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Everything posted by mcnach

  1. it's a beautiful pedal, especially on guitar! (free bump)
  2. Transform your guitar/bass into an organ! It is nothing short of amazing... but to get the best results it does help if you think like a keyboard player. It works best on guitar, as some of the organ models are designed to provide a lot of bottom end (one has a sort of octave down effect), but most work well on bass too, especially modes 1-3, for my liking. However, it's not an effect I can really use in my band and I could use some extra cash for car-related expenses, so... here it is my B9 pedal, absolutely immaculate, as new, boxed with manuals, and the power supply was not even taken out of the box. I only used it at home, and not a lot. I missed the return period, so... here it is on BC [media]http://youtu.be/98u-MDTKAWU[/media]
  3. [quote name='Mornats' timestamp='1408205607' post='2528091'] Done! That wasn't bad at all. I'm a complete DIY novice but I managed to get it sorted. I just used a little WD-40 to loosen the spade connectors and they popped out when I used a screwdriver to nudge them a little. Oh, turns out a slug had found its way behind the speaker grill! I found slug trails all over - yuk! So, new tweeter is in. I had to shave (using a cheesegrater!) off a few mm on the top and right hand side so the screw holes would line up. It doesn't sit flush due to a chunk of plastic on the back that holds important looking bits together. If I want to make this a permanent fix I'll go back and shave off some of the wood on the cab so it sits flush. So sound-wise. That annoying hiss is gone! I no longer have to tell people that my combo isn't broken! All of the highs seem there still. I can turn up the treble on my bass and the amp and get no hiss. I'll report back after having been in a live situation but so far I'm happy. I can now mic up my combo to record through [/quote] Sounds like a result! Let us know how it goes when you use it in anger!
  4. [quote name='SammyDamacy' timestamp='1408225509' post='2528281'] That's my sparkly bitch, Ray 34. Apparently there were only 150 made in this finish, I had no idea until it landed on my lap. God damn. [/quote] Yum!!!
  5. Adam just bought my John East mid-sweep module. Super smooth transaction and good comms. Thank you Adam, I hope you enjoy that, the bass looks sweet!
  6. [quote name='bridge' timestamp='1407907594' post='2525175'] Dude, I am at present, running a BF compact and a GB Streamliner 900. I intend to get a midget to compliment this set up, A) when one is available at the right price, B)when I actually [i]have [/i]the right price!! my question is, what 12" are you using with the compact? I need an extra cab, and was about to reseach what alternatives would be suitable, in place of a midget, should they become available at a price I can afford. cheers mate. [/quote] I'm using a BF Big Baby 2. It's bigger than a Midget but I find it much more "full" on its own. I had a chance to try both the BB2 and the Midget, as someone local had both cabs, and the Midget was a remarkable cab, but overall I felt the BB2 was rounder, so if the extra bulk (it's still small, just not as small) is not a problem, the BB2 is a great solution. Sounds great on its own, but with the addition of the Compact it's very nice. The Streamliner 900 with those two sounds really good.
  7. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1407842139' post='2524488'] Which begs the question: Do w*nkers buy Audis and BMWs as a matter of course - OR, does the [i]ownership[/i] of an Audi or BMW somehow make the owner [i]become[/i] a w*nker?? And now, back on topic. [/quote] I'll PM you in 6 months. But I don't guarantee any waxing content
  8. [quote name='kerley' timestamp='1407841433' post='2524479'] w*nkers drive Audi's does not mean all Audi drivers are w*ankers of course. There did seem to be a shift where a lot of the w*nkers moved from BMW to Audi once they heard that BMW's were driven by w*nkers. They didn't realise they in fact were the w*nkers due to their massive lack of self awareness - w*nkers [/quote]
  9. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1407831742' post='2524332'] Alternatively you could buy an identical bass made from identical wood and with an identical sound with a cheap logo on the headstock and a price tag of about 50% less, maybe a Harley Benton. If you can spare a ton!!!! [/quote] somebody write that to him, please
  10. [quote name='gadgie' timestamp='1407800543' post='2524228'] Yes, I suppose you're right FF. I was sort of refering to his ealrier post in this thread. See below. But, to label a new car as a wan*kers car just because he chooses to drive about in an old car is IMO not right. [/quote] I suspect it was (partly) in jest, prompted by another thread that discreet and I have participated on, where he got rather excited about waxing, but let's not go there [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/242392-choosing-cars-vw-golf-or-audi-a3-a3-14-tfsi/"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/242392-choosing-cars-vw-golf-or-audi-a3-a3-14-tfsi/[/url] PS: in that case it was a 14 year old Golf and a 6.5 years old Audi A3, not a new Audi, so maybe it's less of a wan*er's car then
  11. [quote name='MoonBassAlpha' timestamp='1407795033' post='2524174'] The last gig I did, one of the other band's bassist said to me "I didn't know what the situation with gear was, so I didn't bring mine" I did laugh out loud at that, but did let him use my stuff as our drummer also plays for them. [/quote] Yeah, I have encountered those too. And everything was ok because, surprise surprise, I had my rig, right? Not anymore. Sometime last year there was a gig with another two bands I did not know, all local, and there was a big thing about us sharing gear. By us, I mean my band... we were the second band to play, a 45min slot, when the "headliners" were in for 90min. However, we were asked to supply kit and bass amp *at least*. I refused. Some of the conversations (facebook) I had seen made me think I did not like the tone of the whole thing. So I was just bringing my things and that's it. The day before the gig, we were asked to be there VERY early. Almost suspiciously early. The first band was not going to do soundcheck, they said. It was just us, and the other band. They would soundcheck first. I showed up... without my amp (it was in my car ), and I made it clear that "my amp is not with me yet, it may not be here until our gig". I noticed there was no bass amp on stage either, and I located their bass player looking worried. I did not mix, I hanged out outside knowing the other band was going to check first. Eventually a tiny battered Ashdown combo was brought in, in some hurry When they finished, I brought one cab and my head and used that. Then unplugged and put it away. I am convinced they were thinking "we'll ask these guys to come in early, they will have a bass amp, and ask them to use it". No you bloody well not use my amp after I said no already. And... they DID have an amp, they just preferred not to bring it because, as I heard later "it was kind of sh*t".
  12. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1407794133' post='2524162'] Last time I did a rig share the guy looked a bit upset when I finished my sound check with the all singing all dancing Shuttlemax 9.2 head with Genz 2x12T cab then popped the little shuttle 3.0 on top and swapped the power lead and speakon lead over for him, "there you go mate you can fiddle with that all you like and leave it where you want as I will only need to use it if mine goes pear shaped later". If he could afford a silly hair cut and a vintage Fender P bass then he can afford a little MB200 head to put in his gig bag can't he? They nearly did not go on as their drummer refused to play our drummers kit because he normally uses one with with two rack toms instead of one! They finally went on after moaning about having to turn our drummers left handed drum kit around before and after their set and it not being up to their standard (Pearl Export with Remo skins and a full set of Zildgian (sp) cymbals), a few Nirvana covers and they were done [/quote] ... and I rest my case: do this kind of experience encourage you to share gear? Idiots. Multiband gigs: make slots sufficiently long to allow for gear swap, or the promoter hires out the backline. There is a venue in town that we stopped accepting invites to play at because it was invariably a situation of having 5-6 bands play short slots, they wanted you to be there early (our band now is an 8-piece with two trumpets and a sax, so a little sound-check is convenient!), and then treat you rudely once you're there: stressed soundguy (who is the owner of the place, it turns out) rushing you about and ignoring requests during soundcheck ("please, some vocals on this monitor, I can't hear any here")... They think having 5-6 bands will bring more people than just getting 2-3 in that time. But it's a ridiculous operation. Get one decent band that you know has a following, and get a local band, maybe two, to do support slots. You'll probably end up getting at least the same number of people, with less hassle, and you might even change the reputation of the venue from being a crapshoot, where you could see a great band next to an abysmally bad one, to one where you always have decent music on. Ok, rant over
  13. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1407749530' post='2523488'] Wouldn't share my kit with anyone. Too many morons out there who would happily trash it. It's the main reason I hate multi band gigs and rarely do them. When I do I go self sufficient and lightweight so I can load in and out super quick. If others want to share with each other that's fine and I'll make sure I'm out of their way super swift. [/quote] That's pretty much my attitude too. There are too many selfish and careless people out there, and I'm not in the business of supplying gear. I sometimes do share mine, but it's rare. I only do it with people I know and trust, and maybe some others get in there that I don't know but give me a "good vibe" that they're not going to behave like idiots. Sometimes my band has hosted events, and in that case we know the bands we invite, and I would supply my amp/heads if they want to use it, as it sometimes it involves a bit of travelling for them. I have in the past been asked to supply an amp in a multi-band event thing, but it means you end up showing up earlier than anybody, and are held hostage until it finishes... We now have a policy that if you ask us to supply backline, you have to give us something in return, whether it is a better and longer slot or whatever. That generally goes for drums, because my position is "no, I don't supply bass amp for others, but I'll bring my own", and my band knows it. On paper, it could work, if everybody were "nice" and respectful, but what you see is people being lazy, just wanting to be free of hassle... and sorry, I'm not going to do extra work for you. Don't have an amp? Well, I guess your band needs a new player then. Tough. I always bring something with me, whether a rig is supplied or not: the number of times I had to play through underpowered crap-sounding combos is amazing (like playing an outdoors festival type gig with a 30W combo that was totally drowned out on stage... there was a line out to the PA so out side it was ok, but I could hear nothing onstage).... So I make sure I bring something I know and like. I can carry my rig in one go, using one hand for each cab, bass on my back and amp head on the side. It takes me less time to set up than it takes the drummer to fit his cymbals and adjust the kit. If space is an issue or I simply don't need two cabs, I bring just one and a head, or the little Markbass combo... and take it away with me. Fortunately we don't play as many multiband gigs anymore, and certainly not the "35min slot" types with tickets and sh*t Soon after I join my current band I said I was just not prepared to do that kind of sh*t gigs. I could do still do them, but in that case 1.) don't bother with early soundcheck that keeps us hanging for hours afterwards, just show, line check and play, 2.) we don't have to bring equipment, maybe the extra guitar amp or two as we have three guitarists, 3.) I will not sell tickets: I won't make people over-pay to see us play a short slot when I have no say about the quality or style of the other bands. It's a shame, because I wish it could all be more relaxed... But people are people and you get a substantial minority that will spoil things for the rest, and I don't want to get caught again.
  14. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1407790450' post='2524104'] second hand hartke rig and a squier affinity [/quote] and my £75 Squier! (playing at the "Deadinburgh" show a couple of years ago)
  15. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1407777801' post='2523936'] Priorities is right. I've got some OK bass gear, but my car is a running gag to my friends and colleages - a battered 1997 VW Golf. They can't understand why I won't buy a new car. As far as I'm concerned, it works, it does what I want it to do and I'm just not interested in driving around in a shiny new w*nker's car... Audi, anyone?? Oo-er, that's done it - I'm off! [/quote]
  16. [quote name='Doddy' timestamp='1407776249' post='2523904'] What's the problem? You've got a bass that can handle the gig and you can buy a good secondhand amp for good money. There is far too much emphasis put on owning expensive gear when in reality, as nice as it is, it's not strictly necessary. I've played gigs on cheap basses and no one cares as long as it works and you play it well. We've all bought gear for the sake of it but really, the gear is secondary to the playing. Go out, play with your band, enjoy yourself and if/when you have enough cash you can upgrade if you want but until then play and enjoy what you have and don't worry about what you think other people think you should be playing. [/quote] +1 this is what I meant, but he said it better
  17. [quote name='bonzodog' timestamp='1407773688' post='2523860'] Does anyone else get frustrated not being able to afford half decent gear? I play a Jhs vintage bass and whilst I like it I would prefer something a bit higher quality. My amp set up is just a mixture of second hand Hartke stuff off here or ebay. Last gig my amp head died so I am currently trawling the web looking for cheap second hand heads which I know is a false economy as they probably wont last five minutes. The gigs pay well but that usually gets spent on the kids. Think its made worse that the guitarist and drummer have no commitments so are always buying new gear. I would never expect them to chip in for my gear but cant help getting a bit down about it. I look at prices of decent gear and its like a different world to me. Anyone else feel the same? [/quote] I sympathise re: wanting better gear but... you can do a lot with "not-so-good" gear! You talk about your Vintage brand bass as if it were poor. I have a Vintage Jazz myself. It was my first bass. It's more than adequate, and I have played a few gigs with it myself. I have replaced the pickups, granted, but that's a relatively low cost improvement... and I only did this the second time I owned it. Yes, I sold it, then the new owner used it quite a bit live and recorded with it, then I found him again and I bought it back. Amps? I even played through a Behringer for while... it was fine! I had a 4x10 Peavey cab that cost me £70. It was heavy, but it worked very well... I won't go on... Just, don't let the gear get you down. I have spent quite a bit on suff because I had the opportunity, but if not I'd be happy playing the OLP that was my main gigging bass for a couple of years... Or the Squier Jazz I played last weekend (£75 used, plus some replacement pickups), or anything else suitably cheap but decent sounding. In a way, it's better when you get good results out of budget gear
  18. [quote name='mikebass84' timestamp='1407777291' post='2523923'] Pm sent [/quote] and replied
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