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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='UglyDog' timestamp='1414496478' post='2589783'] Even 14lbs would be pretty extreme. [/quote] exactly! That would be a very heavy bass... but a 14Kg bass would be a monstrosity!
  2. [quote name='Lucien' timestamp='1410821280' post='2553667'] Hey mate, I have one of those too, but I notice a few differences about the woods, in mine, the body is of a lighter shade, and the wood veins are much more dense, it's also very heavy (14Kg), the maple neck is a bit weird as the wood kind of looks like a burl, and the fretboard is flamed. I absolutely love it, it isn't my main bass, that one is another Harley Benton, the PB-50, but the JB-75 nat is a peach! I got it as a "deko" item, payed 45€ at the time, I think, and it has no faults except a scratch in the G string tuning key. I just have one advice, you should redo the ground and shielding, I also changed the pots and jack in mine, but the overall difference wasn't that notorius. Oh and the pickups, last month I swaped them in a trade for a pair of J's that came in an American Standard Fender Jazz, a deal which I regret as I think the Wilks sounded better, at least they were more balanced, this set has a very poor mid and high ranges, I'll swap them for a set of Malagoli Custom 60 when I can. Great buy, congratulations! [/quote] 14 [color=#ff0000][b]kg[/b][/color]??? you sure???
  3. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1414409481' post='2588937'] What a wuss! You're supposed to gouge a hole there with your thumb! [/quote]
  4. Here's the last of my OLPs... Black body and maple neck/fingerboard, with black pickguard (I believe I may have a while one laying around, I'll check and if I find it I'll include it) I replaced the pickup with a Seymour Duncan SMB4A Basslines, alnico, wired in parallel as in a Stingray. I also installed a 2-band EQ preamp, clone of the Stingray preamp, purchased by someone at this forum who was making them a while ago. You can't get closer to the Stingray sound than this, at this price... The body is not in pristine condition, it's seen some action and it's probably 15 years old or so, so it's got a few minor dings and marks, but it's generally in pretty good condition. The bass was set up by a luthier I know who does my guitars, nut was replaced, frets levelled and the edges of the fingerboard slightly rolled... it plays really nicely with lowish action. Price includes delivery in the UK. I can't link to the pictures right now, but I'll do it later... so watch this space Comes with a gigbag.
  5. Excellent condition. (Pictures on post #4 below) Adjustable between tube/solid state preamp with a blend knob Two inputs with separate adjustable gain knobs (one is a combo standard jack/XLR, and has switchable phantom power) Very nice DI, pre/post adjustable, with level knob. The master volume knob is a push/pull type that doubles as a mute. FX loop and the usual MarkBass 4-band EQ with VLE and VPF filters... Recent GAS forces me to sell this beauty... £450 includes delivery (UK) I'll post pictures of the actual amp later. Here's one like it:
  6. Rehearsal last night with the Precision... A bit different from what I'm used to, so I tweaked the EQ a couple of times, but that was it. Loving it! Got two Halloween gigs coming up, Friday and Saturday... I think I'll take this baby out on Friday and see how it goes. I stuck a little thumb rest closer to the bridge, where I tend to pluck most of the time, and it feels so at home now. It's amazing how much the tone changes when plucking at different places, eh?
  7. [quote name='tonyclaret' timestamp='1414308140' post='2587975'] Did the source audio get the chop then? I have a manta which sounds pretty good. Got a filter twin as part of a trade recently and haven't even tried it out unbelievably, put it straight in the sale section. think I may need to give it another go before carelessly moving it on. [/quote] No, I still have both the SA BEF and the Filter Twin. I like both a lot, and they're different enough to make it hard to choose... but at the same time I'd be happy with either, I am sure. I'd like to try the Manta, as it may just solve my issue with the size of the SA BEF and it seems to have a few extra functions, but I haven't found one to buy sh to try.
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1414180238' post='2586902'] [b]Nothing like proper wood in your hand[/b]. I had to have a go at mine with a Scotchbrite pad before it gave satisfaction... ... it was too sticky and I couldn't move my hand up and down quickly enough. [/quote] Well, it can be argued that it's better in her hand... but I think I'll leave it there.
  9. Well, I couldn't wait anymore, and I just installed a mint green pickguard to replace the gold one... I love the look, but most importantly, I no longer make weird faces when my nail drags on the pickguard Now all the weird faces I may make are just pure and adulterated standard bassfaces That colour is so hard to photograph right!!!
  10. [quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1414179868' post='2586891'] We should start a fan club for these necks! Congrats on the new bass, I knew you would love it :-) [/quote] Indeed! I was almost scared to even try them, as some talk about them as if they were veritable beasts... but the only beast-like think about this bass is the sound it makes! I mean that in a good way
  11. [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1414173133' post='2586761'] Small 'blemishes' in wood (grain markings and other figurings) are very useful as they're like fingerprints - a really handy way to identify an instrument. Enjoy and Happy New Bass Day! [/quote] Good point! I just hope I never have to be in a position where I have to prove the was was mine.
  12. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1414165523' post='2586657'] The best sounding and most resonant P I ever played was also a Classic 50s in sunburst. I'd heard so many good things about the Roadworn, and was lucky enough to find one of each for sale locally at good prices so got them in to try. The Roadworn was much lighter but just felt lifeless compared to the Classic 50s, just seemed to sing when played unplugged. The only reason I sold it was because it was too wide at the nut and the edges of the fretboard were rather sharp which dug in uncomfortably on fingers when fretting low notes on the E. That and the slightly sticky feeling of the glossy neck. [/quote] I never tried a Precision roadworn, but I have tried a couple of Jazz ones, and they were very light too. Light, but balanced. This one is not that light, but it's still on the light side of average at 4 Kg exactly (8.8 lbs for those of you who refuse to be civilised ), and it's not as well balanced as the light roadworn Jazzes. If you take the hands off the bass, this one drops the neck a bit towards the floor. Not enough to call it "neck dive", fortunately, as THAT would make me return it... I can't stand neck-dive on instruments, I'm very intolerant when it comes to that. This one is just not perfectly balanced, but it's alright. The roadworn series is pretty cool. Great instruments. Just not very fond of the "dings made to order". Not just that, but the fact that they tend to look a lot alike in the "damage"... Going to a gig and find the band we share the bill with has a bassist with another roadworn would probably feel like going to a ball and finding your ex is with someone wearing the very same dress you do. If I were a woman and wore dresses The glossy neck is definitely a matter of preference. I quite like them. The wide neck is just perfect. I started playing bass after years exclusively playing guitar, so I found the Jazz was the bass for me... the Precisions I tried had scary massive necks! But over time I developed a preference for bigger necks. This one is a Goldilocks neck: it feels just right in my hand
  13. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1414163651' post='2586631'] Very nice... looks more like Dakota Red to me, though I'm probably wrong... [/quote] It's VERY hard to photograph. It's nothing at all like Dakota red. It's sold as fiesta red, but it's more orangey and less pinkish, and a bit darker. Under various types of lights it can look brighter red, dark orange, or a weird dark orangey-red kind of colour that's hard to describe
  14. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1414162694' post='2586619'] Lovely looking bass Let me know if you do want to move that pickguard on... I'd like to try one on my sunburst P. [/quote] Cheers! I'll keep it in mind, but I think I'll probably keep it, in case I want to restore it to the original look... However, I don't see myself letting this bass go, ever, and I don't see myself using it with the metal pickguard... so I may well decide to let it go after all... hmmm. I'll let you know if I do.
  15. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1414172570' post='2586755'] How do they feel to use? Do you ever get questions at gigs? [/quote]
  16. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1414176241' post='2586814'] Look, I know it's them, you know it's them, the whole world knows it's them but I'm in denial because they have a collective age that's younger than the cheese in my fridge and I'll never play like that if I make 100 [/quote] oh, I know, I can't help hating them bitterly too... In my mind I see the little guy as an embryo, dividing fast... meanwhile, I am playing bass somewhere... then the embryo forms into a foetus, you see the little limbs now, the fingers are clearly seen, tiny little buds... and meanwhile I'm playing about the same thing I did earlier on my bass... then he is born... and he learns to walk, to talk, to pee in the toilet, to use cutlery, to read, while I'm still having difficulty with the same songs I did earlier. Then he gets a bass... I blink, and he's replaced me in my band... Oh, I hate him.
  17. [quote name='FEND3R' timestamp='1414169187' post='2586708'] I know what You mean. For the same reason I shot the guard of my custom 57 with a clear coat (can be seen above). Not the best solution, but still an option if You want to keep the looks. [/quote] Too late, mint green pickguard mounted this very evening!
  18. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1414176604' post='2586819'] Erm, he's responding to a satire of audio woo which was deliberately as wrong as possible in as many ways as possible. Was this not obvious when it was a post pretending to sell green tape that you stick on your bass saying that it would make your bass sound better? It's looking to me as there has been a severe case of *whoosh* here. That the tape absolutely does not work, and could not work in the way described was the entire point. [/quote] I'm pretty sure he understood that, as I did. He just noticed the statement about the objects looking the way they do [1] -and the chlorophyll thing- being wrong, as I did... It didn't look to me a deliberate mistake, as the amusing point of the green tape was a separate issue. I was this far (thumb and index very close together) to point it out as well, but couldn't be bothered I'm sure it was not meant to embarrass, but to point out something that maybe was just misunderstood by you (and/or others). Not worth getting upset about [1] i.e: the colour you see is the light reflected, not the light absorbed.
  19. So, as a long time "dismisser" of P basses (which still didn't deter me from owning a few, trying to figure out what it was all about), I have been over the past year and a half or so "appreciating" their sound a bit more. And finally, I bought a "proper" Precision. This is the Classic 50, in "fiesta red" although it looks like a slightly toasted fiesta red to me, I don't know... And it is without question the nicest Precision I have ever played. A friend of mine loves his '74 Precision and yeah, it was nice, but... it didn't really make me ditch my Sue Ryder Over time I have tried various Precisions in shops, but I was never really taken by any. So why suddenly do I buy this one? Not sure! Because it was there, I suppose! No, lately I have been listening a lot more to the P-bass sound, but I am really a Stingray/Jazz player. However, the Precision held an air of mystery to me... and I loved the look of this one... I became intrigued, and before I even had the chance to try one (been travelling, and not playing, which is bad as it makes me look for shiny things to buy online ) I found myself ordering one. It's a fantastic bass!!! I can't fault it, and I try. Well, little things. The back of the neck has a small blemish... In a shop, I'd probably just ask for another to try etc, but it just feels soooo good, there's no way I would return this bass for a mere cosmetic mark. Here it is: The wood is dark at that spot, it does not affect the way the neck feels or anything. And the bass is just a dream to play. It was almost in tune when I took it out of the case, and all I did was tune it, and spread the strings a tiny bit wider, as I like wide spacing (those threaded saddles are great!)... and that's it. The tuners are a bit weird, as they turn the opposite way normal tuners do, something to do with being "period realistic", but no biggie. The colour is a bit darker than I expected, but it's still red... and I like red. The pickguard is... weird, it feels weird, and when my nail scratches it... agh, I hate that feeling, like nails on a blackboard... It's going to go. Mint white would be nicer. The neck is... FANTASTIC. I read a lot about them... how big they are and this and that... but it didn't seem it would be clubby, and it isn't. It's wide, which I like, and a relatively shallowish profile, which makes playing it really comfy for me. The setup was perfect... small frets, lowish action, no significant fret buzz unless I go mad... and the sound? The sound is excellent. Whatever pickups these basses use, they're good. I don't feel I want to change anything in this bass, other than the odd-feeling pickguard. I play mostly finger style, and I love the prominent mids, and how responsive it seems to be to how hard I play. Nice tone control too for a passive bass. I seem to like the tone rolled off a bit... which gives me scope to get a bit more aggressive by opening it up fully, or darken it but turning down. And the slap tone is just DELICIOUS. It's just so easy to play! I don't know why I didn't like Precision basses in the past. It's taken me quite a few years to start appreciating them, and this one is finally *it* for me. Finally a Precision I see myself using a lot. Well, I doubt it'll make me change my mind about Stingrays and jazz, as I tend to prefer the bridge pickup... but there is a place for Precisions in my playing, and this bass will occupy that place admirably, I am sure. That neck! What a neck... Rehearsal on Sunday, let's see what it sounds like then
  20. [quote name='Woodinblack' timestamp='1412960159' post='2573712'] Thats not true though - go on youtube you can hear isolated vocals of loads of songs and most of them are men (which is probably as it tends to be rock acts and there are more men). That is just an article by someone on their own hobby horse who didn't bother doing any research [url="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5TqrD7I6G6idEcV8ymcHf02x22oJt6Vt"]https://www.youtube....mcHf02x22oJt6Vt[/url] Personally I think her voice in that is fine, in that it sounds pretty much like her voice in the mix. Her guitar is awful but I assume that is just there as a prop, not to be played. [/quote] That's my view too. There's this video of the band in Paris... She forgets the chords at the beginning, which I know it can happen even if you played the song a million times, the brain has a way of playing with us sometimes , but you can hear the same kind of guitar sound, out of tune too, and as soon as the song kicks in, her guitar is dropped from the mix. [url="http://youtu.be/BG6xZlBUDD4"]http://youtu.be/BG6xZlBUDD4[/url]
  21. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412959684' post='2573706'] From the Guardian: Raw power: why mocking the isolated vocals of Courtney Love is misogynistic Raw audio of Courtney Love performing was posted online by a vengeful sound engineer. But male musicians are rarely exposed like this, so is it just another means to tell women they don’t belong? [url="http://www.theguardian.com/music/musicblog/2014/oct/10/raw-power-why-mocking-isolated-vocals-of-courtney-love-is-misogynistic"]http://www.theguardi...is-misogynistic[/url] [/quote] you're not seriously suggesting this was posted because she is bla... oh, sorry, because she's a woman, right?
  22. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1412852118' post='2572633'] And this is WITH the band. Sounds alright to me, and it's a good song. This would have been near the end of the set, and at the end she says the PA is killing her voice. If you've tried singing on stage and the monitoring isn't right you'll know what she means. Despite the sound guy saying he just likes to share, he clearly has a massive beef about not getting paid, and rightly, but to do what he's done is bang out of order in my book, for to me, it's clearly a revenge tactic, and Courtney Love would not be the person seeing the invoice. So, J.M.Ladd, you're a f***ing dick. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13QNXpJugBc[/media] [/quote] That sounds good because... her guitar is inaudible in the mix! It is not exactly unusual for singer/guitarists to use a guitar as little more than a prop, having the backing of other guitarists in the band. They get to play some bits (msostly intros), and look cool with a guitar, then the sound engineer ensures the appropriate mix makes it to FOH with little of that person's guitar.
  23. [quote name='ubit' timestamp='1414140978' post='2586255'] It's got to be fake cos look at how much the audience is getting into it, plus the guy would never work again if he done that to someone! [/quote] That's clearly not the mix that made it out, live, FOH, he wouldn't be that stupid. But rather, if he recorded it, he can put this alternative mix on YouTube, allowing her vocals and guitar to be distinct from everything else, to illustrate her performance. Like I said, watch the video I posted from Paris. She has the same kind of out of tune guitar, and as soon as the song kicks in, her guitar disappears from the mix.
  24. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1414147489' post='2586362'] I've noticed the Classic Vibe fiesta red P's and white J's are starting to dwindle in stock in more than one place too, I think a boatload of their models are probably being discontinued. [/quote] The CV 60 Precisions were fantastic. If it had a maple fingerboard I'd have probably kept mine. Maybe it didn't work out too badly for Fender, as I now bought a Classic 50 Precision in fiesta red (albeit a weird shade of it) with maple fingerboard that is just delicious... but not that far off at all from the Squier. I never tried the CV Jazz, 'though. I already own too many Jazzes and I have the feeling I could not resist. Again, had it come in maple, I'd probably own one too :-p Squier CV Jazz, shell pink and maple... I'd buy TWO!
  25. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1414146787' post='2586357'] I've bought a previously loved maple fingerboard neck to stick on mine, I just haven't got around to doing the necessary woodwork yet. I have put a mint green scratch plate on it though. I'll post some pics when I've done the fingerboard. P [/quote] yum
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