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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Andytre' timestamp='1416831575' post='2613945'] after all the positivity around the east pre amps, iv looked into them decided ill give one ago as everything iv heard about them is grea[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]t! going to go for the [/font][b]MMSR 3 KNOB 3 BAND [/b][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]for the sweepable mid and hopefully quell the GAS for a while! cheers for the advice guys may have saved me around £700 (for now!) is it worth getting it with the control plate? or will the factory one on the S.U.B fit everything nicely? [/font] [/quote] Best to reuse the plate, I think.
  2. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1416818288' post='2613766'] Are we looking at a different website here? The Barefaced site offers this: [color=#800080][i]We can also supply cables which require 4 pole Speakons for bridged amps (wired 1+/2+) for £15 each or series cables (one amp end speakon, two cab speakons, for making two 4 ohm cabs into an 8 ohm load or two 8 ohm cabs into a 16 ohm load) for £20 each[/i][/color] I'm not seeing much sign of "two pairs of 8ohm to give 4". Besides which, you wouldn't connect "two pairs" of cabs would you? You might connect two x 8-ohm cabs (each of which was a twin), and yes, that would give you a 4-ohm load. It just wouldn't need a special cable, is all. [/quote] the "two pairs" thing: yeah, I meant one pair of cabs. The two pairs came from thinking each cab has one pair of 8ohm speakers, in parallel = 4ohm. So two cabs together meant combining two pairs of 8 ohm speakers. And yup, the cable to allow you to wire two cabs in series rather than parallel is cool, but you'd get an 8 ohm load in series, not 4, that's why I was asking what the magic cable did
  3. [quote name='Count Bassy' timestamp='1416753212' post='2613168'] If it were me I'd remove the full pocket shim (which raises the fret board but keeps it parallel) and replace it with a much smaller shim at the bridge end of the pocket. This will alter the angle of the neck rather than just raise it, and have a much, much, greater effect than a parallel shim. Set the bridge height adjustments to around half way, fiddle with the shim depth to get the action somewhere close, and then use the bridge to fine adjust it. You'd probably find that less than 1 mm would have the desired effect. If the old shim is easily removable then this is a job you could do yourself for no cost. I presume that the neck relief and the nut are set about right? [/quote] This.
  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1416782867' post='2613616'] I've had a couple of these over the years and they work fine at 9V. [/quote] thanks!
  5. 3rd gig in a row without a Stingray? Well, I have played my last 5-6 not just without a Stingray but... with a PRECISION!!! I know, crazy, eh?
  6. as far as I know, you just buy it directly from Japan. Recommended.
  7. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1416692217' post='2612763'] It just means you probably have other priorities. However, your opinions on your gigs and your gigging experience is just as valid as the guy that gigs 6 times a month. Blue [/quote] fair assessment
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1416743087' post='2613035'] Give the guy a break! He's probably working on the not unreasonable assumption that 90% of people on forums are full of crap! [/quote]
  9. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1416741254' post='2613009'] I`ve now had 3 BF cabs, previously was a Compact/Midget, now am on a Super12T. I buy cabs for how they deal with the sound I want at the time, and currently the S12T is proving incredibly good. I wanted a cab that had very little colouration to the sound, so that I know what I hear from the cab is the same as what is DI`d to FOH. Also needed it to be powerful, light, and not too big. The S12T fits the bill on all of these. Before I bought it I thought about getting another, [b]along with the special lead that allows you to connect two up to a 4ohm head[/b], for bigger gigs. Now having used it at gigs I have no need sound-wise, but it would look good. And the handles work fine too. [/quote] how do you connect two pairs of 8ohm to give 4? 8ohm I see, but 4?
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1416671892' post='2612542'] Expect to see pics then.. [/quote] Well, ok... I have to do something while I wait, so... I ended up going for a couple of 1126 cabs, with their covers. I was not sure whether to go for the H115s instead, and Barrie suggested other alternatives, but when I explained my goals... the 1126 just seemed like the best option for me. I got one with the tweeter, one without. I'm pretty sure I would not miss a tweeter, and except for the tweeter in some Schroeder cabs and the one in the Barefaced BB2, I haven't really liked any nor the way they seem to be implemented in a bass cab. The 1126 extends up to 9KHz thanks to the 6" speaker, which to me is pretty high already in a bass cab... But still I had doubts, and Barrie was the one who suggested "you know? you'd probably not gain much by having a tweeter in both, used together, so you might as well just get one and hey presto you save £75"... so that's what I did. Expect me to say later how I keep the tweeter at minimum but I do like having options, in case. I'm having them in vertical configuration. The slot ports will be on one side then... not the prettiest, but it doesn't bother me really. It's a minor point. The covering will be, of course, red. I knew that before I even got interested in TKS. I thought about painting my current cabs... I don't know how many times So now I can have a pair of cabs in a very beautiful bright red, to go with my car and my hat, and my shoes and my T-shirt and... I don't know, guys, I hated the colour red, but in the past couple of years red is just the coolest colour to me. I'm having, as I type, the body of my ugly-loking natural 75RI Jazz refinished in red! (it was very poorly matched, grain coming in at different angles... not a pretty look Now, the hardest part was whether to decide cloth grille or not, and if not, I could still have the nice retro TKS frame, so would I go for it? and in what colour? Red like the rest? Beige for maximum "we're the 60s" factor? (hey, like my basses: red/maple!) what? THAT silly point is where I got very stressed about. Not the actual speakers, not about spending a good amount of hard earned cash on speakers I haven't had the chance to listen to in person... no... I was stressed out about the grille!!! Red frame with the black/silver cloth would look amazing, I think. But I felt it was a bit over the top, although I knew they would be accepted instantly as decoration in the hallway, rather than being exhorted to hide them in my little room I decided not to go for it... although I still think about it and go... "damn!" and I have to stop myself from calling "Barrie! Barrie! stoooop! I changed my mind!" I might still do just that on Monday, but I'll resist, for now. Red frame, without cloth, just the black metal grille... Now that's a bit less over the top and still extremely sexy. And I do like to see the outline of a speaker. Hmmm. Nice. Well, no. I went for no frame, no cloth, just standard black metal grille front. In the end I decided that it was the right combination of "look at me!" (red) and understated functional design. The 1126 fits really well in my boot. It's 52cm tall, which leaves about 4cm left -good job I changed cars recently, my previous car's boot was a lot shallower!- and both cabs will fit upright, side by side, leaving enough room for my head, stands, a bag with clothes, and more, all neatly tucked away in the boot. I never liked leaving anything on the backseat, in case somebody decides to have a better look, and when I carried the bigger speakers there was no option. Now only the bass(es) will ride on the back, and I can take it with me anywhere if we decide to go somewhere post-gig etc. Can't wait to test these cabs properly. They might arrive here in time for Xmas, which is nice. I'm away a few days over the festive period, but I'm flying back for our New Year's Eve gig, and it's a situation where the two small cabs would be ideal... Expect pictures, and words!
  11. [quote name='skej21' timestamp='1416672125' post='2612543'] I'm feeling guilty now as I too bombarded poor Barrie with emails about my order lol. Mine got to Bassgear yesterday and will be arriving with me on Wednesday :-) [/quote] He's great!
  12. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1416680955' post='2612635'] That's what we're here for 5 new cabs into production this week, should be a fun Xmas/ New Year for a few people! [/quote] you know what molan means in Spanish? Something like "I like them, they're cool"... My friend could ask me "hey, do you know this shop, BassGear, what are they like?" and I'd reply "molan!".
  13. Oh, well, MudPup got there first. I did mean to answer properly now!
  14. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1416681700' post='2612646'] As the thick kid in the class that doesn't know what this is, is it just a preamp, or something more? [/quote] we could tell you, but next thing we know, you'd be wanting to sit in the back of the bus with us!
  15. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1416686446' post='2612682'] What's that supposed to mean? That as a "once a monther" I don't get to have a valid opinion about gigging? Surely playing gigs once a month is still "gigging", no? What a bizarre thing to say. [/quote] I guess it doesn't earn you the extra stripe, or something
  16. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1416657924' post='2612352'] What have you gone and done..?? [/quote] aaaaaah, it's a seeecreeet Barrie at BassGear was excellent. We exchanged quite a few emails, talking about this and that, offering suggestions, alternatives... He also talked to other people, including Tommy at TKS, with my ideas/expectations/wishes... and it all finally converged into something rather exciting. Of course, once the exact cabs were chosen, another nightmare starts... - what do you mean "choose your finish"? Aaargh... so many options! I had a pretty good idea I wanted a specific colour... but... cloth grille? which? or no cloth grille? frame? if yes, same colour? Oh, there are other very tasty colours too? TOTAL NIGHTMARE, I TELL YOU!!!! I went for their covers too. They look good quality. So, about three weeks from now, they estimate...
  17. [quote name='Bigwan' timestamp='1416651991' post='2612242'] All of that really. I've had contact from Alex and, while I'm not overly happy that I haven't been kept informed, I'm satisfied that he's not making up excuses or sitting on his hands. Something else I found out, and another partial cause of the delay, is that these cabs are to be tolexed. News to me, but not unwelcome. [/quote] Tolex finish... nice!
  18. [quote name='rodma' timestamp='1416610158' post='2611996'] Have pulled the trigger on one a lovely green one of these and received it today. Up until reading the affordable 1975 bass thread I was totally happy with my sub ray 5, but that's the danger of basschat for you. I wouldn't have even looked at the thread if it hadn't been my YOB. I tried the superglue fix on the A string, but failed so used the rodma patented tiny folded piece of tinfoil fix, which is perfect until you have to change strings in anger. I changed the strings immediately so, Jose, since you were so kind to offer me a try out of the differing preamp sub tones, if you want another set of Jack and Danny strings, they are yours for the having. It's a really fun little bass to play, my fingers are now raw. [/quote] Glad you like it! Amazing bass for such little money, eh? And... beauuuutiful Ooooh, sure, I'd love those strings if you really don't want them! Thanks!!!
  19. Thank you all for the discussion and contributing to making my wallet lighter (about £1533 lighter!)
  20. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1416563666' post='2611423'] 5 years ago I lost a bass and £600 to Italy courtesy of Paypal and I vowed never again, but last week 2 basses I was interested in were both Paypal only. DEFINITELY never again, sell them to somebody else. [/quote] Hmmm, if I'm collecting in person and someone says "no, pay by paypal first"...
  21. [quote name='Andytre' timestamp='1416500279' post='2610936'] Iv been playing a Musicman Stingray SUB USA for around 7 years now, and i love the blooming thing, other basses have come and gone (Fender, Shecter, Yamaha, Spector) but the old SUB has always been there as my studio and main gigging bass, and even after all these years and loads of use its still in pretty damn good condition apart form a couple of paint chips on the headstock. the question is, is it REALLY worth upgrading to full Musicman stingray (2eq or 3eq)? would love some honest opinions! [/quote] The short answer is... NO. The long answer is... NOT REALLY, NO. Seriously, unless you'd just want the look of a Stingray, or the lack of body contours bothered you, or you wanted the 3-band EQ, or really wanted a maple fingerboard, the move to a Stingray would not be worth it. If you want the look of the Stingray, then get one, but don't expect it to feel better or sound better. If the lack of body contours annoys you, then get one, and enjoy the same sound you already had. If you want a 3-band preamp... buy the John East MMSR 3-band with 3 knobs (one is dual stacked), and enjoy the better preamp on your existing bass. If you want a maple fingerboard... ok, fine, get one! I own two SUBs and a Stingray (originally 2EQ). The Stingray has the MMSR preamp now, the SUBs are stock. It's just different looks, but essentially the same bass. The only thing that makes them sound different is the MMSR preamp I installed on the Stingray, and that one of the SUBs have the pickup wired in series (from new! a late 2003 model) rather than parallel, which gives it a slightly punchier sound. But the stock Stingray and the stock SUB that has the pickup wired in parallel (2006 model) were pretty much identical.
  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1416464389' post='2610409'] Not 'weak' - after all, what would be the point of a bass cab with 'weak' lows? Just very punchy, defined lows. [/quote] ok, call it "not as strong" as the others in the range don't shoot me, I'm just going by what's written in the description! Anyway... I sense two 1126 coming soon...
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