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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1408572822' post='2531551'] Hey folks I've got a GLX BLM-1 compressor/limiter which is a clone of the boss LMB-3. I'm trying to set it just to tame any big peaks, maybe add a touch of sustain but nothing too major. Any tips on setting it up? I've got the ratio quite high and the threshold too (the output from my M-2000 is really hot). I find it hard to hear any actual limiting though! Any good tips for working out what its doing? Also, for this application, should it go before or after my dirt pedal? Thats the only other pedal I have. I know I can try it and see, but how would you do it (and why?) [/quote] I had an LMB-3 which was cool, but now I love the EBS Multicomp compressor. I like it so much, I have two. One on the big pedalboard, and one on the mini one (just tuner and compressor). It does change a little the tone, at least in multiband setting which is what I normally use, but as I have it as an "always on" pedal, it doesn't bother me at all. It sounds good and it's subtle in the way it operates, but it does its job fantastically well. You could borrow one of mine to check out in your own time, if you wish. You know where to find me It's very easy to use: just one knob really, the gain knob doesn't count. It can add sustain, but the way I use it it doesn't add much, but it deals with the fingerstyle vs. slap very well, and in fact, slap sounds better through it, clearer somehow yet full bodied, without it I would have to compromise between cutting through or having the right amount of "oomph".
  2. [quote name='yanto' timestamp='1409169223' post='2537123'] Hi I bought the bass I've always wanted and had my first band practice last night, with a gig coming on Friday.Very pleased with the defined sound of the notes which sounded to me very centred. With no centre detent on the bass/treble knobs I was finding it tricky to dial my sounds in consistently. I switch between fingers and plectrum and tend to wind the treble back when playing with the plectrum or it gets very cutting. How do other 2 eq SR users dial their sounds, as I believe the eq is a Baxandall? circuit so treble affects bass and vice versa? Just interested. I use a Streamliner 600 with an Eden Nemesis 4 x 10 btw Cheers Iain [/quote] I use the "fully anticlockwise" as a reference, then turn to where I want it. I have developed a sense for how much I have to turn it, from fully anticlockwise, to get to the ballpark of the sound I'm after normally.
  3. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1409408103' post='2539431'] Hey, I've got a Dean Hillsboro SIngle bass that has a single MM style humbucker in the usual MM position. I'm not keen on the sound as I much prefer a P/J configuration but I do really like the bass. It's currently up for sale but if it doesn't sell I may change the pup in it and see if I can love it again. So can you recommend an MM style pickup that could do the P/J type of sound? I know that the EMG MMTW lets you coil tap the pickup which may be what I want but I'd like to explore other options or even be told that I'm crazy for wanting to get a P/J sound out of an MM pickup! The P/J sound I'm after is the sound you get when you centre pan the pickups so you get a bit of a scooped sound. [/quote] The sound you're after is in large part due to the position of the P and J pickups. You won't get that with a single MM pickup regardless where it's placed, and especially at the usual Stingray position. It just won't happen. You either put pickups at the P/J positions, or learn to love the bass as it is... or sell it.
  4. Don't do it. Don't promote the existence of fake "promoters".
  5. Wayne just bought my EBS Octave pedal, absolutely smooth transaction, happy :thumbsup:
  6. [quote name='Garethp15' timestamp='1409139839' post='2536673'] PMd! [/quote] and PM'd back
  7. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1408963451' post='2534904'] You have thought about this too much, Lol [/quote] No, I have been enticed by the finishes they offer But I haven't bitten. I REALLY don't need more basses... or have room for them
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1408958967' post='2534832'] White, Black, Honeyburst, trans red I know you know your EBMM rays to know they are all out there, you have owned half of them [/quote] walnut satin? surf green is only an option on the Classic I believe, but you can get the SBMM SUB in that colour, and with a maple fingerboard! (even if you'd have to import it yourself)... they have a few other satin finishes, and an interesting metallic red one too...
  9. [quote name='ricksterphil' timestamp='1408958579' post='2534824'] Box and psu? [/quote] and a kilo of churros sorry, this was just sold last night
  10. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1408953147' post='2534760'] Which bit do you prefer the look of? I have owned 6 Rays so far and had many more pass through my hands, they look very very similar to me, I thought that was the point, Lol [/quote] maybe referring to the finishes available?
  11. Love my G30, and it definitely works well with my J-Retro too
  12. [quote name='FuNkShUi' timestamp='1408707585' post='2532760'] This situation has happened to me and a few mates before. I always pack my bass away as soon as i stop playing it. But our guitarist doesnt bother. It was a jam night and some guy who went up after us (he was in his mid 40s id say), just picked up the guitar. Didnt ask, and didnt say thanks after. Just basic manners really isnt it? Well our guitarist waited for them to finish playing and sit back down. He then walked over to their table and sat down next to the guy who played his guitar, didnt introduce himself, picked up the guys pint and started sipping it slowly. Helped himself to a few pork scratchings, finished the pint, then got up and walked back over. They didnt say a word. We were in stitches. It probably helped that my friend is a big lad. 6ft 3, 18 stone jobby. [/quote] brilliant!
  13. solid bump for a solid expression pedal controller... bring your wah/envelope filter whatever to life from your exp.pedal capable multiFX!
  14. [quote name='gub' timestamp='1408037303' post='2526537'] Looking to buy my first acoustic bass, we did a few songs the other day on local radio, and it seems we quite enjoyed it and would like to explore some more songs. I borrowed a friends vintage one but it struggled with two acoustic 6 strings, a [color=#ff0000][b]cojon[/b][/color] and singer. Looked at the fender high man bass, love that neck but seems they are not much loader than an unplugged electric! Any thoughts would be really helpful. [/quote] it's cajon... cojon is... a testicle
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