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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' timestamp='1416336400' post='2609186'] In that case, IMO you'll love a pair of S112s. [/quote] The blurb indicates they are the cabs with weakest bottom end of the range?
  2. [quote name='bassmayhem' timestamp='1416406385' post='2609853'] mcnach, I have a STL 900 and the 2126, the big brother to the 1126, as well as two H115's. Two 1126 cabs will NOT be percieved as "not as loud". They are more than enough powerful. Comparing the 1126 and H115, well, the 1126 has a more complex and full midrange, unbeatable for fretless bass. The H115 is more conventional and traditional sounding, but with a full and round low end. Definitely to order with a tweeter! I like them both. [/quote] Thanks for making me want both now How do you find the bottom end between the H115 (is that the newer smaller cabs or the older bigger ones?) and the 1126? I don't want a cab that's all mids and not enough bottom and requires a lot of EQ to sound "balanced".
  3. I wouldn't worry. Communication may not always be quick, but he'll get back to you. Trustworthy.
  4. [quote name='Maude' timestamp='1416343983' post='2609298'] Perfect logic [/quote] It makes sense, doesn't it? It's like that guy who sees a 5p coin on the floor "I'm not bending just to pick 5p!", so he picks a pound coin from his pocket and throws it to the ground "but for £1.05, that's different!" and bends and picks both coins.
  5. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1416330440' post='2609117'] Didn't try the H115 cab but the 1126 is a great cab in its own right. Fuller and deeper that the S112 and very good seperation between the low and highs, which I thought I would really go for. But, the clarity of the S112 was such that we unplugged the 1126 soon enough. The 1126 occupies ground I've covered elsewhere from a sound POV but if I hadn't, 2x1126 would be very attractive. I will very likely go for 2xS112 with horns ( but I accept most might not need them ) once I've sold my Berg's. If you only need one S112 with a horn and one without, the start-off prices ( without custom clothes/coverings ) are very very appealing. [/quote] The 1126 does seem, on paper, more my thing, I have to admit. Hmmm, it's frustrating, all I can do is read comments -which I appreciate, thank you!- but I can't get to try the things myself. It's quite a bit of cash for an impulse, but hey, we only live once, right? (and if I wait too long there's the risk I may want the money for something more sensible and boring )
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1416331086' post='2609126'] I'm going to take a shot and suggest a pr of S112's... They don't lack low end, but the aren't HUGE... [u][b]and if you want to hear a jazz, typically, you'll need cabs which speak well higher[/b][/u]. The S112's do this probably better than Bergs and SL's, IMO, and maybe trade a little low end to be able to do that. This is not a loss as far as I am concerned, Try and find WOT's video of his jazz through an S112 and that is how they sound LOUD. I believe the cabs sensitivity makes them ball park louder than the 1126 with the same amp and level, if I understood TKS's explaination, but the 1126 can be pushed harder with a louder amp. [/quote] I use a Jazz mostly with the bridge pickup only, so it's not your typical Jazz scooped sound with both pickups on. I might blend in a bit towards the neck sometimes - I have a J-Retro, which gives me a blend and I can fatten up with the onboard EQ, so it ends up being just a bit higher than a Stingray, really. You really like the S112s eh? I like their price
  7. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1416331124' post='2609127'] As far as I can gather TKS are using Eminence speakers and the 505cm[sup]3[/sup] displacement spec suggests that the H115 probably uses the Kappalite 3015, the same driver as your Compact. If the size and porting are different, the H115 and Compact may have differences in the lows, but the mids and highs should be very similar. [/quote] Hmmmm... not bad at all!
  8. I'm tempted by a few of the TKS offerings, as they seem to be the right size to carry two cabs in the boot of my car, come in the right colour (fundamental! ) and seem to offer the right balance of size/weight/power for my needs. Has anybody got experience of these cabs? The H115 was what caught my attention at first. I somehow have fond memories of playing with 2x 15" cabs so I'm naturally drawn to them. Oh, and they're a bit cheaper The 1126 is the same size, and by the specs it looks like it will have not as much low end, but it extends into the upper midrange more. I use a GB Streamliner 900 mostly with Stingray/Jazz, and I favour bridge pickups: good definition, rich midrange, but I like it fat, which the Streamliner provides very well. I don't go for very bright tones so the roll off at 5kHz of the H115 does not seem much of a problem. My Barefaced Compact rolls off at 4 KHz and sounds ok. Any experiences?
  9. [quote name='hamfist' timestamp='1416124580' post='2607007'] I have just bought a second one of these, to get a nice black, alder Jazz body, so now have quite a bit of experience of them. Several points worth mentioning .... 1/ THe bodies are superb, made of solid alder and are well finished. Fender dimensions (incl neck pocket) 2/ The necks are staggeringly good to play. Are made from good wood and are stable. The edge of the frets may be a little sharp in places but this is so easy to rectify it is almost a non-problem. THe general fretwork (as is level-ness) is very good on both of mine. The lacquer finish on both necks I have is cracked around the binding in the upper frets region - I don't care about this - it's a budget neck. Has std fender J dimensions - 63.5mm neck heel width. 3/ THe pickups are some of the best J pickups I have played in a modern, punchy with a bit of twang way. Not particularly vintage sounding. 4/ The tuners are not fit for purpose. They have a "waist" and on the E and A strings will not easily allow the string to be pulled low enough to get a nice resonant tone on those strings. If you buy one of these basses, be prepared to change the tuners to ones with straight posts. 5/ The nuts can be variable. ONe my first one, the A string was cut too low, and I have heard others report this. On my second, it was perfect, in fact better set up than any other new bass that I have played - amazing (but probably a bit of luck too). 6/ electrics - mini-pots, 250K, work well, not shielded, but no nasty noises. 7/ Strings - roundwounds, I actually like them a lot. 8/ Bridge - awful. It does the job but is wafer thin and has no slots on the bridge plate to stop any side-to-side movement of the barrels when you pick hard. 9/ Tone - really very, very good. On average, much better than any Squier J I have played. For me, Squier skimp on quality woods and I can hear this. The basics of the J&D is good wood and good pickups. The ancilliary bits and bobs are a bit sh1t but they are cheap and easy to change. Overall a great budget Jazz. I actually like the necks so much, I have them on both my main basses now. [/quote] I pretty much agree on everything. 2) I love the neck, indeed! Slightly sharp frets, easily corrected. ON mine they were level, allowing for nice low action easily. 3) great pickups! I find them a bit "hot" and can distort if slapping. I can't screw them further into the body easily, nor I want to because finger style they sound fantastic and I don't want to change the sound. I bought some pickups for it, but never bothered changing them! 4) The tuners seem fine to me. 5) My nut was cut too low on the A and D strings. Temporarily fixed it with superglue... I'll replace the nut some day soon... maybe. 6) pots became scratchy within a couple of months, and neck pickup volume cuts out sometimes... needed replacing. 7) YES!!! I really like those strings. I'd like to find where I could buy them. Not "better" than the DR Fat Beams I like so much, but they are very nice! 8) NO compaints about the bridge, but then I like the old BBOT style bridges. I might consider one with threaded saddles, to adjust the string spacing a tiny bit wider, perhaps. I have gigged with this bass in stock form, and it performed beautifully. Killer bass!
  10. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1416224968' post='2608006'] Thanks Conan! Never heard of that retailer before so will look for other goodies later. Lefty J&D Jazz basses for £97 with solid alder bodies is very very tempting, even though they don't do the maple fingerboards sadly. What are they like under the pick guard? Are there big routs out for the pickups and so on? Could be tempted to "Jaco" their lefty sunburst J if it looks ok without the pickguard [/quote] The routing is a bit oversized,so not ideal, but it's not extremely ugly either. I could live with it:
  11. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1416269706' post='2608639'] Lol, good work. I think you'll like it, I had one and it sounded good but I was only using it as a home practice tool so it fell by the wayside when I got a B3 and started messing around with more sounds. If I was a richer man I'd have kept it around for occasional live use. [/quote] well, I wanted to buy some strings, but it seemed such a hassle to go through the checkout just for a set of strings... but now, with the Hartke pedal added, I could finally order the strings I wanted
  12. I am being very very tempted by these cabs... I have not had the chance to try any in person, having missed m chance a few months ago, but three things make me keep coming back to the TKS page... 1) Continued positive reviews from people who have enough experience to know, and some of which have tried some of the same cabs I have tried and they preferred TKS... 2) Crucially, I can find a couple of offerings that would allow me to build a very decent rig where I can fit TWO cabs in the boot of my car. My boot is about 55-56cm deep, and the cabs are 52cm tall: PERFECT. 3) Shiny: I can get them in red, ooooh! I was initially attracted to the H112 and newer H115 cabs, which have very similar sizes. But it seems the H112 is no longer available, however the 1126 is the same size as the H112 and the specs look more interesting (except perhaps have lower sensitivity?). So, I'm very tempted to bite the bullet and choose either 2x H115 or 2x 1126, and see what happens. My current rig works well enough. I'm not "in love" with it, but it's light and compact enough, and louder than I need. However, it's a bit of a hassle to transport as only one cab fits in the boot of my car and I don't like leaving things on the backseat in case it tempts someone into breaking in... A slightly smaller yet powerful rig (such as either of those two combinations) would be very welcome. And red! It's hard to describe the sound I go for... but I'll try. I use mostly a Stingray or a Jazz, although lately a Precision has been creeping in. I like midrange, and a solid bottom end but with definition: bridge pickups are my friends. My main band has a very eclectic style, that's some kind of fusion of ska and funk, mostly. We're not quiet: 3-piece brass section and 3 guitars, as well as drums and myself, with three vocalists. But we're not crazy loud. I use a Genz Benz Streamliner 900 mostly, and I don't make it work very hard using a 1x15 and a 1x12 cab. I don't mind a rig that might not get quite as loud, but is smaller and easier to carry, as long as it still has a reasonable bottom end (sometimes smaller cabs are a disappointment that way) even if I don't need tons of it. I wonder if anyone has experienced the 1126 and/or H115 and could steer me towards one or the other. It's very unlikely I'll be able to try before I buy, so it's going to be a bit of a gamble. I'm leaning towards the H115, because I just have this warm memory of 15" speakers (I know, it probably means little), and looking at the displacement numbers it probably sounds "bigger" and louder than the 1126... and it's cheaper but the specs of the 1126 also look interesting, and although I don't play normally with a lot of top end, it looks like it might be a little less dark than the H115, and perhaps offer better definition and a more "modern" sound? Hmmm... Help! PS: Love the handles
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1416181912' post='2607793'] How could I possibly have known you were Spanish, Jose? [/quote] Que?
  14. I love his take on this too http://youtu.be/e44SdbQiXQs
  15. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1416132548' post='2607081'] Reach things in high places! [/quote]
  16. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1416074774' post='2606650'] Sorry, I didn't mean to exclude Scottish homosexuals. [/quote] ... don't forget Spanish ones too
  17. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1416070487' post='2606603'] We're [u][b]English[/b][/u] bass players, and therefore homosexuals. [/quote] not all of us
  18. [quote name='paulbkeeves' timestamp='1415925657' post='2605407'] Pm... [/quote] and PM'd back
  19. I'm still active on TalkBass, 'though. It does have a lot to offer, if nothing else because it's a much larger place. The idiots tend to be more visible, or loud, or both, but just like here... it's part of the view. Learn to ignore them, and both forums have a lot of good things to offer. Exercise discretion, that's all.
  20. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1415987752' post='2605908'] In 2007 I had a warning for using the word 'tits' on TB. This wasn't the main reason for opening BC but it was one of them! Funnily enough, BC's forbear 'Bassworld' was created off the back of a thread on Talkbass called 'British Bassists' or something. We thought "We should have our own forum". I rarely visit any more but I've always found it a friendly and informative forum. ped [/quote] I never received a warning on TB, but I often quietly roll my eyes and bite my tongue at ridiculous actions/statements by "moderators". It really smells funny, their style. Or maybe is the sycophantic attitude of some towards moderators that smells funny. Regardless, if that is a contributing factor to the creation of what is now BassChat... I LOVE YOU, MODERATORS OF TALKBASS!!!! Ha!
  21. [quote name='DavidMcKay' timestamp='1415993418' post='2605995'] Discreet Like it. I'm high-fiving that one. Which just goes to show that not all Scotsmen are dour and without a sense of humour! [/quote] but did you have a knife on the other hand?
  22. Nice bass, eh? And indeed, the 35" scale made no difference whatsoever to me. Because I read the specs, otherwise I'd have thought it was the standard 34".
  23. [quote name='Muppet' timestamp='1415990425' post='2605939'] Apologies for dragging this up but better that than starting a new thread... What were the results of any of these modifications any update? I bought a 121P and rather that disconnecting the tweeter I took it and the 'crossover' out of play completely by connecting the speaker lead that comes from the amp output directly to the speaker. Sounds great to my ears and no need to consider a replacement tweeter. And completely reversible. Steve [/quote] Sounds like I might do this myself. I have the HT-30, but after cutting away the excess plastic I realised it does not fit perfectly in the hole, and I didn't feel like starting filing away (won't need much, 'though)... but I should have tried that.
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