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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='MoJo' timestamp='1418562978' post='2631164'] [b]Why do guitarists buy 50 - 100 watt amps for pub gigs?[/b] It's way too much, If they want that gritty, overdriven tone, get a 15w valve amp and wring it's neck. It'd be like rockin up to a pub gig with two SVT's and two 8x10's [/quote] It's funny, isn't it? We worry and spend so much money trying to reduce bulk and weight... and then, they could just waltz in with a 30W valve combo under they arm, but won't! Crazy! I'd use a very loud Laney LC30 if I were a guitarist. I love that amp. I used to own a VC50, twin 12" combo 50W and that was so heavy and so loud... crazy. But I didn't know better those days.
  2. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1418557605' post='2631102'] I was doing a pub gig last night with a new guitarist , He was using a Fender Twin reverb all valve thingy . The on stage volume was absolutely deafening , After the gig He said that he couldn't go any lower to get the sound He needed to get ? I use a PA so I can have a comftable volume & let the PA do the work . If that's true I don't care how good it sounded to the punters I play for a hobby & you're supposed to enjoy hobbies . [/quote] Those amps have a lovely sound, and they're extremely loud with the volume at 1... and heavy as a mountain. Not the best amp for a small stage pub gig. edit: also very directional... if it felt loud on stage, whoever happened to walk right in front of the beam of that amp would have probably felt their fillings rattle
  3. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1418487926' post='2630626'] There are plenty of clues within this thread including the photo at the top. If you like the way it sounds then it really doesn't matter one way or the other. If you are simply curious you can undo 4 bolts and slip the head out and compare with my photo. It's likely that both versions were made in 2013. [/quote] Mine is in a CMD121P combo. I think it takes a bit more than the 4 screws and I'm not curious enough to check it out today. Tonight it'll be travelling with me to a gig 60 miles away, together with the BF Compact cab as an extension. If I get bored after soundcheck I might ask for an allen key, but it's unlikely. So... no, no clue yet.
  4. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1418484924' post='2630601'] Are you sure that yours is class d? [/quote] No, I have no clue! It's just that the date (01-13) appeared to suggest it would be... but if it clicks in so quickly then maybe it isn't. I don't knooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
  5. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1418480868' post='2630549'] I have noticed that the new head takes 8 seconds for the output relay to 'click' after switching the amp on. This is much longer than the original design and may be an easier way of telling which version you have. [/quote] Really? Just tested mine (01-13) ... just under 2 seconds.
  6. [quote name='tbonepete' timestamp='1418480770' post='2630547'] It's alright. I thought the sound from an original series combo (yellow combo head) that I used on a gig share for about a year was nicer, and I've had many posts privately back and forth with Marco on the sound difference between the two models, primarily concerned about the speaker changes, and move to Asian production with no clear indication as to the changes. So I guess it's a yes, AND no to your question. To me it's important that I get what I thought I'd paid for, and I bought the combo on the strength of the old one I'd used, but I appreciate that to others this isn't so important. Cheers Pete [/quote] I was asking trying to see whether the answer would actually explain anything you feel about its sound. I guess if the one you used before and this one have a slightly different design, that could explain it and would be reassuring to know that you were not imagining things and you're -probably - not crazy Mine is dated 01-13, so I guess it uses the D-type power module. I'm happy with it, so I don't mind... but they should really update their specs to reflect what they're actually selling, I agree.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1418479590' post='2630531'] Sac-up, you twink! [/quote] Well, I know that I won't be losing my cables anymore to other band members (or other bands sometimes even) when they pack in a hurry "oh, sorry, I thought it was one of mine!"
  8. [quote name='tbonepete' timestamp='1418479357' post='2630526'] Oops, just read the first post properly, and I have my answer. My amp was bought in 2012 so I've got my fingers crossed that I have an old one, Cheers Pete [/quote] But, do you like the way it sounds?
  9. Getting back on-topic... my pink Klotz cable arrived. I'll try it tonight. Maybe I'll arrange for the band to play the same song twice and I'll quickly swap cables to compare. "Dundee, are you ready to skank???!!!"
  10. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1418467475' post='2630395'] Not meaning to take this thread off topic, but with wireless it is a whole new world of confusion here. The signal depends on the air temp, humidity, and of course distance. If you want to play behind the beat a little you move further from your receiver, or place a guitard between you and the receiver so the signal has to go round them. To play in front of the beat you can stand right next to the Rx. Hot humid conditions (like a frontmans crotch for instance) give deeper bass sounds, dry cold ones give a bright tone suitable for twiddly playing. of course the 2.4GHz frequency band signals get to the Rx faster than lower AM frequencies so you must adjust your playing to accommodate [b]otherwise you'll easily end up half a beat ou[/b]t. Cheers, Rich [/quote] That's why on some bands you need a "heavily built" person. They could just mime if they don't play an instrument. Their gravitational pull can be use to modulate the wireless signal to compensate for these effects. You just need to know where to place them. That's how Meat Loaf started his career, and then he realised he could actually sing.
  11. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1418454242' post='2630303'] What if you use a wireless ? Edit Just checked on the box it states this model emulates black cables, I googled it and their is an American cap on YouTube that shows you how to do an easy internal mod to make it emulate other colored cables, [u][b]whilst eating a sandwich[/b][/u]. [/quote] what kind? any cucumber in it?
  12. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1418368318' post='2629548'] Hmmmm...? [/quote] The cabs I ordered have been already made and are being shipped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!! excitable me? nah...
  13. [excited little girl mode] OMG OMG OMG OMFG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. [quote name='knoxy26' timestamp='1401359903' post='2462760'] Wow! Cheers for all the responses guys. Im going to be running the Amp through a Barefaced Big Baby II. Hopefully going to be able to go give these a go. I have been edging towards the Aguilar as thats what I am most used to, but now Im more interested in the GK and the Genz. Its thats feeling that your always going to be missing out not matter what you get.... . [/quote] Big Baby 2? THat's what I use with the Streamliner 900... I love the combination! I used a LM3 and a LMT800 too, but the Streamliner wins, for me. I also tried a TH500 through it... Nice sound, but fiddly, and too dark. Streamliner FTW
  15. [quote name='Graham' timestamp='1401211042' post='2461260'] A used Genz Streamliner is a good one to try out too - warm, punchy and buckets of power. I'd love to give a GK Fusion a spin myself and the Tonehammer has always sounded good to me when I've heard one. [/quote] A Genz Benz Streamliner 600 or 900, indeed! Sound huge, and to my ears better than the ToneHammer. The TH500 is nice, but I get frustrated with how everything interacts with everything else... the Streamliner is simple, and is more versatile soundwise.
  16. As the direct result of this thread, I've just ordered a 6m pink Klotz cable. See what you've done, BeardyBob??? I bet you're proud, now!
  17. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1418291976' post='2628779'] Mine has arrived. Cosmetically it looks utterly perfect, but the low E string rattles a bit when played down near the nut. As it's only the E string, I wonder if the nut is cut too low, rather than there being not enough relief, or even a back-bow, in the neck. Otherwise it appears that the action is comfortable and low (I haven't played fretless much), and it sounds reasonable for an acoustic. Even though I haven't put the flat wound strings on it, it doesn't sound too twangy. It looks very nice. When I have time after work, I'm going to google filling in a nut with superglue and filing it back again. I have talked to Thomann on the phone about the overcharging. They didn't believe me when I said that I had applied the voucher, but said that I can have it applied retrospectively. Has anyone ever bought products from Thomann, using paypal to pay for them? If so, I would like to ask questions about the total order amount (including postage), what paypal said that you would pay, and the amount that was actually deducted. [/quote] I suspect the exact amount may vary a bit, as exchange rates fluctuate (they operate in Euros), but it's not going to be a great change for the most part.
  18. That's it, I'm ordering a 6m pink Klotz cable.
  19. I feel sick. The more I play my new Precision, the more I like it. As the strings lost the initial zing (but still remain bright) the bass just seemed to get in a "zone" that's just... fat and creamy and I love it. I haven't played any other bass (gigs, I mean... at home the others get occasionally some attention) since I bought it nearly two months ago. It wasn't love at first sight... I liked it a lot from the start, yes, but I didn't really start to TRULY love it until a bit later, as I learned how to adapt to its sound. Last night I had a rehearsal, and it was just soooo right, that I realised I was not going to bother with a preamp on this one Yes, I seem to be addicted to onboard preamps, in particular John East's mid-sweep module. I just love how you can tweak the midrange "just so" from the bass. But with this band, the Precision just seems to fit and anything I want I can get from its rudimentary tone control. I normally have the volume fully open, and the tone backed off just a bit... and the ancient and battered Trace Elliot 410 combo that they have in this studio (and that I normally hate) made me smile. Really. Just like that. Admission: ok, it's not just the Precision. I started using the EBS Multicomp compressor that I had stopped bothering to bring to rehearsals. It seems that a tiny touch of compression goes a long way. Only one other bass has made me enjoy playing so much: yup, the Stingray. So what's this talk about Precision [u][b]or[/b][/u] Stingray? OR???? Pah! BOTH!!!!!!!!!!!! But the Precision has been a total surprise to me. I thought I hated it, really did. Now I want another Classic50 to use different strings on. Like I said... I feel sick.
  20. [quote name='badboy1984' timestamp='1418285746' post='2628692'] You can probably just list a potential problem on [b]every single brand[/b]. Either is bass, amp or cabs ..... [/quote] with every single model!!
  21. [quote name='BeardyBob' timestamp='1418253450' post='2628605'] full stop [/quote] I want a pink cable now!
  22. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1418253917' post='2628610'] Or at least a tad withdrawn. [/quote]
  23. [quote name='mickster' timestamp='1418205574' post='2627868'] Heh-heh-heh..."they're attacking the precioussssss...must defend...MUST DEFEND...!!!" [/quote]
  24. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1418175096' post='2627747'] I see - so you approach a company which does not sell large parts like bodies and necks (except by exchange) and then wonder why you get no as a answer? You obviously don't know much about Musicman as they have recently produced a limited run with roasted maple necks available as 4, 5 or 6 string. It sounds like there's a level of delusion in these posts!! Are you sure they werent men in White coats? [/quote] easy tiger I'm sure he was kidding. Don't take EBMM stuff so seriously
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