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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1417789878' post='2624061'] Read the info. These cabs work just as well horizontally as vertically. [/quote] I'll have to listen to believe it. I can't imagine getting the same definition onstage from two very low speakers on the ground at knee level, than from a stack that comes at least to chest level, no matter what the blurb says. It just goes contrary to every experience I've had.
  2. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1417785978' post='2624004'] Well I tried it in the shop and the bloke let me put it next to my orange terror bass to compare, terror bass was definitely more dirty and full, but the mark bass was very sweet, and volume wise I cranked them both up and again there wasn't much between them, they're similar up to 12 o'clock and then much extra on either after that, anyway I got the mark bass, I think I will probably get the extension cab at some point in the future, they're not silly money picked up second hand, band camp on Monday for some mark bass funk, let's see how it gets on. [/quote] The MarkBass doesn't really get much louder (if at all) with the volume past 1 o'clock or so, by the way.
  3. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1417782267' post='2623945'] Aaarrgghhh.... no! Then the badges would be the wrong way round Thought I'd mention it before WoT did... [/quote] although... if you floor people with your amazing tone, then it'll look ok to them
  4. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1417777466' post='2623882'] That's interesting. I seem to recall reading that the whole point of having the G string machine on the other side was to eliminate a presumed weakness in the Precision design for a weaker G string. [/quote] Not sure there's anything weak about a G-string in a Precision! I like the 3+1 visually, and that it allows for a shorter headstock and a much shorter length of string after the nut to reach the post... but I doubt it does anything to change whether it's weak or not.
  5. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1417777608' post='2623884'] If I owned this cab I'd have 2, and I'd be stacking them horizontally. A flat solid surface isn't guaranteed and vertical isn't always a safe option for many of the gigs I do. [/quote] would you do that to claim more stage space to yourself? cunning! :thumbsup" not sure it'd be much good, soundwise, compared to a vertical stack.
  6. [quote name='bakerster135' timestamp='1417781349' post='2623923'] Just to add to this, the Darklighter is essentially a Tubescreamer with improvements, and the Knightfall is based on the (now discontinued) Voodoo Labs Overdrive (which was pretty much identical to the Fulltone OCD). [/quote] The Darklighter might be based on the Tubescreamer, I don't know, but it sounds a LOT better. I wouldn't know it's based on it from its sound. I'm actually waiting for my "Raging Bull" pedal (should be posted today ) which is a Darklighter with a bunch of extra things (the artwork reflects the Darklighter provenance... pics coming soon )
  7. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1417771935' post='2623816'] Oh I just thrash hell out it playing Punk Rock with a pick, so I guess it's pushing it a bit to say I play a Bass guitar [/quote]
  8. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1417567243' post='2621943'] i just don't get it.. its almost like a cult. anything that is said against Music Man is blaspheme. its very odd.. even Fender die hards don't do this.. I'm not going to give you a link to the thread for fear of reprisals. Does Ernie give out some sort of drugs with his basses that indoctrinates you.? its actually quite annoying. [/quote] I know... It's weird indeed. I don't know why certain brands attract that type of "cult mentality". I love my MMs... but I never liked the EBMM forum for that reason.
  9. Amazing deal!!! By the way, the "Combo Head II" is essentially the LM3 head, not the LM2 as one might imagine. In other words, it's the current version. £270???
  10. [quote name='cytania' timestamp='1417729256' post='2623618'] For me it had to be Oopsdabassist's Steampunk. Great design that would have me GASing like crazy if I saw it in a shop. [/quote] Yup, that's what I thought too.
  11. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1417539948' post='2621513'] I'm wondering whether this would would cut it live, bars with a couple of hundred people in? Or whether that would need and extension can, my orange terror combo can gig a pretty big hall at a push, can this? [/quote] You'd definitely want an extension cab then. What kind of band is it?
  12. [quote name='chrisanthony1211' timestamp='1417533957' post='2621447'] As the title says, anyone got one of these? I had the CMD102 a while back but moved it on and I'm considering this as a good lightweight option, I'm trying one on Friday but that is not like playing with a full band, does this cut it for live performances in pups or halls? [/quote] It is VERY good, but it depends what for. I have used one many times, as stage monitor. It is a great stage monitor (unless you have a very big stage). If you put it on a stand it will not have much "oomph", but couple it to the floor/wall, and it sounds quite good (to me) and it does the job. I bought it as a solution to hear myself on stage when it was not practical or desirable for me to bring a bigger rig and I still wanted to guarantee I would enjoy playing. It's so portable, I can take it anywhere. It is not very loud, 'though, if you intend to use it as the sole carrier of bass in a room, unless you're accompanying acoustic instruments or something of that kind. The cab is tiny. Look at that cube, it is small, right? Well, half of it is taken by the amp and there's a void in the back... it's a small small cab. Loud for what it is, but I can't think many gigs you could do with just it. I have used mine with a variety of extension cabs. The smallest one was a Schroeder mini 10R. Together I have played small pub gigs with full band (drums, three guitars and brass). Not earth shattering, but well capable. The MarkBass extension will probably do a similar job and work well in small bars etc. I have used my CMD121P alone once outdoors. I had a wall behind me, and we were not being very loud. Drummer played a reduced kit and wasn't been loud, brass was unamplified, a small PA carried vocals, and the guitars ran on three small amplifiers. Our "area" was about 15m x 15m (that's where the people would be watching us). We had a good volume for a street performance, the bass could be heard very clearly, but that's not festival volume. So, it's pretty versatile. I used it with a Barefaced Compact cab, and that was pretty cool. Enough for a good size pub and being asked to turn down a bit Again, not earth-shattering, but it definitely had oomph. I like it. It's a good sounding amp, small, light, portable... I've taken it to festivals, I've taken it to radio shows, I've taken it to street performances, pubs and bigger stages at proper music venues... It works. As a stage monitor, it does a great job unless the stage is bigger than the stages most of us play (not sure where you play, 'though). To carry the room, however... it's a small cabinet with a single 12", bear that in mind and don't expect miracles. However, it sounds better and louder than you'd imagine by looking at its diminutive size.
  13. Meanwhile, I'll show you mine...
  14. [quote name='PaulWarning' timestamp='1417717407' post='2623443'] so you expect drummers to play with an inferior bass player so they can improve but not the other way round? [/quote] but a bass player's cool is able to pervade the surroundings and mesmerises the rest of the players, translating even a mediocre player into a veritable force of nature and they all think he's ([i]edit: [/i]or she's) amazing. It's our secret weapon. What do you mean, you didn't know that? Are you really a bass player or do you just play a bass guitar?
  15. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1417635304' post='2622565'] Its better to play with a dodgy singer than a dodgy drummer [/quote] no f...ing way!!!
  16. You're all making me wonder whether I didn't give it a real chance! (mine got returned).
  17. [quote name='fluffo' timestamp='1417694671' post='2623085'] I've had a few of the gb75's, the eq controls are a different lay out on the older ones (better) also the natural ones sound far better, I put an east retro in mine, it was seriously good. Out of the same factory as the Lakeland skylines, hipshot tuners ect great value, the 5 string is a beast. [/quote] A U-Retro is waiting to be mounted on mine (GB74)! I also have a Nordstrand NJ4SE (neck) and a Seymour Duncan SMB4A in my collection of spare parts, which would turn this beauty into a beast
  18. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1417545593' post='2621580'] Aww, that passed me by too, otherwise I'd have thought about going. They're better experienced in a field than under a roof though! I remember having a couple of their albums in the 90s when I was a teenager. The CDs came with a leaflet inside which listed the other ones you could order from them. When you called the number it was apparently just the phone in their communal farmhouse, answered by whoever was around in whatever state of refreshment they were in at the time! [/quote] Ha! Awesome! 8 albums currently on rotation... at work, in the car... How could I forget about this band!??? Loving the bass too!!!
  19. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1417513175' post='2621049'] Basically I'm in two bands. One is great, does functions and is really musical. All members are experienced players and the drummer is incredibly good. The other is ok doing pub rock and fills the gaps in my calendar nicely, all the members are really nice people and I like their company. The big problem I have is that the drummer in my second band simply can't keep time. He is all over the shop and can go up or down by a good 15bpm in a song. The singer and guitarist are both really decent but whilst aware of drummers speed issues they don't seem bothered. We've even had punters shout out that the drummer is all over the place. Don't get me wrong, his style and fills are fine but he's just got no internal metronome. I've raised it really tactfully a few times but his standard response is "in an interview dave grohl says it's natural to speed up a bit". It's driving me nuts and as a bass player it ruins the playing for me and is quite embarrassing. Is this something he can improve on? If so should I just lay my cards on the table and hope he works on it? If not I can only see it ending one way. What would you do? [/quote] I could not play with a bad drummer... it'll kill it for me
  20. Cool! And it seems she's the bassist with Tarja Turunen (ex Nightwish)...
  21. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1417434880' post='2620223'] I don't know where you've got that 22mm figure from? All mine are 19mm +/- a smidgen. If they were 66mm or greater across the bridge, the E & G would be too close to the edge of the fingerboard at 20th fret for comfort I'd think Easy to get the threaded saddle type on ebay: [url="http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fender-P-Bass-J-Bass-Vintage-Bridge-Assembly-/261680105943"]http://www.ebay.com/...y-/261680105943[/url] [/quote] what he said... 22mm? 19 on mine! I use the bridges in the link as it allows me to widen up the spacing a bit more (I like 20-21mm best), but you could similarly use them to narrow it. Incidentally... you could buy the saddles alone and mount them on your existing bridge, saving a few quid. I got two sets myself recently.
  22. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1417468853' post='2620746'] Bass players have had their bollox cut off by sound engineers to make it easy for sound engineers. Just DI the bass straight in the desk, where there is no compression and very poor limited EQ. All that drive and warmth you spent years creating as your sound is gone from your showcase of the big gig. If they tried this with guitarists they would be a riot, it is our own fault, make them mic up the amp, insist, demand to have your sound, compare it, get on his back until its done and they might just start to take us seriously. Same in studios, just DI and we will use the warbilater to cut all the mid and you out of the mix, again those yesteryear iconic sounds were mic up cabs. DI has its place, but getting your sound to be replicated elsewhere is never going to happen with a bass DI straight in to a desk. Make them go fetch a mic, just like they have to for the guitar. [/quote] I love you!
  23. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1417465339' post='2620680'] Shhh. Don't tell everyone or they'll all want some!! [/quote] Too late!!! (says while staring at the calendar and counting down the days, hours, minutes, seconds...)
  24. What an awesome band!!! I owned a CD of them from years ago, and somehow I forgot about them Three more CDs were purchased on Amazon in the past 24 hours. And I only realised now they were playing in Edinburgh just a week ago!
  25. [quote name='Steve Spector' timestamp='1417461635' post='2620614'] I disagree. A seller should be open to questions and transparent about their transaction, the more they are so the more faith potential buyers will have in dealing with them. I was a little perplexed that a second hand item was being offered for about 95% of its new cost and just wondered if there was something I was missing - turns out there was, grill cloth, cover and waiting time...fair enough, and now everyone knows. All good as far as I can see and good luck with the sale. Steve [/quote] Sure, but the polite thing is to ask him personally if you wish. A comment like yours may look like trying to undermine a sale. You may also want to check the guidelines above, which include: [i][font=Arial]"5. If you believe the price of the item is too cheap/expensive, then please PM the seller as to why. Do not ridicule or undermine the seller by posting how much you think it's worth or how much it can be gotten for elsewhere, the laws of supply and demand will determine if the item sells at that price.[/font]"[/i] Not saying that was your intention, only that it can easily be interpreted that way and we generally like to leave the arguing and fighting for the Off-Topic section Peace.
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