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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1418920541' post='2634892'] [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8avwgsp159c"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8avwgsp159c[/url] [/quote]
  2. [quote name='Karl Derrick' timestamp='1418892783' post='2634418'] Thanks very much for all the input, I appreciate it. I got a great quote from David Wilson. David does some fantastic finishing and refinishing work, for clients like Mark Knopfler. We've talked about the bass and have considered the possibility of visible joins, bad knots, dents filled with body filler, etc. Where we are now is that he'll strip the black off, see what we've got, then make a decision. If the wood's good, we'll go with a tinted Polyester to match the aged headstock. If not, we'll go with a solid colour. I'm not fussed if the grain doesn't match exactly and we have visible dowels, etc. I think it's part of the story. It's always a gamble..... Karl [/quote] Good choice!
  3. Found them by chance last year, love them. This is the song that got my attention: [url="http://youtu.be/SaKmAjGDuXg"]http://youtu.be/SaKmAjGDuXg[/url]
  4. on the other hand, if the difference is so subtle that you can't be sure after swapping leads and you need to devise a more complex arrangement... it probably means that either would do and you coud just choose one based on features. Or colour.
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418837810' post='2633940'] My old gran used to say, 'red hat, no knickers'... I've got a refin lined up with D. Wilson in the new year - trans red! [/quote] ha ha no comments. As for the trans red... tell us more!
  6. [quote name='cocco' timestamp='1418798991' post='2633400'] Wow. I can't believe fender let it leave looking like that. It reminds me of that optical illusion camouflage they put on battleships during WW2. [/quote]
  7. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1418761546' post='2633132'] I would experiment and have someone make a gold-coloured pickguard. Would really set off the maple neck. [/quote] ugh! Not my thing I'm afraid. My Classic 50 Precision came with a golden pickguard... I really don't think it's a good look. With black, perhaps. Hmmm, no, not with red.
  8. [quote name='LukeFRC' timestamp='1418756631' post='2633030'] mcnach simple? [/quote] you've been talking to my girlfriend again? She lies!
  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418753983' post='2633004'] Very cool. Love the red/maple/white pickguard. That's classic. Matches the blocks, too. [/quote] I'm leaning towards that, to be honest. It matches my Classic 50 Precision too (I removed the gold anodised pickguard, I didn't like the touch):
  10. Now, I will probably use it without pickguard at least 90% of the time... but sometimes it's nice to have one. NO PICKGUARD: TORTOISESHELL: Not a big fan but... it does look nice in this case! WHITE: Of course, white or mint/white always works... BLACK: but black is so sexy too... Decisions, decisions
  11. ok, pictures... it's hard to picture the colour... with/without flash: WITHOUT WITH Not sure what bridge I will use. This is one of the newer US Fender ones with adjustable string spacing (I like a slightly wider spacing than standard). The only problem is it requires plugging and redrilling some of the original holes. That's why I bought it and never used it yet. I could use the older style threaded saddle bridges, which work very well. I have a couple of basses with those and I like them, and no redrilling needed. The bass originally came with a Badass bridge. Originally, I mean, when I bought it. The previous owner installed it. It looks good but I'm not particularly in love with it and I do prefer a slightly wider string spacing. This is the Badass bridge:
  12. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418740278' post='2632839'] Can't see the pics!* Funny really, before I got to the bit where you were having a refin, I thought 'trans red would be good'. [/quote] great minds... but it's not trans, with that grain, I went for solid solid solid red. Ok, let's fetch those pictures...
  13. [quote name='mr zed' timestamp='1418744495' post='2632890'] I can't believe the mis-matching of the original woodgrain from one of Fenders AVRI range. They should be ashamed of themselves. Looking forward to seeing the pics. [/quote] No, it is a CIJ Reissue, from around 2002. With 60s spacing. Cheaper than the AVRI, but still... It really does look like they made a mistake and the front should have been the back, doesn't it?
  14. [quote name='cameltoe' timestamp='1418737928' post='2632817'] Bought a bass with a low action 5 years ago, and it was like putting on a pair of old slippers. [/quote] what do you mean? smelly?
  15. [quote name='TraceAmp' timestamp='1418738644' post='2632826'] But the single knobs of the EQ and gain reacts to each other. It is very difficult, to find a "neutral" sound with a streamliner. [/quote] Ah, I see what you mean. Yes, they do interact to some degree, but I wouldn't call it "difficult". I find it very simple, and if I find it simple, trust me, it must be simple I don't look for a "neutral" sound in an amp, I look for a good sound, a sound that works well in the band and makes me smile. It's extremely simple to achieve that on the Streamliner. I'm still curious about the Veyron.
  16. I bought a Fender Jazz 75RI a while ago, natural ash/maple with pearl blocks and white binding, that was just really nice to play and sounded great with a pair of Nordstrand NJ4SE pickups. The only think I didn't quite like, visually, was the grain. It was... well, it was ugly. Very poor attempt to match the pieces of wood: it looked better from the back than fron the front! I love natural bodies, but this one was bugging me. Here's a few pictures (minus controls and neck pickup, as I was in the middle of some surgery) So there it was. Now, I've been on a "red phase" for a while now... Red car, red shoes, red hat, red bass... red cabs! So the idea of refinishing this in some kind of red started forming in my head. Enter... David Wilson. [url="http://www.dwilsonguitars.com/en-gb/home.aspx"]http://www.dwilsonguitars.com/en-gb/home.aspx[/url] and [url="https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002025970885&fref=ts"]https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002025970885&fref=ts[/url] I saw him being recommended in a couple of threads on this forum, and decided to contact him. And I couldn't be happier, really! The whole process didn't take too long at all, and it was so simple. Choosing what kind of red I wanted was the hardest part! Once I managed to print out an example of the kind of shade I wanted, I sent it to him together with the body (I could have sent the whole thing and get him to send me back the finished instrument, which would have been tremendous I am sure, but I wanted to experiment a bit with pickups and preamp/no preamp, so no point this time). The body arrived yesterday and it's... gorgeous. He did such a great job! The shade of red is perfect! It's hard to photograph properly... I just took a bunch of pictures with natural light and I think it gets close enough to what it's like in "person". I'll upload them later today, but you can already see a couple of pictures on his facebook page above. Ignore the feminine side comments, pah!
  17. [quote name='TraceAmp' timestamp='1418655655' post='2632013'] The build quality is really good, build like the Genz Benz Streamliner Amps. The Amp chassis is made from metal. Some knobs are illuminated, when activ: The Sound is a bit like "vintage", a lot of low end and nice mids. I like it to compare the sound with the Streamliner, [color=#000080][b]but the Veyron has the better equalizer, because this one is easier to use. The ability to select the center frequency of the mids is very helpful[/b][/color]. [/quote] in what way is it easier to use? the Streamliner also has selectable center frequency for the mids...
  18. [quote name='floFC' timestamp='1418677142' post='2632306'] Hmm. I checked. So the manual doesn't say that but the FAQ on the Ashdown site does, that's where I must have read it (reproduced here, at the end): How can I use headphones on an Ashdown ABM or MAG? The only way is to buy a small battery powered headphone amplifier and plug it into the TUNER OUT with the amp MUTED, or unplug the speakers and use it plugged into the LINE OUT. Other than this if you have a walkman that has a record facility you could use this as a headphone amp.The amp will come to no harm with the speakers unplugged. It is possible to plug headphones into the speaker output but you risk the possibility of blowing up the headphones if you turn the amp up too far I have never been tempted to try! [/quote] Using the tuner/line out the way they say is fine, but I'd never plug into the speaker output. Sure, with the volume at zero it'll be ok, so there must be a range that is ok... but I suspect the range is not too big. I'm surprised they even suggest it. I have to say I'm not an expert! But I seem to recall that headphones would typically take <5V (and often a lot less) and the speaker output will run into double digits... I would not risk it! Thanks for finding that FAQ!
  19. The neck on the MIM Classic 50 is pretty wide and chunky... and I think it's one of the nicest necks. I like big necks too. It's also lacquered, so if you like maple lacquered necks, it's well worth checking out.
  20. [quote name='Mykesbass' timestamp='1418554477' post='2631061'] This question (or similar) often crops up and always baffles me - am I the only one who never plugs in at home? I can happily play along to CDs or MP3s either through quiet speakers or in one ear on headphones. [/quote] Playing plugged and unplugged are two entirely different worlds. Do you remember when you were used to playing acoustic guitar, and plugged into an electric guitar for the first time? All the unwanted noises that you needed to mute on the electric instrument, what a racket! It's just very different.
  21. [quote name='floFC' timestamp='1418630474' post='2631752'] I have an Ashdown Electric Blue combo and it has the same limitation (no headphone).[b] If I remember correctly the manual said you could disconnect the cable that plugs the amp into the cab at the back and plug your headphones in there - with a risk of blowing them up[/b] :-D As Grangur said that takes the cab out of the sound chain. Get the manual from the Ashdown website and see what they suggest for your model. [/quote] You sure it said that??? The output of an amplifier that will drive a loudspeaker is going to be a LOT higher than what the headphones are designed to take. Sounds like a very efficient way of destroying headphones!
  22. [quote name='Samfordia' timestamp='1418615363' post='2631725'] What I have is a combo. If it had a phones socket then I'd have no problem. I would like to actually use the amp and familiarise myself with all it can do and the sound I can get from it. At the same time I would like to use my pedals. It's highly possible I'm being a tad thick, though. (The amp does have the ability to connect a phone etc, so that's all okay) [/quote] It would be wonderful if one could judge "real life" sound from using the headphone output only. UNfortunately, the final result depends too much of your speakers, the room you're in, the location/position of speakers within the room, the volume (you cannot play something at low volume, decide you like the tone, and just turn up and expect to sound the same only louder)... and also whatever other instruments are making noise around you, of course. It's useful, as it allows you to play quietly, but that's all.
  23. Here's a quick low-res preview of what's coming, that Barrie from BassGear just emailed me
  24. so am I!!! That was really fast, I'm impressed! unfortunately I'm not going to be at home to be able to do anything with them until after Xmas. I asked Barrie to keep the cabs there when they arrive and send them to me once I'm back, to avoid problems during the worst of the Xmas rush with couriers. Ah, if only I had made up my mind a week earlier!
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