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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1419177080' post='2637233'] Looking at the Sandberg and the 'ray in you profile picture, it looks like the Sandberg MM is closer to the bridge isn't it? [/quote] Yes, the Sandberg in thar picture reversed the P, but left the MM closer to the bridge than on a Stingray. That's not to say it's wrong, I'm sure it sounds great! Only that it won't do the Stingray vibe, more a fat Jazz one.
  2. [quote name='Weststarx' timestamp='1419079850' post='2636300'] Hi All, Before I start I would like it to be known that I play bass and play guitar. When it comes to buying and selling gear why is it that guitarists are so eager and keen to be rude to one and other? Constantly on these Facebook selling groups I see guitarist bashing each other about gear and being generally downright out of order in some cases. What caused me to write this post is recently a girl put a guitar up for sale on one of these groups who clearly had no idea about guitars and listed in the description that it was 'pre strung'. Now I agree from a our point of view that is funny because that's what we all expect when we buy a guitar, but the amount of unnecessary abuse and bullying I witnessed in the comments boxes coming from guitarists was absolutely disgusting. It made me appreciate how nice and friendly this community is as we don't get this sort of silly behaviour - every dealing I've had with a bass player has been pleasant but with guitarists there's always some sort of problem or you're dealing with an asshole. I hate these types of posts I've just made as it is (as per the title) a sweeping generalisation of guitarists and I know its not everybody, but I just find the more I look the more I see guitarists being rude to each other and I just don't understand it... [/quote] i suspect it's age related...
  3. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1419120149' post='2636872'] Yip hot rods and deluxes from various years left the factory in this format. Here's a few I just found mooching through the Precision gear porn thread [/quote] They all have a humbucker at the bridge, but none at the MM position. Those are all more like P/J basses, with a fatter J than usual.
  4. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1419109848' post='2636768'] The P has to be 'flipped' the wrong way to get the MM in the sweet spot doesnt it? [/quote] the stingray man is right...
  5. [quote name='floFC' timestamp='1419163928' post='2637082'] I have no experience of power supplies but my son plays the guitar and, after searching, reading and watching the whole internet he asked for a T-Rex for Christmas. Make what you want of this :-D [/quote] very good choice
  6. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419109550' post='2636761'] Well... think of the money you're saving from not buying knickers. [/quote]
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1419105739' post='2636706'] What lab? Are you meddling with forces you do not understand? [/quote] every day! If I understood them, my job would be over pretty soon, and how would I pay for my red basses and my red shoes to go with my red basses, eh?
  8. also things like Dubblestandart, which may crossover a bit towards dub and which I *love* to play along to. Simple basslines but so much fun! [url="http://youtu.be/EYaOl1OKSio"]http://youtu.be/EYaOl1OKSio[/url] and [url="http://youtu.be/X9LJvHVmzeU"]http://youtu.be/X9LJvHVmzeU[/url] or busier lines like: [url="http://youtu.be/qJfh5O1kTWA"]http://youtu.be/qJfh5O1kTWA[/url]
  9. Some of my favourite "sources" of basslines are bands like: Danakil [url="http://youtu.be/4G2Y_rkOleg"]http://youtu.be/4G2Y_rkOleg[/url] and [url="http://youtu.be/9mk4QujUk4I"]http://youtu.be/9mk4QujUk4I[/url]
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1419027407' post='2635950'] I have no empathy with either ( for different reasons ) but suggest it is a style you have to like in order to play it...more so, that other styles, IMO. Reggae isn't easy but [size=5][b]ska is just music white guys who can't dance usually CAN dance to [/b][/size] Other than that..can't help but say you really have to listen to them.. [/quote] ha! loved that! Years ago, a lovely drummer (RIP, Shamey ) called me up as he just joined a ska band and they were having issues with their bass player so he asked me if I'd like to join them. I had barely listened to any ska, and little reggae, and never really paid attention to the basslines, but I thought "how hard can it be?". I felt sooo out of place! It's like I could play the notes but it felt contrived and mechanical... The leader (vocals, and guitar, and main writer) gave me tons of ska music to listen to and get the feel. And it was that: hours and hours... over weeks... over months, of listening to as much as I could, until it becomes ingrained in you. Unfortunately the band had to break due to an ugly incident, and by the time they were ready to continue I was already busy with my current band they found another bass player who "got" ska. It was very very interesting, and I have been able to use some of what I learnt in my new band. There is a lot of walking basslines, played fast, that may sound like improvised, hard to figure out... but if you think about the chords underlining the melody, then the basslines become kind of obvious. However, nothing works better than simply listening to it, a lot, and it becomes familiar. Of course, if you don't like the music, it's a huge chore Reggae can be hugely interesting in the basslines, and I still struggle. I can play other people's songs and (I think) I can get the feel right, playing a bit behind the beat often helps, and the gaps are as important as the actual notes, if not more, but I find it very hard to come up with decent original basslines. Everything I play still sounds predictable and almost cliche... and the temptation is to compensate by overplaying, which is the surest way to kill a reggae bassline
  11. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1419069460' post='2636148'] Welcome to Edinburgh. We have a [u][b]zombie apocalypse[/b][/u] every weekend. The level of drunkenness that the Scottish population can achieve on a 'night oot' can be disturbing to non Scots. It's disturbing to me......and I'm Scottish. [/quote] here's an image to prove it
  12. [quote name='Drax' timestamp='1419058564' post='2636086'] I thought it probably was - but for all us Limeys :- 'Saran Wrap' = cling film [/quote] like cling film, but better in the lab we actually buy saran wrap!
  13. [quote name='The Admiral' timestamp='1419031033' post='2636000'] According to several of the newspapers, all the interested parties: publicans, police and hospitals etc. are expecting tonight to be the 'drunkest' of the year - last Friday before Christmas and loads of works parties on. I was in Edinburgh overnight last night, in a hotel on the Grassmarket, where from the 17th Dec, they have a 5 a.m. Licence! It was like the zombie apocalypse outside my window at 0500, [u][b]with people staggering about, incoherent and drooling.[/b][/u] [/quote] oh, but that has nothing to do with the 5am license...
  14. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418845922' post='2634070'] It's a known fault, and G-B (now Fender) will send new LEDs gratis to anyone who wants them, but won't fit them for you unless you're prepared to do without your amp for a few weeks, which most people are not. When mine DO decide to come on they're bright enough. I don't care either way though, I've always thought they were a bit of a gimmick and needlessly add to the cost of the amp. Very happy with the amp otherwise, though. The LEDs make not a jot of difference to anything, of course. [/quote] Mine work, but if they stop working I won't bother fixing it... it looks nice if you fire it up in the bedroom with the lights off , but yeah, bit gimmicky
  15. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1419018886' post='2635831'] Like that [size=4] Different in style to the older albums that I've got but I'm going to be getting this one. [/size] [/quote] It's the first one I got and like it a lot. I then bought "Sounding a mosaic", which I also liked but not quite as much. Maybe I'll buy one more this weekend
  16. [quote name='mattyb' timestamp='1419009912' post='2635725'] Bit of an update : I contacted the seller, he said he would take the return so I opened a return case on paypal. Very quickly the seller came back to me insisting I close the case and 'sort this out as gentlemen' - He wanted me to return the item and on its return to him, trust that he would refund the money. This set of alarm bells in my head so I've sent this information through to paypal as a claim, and kept it through official channels. I hope I didn't react to harshly, but I'm very waring of being had, especially with international sales and putting trust in strangers. [/quote] I think you did the right thing. Don't close the case until you have your money back. Any modifications like that should have been disclosed before the sale. I would not trust on "sorting this out as gentlemen". If he's a gentleman he won't suffer through the Paypal return, so nothing to worry about, right?
  17. I bought this very model only about 8 weeks ago. I have been playing this exclusively since, and I wasn't a Precision player!!! Fantastic bass... and the neck is just delicious.
  18. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1419006557' post='2635681'] Only 10 screws, the scratchplate and the strings need removing in order to change the batteries! Bargain! [/quote] Only the pickguard, surely the strings can stay, and only once a year or so? Not ideal but it doesn't sound like such a hassle.
  19. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1419010563' post='2635731'] Thanks, don't think I know that one and the link isn't working for me. Off to YouTube to check it out. [/quote] it's also from the Light The Horizon album, from 2010.
  20. They look pretty interesting, hmmm
  21. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1418987306' post='2635465'] Isn't it SeaBass Kid, NUF and Delighted Peoples on the bill? I'll be there with NUF. [/quote] Doh! You're right! I was confused, of course you'll be there! It's just that for a minute Jen *might* have been there but she eventually said she was away from Edinburgh that date, and I mixed it all up in my head
  22. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1418934005' post='2635053'] I really dig that colour with no pick guard Jose.!! hows the MIJ going. ? [/quote] Your old 75RI is lovely, but I really don't rate those pickups after all, so a pair of Model J that I have in my collection of parts might be making their way onto it pretty soon! But it's lovely to play You enjoying the Lakland?
  23. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1418919828' post='2634882'] Ooh, very red! Will you be be playing through them at the Sea Bass Kid gig on the 10th? [/quote] Most likely! And to make a point I might wear my red shoes to and play my newly refinished red Jazz, with my red hat and red sunglasses... what? too much? Well, I'll drive to the venue in my red car too Will you be there? Does Jen have a new bassist yet?
  24. [quote name='tks.se' timestamp='1418919409' post='2634868'] They should be in the UK now Don't know if Barrie has sent you this picture already, a better one of just the red 1126 cabinets: [/quote] oh, that's a great picture! Yum! Barrie sent me the tracking number, so I have been following them across Europe! I won't get my hands on them until just after Xmas, as I'm going to be busy... but I'll report back as soon as!!!
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