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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1417428396' post='2620108'] A PM would have been a far more suitable way to bring this to the OP's attention... Anyway - the extra options are the silver grille cloth and cover, which would cost an extra hundred quid or so, and it avoids the waiting time. So all in all not too bad a price! [/quote] yup. discussing the pricing choices of sellers in public is kinda... wrong.
  2. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1417350835' post='2619367'] We are seeing a rather silly price spike in second hand bass prices ? Any one agree, second hand guitar prices have plummeted the last few months but basses have risen. A correction must be well over due now. [/quote] second hand prices are what people are willing to pay... it changes, it varies... if nobody sold, the prices would go down... if they don't it's because they sell, so the prices are roughly right.
  3. I was just wondering because I can't imagine there will be much difference, but at the same time I figured it must be important to you. I have a number of knobs in my collection of parts, so I wondered how much lighter was light enough.
  4. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1416823590' post='2613824'] Try getting your drum not to play as loud and all come down a bit. Maybe he's right. More often than not, in my opinion, bands are too loud! [/quote] Indeed! Being too loud at rehearsal also makes it near impossible to hear everything properly, and bands can think they play and sound better than they really do, covering their poor performance with sheer volume... then they say they sound crap when the volume is down a bit. Well, it was crap before too, you just could not hear it!
  5. I bought Jon's MarkBass Super Booster pedal. Great communication, he even sent me pictures of the parcel and the receipt after he posted it (nice touch!) and all ultra fast: the pedal arrived almost before I had made up my mind that I wanted to try one of those So, very very pleased with the whole thing. Thank you!
  6. [quote name='ebenezer' timestamp='1417115447' post='2617262'] As the title says...I rather like the look of these...good spec and a great price!!is it worth a punt or do I look elsewhere. [/quote] Assuming it's just the 5 string version of the GB74, it's pretty good! My GB74 is the natural finish one, extremely light, yet balanced. The pickups are ok, a bit polite but not bad. The preamp is useable, but nothing to call home about. That's the negative points: for me the electronics are not as good as they could, but they work alright and I gigged mine a few times stock, no problem. Mine cost me £150, used, bargain.
  7. [quote name='spacey' timestamp='1417121867' post='2617334'] Made in China by people with a gun in their back. Would you worry about how long it will last or just getting the lid on and getting your quota done for the day... [/quote] that's not dramatic enough, can you please try again?
  8. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1416947618' post='2615442'] There's one at my local venue. It's going through an Ampeg SVT classic 410HE. I play through it 4 or 5 times a month and it sounds fantastic. Considering it gets played continuously for about 6 hrs a night it seems pretty reliable. But, although I'd love to buy one, all the scare stories on bass forums have put me off. [/quote] I play in the same venue... I bring my own. Ok, to be honest, I started bringing my own when they went through a phase that the Ashdown MAG head they had was malfunctioning frequently. I used the Ampeg a few times and I just did not warm up to it. I bring my own head, and usually a small cab too (or combo) . Even if I liked the Ampeg, putting my small combo over the 410 cab allows me to "claim" the space and I no longer have to clear it. Why is it that when somebody has something in their hand that don't know what to do with, a cable, a jumper, a bag... it ends up over the bass amp?
  9. nice compressor... and I recently bought a second one! ah, if I had waited...
  10. How much weight are you looking to lose from two knobs?
  11. [quote name='Tweedledum' timestamp='1416931797' post='2615185'] As promised: body w/o PG high mass bridge headstock front headstock back body back glued-on maple fretboard electronics [/quote] I keep looking at it and I'm so tempted to buy one... the thing is I don't need one, and I already have the Squier CV50 in butterscotch/maple... I don't need this!!! But what a beauty! Ok, close the Basschat window, Jose... walk away calmly...
  12. [quote name='tks.se' timestamp='1417019131' post='2616210'] Sorry for no activity on Basschat for a while, some Basschat time scheduled on Friday to catch up [/quote] That's alright, I believe you have some red cabs to make, among others
  13. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1416918021' post='2614958'] when I've asked what is being supplied they said TE or Ashdown, which filled me with a degree of trepidation, but the Ashdown 210 combo wasn't too sad at all, tbh... [/quote] I feel the same way about those two. But one of my Halloween gigs this year was at a boat on Loch Lomond, and it was really awful weather, heaviest rain I've seen in years, and we could only park a good 200m away... So I decided to take a chance and see what they provided rather than carry my things from the car. It was a 210 TE combo... and surprisingly, I quite liked it! That was a pleasant surprise.
  14. [quote name='Tweedledum' timestamp='1416901557' post='2614753'] I own a [url="http://www.thomann.de/de/harley_benton_pb_50_sb_vintage_series.htm?offid=1&affid=1&subid=307763&subid2=Harley+Benton+PB-50+SB+Vintage+Series&origin=boost&gclid=CIS-tNuhlcICFcKPMgodox0ABw"]PB-50[/url] and I must say it's a fine bass. Fit and finish are more than just acceptable, no sharp edges at the frets, it plays well, and sound good. The only flaw I found when I first laid a hand on it was a slightly tilted pickup: the screws were not set in at a right angle - easy to fix. Another downside - especially for a "serious gigging musician" - is the weight: 4295 Gramms is not brutal, but probably more than what you want to hang around your neck during a 2 hour show. Anyway, if I was in the market for a 5-string P, I'd rather go for the Squier VM, because IMO it just looks better. The build quality is on the same level. [/quote] That PB50 is pretty! Even if it needed a bit of love to set it up, at that price, it looks like a very interesting instrument. There's been no better day than today for those of us who like cheap basses to fiddle with. What does it look like under the pickguard? Any pics?
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1416838029' post='2614066'] The thing that makes me laugh is if you ( anyone ) has an opinion, then you hope they have formed it properly so therefore they will stand by it. FWIW, I've had pops ( for want of better words ) at Markbass, Precisions and Stangrays recently. I am stating a view on why I don't like them. I don't expect a life long user to be worried about what I think as they are happy ..and more to the point, confident, that they have it right for them. I know my opinions as I have formed them over a period of time, generally, so I know what I like and want. Since this is a discussion board, there will be times when you bump others opinions.. but[u][color=#000000][b] it seems to me that the complainents of this seem a little peeved that everyone else doesn't share their unbridled joy[/b][/color][/u].. as though being a member of a club isn't quite the one way street they'd thought it would be.. Maybe they aren't that confident on what they have or what they want...?? [color=#0000cd][b][u]Anyway, it doesn't matter, there will be a new kid on the block sooner or later.. and we get gas again...??[/u][/b][/color] But don't start me on the TB club thing... please don't go there..!!!!! [/quote] [u][color=#000000][b]ref1: [/b][/color][/u]There may be a bit of that, but it also seems to me there's a bit of "picking a fight with the BF crowd" mentality by some. disclaimer: the fact I own two BF cabs means little, I really don't mind if some love or hate them, I know what I think about them, and there are things I like and things I dislike about them. I, for one, am very glad BF exists! It's served my needs very well. [color=#0000ff][u][b]ref2:[/b][/u][/color] In fact, I was wondering. There is a lot of "wow" surrounding certain newish outfit... and soon I'll be part of the "club" too, so we'll see. It does seem to compete more directly with BF than other makers, on paper. I have not yet had the chance to hear their products "live", so I can't talk of that. Regarding design, features and finish... they do seem to have the edge. Hopefully that will make BF become even better, rather than being outcompeted, and we all win.
  16. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1416863043' post='2614537'] Here be the super-cable thingy, lifted from the Super12 page on BF website: If your amp doesn't run below 4 ohms then the only way to expand a Super Twelve rig is to add a second Super Twelve and wire the two cabs in series with a special cable. However you must NOT series wire dissimilar cabs such as a Midget or Compact or indeed any other manufacturer's cabs. [/quote] I see, that's a cable to connect the two 4ohm cabs in series, giving 8 ohm , so the amp can take it. I sometimes thought I'd love FOUR small 12" 8ohm cabs for those moments where you just need to move more air, and pair them as a series of two pairs in parallel (as per the two 12T above) giving an 8ohm load. That could be a pretty cool stack, and of a sufficient height to sound really clear onstage. But... I don't think I'm likely to need that anytime soon. Still, wouldn't it be cool?
  17. Well, the strings I'm keeping, but I'm not sure the Bass Attack is for me... I suspect it'll be returned or sold on this forum soon. The shape knob is just as I remember disliking on a Hartke amp there was at a rehearsal place I used to go to (why was I thinking it'd be different? ) and the harmonics knob doesn't do it for me. I don't hate it but... I really have no use for it, I don't think. I was hoping it will give me other sounds, I suppose. Ah well... anybody after a 15-min used Bass Atttack? edit: I just contacted Thomann to return it, and keeping the strings edit2: Thomann are fantastic: they just sent me a label, I pay nothing for the return!
  18. Well, mine arrived today! And the strings too
  19. [quote name='Jus Lukin' timestamp='1416850309' post='2614274'] Presumably this doesn't affect the parallel inputs on the back of the NY121? I use two linked, so need them to keep hooking up! Also, it looks like taking the handle off the top of the cabs might be the easiest way to get into them. Should be less fiddly than removing grille and speaker... don't know if that applies to the combos though. [/quote] No, the combos have a simple metal strip covered in rubber type of handle, screwed into the top, so you need to go from the front on the combos
  20. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1416845787' post='2614197'] You mean like TKS? [/quote] pssssssht!
  21. [quote name='stevie' timestamp='1416828355' post='2613898'] What has been the case for some years in these threads is that, sooner or later one, of the the Barefaced fanboys will start taking aggressive and personal potshots at anyone who expresses the mildest critisism of their beloved boxes. Like calling them "arrogant", for example, or "vultures" and describing comments as "sniping and facetious". And then - and I love this - they have the cheek to claim that posts, which are actually on topic, add nothing to the discussion. [/quote] Funny. You know how I discovered BF cabs? Through one heated thread about something or another about them. One of teh usual ones I had no experience nor opinion, but I did get the impression "man, there really are a few guys hellbent on criticising!". It seemed to me the vociferous (sometimes tedious too) side were a handful of anti-BF. I could name a couple of names, but if you followed BF threads, you'll know exactly who they are. It baffles me. It also baffles me that they are surprised when someone gets a bit fed up and call them on it. As it turns out I ended up with a pair of BF myself, as they satisfied my "light and loud" criteria, and although I'm not in love with them, I like them enough to not need to get rid off them any time soon. I have my criticisms about them too. I don't think they're the best sounding. But they do a decent job. For me. I can't think of many bits of equipment that I love 100%. There's always something that could be better. There are some bits of equipment I positively dislike. I may have contributed a couple of times disclosing why I don't like them, if it was appropriate, but I don't go around participating in every single thread about them to state how much I hate them and insist about it... because I think there's a difference between giving your negative opinion and being obnoxious, and the latter is going to elicit a response, sooner or later. So don't be surprised when it happens I'm glad I wasn't so vocal about my dislike for Precisions, because I truly hated them, for years. THAT would attract some flak! Especially as I eventually found a Precision that I fell in love with. But that's another story. The comment about the vultures did not surprise me at all... what surprises me is that, well, there's someone who hasn't shown up yet to the party, but he will
  22. [quote name='stoo' timestamp='1416832024' post='2613953'] Don't get the control plate - it won't fit your bass. IIRC they're sized for the old OLP basses. Didn't fit my EBMM SUB anyway.. [/quote] Good call! I have bought a few, without plate, but yeah, the very first I bought came with a plate and I remember the screw positions did not match well, but it did on my black OLP! I emailed John about that, he said he wasn't aware of it, and left it at that. So, definitely... no plate!
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