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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='KevB' timestamp='1419414493' post='2639639'] I'm not even sure if the cable connecting my extension speaker from the combo is actually a speaker cable or just a short instrument cable. Since neither the cable, combo or extension speaker have had any issues during the last 10-12 years of frequent use it's not something that keeps me awake at night. I might have to change it soon though as one end was accidentally knocked askew when it was being broken down after a gig a few months back, still works though. So maybe I'll get something super-duper then. [/quote] If you're using an instrument cable, I hope you're not pushing it... and I'd change it asap. They're not made to withstand the larger current from amp to speakers. You may be using the right cable or you might have been lucky, either way it's worth checking now to ensure you continue trouble free.
  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1419416849' post='2639692'] Wow, first BF cab I've seen that doesn't look like it's been knocked up out of parts from Tandys. Classy looks. Now... About that logo. [/quote] I think the logo looks great. I guess there always has to be something, right?
  3. wow, very nice! Love the look of the two cabs combined.
  4. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1419416222' post='2639680'] Get a fan! [/quote] lot lighter than an 810! I suppose one could hook up a fan to a spectrum analyzer than blows more or less air according to the output of the amplifier
  5. [quote name='inthedoghouse' timestamp='1419374450' post='2639399'] Utter bollocks! I can't believe anybody would fall for that crap! It's like the article I once read about guitar leads sounding differently if plugged it in the opposite way round! :-/ [/quote] But... the electrons, as the move, they change shape and become streamlined with a narrow nose and a wider tail... then if you plug the cable the other way around, all those electrons have to either reshape or reorientate and the sound is obviously different. The thing is this process only takes a bout 5 minutes for a typical cable, so you would have to unplug-turn around-plug between every song to really benefit from it.
  6. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1419372805' post='2639370'] I don't mind paying top dollar for good basic gear and accessories, but $149.00 for a cord, No thanks, it's a cord. I'll stay wireless with my Line 6 Relay. My tone is just fine. I'll buy a new pedal with my $149.00. I think the guy in the vid is full of it. Blue [/quote] It wasn't even an instrument cable, it was a power cord, from mains to amplifier!
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419365746' post='2639258'] 'It changes the sound before the sound even happens'! [/quote] THAT is where I groaned and looked for something heavy to throw at my computer, but fortunately I found my senses first. So I posted the OP and went off to buy a pair of knickers to calm down.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419384326' post='2639517'] No - what's that, then? [/quote] they like red cabs...
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419368653' post='2639307'] Well I'm going to post a pic to prove YOU'RE wrong! No, wait a minute... [/quote]
  10. But... it is a rare Fender Precession! It would be sweet to have a matching Fender Nutation and a Fender Rotation to go with it. Although, you know what people say about red basses...
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1419358541' post='2639138'] I'd say most bands in that situation are using in ears for the full band, nothing but stage dressing, that said so would I [/quote] it doesn't have to be loud... but feeling that air moving behind you is really nice
  12. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1362877306' post='2005834'] Twice now I've thrown my super 15 at people, I mostly play gigs because they are funny, and there isn't much funnier than the look on someone's face when they offer to help you shift your 2x15 bass cab and you go 'Sure, catch.'. It survived fine. [/quote] Once, I played a gig with my Compact as an extension cab for the MarkBass CMD121P 12" combo, sitting on top, and my girlfriend was at the gig. She offered to help me carry things to the car, so I took my bass, pedalboard, and took the combo... "you ok with that?" I asked her. She knew how light it was already, so she said "sure!" and grabbed it. As she turned around this guy from the audience was watching, you could tell he was kind of "should I offer help?"... My girlfriend noticed, and smiling just pulled it up in the air to the amazement of the guy and his friends. She enjoyed looking like she was strong as The Hulk
  13. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1362917045' post='2006107'] i fancy spraying my super 15 a different colour, does anyone know if normal spray paint will hold on that funky covering? [/quote] No idea, but I sometimes feel the same way. There is Duratex in white, as well as black... so that's one possibility! [url="http://store.acrytech.com/Speaker-Cabinet-Coating-DuraTex-White.html"]http://store.acrytech.com/Speaker-Cabinet-Coating-DuraTex-White.html[/url] But I would like mine [size=5][color=#FF0000][b]red[/b][/color][/size]... (ok, waiting for Discreet's reply in 10, 9, 8... )
  14. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1419355152' post='2639103'] Well I`ve now had my BF Super 12T for about a month now, done a few gigs with it and am so happy, I`ve sourced another. Smaller gigs and rehearsals will just be the one, but for the gigs with bigger stages I`ll have both, wired in series with a special lead that Alex will provide. In all honesty I don`t need another for the volume, but with many of the gigs we`re doing, having a big set-up is almost required. It`s daft that many people, both punters and venues don`t think you`re a serious band on this circuit unless you have big speakers/set-ups, considering the amount of sound you can get from an S12T (and a 112 valve combo for guitar come to think of it) but that`s the reality, judge with eyes not ears. The extra depth in sound will be nice I`m sure though - my Aguilar Tonehammer 500 through two Super 12Ts, can`t wait to get the latest S12T to try it all out. Gonna have to be careful on the volume control though..... But re the cab itself, well the weight and portability themselves are great, but I wouldn`t be happy with it unless it sounded good. I think the best way to describe these cabs are, what you put in is what you get out. If you like your bass, and your amp, you`re going to really hear them using one of these. Plus, if you end up going through FOH and DI-ing, well it helps knowing that your on-stage sound is what is ending up FOH (unless the person on the desk alters it that is). [/quote] Two Super 12!!!! I'm jealous, that must be truly awesome!
  15. It's too cold for no knickers. Now, ask me again in summer... I'm ordering a new kilt soon. Not red
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419368433' post='2639300'] Red cab no knickers! [/quote] You keep saying that at every opportunity, and I might just have to post a picture to prove you're wrong!
  17. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1419366611' post='2639272'] Sitting it beside the Compact Gen 2, the handle looks fairly similar, but feels a lot more sturdy and more substantial in build. The tolex looks a really good job. Not really any tolex grain - which is probably good. Much, much better than Marshall tolex for example. Mum has one of the Marshall "hand built" 2 x 12 Marshall cabs and Dad has quite a few Marshall 4 x 12s. They look as if you could sneeze and the tolex would rip. I'm not gonna take any chances mind, but this looks smoother and more solid. Yuk to the Compact Gen 2 "lump of coal" finish by comparison. They should consider changing the whole range to this tolex. [/quote] The new handles do feel a lot sturdier than the Gen2 ones, for sure. I liked BF cabs already, and that was despite the finish. The Retro 210 looks really cool!!! +1 about Roqsolid. I ordered a cover from them too in the past and it's doing a great job, and it arrived fast.
  18. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1419327634' post='2638718'] I've still got the Generation 2 Compact, which my Dad's bass player doesn't seem to interested in having back. He's got a mountain of gear though, so he doesn't need it. I'll be testing it alone and with the Compact to see how it rolls. It's a very pretty thing though. They should offer it in other colours though, like red and pink and green and white and stuff. We isn't all old men y'know. [/quote] It looks good! Cool present! I like the light weight of the Barefaced cabs, I own two myself. I also like colourful pretty things, so it would be nice if BF started offering that tolex finish in other cabs, and colours! I just bought a couple of TKS cabs for various reasons like being the right size for my car boot etc... but I have to confess the fact I could choose colours was a welcome bonus... these are mine:
  19. [quote name='martthebass' timestamp='1419202448' post='2637631'] They work ok G but aren't the best quality. [/quote] erm... yes, it is £40! It's an ok bass, certainly worth the £40. Pickups probably the weakest link... but easily upgradeable if it bothers you. Do it!
  20. Am I the only one who feels like vomiting? On this guy's face? [url="http://youtu.be/ZvgMASaqHFc"]http://youtu.be/ZvgMASaqHFc[/url]
  21. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1419179264' post='2637277'] I also remember reading an interview where he was asked what bass he played, and in a rhetorical gesture shrugged and asked the tech, who informed him that it was a Stingray. He went on to state that to a bassist, the choice of bass was no more important than the choice of pen is to an author. I was a bit outraged at this at the time, but am coming round to that viewpoint more and more. [/quote] But in those times in the 90s it was "cool" to pretend to not know anything technical at all, remember? I used to buy Guitarist magazine at the time and I would dispair... all the BS "oh, I don't know what I'm playing"...
  22. [quote name='TimR' timestamp='1418682741' post='2632391'] [media]http://youtu.be/eoMlqobSKf0[/media] [/quote] fantastic!
  23. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419286658' post='2638478'] Agree.... iffy cabs are iffy cabs. All my cabs are good, IMO, which is why I bought them..suffice to say I'll clarify..top end 2x210 or a 410 will put paid to a top end 212... I accept that other reasons might come into play about why a 212 is a very good compromise -and why you would use one - but if you didn't have to make one...410's all the way, for me. Providing it is a very good one. If you brought a very good 212, you'd be wanting to buy the equal in 210/410's..?? [/quote] if I didn't have to carry it... I'd use 8x10s every time!
  24. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1419249938' post='2637928'] Why not go for two 2x10s? If you like 4x10 sound, but not the weight, that's the way to keep it, but have something easier to handle. 2x12 won't move nearly as much air as 4x10 (226 sq in of cone area, as opposed to 314 sq in). [/quote] It's not just cone surface, it's how much air they can displace. There are 2x12 cabs that move more air than the majority of current 410s.
  25. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1419179009' post='2637268'] MM in the right place with a single coil in the neck position surely equals either a HS Stingray or a Lakland 55-02, 55-14, 55-94 depending on pocket depth! [/quote] No, the 5502 has the MM closer to the bridge too (I owned one), and so do the others.
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