract attention from them. If it's not too hot, this might just be me at out NYE gig tomorrow
  23. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1419974413' post='2644586'] OMG your car is red, too! Are you Jack White? [/quote] and you know what? I hated the colour red until very recently! No shirts, certainly not cars (I liked black or white, or some shades of blue)... and now... I'm afraid that one day I'll wake up and I'll be "normal" again, and I'll have to sell it all. But until then... red basses, red cabs, red car, red cables (yes), red shoes, red jeans, red shirts, red hats [1], but... guess what? <-- Discreet, that's your cue!!! [1] Not all at the same time, that would be too much
  24. The sticker on the bumper is my band's logo. Well, one of the two logos. We have our traditional one and a "revolutionary" one Someone reversed into my bumper with a towbar, and they left a small hole behind So I ordered a sticker with the logo and I stuck it there
  25. I had to check, even if the measurements were all ok there's always that annoying thought at the back of my mind saying "you miscalculated, you measured something wrong, you didn't take into account the narrowing of the boot entrance"... so until I put them in the boot and closed the door I wasn't 100% satisfied. I'm very pleased to say they do fit nicely, even with the covers and the extra cm or so from the extra feet (which I had forgotten about!)... There is literally less than 1cm clearance at the top now. Phew There is room behind the speakers (as the backseat tilts a bit backwards) where the amp head, stand and pedals etc fit, maybe a small rucksack too. In front of the speakers there is a bit of space, perfect for a Gramma isolation Pad, which also means the speakers won't move about in the boot no matter how... enthusiastic my driving style gets And that's it. There's just enough extra room to be able to insert hands and insert/extract the cabs. The bass travels on the back seat or in the footwell. I don't leave the bass in the car unattended. Now I can park the car and not leave valuables in plain view.
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