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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Pinball' timestamp='1419462564' post='2640328'] Hmm neither do I, my understanding was that when you share something from a band page it will no longer automatically go to people who have liked your page but that there will be an option to pay to have the information circulated. Hopefully I'm wrong though. There is no charge for having band pages etc, which is good news. I'm not really up on facebook etc. can anyone else clarify? [/quote] Oh, I see... so they really don't cut the annoying irrelevant self promoting posts... they just make sure they pay to do so I was too naive to believe FB would actually do something useful for us.
  2. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1419458380' post='2640280'] [url="https://www.facebook.com/business/news/update-to-facebook-news-feed"]https://www.facebook...ebook-news-feed[/url] [/quote] It actually looks good to me and it doesn't sound like it would really affect posts from bands talking about their coming gigs etc.
  3. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1407157769' post='2517842'] Remember that you're somewhat limited by what the amp is/isn't capable of. My suggestion would be to look for an bass/amp combination that gives you the sound you want, then just use pedals as colours on top of that! Si [/quote] this. I'd start with a bass that gives you that tone, roughly, then play with it and modify it, but start with the right source
  4. [quote name='skelf' timestamp='1419714028' post='2642198'] Look at the East BTB. Single stacked pot bass/treble/pull bright. [/quote] This!
  5. [quote name='Nodd' timestamp='1419598871' post='2641150'] FWIW, I've always found the right angle jacks more prone to failure, went back to using some recently in the interests of better ergonomics. Three failures/breakages in so many months [/quote] What are you doing to the jacks??? I've been using right angle ones (Neutrik always) for years, never had a failure. Actually, I don't recall the last time I had a cable failing on me, whether at the plug or elsewhere, other than being accidentally cut (heavy lid falling onto a cable) or burnt (solder iron), and that was totlly self-inflicted and not during a gig.
  6. Too many things in and out, but I'll focus on: In: Fender Precision Classic 50 series Out: Lakland 5502 Learnt: 1) I can play a 5-string bass without too much trouble as long as it's got wide string spacing. 2) I don't currently have much use for a 5-string bass, and the ones I really want seem to be 4-stringers. 3) Contrary to my impressions for years, I could use a Precision as my one and only bass, without adding a preamp to it as well! Amazing discovery!
  7. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1419596838' post='2641118'] Apparently they vary, I've heard from another user whose Wowee Wah had a slight volume drop in the low position and a slight boost in the hi position. I emailed G Lab but they were slow in answering, had already returned the pedal when the reaponse came, and they said nothing about ways of adjusting it. Pity, if it hadn't been for this I would have kept it, it is better than the Cry Baby in most regards. [/quote] aaah I see! Strange that there could be so much variation from pedal to pedal unless it's due to adjusting a small trim pot after assembly... that would be great, if we could adjust the output level. I don't need to do anything on mine but...
  8. [quote name='FretNoMore' timestamp='1419585958' post='2640994'] Tried EBS Wah One (clunky mechanincs, unreliable footswitch) and G Lab Wowee Wah (really nice but mine had [size=5][b]an unacceptable volume drop[/b][/size]) but ended up with the Cry Baby - easy to use, sounds OK. Considered the Weeping Demon but balked at the bulk, so to speak [/quote] really? In mine, the output is as loud as the input. I used to have the Dunlop 105Q which has a level control, and I was looking for others with level control too as I was worried about adjusting the level just right. But the G-Labs was just right. I wonder if there's an internal trim pot that could adjust that, because it makes little sense that it can have a volume drop in one pedal and be ok in the next... hmmm. The 105Q was ok (I still prefer the sounds and operation of the G-Labs) but it slightly degraded the tone, in bypass mode, and once I noticed it it was really hard to "unnotice", so it had to go.
  9. [quote name='Scott S' timestamp='1419543723' post='2640842'] Mexican, bud'. [/quote] But not your run-of-the-mill MIM... The Classic 50s series is really good! Please someone buy this, it tempts me and I don't need two of these!
  10. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1419528936' post='2640707'] It's like a five string bass, only much poorer quality. [/quote]
  11. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1419509861' post='2640502'] Yeah, he's just given you instructions on how to take the varnish off the neck and give it a more natural feel. [/quote] yeah, some people just have no taste and have to destroy a beautiful lacquered finished neck My last 75RI Jazz underwent that [s]attack[/s] treatment, and it's a real shame.
  12. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1418983656' post='2635405'] as several posters have said, IMO, it's todays production values that are the problem, no space around the different instruments, not all old is good, always thought Spectors stuff sounded horrible. On the subject of mp3's I saw a TV show a few years ago where they did a blind listening test in a acoustically designed theatre. top notch HiFi listening to Floyds Other Side of the Moon, on vinyl, CD and mp3 at 320mbps, the mp3 won. [/quote] that's surprising. I'd have thought the CD and mp3 would not be different enough for a clear winner between them to be declared.
  13. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1419537714' post='2640772'] Nice bass dude, sorry tho can't agree with the change in logo But glad your happy man [/quote] Yeah, I wouldn't change it because I'd feel like a cheat... but that's just me and only me [1]. If the OP likes it that's all that matters. With the new pickguard it looks a hundred times better too! [1] To clarify: I'd feel a little uncomfortable if someone pointed out to me "that's not a Fender!". I'm a bit of a reverse snob, I enjoy getting good sounds out of "budget" instruments to shut up some snobs (OLP, Westfield, Squier, J&D...). I had a great encounter with one who praised my Stingray tone and went into a spontaneous mini-rant about copies... I enjoyed immensely to point out I was playing an OLP that night (with SD preamp and pickups and set up beautifully, but it was an OLP and said so on the headstock)
  14. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1419527736' post='2640694'] Looks really nice now, well done Painy. When I gig my Sandberg VM4, [b]neither the audience [i]nor the rest of the band[/i] have any idea[/b] whether it is a cheap knockoff Fender copy or a high-quality modern take on a classic design! [/quote] Ha, true! The number of times I've been at rehearsal and one band member says "oh, is that new?". The answer sometimes is "no, I've used it for the past 3-4 rehearsals and gigged with it in this band last year a few times".
  15. A bit more, well... 50% more, but well worth it in my opinion: G-Labs wo-wee wah [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/g_lab_bass_wowee_wah.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/g_lab_bass_wowee_wah.htm[/url]
  16. [quote name='NoLogic69' timestamp='1419446920' post='2640113'] I have just acquired a 2009 USA Jazz and to be honest I'm not overly impressed with the sound. It plays amazing but is just lacking something in the sound department, a bit 2 dimensional and flat. I have another Jazz with Wizard 64's in it which sounds better all together, more depth and 3 dimensional if that make sense. It does have CTS pots, but would that make such a difference? Anyhow I'm gonna swap out the pups in the USA, my dilemma is with what? I have a Guitar with a pair of Bareknuckle p90's in it, and it's the best sounding SG I've ever heard, but I've never heard their Jazz pups. The Wizard 64's in my other Jazz are great but would still like some thing fatter with more tonal depth more 3D. I keep coming back to this 3D thing, I don't know any other way to describe it. If anyone has any idea of what I'm on about and has any pickup suggestions for my flat sounding Jazz, I'm all ears!! Merry Crimbo, Mario. [/quote] DiMarzio Area J Very well balanced and fat, and being humbuckers... they're hum-free too.
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419517295' post='2640593'] So do I - that's why I'm on probation - oh the logo, right... [/quote] who needs knickers, then?
  18. [quote name='gareth' timestamp='1419510204' post='2640504'] MIM Classic Series ................................................that's all [/quote] indeed!
  19. [quote name='Christian Houmann' timestamp='1419461573' post='2640314'] Nice! Are these 12's? [/quote] Yes, the 1126 cab (12" + 6"). One with tweeter, one without.
  20. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419445309' post='2640093'] Ah, c'mon! Ye'll surely be wearing the kilt for Hogmanay, will ye not? I hear it's an old Spanish tradition... [/quote] You're well informed about knickers, I see!
  21. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419429683' post='2639873'] Let's hope you get some knickers among your presents tomorrow... [/quote] I'm still not going to show you
  22. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1419432563' post='2639909'] Build it into a pair of jeans and I think you could be onto a winner Ampeg self flapping flares? (Ashdown have copywrited the amp with a built in flare system though) [/quote]
  23. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1419430959' post='2639891'] Not at all. Logo - Just a bit 80s for my liking. [/quote] oh, I thought you were joking. Fair enough
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