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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. it looks good in some basses, but I cannot stand the way if feels... shudder. I just got a Classic 50 Precision, and I think I'm going to have to change the pickguard. It gives me the same feeling as scratching a blackboard with my nails...
  2. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1414131858' post='2586133'] I've used it for percussion too. You just have to develop a feel for one revolution and feel at any given point where the wheel is. [b]Sometimes I'll move my head around very slightly in a circle as I'm playing just to help with the visualisation.[/b] [/quote] Genius!!! So simple, yet I never thought of body movements to help visualise the beat and variations...
  3. [quote name='leschirons' timestamp='1414091841' post='2585817'] I'm pretty sure that grown-ups are playing this out of shot. [/quote] I'm pretty sure it's the kids playing... (just open it on youtube proper, and you'll see other videos. If that doesn't convince you...)
  4. [quote name='simon1964' timestamp='1414077955' post='2585611'] My understanding (from memory!) is that when it was first marketed it was the first DI to have built in amp modelling. So you could ditch your amp and go straight into the desk either live or recording. A routine idea now, but quite new at the time. [/quote] exactly my recollection too. At the time a few tried speaker or amp simulation for recording directly, without an amp, and sounded terrible. Anyone remember the Marshall DRP-1? Sansamp arrived with the first decent sounding units (for guitar).
  5. [quote name='Subbeh' timestamp='1414094120' post='2585871'] I could accept the vocals as hers, sounds a hell of a lot like her on a bad day but I think even Courtney love drunk/stoned could still play guitar a bit better than that. [/quote] hmm, I don't know... listen to this, it sounds just as awful (forget the fact she forgot the chords ). It sounds like she is turned down in the mix as soon as the song starts... [url="http://youtu.be/BG6xZlBUDD4"]http://youtu.be/BG6xZlBUDD4[/url]
  6. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1414061247' post='2585275'] Never, ever shorts. I only wear shorts on holiday [/quote] Isn't every gig a holiday???
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1414086899' post='2585731'] 55 02 is still an option Jose but I really want something that isnt a Stingray with a J pickup, I need to break my habit [/quote] It's ok, the 5502 does NOT sound like a Stingray, I guarantee you But the Squier DeLuxe is a very interesting animal. A good project bass. It's decent stock, but you'd probably find the preamp lacking a bit and the pickups a bit polite.
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1414009357' post='2584880'] Santa wants to empty his sack for me I reckon! Must be a fiver. Must be a Jazz type bass. Active or passive. Try before I buy. £300-1600. Top of the list and budget USA Fender V Deluxe, Oly White, rosewood, blocks and bound. But I've never found one with a B I like, if I do I'll grab it Lakland 55-60 Good B nice build quality, not a Fender. Squier Jazz vintage modified, Dont know much, tell me more? Mayones Jabba Classic, maybe. Lakland 55-14 new model USA built J and MM coil switchable, active passive etc But its not a Fender or a Jazz as such? What am I missing and where should I be shopping? PMT Birmingham, guitar guitar Birmingham and Bass Direct are my nearest shops. Any ideas? [/quote] The Squier V DeLuxe is a pretty cool bass! They made it in white, so you may still find one in that colour. Very wide neck, 19mm spacing at the bridge, it is a chunky neck, but I found it pretty comfy. Deeper profile than a Lakland 5502, which is about the nicest 5 string neck I ever tried.
  9. I'm glad it doesn't come in maple fingerboard, because I don't think I could resist the temptation...
  10. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1414066864' post='2585387'] Seems to be: what are the EQ settings? OK: [url="http://www.fender.com/en-IE/basses/jaguar/vintage-modified-jaguar-bass-special-hb-rosewood-fingerboard-black/http://www.fender.com/en-IE/basses/jaguar/vintage-modified-jaguar-bass-special-hb-rosewood-fingerboard-black/"]http://www.fender.co...gerboard-black/[/url] It says it's a 3 band active tone circuit - could be close to a 3 EQ stingray. But I think the Pickup is too close to the bridge. [/quote] and it looks like a soapbar type humbucker with exposed polepieces, rather smaller overall than a Stingray pickup. Probably more "fat Jazz bridge" than Stingray. But it looks pretty cool regardless!
  11. Well, I finally got my hands on the bass, if briefly... First impression is just Well, no, the first one was a bit like ... The colour. Is this Fiesta Red, really? I find it a bit dark... I like it, but just not what I expected. It really does look like the picture on the very first post on this thread. Anyway, but it's fine, and... it's just awesome. It's got a little "ugly" spot on the back of the neck, the sort of thing that if I were at the sho I'd ask for another one. However, it's not a big deal and because I like it so much, I really don't want to change it now. It was nearly in tune when I took it out of the box, and the setup on this bass is very nice. Can't fault it, it seems that I'm not touching anything, leaving it as it is. Even the strings are fine, so no replacing those either yet. Oh, I did change one thing. I slightly tweaked the string spacing, making it overall a tiny bit wider than it was. But that's just my preference. My biggest question was the neck. As I went for it ordering online rather than buying at the shop, and didn't even get to try this model anywhere, I was a bit concerned about the width of this neck. What do I think of the neck? It's REALLY comfy! It is wide, no doubt, which I like, but the profile is shallow, not clubby at all. It's the widest neck I have, but it's very nice. Coming from a Stingray, this feels at home. It's noticeably less clubbier than my Squier CV50. Very very nice neck. Soundwise was great, but it was just through a small practice amp. Good punchy sound, pretty even between strings, lovely slap tone... I love those mids. I don't foress I'll want to change pickups either. One thing I don't like: the pickguard. At first I thought it didn't look very good... but it's the touch that I hate. I need to trim my fingernails too, and when I scratch the pickguard with my nail makes my teeth feel funny. Blergh. It's going. I already have a mint-white pickguard that fits well, but it's too green , not very nice. I might get another one somewhere. I'd prefer a mint one, but it's so hard to get the right shade online, something that doesn't look GREEN. Tomorrow I'm off work... can't wait!
  12. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1413989057' post='2584468'] sorry Mcnach really only interested in the Deluxe model. fussy bugger aint i.. [/quote] ha, no problem. A man who knows what he wants!
  13. RATS!!!!! I went to refresh the DV247 page that I had opened for a few days, and it now displays "not available, discontinued" All I could find locally was the "babysick" one, at Guitar Guitar, and I haven't even managed to go and check that one out in person as I am currently out of the country. I checked a few other online shops, and alarmingly, a few say "not in stock, expected soon". So, I just went and ordered one online from GAK, not only without trying the actual bass, but without trying the actual model! I have been caught before thinking about a particular item and just seeing it disappear in front of my eyes as it became "discontinued"... and I don't want to risk it this time. It's not how I wanted to buy this one, but... we'll see!!!
  14. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1413800995' post='2581952'] Actually a well-designed tripod is more stable, once you introduce a 4th point of contact all of them have to level in order for the stand not to wobble. Also with a tripod design the back leg can be tucked into a space between two amps getting majority of the stand and the instrument it is holding safely out of the way. TBH I am looking at it from my own personal needs where stands are used to hold spare guitars basses at gigs and need to be placed somewhere out of the "performance" area, but still close enough so a replacement instrument can be got at easily and quickly. The less room a stand takes up the more options you have for its placement. Plus nearly all my instruments are too asymmetrical in body shape for this stand to support them securely. [/quote] I get that, that's why there's a range of designs available... regarding the tripod comments above: the BND design is essentially a tripod, isn't it? The bottom part is bendable, and the back is round to prove one point of contact... or it could be made to be that way, couldn't it? At least that's the way I say it, although looking at some pictures, they do look like the bottom part is all flat on the floor. However, being bendable, I would add a bend to it. As for the back leg fitting between amps... My Hercules one can't be used that way. The leg will fit but the bass is tilted back, so the neck would hit the amp... the stand has to be moved forward so that the neck clears the wall/amps etc... Clearly your stand is not like mine, I guess yours holds the bass more vertically. I think the BND would be an improvement over my tiny Hercules, and I like that. But I understand it's not the answer for every situation. Actually, I keep thinking we should get a multi stand so that we can all leave our instruments (need at least 4)... the trouble is when we have small stages, it's easier to distribute guitars around than having one place for all... and being an 8-piece, nearly every stage is a small stage
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1413743669' post='2581489'] I had one of those for a while, and the stability is excellent, as is the portability and ease of use... but in the end I moved it on because the angle at which you are obliged to have your bass is too flat, i.e. not upright enough. Which is a shame. [/quote] That's right. It's the stand I use at the moment, but the angle at which the bass is held means you have to watch out you leave enough room behind it. I think the BND one might actually require less space when you consider that.
  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1413739543' post='2581417'] Some good ideas and some bits they clearly haven't considered at all. I notice in the video there are no guitars with even a vaguely off-set shape on those stands, also I think the footprint is too big. Tripod stands like the Hercules can be fit fitted into all sorts of tricky places whereas these require a lot more room. More R&D required I think. [/quote] I think the footprint looks good: more stable! I only have my bass on a stand when I am not playing it, so I don't see space as a problem. I like the idea a lot.
  17. The CV60 Precision is a fantastic bass. For me that would be the one to go for. Or the Matt Freeman one, is maple fingerboard is preferred, as they appear to be made to the same specs.
  18. THAT is the bass I've been after! I have two Japanese 75RI natural/maple: one with pearl blocks and white binding, and 60s spacing, and one with black blocks and binding and 70s spacing... and yours is the very combination I originally wanted! In fact, I'm about to put a J-Retro in one of them, just haven't decided which... so yours is perfect! I have a natural/maple Lakland 5502, in excellent condition, with a couple of pickguards (3-ply, a black one and a white one, only fitted with tape, so no holes in the body)... It's a very pretty grain ash body, but it's not a DeLuxe, so no quilted top. I have the Lakland hardcase too, although it's seen better days. It still works, of course, but it doesn't look too pretty. I would be VERY interested in a trade, if you would consider a natural 5502.
  19. [quote name='Annoying Twit' timestamp='1413673505' post='2580884'] Are you sure you could tell the difference if your baby had actually been made by a different body wood? [/quote] ha!
  20. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1413673745' post='2580885'] Some impressive trust in authority on display in this thread. Customs and Border Control can do pretty much whatever they want for whatever reason they want and just because your papers are in order doesn't mean they're going to let you in. No idea what the full story is here but the assumption that UK customs are nice chaps who always apply the rules correctly is quite amusing. [/quote] what he said!
  21. thank you all! "wide and not too deep" sounds very promising. Can't wait to try it! The first thing that made me think of this model was that when I find videos featuring a beautiful sounding Precision, it's often a Classic 50. In addition, it looks just right to me
  22. [quote name='Jono Bolton' timestamp='1413553834' post='2579483'] Squier Matt Freeman? They're very good. [/quote] It was a contender! I used to own a Squier CV60, in fiesta red, of course, that I let go in a moment of madness to acquire my G&L L2000. It was a lovely bass. The neck was probably the slimmest I ever tried on a Precision, but not in a bad way, it was really nice. If it's anything like the CV60, it would be a great bass. But I have a thing for red I have recently bought some red shoes and a red car, and I even got a red Korg Pitchblack tuner... if I buy a Precision it's got to be red
  23. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1413569710' post='2579758'] I have a lefty in two-tone burst. Nice and light, thewide neck will give your hand a good workout in an unashamed manner. [/quote] is it really noticeably wider than most Precisions or modern Stingrays? It seems it's about 2-3mm wider at the nut -which I consider a good thing-, and providing it's not crazy clubby, it might just be my kind of neck. I would play anything, but I tend to prefer P/Stingray to Jazz, and on 5-string basses a wide string spacing is a must for me, as long as the cross-section is not ridiculous. I know, I know, I'll have to try it to judge, but I wonder how you'd say it compares.
  24. [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1413547380' post='2579382'] Hmmm. I'm just going to leave this here. [url="http://www.dv247.com/guitars/jandd-pb-vintage-1963-4-string-bass-guitar-fiesta-red--208552"]http://www.dv247.com...sta-red--208552[/url] [/quote] crucially, it's got a rosewood fingerboard... I already have TWO cheap precisions with rosewood fingerboard: a Sue Ryder one with a Wizard Thumper pickup, and a Squier Mike Dirnt signature. And I enjoy them, but I want something a little better... and MAPLE. It's got to be maple... oh yes.
  25. [quote name='Big Bass Man' timestamp='1413547372' post='2579381'] Oh yes! I had the exact same one - you will not be disappointed, they are absolute quality basses! I sold mine on to get my Lakland 55-02, but I am seriously condidering getting another (in the sunburst colour though ....) They are so light and easy to play - I hope you manage to get one soon mate - I'd best get saving then! [/quote] Interesting, as I may be selling my Lakland 5502 if I buy this
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