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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. dunno, neck looks fine to me, and so do the tuning pegs...
  2. [quote name='Raslee' timestamp='1414608088' post='2591327'] Glad you guys see the difference between Tube & SS. In my research before getting mine i often read that there was no difference...i can hear the difference and i'm allegedly deaf. Great amps the LMT's, it's definitely in the good books with me at the moment [/quote] It is indeed a subtle difference. I found I liked mine best with the mix control set at 50-50 (where it gets louder too!), or a little more towards the "tube" side. But I also liked what it sounded like with the knob fully anticlockwise on "solid state", where it sounds a bit "muffled" perhaps... I don't know, hard to explain!
  3. [quote name='Mexicola' timestamp='1414584709' post='2590921'] I was wondering if there is a pedal that 'dirties up' your tone a bit by adding upper harmonics. Not necessarily a gain pedal but a pedal that specifically adds extra harmonics and overtones to your sound? Does such a pedal exist? [/quote] Ibanez PD-7 Phat Hed. It is an overdrive and distortion pedal... but forget the OD and Dist modes... if you use it in Clean mode, the drive won't have any effect, but you will be able to use the 2-band EQ *and* the Attack switch. The Attack switch adds this kind of dirty overtones and it's really cool. Try it! Pretty cheap pedals too.
  4. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1414235102' post='2587326'] [i][color=#000000][font=Verdana]Picture the scene. Sicily, 1947. A monkey. With a volume pedal. He has tinnitus, so he doesn't like loud noises, but needs things to be a certain volume level in order to hear them, poor little mite. He is wearing headphones. When you play, if it's too loud, he turns the volume down a little. If it's too quiet, he turns it up. He can do this quite quickly if he wants, but there's a big dial in front of him, telling him how fast he's allowed to turn the volume control. [/font][font=Verdana]There's another control that determines how loud his headphones are compared to your guitar.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Verdana]Pop the little chap in a box and paint it (traditionally) blue and off you go. Oh, it might be a good idea to replace him with some sort of electronics gubbins, to save his poor hearing.[/font][/color] [color=#000000][font=Verdana]Some compressors allow you to have a little effect loop in between your guitar and his headphones, so that you could (for instance) have him only listen to the bass part of your guitar sound, but work the volume control according to that.[/font][/color][/i] [color=#000000][font=Verdana]Can't take the credit for that---it was written by Andi Allan at MonkeyFX. [/font][/color] [/quote]
  5. [quote name='Astronaut_Abort' timestamp='1414623330' post='2591643'] I see.. always been told to be careful with the truss rod adjustment.. [/quote] Nothing to be afraid of, just be sensible: if it is too hard to turn... don't force it. That's all. If you tighten it (clockwise) you'll go against the pull of the strings, decreasing the relief, flattening the neck. If you loosen it, you let the string pull bend the neck adding relief. So, if you change strings and you use a set that reduces the pull, you may find the neck loses relief and the strings buzz against the frets. In that case, turn the truss rod anticlockwise, to let the strings pull the neck a little more. How much? I'd probably do a quarter or half a turn at the time, and see how it goes. Contrary to what some say (probably the same ones that tell horror stories and warn against touching the truss rod), the neck changes shape pretty fast... so you'll tell straight away. If you think it needs more, then another half turn or so... and repeat until happy. Small adjustments and check often. Once you are done, you may find that after a few hours, or the next day, the neck has changed a TINY bit. That can happen, so don't worry. You just might need a further fine-adjustment, but that should be it. Don't be afraid of the truss rod. The neck often changes with the seasons: humidity changes and temperature. It's not unusual to have to do some minor adjustments to an instrument once or twice a year. If you were happy with the setup before you changed strings, you will not have to touch the saddles. The truss rod is the correct tool to adjust relief changes brought about by string tension changes or humidity changes... Changing string gauges won't affect the saddles! All you want is to restore the nect curvature to the way it was before.
  6. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1414619927' post='2591586'] I like a solid mass ..as opposed to a cheap plate but not sure how much difference in sound you can hear, but I think it could help the string speak a bit better... But... this is just a small part of the chain and it also depends on the quality of the rest of the components, IMO. Great bridge but pretty poor wood or anything else ... means a waste of time and money, to me..!! [/quote] +1 Would it make a difference? Possibly. Will it be an improvement? I don't think you can predict the outcome. As long as the bridge functions as it should, I would not turn to it in order to change the sonic qualities of a bass. There are other more important factors. But most of all, you can't predict that *if* you hear a difference, it will be for the better. So I'd say change it if it doesn't allow you the adjustment you want, or you prefer a different look, but don't expect a bridge change to turn your bass into a vastly superior instrument.
  7. "barely noticeable" yeah, barely noticeable in the fog at 50 metres!
  8. [quote name='Kevin Dean' timestamp='1414615553' post='2591488'] I have a TC 250 & it sounds thin sounding compared to my Little Rocker this does have a [b]Mute pull on the master volume[/b] ...But in my opinion it is a daft idea because when gigging if you have sweaty hands like I get trying to pull the master knob isn't that easy & it's too easy to change the volume . I also have a MOmark but only the 250 frame & I think this is under powered , [/quote] My LM Tube 800 also has a mute, the same type: pull on the volume knob. I don't find it hard to grab and pull at all... but then I don't get sweaty hands during gigs, so I don't know how it performs "in the wet" However I did find a bit annoying the fact that you have to be careful not to alter the volume while doing so. Silly design, it should be a separate button. But still, I'm glad it has a mute, rather than none at all (where I would just turn down entirely, so the volume knob also would be altered )
  9. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1414610515' post='2591368'] I don't understand how so many people use TC when they've lied about the power output of their amps?! [/quote] Because they like the sound and the thing really is loud enough for many? I owned an RH450 for a while. I liked it when I bought it and it didn't suddenly sound weak when I found out it wasn't 450W In the end I sold it because I discovered I liked other amps better (MarkBass in particular, then Genz Benz too). But I'd agree it was a pretty silly move by TC Electronic. Or was it? When I was looking for an amp, if I had read "236W" (or even 250!), I admit I would have not considered it. So they got my attention through that lie, and I suspect the attention of many others. That led to a sale. But the sale was made through my trying it and liking it. I was allowed to take it to rehearsal before making up my mind... and it just seemed to work great. I like other amps better now, but it doesn't mean the RH450 is rubbish.
  10. [quote name='JazzBassfreak' timestamp='1414540776' post='2590583'] Any trades matey? [/quote] Hmmm, not really looking for any trades, I'm afraid, but you're welcome to tempt me by PM if you have any ideas.
  11. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1414531398' post='2590419'] Is it Made in China, or Korea? [/quote] Ha! crucially the back of headstock picture is all blurry I'll update it. It's made in China, I'm pretty sure (I could go to the other room and check but... ) It's one of what I call "version 2". The first ones were mostly natural/maple and pretty heavy with chunky necks, and VTT controls. I had one, not nice. The second ones were better, with necks that were wide but shallow... overall a bit slimmer than modern Stingrays, and the more common VVT controls. They were mostly black, or silver or metallic blue. After this, the versions that came afterwards used the smaller kind of bridge and the slightly more angular bodies, and fancier tops.
  12. "Delxue" series! Will this typo make this bass an investment?
  13. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1414524650' post='2590280'] It's awesome, apart from the fact that the different parts of the song are very different, so you have to switch quickly between playing ultra-fast at the low end of the neck to playing double stops way up at the 17th fret on the D and G strings. [/quote] I don't play any double stops on that song... I may have to re-listen to that song again!
  14. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1414523710' post='2590263'] Hmmmm....nice amp, although not in the market for one at the mo. But if you ever feel like moving your Barefaced Compact on, I'm your man. [/quote] I'll keep that in mind, although it's not looking likely at the time... If anything, I might buy a second one!
  15. [quote name='sharkboy' timestamp='1414523983' post='2590268'] That bloody song is a curse! I've got our keyboard player trained to shout "Hipshot!" in my ear as soon as the song is finished [/quote] Ha ha! True! We used to start our first set with By The Way, and soooo many times I forgot to switch the lever back for the second song
  16. Now with pictures: It comes with black Warwick straplocks, I forgot to mention... bit dusty... doesn't get much use lately... easy-access battery compartment.
  17. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1414460111' post='2589560'] These little Mark tubes sound excellent in my book [/quote] Thank you They do indeed. Pretty powerful too!
  18. [quote name='Muzz' timestamp='1413893812' post='2583189'] * "They look weird, you want to get one of those Fenders, mate..." said by punter looking at my Dingwall and Shuker... [/quote] At least those are relatively obscure to non-bassists.... but I once got a similar comment about my Stingray. We were second to last band at a village hall type of event, and after we finished I went to the bar to get a drink. A guy started talking to me about the band, and then said something about my "little bass". I had just bought it, so I was happy to talk about my Stingray. Then he said something about how it was ok, but one day I should try a proper bass, and how he used to play in a band and had a Fender Precision, with a pause that I presume was inviting me to say "really, you played a Fender? wooow". But I didn't. I just gave him a brief history lesson about Leo Fender's companies after he left Fender . Of course, I had to say that "the Stingray was obviously an attempt to improve and update the Precision, ner ner ner". Well, ok, without ner ner ner... And no, I don't believe the Stingray is an updated anything, but I had to try to make him feel a bit foolish now
  19. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1413816820' post='2582247'] I didn't realise how much cheaper the TKS cabs were. I had to go back and make sure I'd done the conversion right. [/quote] I also had to recheck... Although a fairer comparison would be with the H212, not the S212 cab... Barefaced Big Twin - 22.5kg - £999 Bergantino CN212 - 20.8kg - 1000 TKS S212 - 21kg - £412 TKS H212 - 21kg - £608 which is still a lot cheaper... and, crucially, you could get it in red, I repeat, RED covering, for a mere £30 extra! The TKS range looks very attractive. If they perform anything close to the equivalent BF cabs (which I am personally very happy with, and surprised at how much air one can move with a very light and portable setup), BF will have a tough fight in their hands... I wanted to try a TKS earlier this year, but did not manage to, and found someone with a BF BB2 that I could test... and I bought one as I liked it a lot.
  20. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1412852189' post='2572636'] No manufacturer has ever offered me a new handle because the old one broke but I read that Alex has offered to replace broken handles FOC. [/quote] Add MarkBass to the list
  21. [quote name='Toasted' timestamp='1412778554' post='2571951'] ... because Alex Claber is the speaker prophet-messiah-guru-ghandi and can do no wrong. [/quote] I was catching up on the trhead, and I was surprised not to find your name... but here you were, so predictable!
  22. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1414404784' post='2588875'] I've had the Streamliner 900 and the Shuttle 9.2 The Shuttle is a really great little amp - very transparent and you can dial in a great number of tones in a very intuitive way (ie each control does exactly what you expect it to) Very versatile, although I wasn't too fond of the overdriven tone. The Streamliner is a very interesting little monster. It has a lot more natural heft than the Shuttle, and the OD is quite respectable. The tone controls all seem to affect eachother, so there is a lot more playing about to do to get the tone you're after, but when you do find that tone, it seems more musical and less clinical than that of the Shuttle. It won't do super-bright, but the top end is lovely and smooth. All IMO of course. They are both really nice amps. [/quote] I have both Shuttle 9.2 and Streamliner 900... both nice amps indeed, very nice. I thought the 9.2 was going to be more my thing, but to my surprise I prefer the Streamliner... but I would be happy with either really. I love the thick tone I get from the Streamliner, so easily, with just a hint of overdrive. The Shuttle 9.2 has plenty of bottom end, but I find the Streamliner easier to dial just the right amount in.
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