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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1411670835' post='2561814'] OK, I've had the conversation and I've left the band. Singer seemed sad, one of the other two was surprised but understanding, the other one I'm fairly certain had seen it coming. I've not burned my boats with anyone though, as I was quite determined not to do that. As I result I held back a little about some of the aspects that were annoying me, but I think I got the message across well enough. I'm kind of sad about it as it has been a fun band in a lot of ways and I've put a lot into it, but I think I needed to do it. I'm doing one more gig next weekend which I'd agreed to weeks ago, but after that it's done. Things are a bit weird as now I don't have an electric bass gig at all, just an acoustic project with the double bass and a band where I play guitar. I'll probably seek out another project to play bass guitar with, but possibly not right away. [/quote] Pity that things got that way... but if it's not fun anymore, what's the point? Where are you playing this weekend? I'm reasonably free and would love to see you guys play one more time
  2. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1411640422' post='2561385'] An update; I'm meeting up with the band to discuss things later today. In the meantime the singer appears to have signed us up for an unpaid gig at a tiny venue in London next month (we're in Edinburgh, so massive effort and expense involved) and only asked the rest of us after the venue had already listed the gig. That's not going to help matters! [/quote] I'd probably be sugesting they play without bass again Seriously? No asking first?
  3. Award-Session Cleartone cables. Been using them since 2001, and I still use the very first ones I bought regularly. Great quality, wide choice of lengths, connectors, colour coding rings etc, and good price too. [url="http://www.award-session.com/cleartone_cables.html"]http://www.award-session.com/cleartone_cables.html[/url]
  4. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1411126179' post='2556697'] Alternatively get a USA made SUB. They're usually around half the price, sound and feel like a Ray if you don't mind the rather industrial paint. [/quote] +1 I have two, and a Stingray... there really isn't anything significant between them, other than the different look.
  5. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1410775836' post='2552868'] Cheers guys. There are more responses here than I expected, almost too many to respond to individually but there are some good points there. We had a solid couple of years where the gigs were really fun and we seemed to gather a bit of a following. I don't think that we're still at that point, as the gigs are drying up a little (one of the reasons the singer is keen to take every offer) and we're not rehearsing very often. The singer gives the impression that she wants the band to be the main thing in her life, and I don't feel that I'm in a position to do that or that the band is actually ready for that. Had we jumped on it and gigged more widely a year or two back when things seemed to click a little better perhaps we might have been able to take it to that next stage, but we didn't. I do wonder if there's an element of denial over whether we've missed the boat there. I'm about 6-8 years older than the rest of the band and I've watched friends get signed to labels, slog round rubbish venues staying in travelodges or on floors and end up in the same position they started in except distinctly jaded and frazzled round the edges. It seems like the ones who are happier have just continued to do their own idiosyncratic thing on the local scene to whatever niche following is around whilst carrying on with a relatively normal life. So that's the model I want to pursue, and happily that's more or less how my other projects operate. It's difficult as the singer and the guitarist (who are a couple) are people I knew before we put the band together so whatever I do I need to keep it amicable. They got together at about the same time I met my wife and we've spent a lot of time together. I think I might suggest that they look for a new bassist, but agree to play out the remaining gigs we have booked and see how that goes down... [/quote] ah, if they are thinking of "making it big"... that could complicate matters, from what you say your outlook is (similar to mine, by the way). I've been in various bands where that idea would be discussed from time to time, about the commitment and sacrifices we'd have to make... fortunately, we were never in a position for any of that to become real. I'm happy with SBK, for example. We play locally a lot, and explore other cities, towns, villages and hamlets sometimes too (and the odd forest!), and that works for me. I have a day job that pays reasonably and I'm not in a hurry to quit. If suddenly SBK became big and we got a good financial offer, I would not mind touring around the world but... I know it's not going to happen. If the band wanted to start travelling up and down the UK regularly, I'd have to quit, because it would no longer be fun for me. If the priorities have changed, and you're all friends... I suppose the sooner you discuss that the better, before the situation turns sour and it affects more than just the band. But hopefully it's just a phase... it's a great band!
  6. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1410742367' post='2552681'] I have been having mixed feelings about one of my bands lately (the first link in my signature) and I'm trying to decide if I may end up leaving when we get together to talk to each other about it. I've played in the band for several years; we've had some really enjoyable gigs and recorded some things I'm quite pleased with. It's an amateur concern, as while some gigs are paid, when all band activities are taken into account we break even or less. I also play in two other projects, one of which gigs very rarely and the other of which can occasionally be busy though it's quite sporadic. When asked about my availability for gigs, I will confirm the earliest offer for a given date without giving priority to any one band, so short notice gigs (less than a fortnight ahead) are sometimes turned down. This summer I've had limited availability as my Father-in-Law had a prolonged period of illness and passed away last month and we've had to travel up and down from Scotland to England a number of times to care for him and my Mother-in-Law and to sort things out after his death. I had to cancel a couple of gigs at short notice the week he died, but what else can you do? The band keep accepting gigs when I have told them I'm not available and playing them without bass, which for our particular lineup isn't going to work very well. I have told the band that I'm uncomfortable with this as I don't feel that going out like that represents us very well and I would prefer to feel like a core part of the band rather than an optional add-on. If anything I would rather they used a dep rather than going out bass-less. Two members of the band have responded to this by saying how disappointed they were in my limited availability recently and that they thought I must be losing interest, and this is when when I've already made my family situation quite clear to them. We have already disagreed a few times recently over which gigs we should accept, as our singer believes we need to say yes to everything in order to "make it". I have no concept of trying to "make it" and just want to play gigs which I enjoy. We haven't worked on any new material in over a year and it appears that my priorities are not the same as the rest of the band. I'm fond of this band, so it's a difficult choice to make. Looking at this description, what do people reckon? [/quote] Oh no That's a pity... I love that band! But, yeah, when you don't feel like you're "needed" it's not so much fun :-/ I can't believe they just went ahead and played without bass. The bass is so important in so many of your songs! I don't like using deps in bands like Jen and the Gents, or SBK, etc. I feel that using a dep is not representing the band for what it is (no matter how great the dep is!). But in SBK, I (rarely) have someone else playing bass, if it's a gig we consider "important" and we really don't want to miss it. My view is that if it's really that important, all the more reason NOT to use a dep! But it keeps everybody else happy, and as long it's not used to book any regular gigs, I'm ok with that. It's been ok so far. You know my dep... it's Pete, now in NUF He is someone I trust, is known to the band, and he may end up playing a couple of gigs a year perhaps. If your bandmates are worried about your availability, maybe that's an option... although your availability issues are more than reasonable and I'm surprised they didn't understand and support you. Working on new material... I'd get bored if all we did was play the same things over and over, without seeing a progression. I wonder if the fact that you changed drummer first and then guitarist made the band slow down a bit. I know that when we changed drummers in SBK (first in early 2011, then in early 2012) it felt like it took ages for us to move on... As for which gigs to play... I love playing so I say yes to nearly all. Nearly. I'm not interested in playing lots of multiband gigs where you get a 30 min slot, 40 if lucky, that end up eating all your evening and give you little back. We don't always charge, and the amount we charge varies... but we tend to balance it so that we can play for free (or food and drinks and some petrol money) if it's fun and we don't require to bring much equipment and/or it's local, and we want more of a cash incentive if the logistics are more complicated... There are many gigs around Edinburgh that would see you playing to a handful of people for little or no cash (if you play often in a small city, you can't expect your followers to be there at every gig)... I'd rather not do those. Henry's Cellar? No thanks. It can be good if you organise it yourself, but it generally sucks when we join someone else's bill. I think being a bit choosy helps a lot. One thing that helped us a lot was getting regular slots at Whistle Binkies (one of the main music bars in town). WE started being offered 45min slots on a WEdnesday or later a Thursday, then we moved to better slots on better days... You get seen by a lot of people, and I think your band would do well there, but until you have a 2x45min worth of decent material you won't get the decent slots... I don't know, sorry I just rambled... it's late, I'm tired and trying not to think about the referendum I hope it's just a low point and that it gets better. That band would not be the same without your bass!
  7. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1411054818' post='2556026'] There's room for a neck jazz there too... [/quote] no need
  8. helloooooo I don't know much about pickup specifics, I just know what I like... I like the Seymour Duncan SMB4A a lot, although it may not be exactly a replica of the original. I think it's a bit more punchy and has more clarity to it, while keeping a huge bottom and a great midrange. But I do like the original too, especially wired in series (I only tried the SMB4A in parallel). I did not like the Nordstrand MM4.2. It felt a bit "woolly" to me. When I need a replacement, I just go for the SMB4A, it just works very nicely for me. And a MMSR preamp from John East, of course. The midsweep module is fantastically useful
  9. [quote name='LeftyJ' timestamp='1410690103' post='2551898'] Isn't the C4H already equipped with two MM-style humbuckers? The regular C4 has two soapbars. You're describing a PJ-setup, which slightly puzzles me because there's never been a C4 with PJ. All I can think of is the Cort Action Bass - which shares its bodyshape with the Artisan C4. Why not get a C4H or C5H instead, with the two humbuckers? [/quote] is the bridge pickup at the Stingray position? No, it isn't. Therefore buying another bass won't achieve the goal the OP outlined.
  10. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1410592468' post='2551023'] Can't you just turn the volume down? I use my OBT at home, although I replaced the fan with a silent one as the original was too noisy. [/quote] exactly. I've used both a GB Shuttle 9.2 and Streamliner 900 (900W) into a Schroeder Mini10R 10" cab at home, for apartment-friendly practice... The master volume is touchy, but you just bring the gain down sufficiently for the volume to give you a reasonable operation range. Use the volume knob! Going down 100-200W in max power won't make a difference. Doesn't the OBT have a gain control as well as a master volume?
  11. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1410613188' post='2551264'] Do it [/quote] do it do it do it!
  12. Daz just bought my EHX B9 Organ Machine pedal (and in the past also a Source Audio BEF Pro pedal that I forgot to leave feedback for! ) Both times it was just a smooth easy and pleasant transaction with good comms... I hope you put that B9 to good use! It's a great pedal, but it was a bit wasted on me as I could not really use it in my current bands.
  13. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1410534998' post='2550532'] Well obviously, the one that sounds best would be the maple one [/quote] no doubt!
  14. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1410090964' post='2545972'] [b]Vendo meraviglioso basso 5 corde di ALTA liuteria spagnola JANAID, si tratta di un oggetto realizzato su specifiche ben definite, interamente a mano ed è caratterizzato dall utilizzo di legni pregiati ed esotici: Madrone Burl, ulivo andaluso, ciliegio, iroko etc...[/b] [b]I pickup così come il preamp sono fatti interamente a mano.[/b] [b]sul sito potete trovare i riferimenti di prezzo, il mio costa 2400€:[/b] [b][url="http://www.janaidguitars.com/"]http://www.janaidguitars.com/[/url][/b] [b]IL BASSO PRESENTA ALCUNI SEGNI SUL RETRO DOVUTI ALL'UTILIZZO ED UNA ABRASIONE SUL PICKUP PIU' VICINO AL PONTE[/b] [b]il manico è perfetto ed il basso presenta uno switch off attivo/passivo, controllo medi, bassi, alti e volume - il suono è molto potente e preciso, bassi profondi, medi molto presenti ed è estremamente brillante. La completezza dei controlli consente una varietà di sonorità notevole[/b] [b]Spedisco in tutta EUROPA[/b] Contattatemi per qualsiai domanda Can't say it any clearer than that really [/quote] Non capisci? E chiarissimo...
  15. [quote name='bassmachine2112' timestamp='1410370937' post='2548702'] made in USA SUB 2 band ,save some cash and get a gigging bass. [/quote] +1 fantastic basses, a real Stingray in anything but price!
  16. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1409913085' post='2544502'] But from the promoter's perspective, they ARE figuring it out . . . by asking bands to share gear. [/quote] you know what, you are ABSOLUTELY right!
  17. [quote name='slingo' timestamp='1409596701' post='2541361'] Bit of a long shot, this, but are there any bass players out there who own an Alfa Romeo Giulietta, and if so, is it possible to get a bass in a shaped case in the boot without folding the seats down? (I once had a Fiat Uno and actually bought a headless bass so it would fit in the boot!) Alternatively, are there any Kia C'eed hatchback owners out there that can fit one in? Thanks! [/quote] My gf has a Giulietta and I haven't tried with a sensible thin gig bag (Warwick Rockbass range), but a Fusion F1 gigbag won't fit, or any standard hard case. A Warwick Rockbass was ok for a Jazz in my Mk4 Golf, but it had to be fitted in diagonal, meaning no cabs at the same time. I believe the Golf Mk4 had a slightly larger boot than the Ceed (the Ceed was one of the cars I was considering to change to, and boot size is something I looked at with attention). Since I had the Fusion F1 case, I always carried the bass on the backseat (or in teh footwell of the backseat). My current car (A3) is all black inside and with slightly tinted windows... a black gigbag in the back seat footwell becomes invisible, and it looks like the car is empty
  18. [quote name='geoham' timestamp='1409063530' post='2535932'] I used to encounter this type of thing regularly back when I played in originals bands - four bands all playing short sets with not enough space for 4 sets of equipment, never mind time to change over. In my experience, the bass amp was typically just for on-stage monitoring, as the sound guys insisted on using their own DI boxes. Can work quite well, [b]but the bands have to discuss beforehand to make it work.[/b] [/quote] that is something that annoys me... if YOU are the PROMOTER, then YOU figure it out! You asked me to come and play, and I will come and play, and bring the necessary gear to come and play. If you tell me there's amps provided... I would still probably use mine anyway 90% of the times. But if you're organising it, don't ask me to start talking to other bands to organise anything. Hire a backline, or whatever, but leave me out of it. A lot of the "promoters" of these small multiband events are just lazy opportunistic gits. It would work better if the bands involved hired the venue themselves!
  19. [quote name='RockfordStone' timestamp='1409056218' post='2535825'] my stance on all gigs is that i am willing to bring my own gear and any other bass player should be able to do the same. i don't like to borrow gear unless totally necessary as i would not want to risk damaging someone elses gear. i will not deal with promoters when it comes to gear or gear shares, they want the easy option and all to often i have shown up and they have expected me to provide the back line... in these cases i have told them in no uncertain terms to go do one. several times we have done shows to be told "the band don't own amps"... then DI them... simple. promoters often bang on about "change over times. man"... i can get my gear up and down in less than 10 minutes, and that includes plugging it in to the board... i'm sure people with a smaller or lighter rig than mine could do it in less... so unless there is a genuine issue at a venue such as space i don't see why there is this constant requirement to share. as i say, i hate borrowing gear as i hate lending it... it winds me up when i go to gigs and other bands can't be bothered to bring their own gear. I paid good money for mine, and if someone breaks it which has happened in the past they don't claim responsibility, they don't have to get it fixed for the next gig etc so in short, tell them to f*** off, say you have an amp and that you are using it, if the other bands don't bring gear then tough [/quote] +1
  20. [quote name='Dazed' timestamp='1409693798' post='2542427'] What the fxxx is wrong with me. I've absolutely no desire to sound like an organ. [insert joke here ] Seriously, why do I keep looking at this. [/quote] aha, my course in hypnotism was worth something after all!
  21. [quote name='johnDeereJack' timestamp='1409661869' post='2541934'] So want but must resist! You're a bad man, McNach! [/quote] ah, for a local I can do a slightly better deal
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